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L'empereur vit, un soir, le soleil s'en aller ;
Il courba son front triste, et resta sans parler.
Puis, comme il entendit ses horloges de cuivre,
Qu'il venait d'accorder, d'un pied boiteux se suivre,
Il pensa qu'autrefois, sans avoir réussi,
D'accorder les humains il avait pris souci.
- Seigneur, Seigneur ! dit-il, qui m'en donna l'envie ?
J'ai traversé la mer onze fois dans ma vie ;
Dix fois les Pays-Bas ; l'Angleterre trois fois ;
Ai-je assez fait la guerre à ce pauvre François !
J'ai vu deux fois l'Afrique et neuf fois l'Allemagne,
Et voici que je meurs sujet du roi d'Espagne !
Eh ! que faire à régner ? je n'ai plus d'ennemi ;
Chacun s'est dans la tombe, à son tour, endormi.
Comme un chien affamé, l'oubli tous les dévore ;
Déjà le soir d'un siècle à l'autre sert d'aurore.
Ai-je donc, plus habile à plus longtemps souffrir,
Seul parmi tant de rois, oublié de mourir ?
Ou, dans leurs doigts roidis quand la coupe fut pleine,
Quand le glaive de Dieu, pour niveler la plaine,
Décima les grands monts, étais-je donc si bas,
Que l'archange, en passant, alors ne me vit pas ?
M'en vais-je donc vieillir à compter mes campagnes,
Comme un pasteur ses bœufs descendant des montagnes,
Pour qu'on lise en mon cœur les leçons du passé,
Comme en un livre pâle et bientôt effacé ?
Trop avant dans la nuit s'allonge ma journée.
Dieu sait à quels enfants l'Europe s'est donnée !
Sur quels bras va poser tout ce vieil univers,
Qu'avec ses cent Etats, avec ses quatre mers,
Je portais dans mon sein et dans ma tête chauve !
Philippe !... que saint Just de ses crimes le sauve !
Car du jour qu'héritier de son père, il sentit
Que pour sa grande épée il était trop petit,
N'a-t-il pas échangé le ciel contre la terre,
Contre un bourreau masqué son confesseur austère ?
La France !... oh ! quel destin, en ses jeux si profond,
Mit la duègne orgueilleuse aux mains d'un roi bouffon,
Qui s'en va, rajustant son pourpoint à sa taille,
Aux oisifs carrousels se peindre une bataille !
Ah ! quand mourut François, quel sage s'est douté
Que du seul Charles-Quint il mourait regretté ?
Avec son dernier cri sonna ma dernière heure.
Où trouver maintenant personne qui me pleure ?
Mon fils me laisse ici m'achever ; car enfin
Qui lui dira si c'est de vieillesse ou de faim ?
Il me donne la mort pour prix de sa naissance !
Mes bienfaits l'ont guéri de sa reconnaissance.
Il s'en vient me pousser lorsque j'ai trébuché. -
C'est bien. - Je vais tomber. - Le soleil s'est couché !
Ô terre ! reçois-moi ; car je te rends ma cendre !
Je vins nu de ton sein, nu j'y vais redescendre.

C'est ainsi que parla cet homme au cœur de fer ;
Puis, se voyant dans l'ombre, il eut peur de l'enfer !
- Ô mon Dieu ! si, cherchant un pardon qui m'efface,
Je trouvais la colère écrite sur ta face,
Comme ce soir, mon œil, cherchant le jour qui fuit,
Dans le ciel dépeuplé ne trouve que la nuit !
Quoi ! pas un rêve, un signe, un mot dit à l'oreille,
Dont l'écho formidable alors ne se réveille !
Non ! - Rien à vous, Seigneur, ne peut être caché.
Kyrie eleison ! car j'ai beaucoup péché ! »

Alors, avec des pleurs il disait sa prière,
Les genoux tout tremblants et le front sur la pierre.
Tout à coup il s'arrête, il se lève, et ses yeux
Se clouaient à la terre et sa pensée aux cieux.

Voici que, sur l'autel couvert de draps funèbres,
Les lugubres flambeaux ont rompu les ténèbres
Et les prêtres debout, comme de noirs cyprès,
S'assemblent, étonnés des sinistres apprêts.
Et les vieux serviteurs disaient : - Qui donc va naître
Ou mourir ? - et pourtant priaient sans le connaître ;
Car les sombres clochers s'agitaient à grand bruit,
Et semblaient deux géants qui pleurent dans la nuit.
Tous frappaient leur poitrine et respiraient à peine.
Sous les larmes d'argent le sépulcre d'ébène
S'ouvrait, lit nuptial par la mort apprêté,
Où la vie en ses bras reçoit l'éternité.
Alors un spectre vint, se traînant aux murailles,
Livide, épouvanter les mornes funérailles.
Maigre et les yeux éteints, et son pied, sur le seuil
De granit, chancelait dans les plis d'un linceul.
- Qui d'entre vous, dit-il, me respecte et m'honore ?
(Et sa voix sur l'écho de la voûte sonore
Frappait comme le pas d'un hardi cavalier.)
Qu'il s'en vienne avec moi dormir sous un pilier !
Je m'y couche, et j'attends que m'y suive qui m'aime.
Pour ceux qui m'ont haï, je les suivrai mot-même ;
Ils y sont. - Prions donc pour mes crimes passés ;
Pleurons et récitons l'hymne des trépassés !
Il marcha vers sa tombe, et pâlit : - Qui m'arrête,
Dit-il ? Ne faut-il pas un cadavre à la fête ?

Et le cercueil cria sous ses membres glacés,
Puis le chœur entonna l'hymne des trépassés.
Fahredin Shehu Apr 2012
Empty cans
No liquid evaporated
In the air full of pride
Polluted grains of soul
Lost their consistency
Pure fluids of light
Erupts as marshmallow bombs
Death squad penetrates deeply
Aiming to meet Anubis
A Tsunami whirled its wish
Passion and glutton declared independence
The dream of becoming a parallel nation
To co-habit with leukemia of creativity
A *** drive 4×4 retired
A crippled veteran of passion
Bags for the mercy of soulless utilitarian army of human entity
Better said plankton a ****-plankton of miserable creatures
Even worms and larva are disgusted by our hatred
*****, a skunk of fear
An eclipse of love that spans for ages
From birth to death
A spectrum displays its ripeness
******* liberty as blast
A dazzling dance of shaped and amoeboid forms of manifestation
Bitter the honey with suffer
Powder a chamomile with royal jelly and ginseng
All of sudden a wind blows
Spores of the old pines
The soul of parallel nation of Angeloid
Is striving pleasure of life?
Lives now
Perpetually woofs a rainbow muslin with
the divine light
Inter-woofed dress
Newborn immaculate fellows
Oh those smell of paradise
Mint, Neroli, Oakmoss, Amber
A bouquet of divine pleasure
And Acacia kissed by a queen bee
Yes the queen of Enneagram
Of course
The work produces sweet essences
Oh Sarmouni of our Millennia
Melt the cataract-ic lance so they may see the beauty
Heal the flu so they may smell fresh ozone
A charged circle of light and love
Remove the pulp from the reed
So may divine tune perform light?
May be your torchbearer
In the dark valley and by then you may
see a spectrum
That encircles an infant fear
For an eternal life
Yet I kiss that that time sequence
Where Jin and Jang harmoniously co-habit
I a Feng Shui of Love
Defragmenter of hate’s files
Zipper of dark matrixes
So you may know they do exists
So you try them in order to enjoy the sweetness
of life’s honey
In this porcelain valley
Where goodness and mischief
Hand in hand are gliding furiously
Alas pure the morning with dew of love
Oxidize hate with apple vinegar
Sing to celebrate both solstices and have a cup of vine
That swoon you
That filters all starry
Cells of brain and ganglia
Perfume her navel with rosewater and kiss, kiss, kiss
Do a divine Tantra
With all visible and invisible and semi-visible spirits
Kiss topaz of her eyes
Kiss ruby of her heart
Kiss diamond of her nail
Kiss cooper of her feet ankle
Kiss jade of her bones
Kiss sapphire of her cells
And a flame-y waterfall of hair
And a silky *****…
Oh…kiss and kiss and kiss whatever belongs to her
Make her a necklace
With your purest and noblest spermatozoids
Then call her as you wish
Wisdom, Hikkmah, Sophia
Or simply Goddess that makes you Angeloid.
Arabic for wisdom, we disregard language we are concentrated
on substance on quint essence
Greek for wisdom
Mitch Nihilist Dec 2015
she told me that I need
to get some sleep,
she has a child
and works ‘till 12am
most weeknights,
then spends time
with me, until
the bags beneath
her eyes become
enough to
outweigh the need
to be WITH me,
she lays tired
but sleeps awake
until she heres “mommy”
then naps
until 1pm,
and I just get up
it may be the
need for common-law
thats making me doubt.
sober not
Laniatus Jul 2015
Timeless bliss parlous
Stained swollen limbs
Journey to the brain
Sweaty flushes, paroxysmal
Shuddering the dawn
Dying eyes quint, bursts of sun
Iron wings sink. Insatiable
to regain skyward winds;
Desire to glide insists change
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2022
Q vs. Q.

half Q:
is that: queue
or quiet (shh) or
quint... essential:
or quaint:
q: to a degree of
as if: like:
quiet vs. quaint
and this word
in between: not quint...
KITE: Q-WHITE like...
"x"... ah!
in a small dosage:
quiet vs. quite!
cwy-yet vs. cwy't!
that's Velsh for

she really should be throwing these empty promises during *******, this is the 2nd time she had this WILD idea when we were *******: she just comes out with it: ooh! i'm not working on this or that day: why don't we meet up?! first time round i tried to compromise by telling her: let's spend the day together, go to an art gallery, have dinner and i'll arrange a hotel room somewhere... that backfired... some excuse... this time round she said: can you come to mine for the night? it was supposed to be today, a new excuse: not enough girls are working in the brothel... i'm not even disappointed, not hung-up... how can i be? it's paradoxical for a ******* to somehow give up her earnings when you visit her... the second time she had this WILD (personally? stupid) idea she mentioned me going to her house: i broke it down to her... why suggest something like this, if you can't promise anything and: why wouldn't you be apprehensive, i would know where you live, i might be the sort of guy who'd enter a state of jealous frenzy, there are countless other possibilities, i could turn into a stalker, mind you: i'm paying to have *** with you in the brothel, but the default of you turning around and telling me that i could have it for free and for the whole night? of course i'd ******* like a Trojan cohort, all night long... but it doesn't make sense for you to devalue your position and giving it up like that... i would have to bring gifts instead of money, because outside of a brothel setting i wouldn't be paying you: i'd have to lavish you with something you yourself couldn't have the power to exchange... i just don't want to understand why she's having these wavering moments: either i'm that good in bed or she's... she's already talking to me about her perspective on life: she showed me her project back in Turkey: a 5 bedroom villa... if i could? sure... i'd probably move to Turkey... i don't think her past would interest me even then: mind you... as a single mother it would be a lot easier to foster a child given that child is a female: i have enough of an imagination having read Marquis de Sade's ****** to know that... it's best to stay away from a mother and her son... a single mother and her son... it's different with a single mother and her daughter... but i do hope she could finally make her mind up... stop fantasising... i know i have stopped being disappointed: it's just that i was ready to make plans for tonight and now my plans are shattered: no matter... i have a bottle of whiskey that i need to control my irritable bowels after yesterday's shitless day being strapped to a 12h shift... with no time to take a ****: i arrived home and only managed to squeeze out two little KAKASHKAS (little **** in Russian)... today the **** heavens opened and i was making up lost time that would have been spent on the throne of thrones... but i remember playing this game before... if it isn't with Khedra now: it was with Jemminah some other time (the girl who dried to spread rumours about me drinking on the job) - i saw her eyes initially glare up with glitter upon seeing me for the first time, then she sabotaged any prospects... but that's beside the point: she also invited me over to her house, i already knew where she was living, she invited me over, i pampered myself, decided to bring a bottle of wine of my own making for her to taste; well, if it's homemade it's going to be somewhat cloudy, i don't have industrial scale filtering machinery, so in order for to not think that she was drinking poison i brought with me a bottle of Franziskaner Weissbier with me: also cloudy... point being, she invited me... thankfully i turned my phone off (per usual) when travelling, i don't like being disturbed, i walked to her house and there she stood: surprised... apparently she sent me a text just after i left whereby she informed me about "being unwell"... like hell she was... the moment she started drinking my wine she was doing little dances and singing along to her favorite Dua Lipa songs... so i know the "game": but it's less a game and more the ontology of a woman... that wavering double-doubtful standard that women have: oh sure! they're so ****** confident initially! but when it comes to following up on her spontaneity she can't do it! i don't know if a woman needs an advocate to follow-up on her pursuits and wants... but like with Jemminah and like with Khedra i feel tired at all this wishy-washy talk of doing something and then backing out of actually doing it... how many times have i been apprehensive when thrown into the deep end of any given situation, having to overcome the initial nerves, adapting to the situation: meeting on the ***** of gradations and: sure as ****... whether walking up that ***** or walking down it... adapting with whatever comfort is allowed to muster! this game of female promises requires looking for appropriate music... DELTA KOMPLEX - darkside... never heard it before... but i'm just tired... i'll just have to distance myself from Khedra... i have some spare €90 that i will exchange and go back to the brothel and ignore Khedra... she already said it's alright that i go with some other girl when she's there... i guess i have to now, this little sadness: because i have to call it a little sadness is not some grand complex of depression... mind you: i'm already tired from a shift that truly pushed me, so it's a mixture of little sadness and exhaustion... i just don't want to be promised anything in the future...

a backlog in my writing habit... it has become very messy,
but the spontaneous occasion called for it...
ever since Thursday the 8th of September i haven't
been able to stick to my predictable habit...
anyone with a hyper-focus for habits will tell you
that breaking a certain, no, that breaking
a workaholic-alcoholic's habits is terribly lethargic:
a person like that: like me loses momentum...
becomes sloppy... boring; prosaic...
    like now: i don't know at what point i will rekindle
myself to my self-poetic... when i will i will feel
a sense of pleasure in my writing, until then i am merely
ploughing along: digging a trench...
but in order to find something spectacular (again)
i will have to write this mundane garbage
  of overt self-awareness...

Thursday 8th September 2022

she died on the dot just when we thought we would
be able to cancel the match between West Ham
and Steaua București... but the general admission doors
opened at 18:30... she died on the mark...
so it was too late... the whole shift felt surreal...

after the shift i headed to the brothel,
met an Afghan "Jamie" who gave me the best **** outside
of Amsterdam...
who did i **** that time round?
it wasn't Khedra? it was that blonde girl who didn't
want to have penetrative *** and instead
spent half an hour hyper-focused on *******...
but since the 8th i must have been at the brothel
another time... no... it was in the ante-chamber
where all the prostitutes sit like judges
rather than you as the person choosing which one
to take with you Marie's name-day birthday
(it used to happen in eastern Europe)
                          Khedra jumps up with a protest!
but it's my birthday on Saturday, i'll be 17 (again)!
o.k. i'll come on Saturday...
no! i did see her between the 8th and the 17th
at some point... i remember promising her that i would...
whichever day it was...

Wednesday 14th September 2022

a terrible shift at Charing Cross Station:
literally a ****-show...
a plan B in terms of organising crowd traffic...
so many rude people...
when she was moved from Buckingham Palace
to Westminster Hall...
the access to Charing Cross Station was
blocked at the top of Villiers St...
i was placed there... we had one jumper
over the fences... which was good...
but people were so ******* that they had
to walk the extra 500 or so metres to Adam St
and back onto Villiers St...
                        why were so many people buzzing
with that angry disorientation?
hell... 12 hours... i think that's when i saw Khedra
and promised her to come on Saturday...
it must have been: i wanted to relax by *******...

Friday 16th of September 2022

i took the Thursday, but promises being promises
i took the whole day to think about:
what will i give her? i can't give her a book...
or a music album... flowers?! eh... nah...
jewelry? Matthew: get stuffed: think! think!
it's "too early" for jewelry... it's not even "early" or
for that matter "late": it's just a simple NO...
she's a *******... i do take making "love" to her
seriously... but let's not go there...
she'll put a ring on her finger and admire it
she'll put a necklace around her neck and admire it
in a way that will make her feel like she has
dominion over me...
what else is there? something that i can benefit from?
d'uh! what did she sent you last time
you finished *** and were just talking?
a picture of herself in **** lingerie...
standing on tip-toes exposing her magnificent ****
of an ***!
well then! it's settled! you'll go and buy her lingerie...
mind you: it's not like you're stupid enough
to pay for the entire hour like you used to:
£120 is too much: those £60 half and hour sessions
are much better... because you can go more
frequently... mind you... if you went back
to those hour sessions... she would waste your time
for the second part of the hour...
or the first... however it works with them...
since then, i.e. figuring out the dynamics of the brothel:
i think i can afford to give her a lingerie piece
worth £50... and that's what i did...
i went into Ann Summers and leeched off the female
whims and fancies of the nerdy girl behind the counter...
i had to correct her when she chose a pink three piece...
she chose the most terrible shade of pink...
it was glaring almost fluorescent pink... shocking pink
i'd call it... i said i preferred the rose pink:
the toned down pink... oh... and the tights?
they have to be white... no... black would go terribly
with her Turkish complexion... they need to be white...
Khedra gave me her size... just bra size... 36B...
seeing how a bra looked on her after ***
i told the nerdy girl: she's exaggerating...
she's much smaller... more like 36A or 34B...
if that... 34A...
the nerdy girl asked how tall she was...
i eyed her up and down then took out a "measuring tape"
of comparisons and my four horsemen of the apocalypse
i.e. the index, middle, ring and pinky extended
and abstracting height to the height of Khedra
when we part and i kiss her on the forehead...
she's smaller than you... that's when she picked out
the *******...
**** it: it's a gift both of us will benefit from...
she'll feel **** and i'll be one step closer to buying
her a latex suit... or some **** like that...
it will be a feast for my eyes while she'll feel ****...
i saved up enough on going the 30minute routes
rather than the 1hour routes...

Saturday 17th September 2022

brought my gift to her... oh how she loved it...
while she was putting it on
she exclaimed: how did you! how did you
get the right size for me!
i always walk into a shop and never get the right
size lingerie!
i said nothing... i was just looking at her
looking at herself in the mirror...
she became so excited that she pulled out these
massive black stilettos and started prancing about
like a flamingo...
she took a few pictures and sent them to me...
legs crossed: legs uncrossed...
pink?! like for a girl... well: do you see any other
girl in my life, right now?
oh she loved it... i loved it too...
obviously we didn't have enough time for me
to ******... she gave me a line of *******...
i sniffed it... felt nothing...
i came too late to the party... give me coffee
and a cigarette and i'm happy:
then again... i quit caffeine...
since last time where i was doing all the work
arching over her in a *******...
thankfully this time round she wanted to be on
top: in the former instance she was biting me...
like my cats usually bite me when i purposively
**** them off... at my arteries...
this time round i was biting her...
and no: i am yet to see a pornographic flick
where the actors bite-tease... sure... ***-slapping...
mind you: when she slapped my face it wasn't
like the slap i received from Ilona when i visited
her in St. Petersburg: that slap of an "unfaithful" hello...
unfaithful with who? my ******* grandmother?!
i'm so happy i was only engaged to that witch
and she broke it off...
i like the idea of giving women the choice...
all the women in my life have always broken
off the relationship... i'm glad... it makes me feel like
the better person...
but that slap by Ilona, compared to the slap
on the face by Khedra... call the former Mt. Fuji
and the latter Mashiters Hill...
it was a slap and a cusp all at the same time...
the former: if it could be possible would have
spun my head right round...
fair *** my ***... women are cruel:
once the gateway to Darwinism became open:
it's a monkey-mantis we're dealing with...
hence? my grandfather's advice was appropriate:
keep your heart small... watch big things happen
while people remain small... as small as your heart...
that's the day she promised me:
i'll be off from the brothel on Tuesday...
during ******* she implored me to come and see
her in her house... stay for the night...
this is getting silly: my heart was somewhat sinking
into this promise but i knew she would pull out...
why? i already spelled it out for her:
but what if i turn into this stalking ****?
what if i become jealous blah blah...
how could i? i'm already sharing her with other men
it's not like i could seriously think about
keeping her: when she doesn't want to be kept
by a single man...
is it just me or is it that the more beautiful women
are like the beauties of nature?
they are selfless in how each and every man
is allowed to appreciate the beauty of nature?
i'm scratching my head thinking...
if these sort of women love ******* so much:
why refuse them that right?
and the women who are wedded and are child-rearing:
i'm sorry... but... having a ****** thought about
these women is near-almost-impossible...
i can't not because i don't want to: i simply can't...
me?! i'm a ******* Gargoyle...
i know my complexion is awry...
the best thing going for me is a full crop of hair...
a somewhat beard and a physique that
i actually worked for to attain...
i suppose my intellect: but then again i haven't
matched up with anyone on the sort of intellectual
i'd enjoy to reciprocate...
it's a beautiful world: but a daftly boring world...
there's no grand darkened poetic scheming against
the everyday language...
but she dressed up... rode me... i bit her this time round...
sure... great... i'm still tired from my Monday 19th Sept.
promises promises... no good to me this time round...

Sunday 18th Sept. 2022

i shouldn't be writing this right now,
my day started as early as 2:30am and i'm sitting here
trying to find some energy:
the three bottles of cider are sort of helping...
the extra nicotine is too: i've giving up caffeine:
i wouldn't say altogether but at least
in the coffee form... i don't think Pepsi is...
whatever it is... i went to bed at around 10pm yesterday
having come from a shift at the Romford ice-rink...
where the Raiders were thrashed by the Leeds' Knights
2 - 6...
i was so ****** nervous going into the shift...
why? i was going to be working with Emmy...
gorgeous girl: a gorgeous big girl: not fat: big...
a girl ideal for someone who's 6ft2...
all the decent postcards of what a woman ought
to be: thighs... *******...
i worked with her before at Basildon's Show Me Love
Garage festival: when i first spotted her:
ah! that classical English: Dagenham beauty...
i worked with her father: she bore no resemblance
to his ugly visage...
during the shift i asked her: so do you look like your
mother? can i see a picture, i'm just curious...
well... nope... she didn't even resemble
her mother... but i swear to god... i had to have a 330ml
can of indie ale before starting the shift... why?
my stomach was getting squeezed:
i needed to drink some alcohol in order
to puke some of it out before seeing her:
i felt like a teenager again...
she looked like the sort of English girl anyone might
want... a simple beauty:
just the right size for me... i'm guessing 5ft10...
but well rounded... probably taken...
but why i puked on the way to the shift i will never know...
i think i just built up this naturally Ancient Roman
need to regurgitate something
without having to put the index-middle tool down
my throat to agitate the throat to subsequently
agitate the oesophagus... it just comes naturally to me...
i start to crunch my stomach and torso muscles
and puke comes up... what relief...

Monday 19th September 2022

what was a Sunday...
today? Monday? i had to get up at 2:30am
to catch the N15 bus from Romford all the way
to Trafalgar Sq. for the Queen's Funeral...
i left the house around 3:10am... walked to the bus stop
and caught the most magical bus (trip) into central
London... sightseeing the whole of the East End...
from Dagenham... Barking... Upton Park...
Tower Hamlets... the bus didn't travel up to Trafalgar
Sq. because of the road closures for the occasion:
it stopped at a Thameslink interchange about 600m
beyond St. Paul's at Ludgate Circus...
the rest of the way i had to walk: about 20 minutes
to Charing Cross St. where the shift started...
again: supervising...

i must admit, i was planning a different route:
N86 then then N25...
from Romford to somewhere just after the A406
so the N86 could combine with a smooth
cross-over onto the N25... get to the vicinity
of Holborn and walk down to Charing Cross:
i never thought the N15 started off from Romford
and went all the way to Trafalgar Sq.
last minute changes: but i still had to wake up
at 2:30am to get in for a 5:30 start...
HERR GROG doesn't even summarise
what i was feeling... but thankfully it wasn't
a football match... to hell with getting up for
that sort of *******...
Wednesday the 14th taught us a lot...
this time round the crowd was better managed...
i didn't have to close off the Villiers St. entrance...
the crowd was flowing without any chance of
stampede or crushing... the two teams down the circle
route in fear of over-crowding were left:
pointless! i was supervising the entire flow into
Charing Cross underground station
and the Embankment station with the greatest
of ease: having only about 8 people "under" me...
at the debriefing the manager shook my hand first...
oh sure sure: "teacher's pet" *******:
no! it... just... ******* worked...
we were better arranged this time round...
no complaints... nothing... we had a river of
people and we didn't have to resort to PLAN B
because PLAN B was already tested on Wednesday
and "management" realised that it didn't work...
i must have robbed about 40+ people of
any consequence to work...
i too was a pawn... but they were super pawns...
unmoveable pawns... all the traffic came through
my position...
but **** me: compared to roofing? this is a ****-poor
job: sure... people's skills... you get a grumpy steward
from time to time: you talk them into comfort:
hey presto! this one Mark was giving me beef at first...
but i had enough sympathy to reel him in...
and? he reeled in...

at one point i attired myself in the clothing
of persuasion: i persuaded these two Sainsbury's
managers whether or not they had any free food
that was "just about" going out of date?
hey presto! of the 16 supervisors...
and 140+ staff... i was the only one walking around
with a Sainsbury's manager giving out
free sandwiches to the staff...
i did that once already: at Wembley...
i walked up to a burger kiosk and asked the seller:
so... these burgers... when the public stops buying them:
what do you do?
we throw them away... ooh! that's a shame...
you mind giving them out for free to my stewards?!
that's how the army works...
you know how you get compliant troops?!
you feed them: you clothe them...
those are the two sole prerequisites of
compliance... *** is too personal...
you feed them: you clothe them...
that's it...
    we did a round with the Sainsbury's managers
to all the positions and gave out free lunches...
hugs... fist-bumps... blah blah...
the manager didn't do that... i did that...
i kept everyone happy... well fed...
hmm... i try to imagine myself being in the army
sometimes... i think i could pull that KINK off...
i think i could... i have a third eye that's not about
some Hindu Shiva third eye of the mind:
i'm thinking: third eye CCTV crow...
third-person look-around...
i'm not even ego-tripping: i'm tripping on
the sort of authority that allows people to congregate
and loosen themselves onto and into the world...
hmm... this might just work...
unlike a busy-body female boss-***** supervisor
control freak... i decided to be male:
as males decide to be... hands-off approach...
an approach akin to: let's see what works and what doesn't...

she's send me photography of her face
like she's some "version" of the Greenwich Meat Time,
meridian: i always thought the Greenwich Time 0
was more important than the ******* "horizon"
of the EQUATOR... time... more than space...
is more important... ugh...
i'm willing to send her pictures of my hand
pointing at something, or the cat sleeping in my bed
with a wooden SHASHKA hanged upon my wall,
a branch of oak that looks like a sword...

o.k. fair enough: this death surprised me...
i'll only be content when i finally see Charles' visage
with a tenner i'll spend...
i'm ******* off to the brothel tomorrow...
today was a day of recovery... i'll need my usual diet
of whiskey and ****...
last time round: i tried performing a 69 position:
1. she didn't like the fact that
i "wasn't looking"... i was... but my sight was
she wanted to show me how **** the lingerie
looked almost tattooed onto her...
2. i blamed the *******...
it wasn't the *******...
we started going the 69er position:
i start tasting these nasty chemical:
snort a line of paracetamol...
  it's not *******... she said...
it's my anti-contraceptive pills...
i flush my nostrils... i gag at the mouth...
but lucky for me she explained...
well... if she offers to take me back home
for a nioght of ******* and then she's not willing?
i'll just take another girl! simple! no?!
Sajdah Baraka Jan 2013
I bet you think it's so easy. The way you effortlessly get up and leave me.
And as soon as you start to feel a quint sense of distance, you hurry back.
But it's never been because you need me.
Just got to get back to where it's easy.
The place where you've always got a space when you need it.
It's relieving.
Am I fool to believe that everything happens for a reason?
To put my faith before my ego?
To love unconditionally past all trickery and treason?
Am I fool not to question why I remain committed to these acts of benevolence?
Numbly tolerant to the childish belligerence.
Numb to the stabs from daggers that are sent to me through negligence.
Am I fool to believe actions speak louder than words?

I remain silent as these actions scream to me louder than any words I think I've ever heard.
J'ai ri d'abord.
J'étais dans mon champ plein de roses.
J'errais. Âme attentive au clair-obscur des choses,
Je vois au fond de tout luire un vague flambeau.
C'était le matin, l'heure où le bois se fait beau,
Où la nature semble une immense prunelle
Éblouie, ayant Dieu presque visible en elle.
Pour faire fête à l'aube, au bord des flots dormants,
Les ronces se couvraient d'un tas de diamants ;
Les brins d'herbe coquets mettaient toutes leurs perles ;
La mer chantait ; les geais causaient avec les merles ;
Les papillons volaient du cytise au myrtil.
Entre un ami. - Bonjour. Savez-vous ? Me dit-il,
On vient de vous brûler sur la place publique.
- Où ça ? - Dans un pays honnête et catholique.
- Je le suppose. - Peste ! Ils vous ont pris vivant
Dans un livre où l'on voit le bagne et le couvent,
Vous ont brûlé, vous diable et juif, avec esclandre,
Ensuite ils ont au vent fait jeter votre cendre.
- Il serait peu décent qu'il en fût autrement.
Mais quand ça ? - L'autre jour. En Espagne. - Vraiment.
- Ils ont fait cuire au bout de leur grande pincette
Myriel, Jean ValJean, Marius et Cosette,
Vos Misérables, vous, toute votre âme enfin.
Vos êtes un de ceux dont Escobar a faim.
Vous voilà quelque peu grillé comme Voltaire.
- Donc j'ai chaud en Espagne et froid en Angleterre.
Tel est mon sort. - La chose est dans tous les journaux.
Ah ! Si vous n'étiez pas chez ces bons huguenots !
L'ennui, c'est qu'on ne peut jusqu'ici vous poursuivre.
Ne pouvant rôtir l'homme, on a flambé le livre.

- C'est le moins. - Vous voyez d'ici tous les détails.
De gros bonshommes noirs devant de grands portails,
Un feu, de quoi brûler une bibliothèque.
- Un évêque m'a fait cet honneur ! - Un évêque ?
Morbleu ! Pour vous damner ils se sont assemblés,
Et ce n'est pas un seul, c'est tous. ? Vous me comblez. -
Et nous rions.

Et puis je rentre, et je médite.
Ils en sont là.

Du temps de Vénus Aphrodite,
Parfois, seule, écoutant on ne sait quelles voix,
La déesse errait nue et blanche au fond des bois ;
Elle marchait tranquille, et sa beauté sans voiles,
Ses cheveux faits d'écume et ses yeux faits d'étoiles,
Étaient dans la forêt comme une vision ;
Cependant, retenant leur respiration,
Voyant au **** passer cette clarté, les faunes
S'approchaient ; l'ægipan, le satyre aux yeux jaunes,
Se glissaient en arrière ivres d'un vil désir,
Et brusquement tendaient le bras pour la saisir,
Et le bois frissonnait, et la surnaturelle,
Pâle, se retournait sentant leur main sur elle.
Ainsi, dans notre siècle aux mirages trompeurs,
La conscience humaine a d'étranges stupeurs ;
Lumineuse, elle marche en notre crépuscule,
Et tout à coup, devant le faune, elle recule.
Tartuffe est là, nouveau Satan d'un autre éden.
Nous constatons dans l'ombre, à chaque instant, soudain,
Le vague allongement de quelque griffe infâme
Et l'essai ténébreux de nous prendre notre âme.
L'esprit humain se sent tâté par un bourreau.
Mais doucement. On jette au noir quemadero
Ce qu'on peut, mais plus **** on fera mieux peut-être,
Et votre meurtrier est timide ; il est prêtre.
Il vous demanderait presque permission.
Il allume un brasier, fait sa procession,
Met des bûches au feu, du bitume au cilice,
Soit ; mais si gentiment qu'après votre supplice
Vous riez.

Grillandus n'est plus que Loyola.
Vous lui dites : ma foi, c'est drôle. Touchez là.

Eh bien, riez. C'est bon. Attendez, imbéciles !
Lui qui porte en ses yeux l'âme des noirs Basiles,
Il rit de vous voir rire. Il est Vichnou, Mithra,
Teutatès, et ce feu pour rire grandira.
Ah ! Vous criez : bravo ! Ta rage est ma servante.
Brûle mes livres. Bien, très bien ! Pousse à la vente !
Et lui songe. Il se dit : - La chose a réussi.
Quand le livre est brûlé, l'écrivain est roussi.
La suite à demain. - Vous, vous raillez. Il partage
Votre joie, avec l'air d'un prêtre de Carthage.
Il dit : leur cécité toujours me protégea.
Sa mâchoire, qui rit encor, vous mord déjà.
N'est-ce pas ? Ce brûleur avec bonté nous traite,
Et son autodafé n'est qu'une chaufferette !
Ah ! Les vrais tourbillons de flamme auront leur tour.
En elle, comme un œuf contient le grand vautour,
La petite étincelle a l'incendie énorme.
Attendez seulement que la France s'endorme,
Et vous verrez.

Peut-on calculer le chemin
Que ferait pas à pas, hier, aujourd'hui, demain,
L'effroyable tortue avec ses pieds fossiles ?
Qui sait ? Bientôt peut-être on aura des conciles !
On entendra, qui sait ? Un homme dire à Dieu :
- L'infaillible, c'est moi. Place ! Recule un peu. -
Quoi ! Recommence-t-on ? Ciel ! Serait-il possible
Que l'homme redevînt pâture, proie et cible !
Et qu'on revît les temps difformes ! Qu'on revît
Le double joug qui tue autant qu'il asservit !
Qu'on revît se dresser sur le globe, vil bouge,
Près du sceptre d'airain la houlette en fer rouge !
Nos pères l'ont subi, ce double pouvoir-là !
Nuit ! Mort ! Melchisédech compliqué d'Attila !
Ils ont vu sur leurs fronts, eux parias sans nombre,
Le côte à côte affreux des deux sceptres dans l'ombre ;
Ils entendaient leur foudre au fond du firmament,
Moins effrayante encor que leur chuchotement.
- Prends les peuples, César. - Toi, Pierre, prends les âmes.
- Prends la pourpre, César. - Mais toi, qu'as-tu ? - Les flammes.
- Et puis ? - Cela suffit. - Régnons.

Âges hideux !
L'homme blanc, l'homme sombre. Ils sont un. Ils sont deux.
Là le guerrier, ici le pontife ; et leurs suites,
Confesseurs, massacreurs, tueurs, bourreaux, jésuites !
Ô deuil ! Sur les bûchers et les sanbenitos
Rome a, quatre cents ans, braillé son vil pathos,
Jetant sur l'univers terrifié qui souffre
D'une main l'eau bénite et de l'autre le soufre.
Tous ces prêtres portaient l'affreux masque aux trous noirs ;
Leurs mitres ressemblaient dans l'ombre aux éteignoirs ;
Ils ont été la Nuit dans l'obscur moyen-âge ;
Ils sont tout prêts à faire encor ce personnage,
Et jusqu'en notre siècle, à cette heure engourdi,
On les verrait, avec leur torche en plein midi,
Avec leur crosse, avec leurs bedeaux, populace,
Reparaître et rentrer, s'ils trouvaient de la place
Pour passer, ô Voltaire, entre Jean-Jacques et toi !

Non, non, non ! Reculez, faux pouvoir, fausse foi !
Oh ! La Rome des frocs ! Oh ! L'Espagne des moines !
Disparaissez ! Prêcheurs captant les patrimoines !
Bonnets carrés ! Camails ! Capuchons ! Clercs ! Abbés !
Tas d'horribles fronts bas, tonsurés ou nimbés !
Ô mornes visions du tison et du glaive !

Exécrable passé qui toujours se relève
Et sur l'humanité se dresse menaçant !
Saulx-Tavanne, écumant une écume de sang,
Criant : égorgez tout ! Dieu fera le triage !
La juive de seize ans brûlée au mariage
De Charles deux avec Louise d'Orléans,
Et dans l'autodafé plein de brasiers béants
Offerte aux fiancés comme un cierge de noce ;
Campanella brisé par l'église féroce ;
Jordan Bruno lié sous un ruisseau de poix
Qui ronge par sa flamme et creuse par son poids ;
D'Albe qui dans l'horreur des bûchers se promène
Séchant sa main sanglante à cette braise humaine ;
Galilée abaissant ses genoux repentants ;
La place d'Abbeville où Labarre à vingt ans,
Pour avoir chansonné toute cette canaille,
Eut la langue arrachée avec une tenaille,
Et hurla dans le feu, tordant ses noirs moignons ;
Le marché de Rouen dont les sombres pignons
Ont le rouge reflet de ton supplice, ô Jeanne !
Huss brûlé par Martin, l'aigle tué par l'âne ;
Farnèse et Charles-Quint, Grégoire et Sigismond,
Toujours ensemble assis comme au sommet d'un mont,
À leurs pieds toute l'âme humaine épouvantée
Sous cet effrayant Dieu qui fait le monde athée ;
Ce passé m'apparaît ! Vous me faites horreur,
Croulez, toi monstre pape, et toi monstre empereur ! calculating polymath
no win tent to kindle,
or spark hay8 full ire rate wrath

juiced whiling away
the early evening hour hath
horror hived this february
twenty second, nah scared to take a bath.

The Process (is a Process All Its Own)
eye up ply applies
to brain storming with zest to whit
barn storming across das plains of google
to pitchfork embers tuff flickr tinder lee

with smart poetic dip pose zit
tool loom hen ate interior darkness
where lurks the monstrous akin to Perdido
otherwise known as perdition,

especially Native American
linkedin as The Buffalo Hunter
pseudonym adopted by Ballard and Sandrine,
The Green Woman, whose Side predicted to win

Pork Pie Hat predicated on FengShui yang and yin
force fields property aligned creates A Special Place
predominantly filled with A Dark Matter
only known (bee you wick), i.e.,The Skylark

and of course Poe's Children, totaling 5 Stories
helpful to down with a chaser
viz - The Little Blue Book Of Rose Stories
Ideally red (red) in The Night Room,

where an unsuspected parvenu
absconded with Lost Boy, Lost Girl
housing Magic Terror, but interestingly
one must ask - Isn't It Romantic?

Via the perspective Looking Back
feigning to be combination of Mr. X, and/or
and Mrs. God innocent looking people
yet, the progenitors of The Hellfire Club
burnt offerings indistinguishable from Blue Rose

fragrance or melancholy Ghosts
resembling trumpeting Floating Dragon
invoking grabbing by The Throat sensation
Where spirits flit to and fro

throughout neighborhood Houses Without Doors
and games without frontiers
this...a millennial Mystery
unlike the generic Ghost Story,

the main anti protagonist and/or
pro antagonist, nonetheless named Koko
who calls The Juniper Tree home
especially eerie Under Venus

provoking Wild Animals
to run berserk at lightspeed
en masse Black Sabbath
bestirs cries and whispers
proto, pseudo psychedelic

quint essence ova thermocouple
holo graphic images hypnotizing vista as Shadowland
explicit formula generating happy interacial Marriages
nah...ha - ah, the joe cuz on ewe
especially, If You Could See Me Now!
Donc, vieux passé plaintif, toujours tu reviendras
Nous criant : - Pourquoi donc est-on si **** ? Ingrats !
Qu'êtes-vous devenus ? Dites, avec l'abîme
Quel pacte avez-vous fait ? Quel attentat ? Quel crime ? -
Nous questionnant, sombre et de rage écumant,
Nous avons marché, tout bonnement.
Qui marche t'assassine, ô bon vieux passé blême.
Mais que veux-tu ? Je suis de mon siècle, et je l'aime !
Je te l'ai déjà dit. Non, ce n'est plus du tout
L'époque où la nature était de mauvais goût,
Où Bouhours, vieux jésuite, et le Batteux, vieux cancre,
Lunette au nez et plume au poing, barbouillaient d'encre
Le cygne au bec doré, le bois vert, le ciel bleu ;
Où l'homme corrigeait le manuscrit de Dieu.
Non, ce n'est plus le temps où Lenôtre à Versailles
Raturait le buisson, la ronce, la broussaille ;
Siècle où l'on ne voyait dans les champs éperdus
Que des hommes poudrés sous des arbres tondus.
Tout est en liberté maintenant. Sur sa nuque
L'arbre a plus de cheveux, l'homme a moins de perruque.
La vieille idée est morte avec le vieux cerveau.
La révolution est un monde nouveau.
Notre oreille en changeant a changé la musique.
Lorsque Fernand Cortez arriva du Mexique,
Il revint la main pleine, et, du jeune univers,
Il rapporta de l'or ; nous rapportons des vers.
Nous rapportons des chants mystérieux. Nous sommes
D'autres yeux, d'autres fronts, d'autres cœurs, d'autres hommes.

Braves pédants, calmez votre bon vieux courroux.
Nous arrachons de l'âme humaine les verrous.
Tous frères, et mêlés dans les monts, dans les plaines,
Nous laissons librement s'en aller nos haleines
À travers les grands bois et les bleus firmaments.
Nous avons démoli les vieux compartiments.

Non, nous ne sommes plus ni paysan, ni noble,
Ni lourdaud dans son pré, ni rustre en son vignoble,
Ni baron dans sa tour, ni reître à ses canons ;
Nous brisons cette écorce, et nous redevenons
L'homme ; l'homme enfin hors des temps crépusculaires ;
L'homme égal à lui-même en tous ses exemplaires ;
Ni tyran, ni forçat, ni maître, ni valet ;
L'humanité se montre enfin telle qu'elle est,
Chaque matin plus libre et chaque soir plus sage ;
Et le vieux masque usé laisse voir le visage.

Avec Ézéchiel nous mêlons Spinosa.
La nature nous prend, la nature nous a ;
Dans son antre profond, douce, elle nous attire ;
Elle en chasse pour nous son antique satyre,
Et nous y montre un sphinx nouveau qui dit : pensez.
Pour nous les petits cris au fond des nids poussés,
Sont augustes ; pour nous toutes les monarchies
Que vous saluez, vous, de vos têtes blanchies,
Tous les fauteuils royaux aux dossiers empourprés,
Sont peu de chose auprès d'un liseron des prés.
Régner ! Cela vaut-il rêver sous un vieux aulne ?
Nous regardons passer Charles-Quint sur son trône,
Jules deux sous son dais, César dans les clairons,
Et nous avons pitié lorsque nous comparons
À l'aurore des cieux cette fausse dorure.
Lorsque nous contemplons, par une déchirure
Des nuages, l'oiseau volant dans sa fierté,
Nous sentons frissonner notre aile, ô liberté !
En fait d'or, à la cour nous préférons la gerbe.
La nature est pour nous l'unique et sacré verbe,
Et notre art poétique ignore Despréaux.
Nos rois très excellents, très puissants et très hauts,
C'est le roc dans les flots, c'est dans les bois le chêne.
Mai, qui brise l'hiver, c'est-à-dire la chaîne,
Nous plaît. Le vrai nous tient. Je suis parfois tenté
De dire au mont Blanc : - Sire ! Et : - Votre majesté
À la vierge qui passe et porte, agreste et belle,
Sa cruche sur son front et Dieu dans sa prunelle.
Pour nous, songeurs, bandits, romantiques, démons,
Bonnets rouges, les flots grondants, l'aigle, les monts,
La bise, quand le soir ouvre son noir portique,
La tempête effarant l'onde apocalyptique,
Dépassent en musique, en mystère, en effroi,
Les quatre violons de la chambre du roi.
Chaque siècle, il s'y faut résigner, suit sa route.
Les hommes d'autrefois ont été grands sans doute ;
Nous ne nous tournons plus vers les mêmes clartés.
Jadis, frisure au front, ayant à ses côtés
Un tas d'abbés sans bure et de femmes sans guimpes,
Parmi des princes dieux, sous des plafonds olympes,
Prêt dans son justaucorps à poser pour Audran,
La dentelle au cou, grave, et l'œil sur un cadran,
Dans le salon de Mars ou dans la galerie
D'apollon, submergé dans la grand'seigneurie,
Dans le flot des Rohan, des Sourdis, des Elbeuf,
Et des fiers habits d'or roulant vers l'Œil-de-Boeuf,
Le poète, fût-il Corneille, ou toi, Molière,
- Tandis qu'en la chapelle ou bien dans la volière,
Les chanteurs accordaient le théorbe et le luth,
Et que Lulli tremblant s'écriait : gare à l'ut ! -
Attendait qu'au milieu de la claire fanfare
Et des fronts inclinés apparût, comme un phare,
Le page, aux tonnelets de brocart d'argent fin,
Qui portait le bougeoir de monsieur le dauphin.
Aujourd'hui, pour Versaille et pour salon d'Hercule,
Ayant l'ombre et l'airain du rouge crépuscule,
Fauve, et peu coudoyé de Guiche ou de Brissac,
La face au vent, les poings dans un paletot sac,
Seul, dans l'immensité que l'ouragan secoue,
Il écoute le bruit que fait la sombre proue
De la terre, et pensif, sur le blême horizon,
À l'heure où, dans l'orchestre inquiet du buisson,
De l'arbre et de la source, un frémissement passe,
Où le chêne chuchote et prend sa contrebasse,
L'eau sa flûte et le vent son stradivarius,
Il regarde monter l'effrayant Sirius.

Pour la muse en paniers, par Dorat réchauffée,
C'est un orang-outang ; pour les bois, c'est Orphée.
La nature lui dit : mon fils. Ce malotru,
Ô grand siècle ! Écrit mieux qu'Ablancourt et Patru.
Est-il féroce ? Non. Ce troglodyte affable
À l'ormeau du chemin fait réciter sa fable ;
Il dit au doux chevreau : bien bêlé, mon enfant !
Quand la fleur, le matin, de perles se coiffant,
Se mire aux flots, coquette et mijaurée exquise,
Il passe et dit : Bonjour, madame la marquise.
Et puis il souffre, il pleure, il est homme ; le sort
En rayons douloureux de son front triste sort.
Car, ici-bas, si fort qu'on soit, si peu qu'on vaille,
Tous, qui que nous soyons, le destin nous travaille
Pour orner dans l'azur la tiare de Dieu.
Le même bras nous fait passer au même feu ;
Et, sur l'humanité, qu'il use de sa lime,
Essayant tous les cœurs à sa meule sublime,
Scrutant tous les défauts de l'homme transparent,
Sombre ouvrier du ciel, noir orfèvre, tirant
Du sage une étincelle et du juste une flamme,
Se penche le malheur, lapidaire de l'âme.

Oui, tel est le poète aujourd'hui. Grands, petits,
Tous dans Pan effaré nous sommes engloutis.
Et ces secrets surpris, ces splendeurs contemplées,
Ces pages de la nuit et du jour épelées,
Ce qu'affirme Newton, ce qu'aperçoit Mesmer,
La grande liberté des souffles sur la mer,
La forêt qui craint Dieu dans l'ombre et qui le nomme,
Les eaux, les fleurs, les champs, font naître en nous un homme
Mystérieux, semblable aux profondeurs qu'il voit.
La nature aux songeurs montre les cieux du doigt.
Le cèdre au torse énorme, athlète des tempêtes,
Sur le fauve Liban conseillait les prophètes,
Et ce fut son exemple austère qui poussa
Nahum contre Ninive, Amos contre Gaza.
Les sphères en roulant nous jettent la justice.
Oui, l'âme monte au bien comme l'astre au solstice ;
Et le monde équilibre a fait l'homme devoir.
Quand l'âme voit mal Dieu, l'aube le fait mieux voir.
La nuit, quand Aquilon sonne de la trompette,
Ce qu'il dit, notre cœur frémissant le répète.
Nous vivons libres, fiers, tressaillants, prosternés,
Éblouis du grand Dieu formidable ; et, tournés
Vers tous les idéals et vers tous les possibles,
Nous cueillons dans l'azur les roses invisibles.
L'ombre est notre palais. Nous sommes commensaux
De l'abeille, du jonc nourri par les ruisseaux,
Du papillon qui boit dans la fleur arrosée.
Nos âmes aux oiseaux disputent la rosée.
Laissant le passé mort dans les siècles défunts,
Nous vivons de rayons, de soupirs, de parfums,
Et nous nous abreuvons de l'immense ambroisie
Qu'Homère appelle amour et Platon poésie.
Sous les branchages noirs du destin, nous errons,
Purs et graves, avec les souffles sur nos fronts.

Notre adoration, notre autel, notre Louvre,
C'est la vertu qui saigne ou le matin qui s'ouvre ;
Les grands levers auxquels nous ne manquons jamais,
C'est Vénus des monts noirs blanchissant les sommets ;
C'est le lys fleurissant, chaste, charmant, sévère ;
C'est Jésus se dressant, pâle, sur le calvaire.

Le 22 novembre 1854.
D'hommes tu nous fais dieux.

Oh ! que ne suis-je un de ces hommes
Qui, géants d'un siècle effacé,
Jusque dans le siècle où nous sommes
Règnent du fond de leur passé !
Que ne suis-je, prince ou poète,
De ces mortels à haute tête,
D'un monde à la fois base et faîte,
Que leur temps ne peut contenir ;
Qui, dans le calme ou dans l'orage,
Qu'on les adore ou les outrage,
Devançant le pas de leur âge,
Marchent un pied dans l'avenir !

Que ne suis-je une de ces flammes,
Un de ces pôles glorieux,
Vers qui penchent toutes les âmes,
Sur qui se fixent tous les yeux !
De ces hommes dont les statues,
Du flot des temps toujours battues,
D'un tel signe sont revêtues
Que, si le hasard les abat,
S'il les détrône de leur sphère,
Du bronze auguste on ne peut faire
Que des cloches pour la prière
Ou des canons pour le combat !

Que n'ai-je un de ces fronts sublimes,
David ! Mon corps, fait pour souffrir,
Du moins sous tes mains magnanimes
Renaîtrait pour ne plus mourir !
Du haut du temple ou du théâtre,
Colosse de bronze ou d'albâtre,
Salué d'un peuple idolâtre,
Je surgirais sur la cité,
Comme un géant en sentinelle,
Couvrant la ville de mon aile,
Dans quelque attitude éternelle
De génie et de majesté !

Car c'est toi, lorsqu'un héros tombe,
Qui le relèves souverain !
Toi qui le scelles sur sa tombe
Qu'il foule avec des pieds d'airain !
Rival de Rome et de Ferrare,
Tu pétris pour le mortel rare
Ou le marbre froid de Carrare,
Ou le métal qui fume et bout.
Le grand homme au tombeau s'apaise
Quand ta main, à qui rien ne pèse,
Hors du bloc ou de la fournaise
Le jette vivant et debout !

Sans toi peut-être sa mémoire
Pâlirait d'un oubli fatal ;
Mais c'est toi qui sculptes sa gloire
Visible sur un piédestal.
Ce fanal, perdu pour le monde,
Feu rampant dans la nuit profonde,
S'éteindrait, sans montrer sur l'onde
Ni les écueils ni le chemin.
C'est ton souffle qui le ranime ;
C'est toi qui, sur le sombre abîme,
Dresses le colosse sublime
Qui prend le phare dans sa main.

Lorsqu'à tes yeux une pensée
Sous les traits d'un grand homme a lui,
Tu la fais marbre, elle est fixée,
Et les peuples disent : C'est lui !
Mais avant d'être pour la foule,
Longtemps dans ta tête elle roule
Comme une flamboyante houle
Au fond du volcan souterrain ;
**** du grand jour qui la réclame
Tu las fais bouillir dans ton âme :
Ainsi de ses langues de flamme
Le feu saisit l'urne d'airain.

Va ! que nos villes soient remplies
De tes colosses radieux !
Qu'à jamais tu te multiplies
Dans un peuple de demi-dieux !
Fais de nos cités des Corinthes !
Oh ! ta pensée a des étreintes
Dont l'airain garde les empreintes,
Dont le granit s'enorgueillit !
Honneur au sol que ton pied foule !
Un métal dans tes veines coule ;
Ta tête ardente est un grand moule
D'où l'idée en bronze jaillit !

Bonaparte eût voulu renaître
De marbre et géant sous ta main ;
Cromwell, son aïeul et son maître,
T'eût livré son front surhumain ;
Ton bras eût sculpté pour l'Espagne
Charles-Quint ; pour nous, Charlemagne,
Un pied sur l'hydre d'Allemagne,
L'autre sur Rome aux sept coteaux ;
Au sépulcre prêt à descendre,
César t'eût confié sa cendre,
Et c'est toi qu'eût pris Alexandre
Pour lui tailler le mont Athos !

Juillet 1829.
Sirius Dec 2020
I'm sitting at the bottom of the pool.
       The chlorine stings;
the mesh of blue tastes like skin.
Like the privates of some bodies
daring to seep into the flakes.

            It's so peaceful here.
The allegro of my heart- thump. thump. thump.
blocks out the voices
       rippling above.  
Children cackling,
a mother moaning,
    a lifeguard crying.    
     I open my mouth
                                    to let the roofied indigo flush my body
like codeine on my droughted tongue,                          
so we have no secrets.
So I am not the only one to see the ugly.            
                                    Water slides off my *******, thighs,
and all the parts of me the mirror doesn't see,
until everything around me is water
             taking away the hotness from my cheeks;
I almost travel time -
palming my wrinkled fingers and toes -
which crumble like chrysanthemums.

The view wavers
and I quint to the dissociating shiny, yellow arms,
giggling when they tickle my voided pits.

I feel like sleeping,
but I think I need a breath?
A little sputter - a small gasp.

Better come up before I drown.
I'm sad
2D World Dec 2017
Lost my savagery when you savagely killed a savage who acted so savvy
But couldn't manage being a manager managing a team full of degenerates
That were below average but couldn't use it to his advantage
He couldn't move like a cabbage in the patch and his eye was patched like patchy pirating spongebob off of nick
Left in a bit of a pickle pickled up in a jar and couldn't pick out the edges so he cropped himself out the pic
Later on the script got flipped his mind drifted out to sea with flipper and his lights dimmed out because Nosferatu was flipping the switch
He quickly got suited up like a quint and everyone thought he was quick to quit but since he couldn't see he'd just squint but it was too dark like a window tint
He took in too much oxygen so they doused the splint and gave him a mint but he couldn't take a hint that his breath should be put up for rent
He was I and I was he and nobody could beat the heat he'd surpass twelve inches and you couldn't walk in his feet that'd just be another challenge he could defeat
Before all that he tried to get them to sign a treaty but they didn't treat him nice so he played a game of trick or treat til they gave him something nice to eat
In the end he made amends started trending but skipped the trends, sent a friend request but ditched his friends and began to tie up loose ends
He ran out of ink so I finished the story of how I became glorious and victoriously found the glory adventured like Rick and Morty and now he's finally made his-story
#ADestinyYouCanNeverFulfill     #ThisIsOnlyTheBeginning
Bhavani Gopi Apr 2019
She gazed into the blue slithering clouds..
Seeking her dream words..
Engulping every pinch of efferevesence of the inferred insight..
Cloggy clouds closely towards clashing
Reminding the classic literature of "Glance in a chance"..
Quint zephr caresses the clam cheeks...
Clashing pair of lashes fluttering flawlessly..
The scene in her eyes seemed eternity..
Nuturing passion for words in weather..
Asper daily expounding fostering
     inchoate manifesting mod
     er writ writing quality,
     solitary scrimmage tackling
     undertaking, yielding whir
ring, sputtering, kickstarting, and
     buzz-feeding at competitive, communal
     crowed did metaphorical trough,

     where household named author's
     top New York Times best seller
     tier, overshadowing under
rated genre bending, breakout aspiring,
story board qualifying,
     opportunistic newbie man
     use script artful dodgers
     mere dust collecting drafts,

anticipating to stir infectious interest
     incumbent - at mercy,
     tripwire activating quint
essential key, which anchors print
ting projected uncertain
     popularity first edition,
     awakening, guiding, nosing
     asymptote analogy steering

    reader toward nascent
scribe, where paper
     back writer wannabe,
     toils away incorporating subtle
     (hook, line and sinker) techniques,
(albeit apropos literary
     ploys, a true test tum ment,
viz sophisticated gambits

     to massage late tint
prestidigitation abra ca dab rah,
     sine non qua cogent
see kant, and tangent triggers
     modest mien fortified, exemplified,
     and downplayed akin
     to unassuming Clark Kent
in his cape ably nonchalant

     transformation into superman,
     and/or more pointedly,
     some original heft leant
to set apart striking
     poignant implement
exhibited by aspiring
     writer daily revising,
     albeit gal or gent

his/her uniquely obscure
     trademark, but
     eventually keen agent
assays non-boastful writing style
     im prim mature print,
     sans unassuming swiftly tailored
     harried style seduces seek
     curing sincere overnight reverent,

well deserved kudos
     comically marveling
     at thee most im portent
     salient strengths, per
     hops hue moored opulent
quality instigates
     affinity toward nascent,
bar riddle be, bill leading,

     bud ding scrivener,
     not necessary alluding
     to a hypothetical outlier
thus, any similarity between the
     above statement and
     a living person perchance named
     Matthew Scott Harris
     purely coincidental.
bulletcookie Dec 2018
gentle in the morning air, this-
which swings upon grey mist
as light and shadow soon appear
among the hush-hush leaves

this winter wet has now beset
within the orchard's glean
where viscid mud and bracken rest
and pearls of rain drops gleam

red berries lure wide eyes that bite
to satiate their gnaw
from limb to branch with claw or flight
for each must heed this call

with roiling clouds of hues and tint
above this valley's lows
these fronts move cardinal quint
in convection's rise and flow

from ages past in lineage lasts
with Raven's heart and soul
upon these western waters cast
through weathered mounts in snow

in this tale as solstice nears
beneath transition's Northwest blow
loyal stewards of this land revered
in humble cedar house repose

receive these then agreeable rains
that nurtures one and all
know this sacred season's reign
as chronicled forward in this squall

Atheistic beneficent credo,
dogmatically evokes fundamental
gnostic humanistic invocations,
joyously kickstarting literary

métier, native oeuvre
pulsating quintessentially,
rudimentary schema
traversing utilitarian vectors,
winsomely xing yore zen.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    
     boastfulness, haughtiness, pomposity....,
     nor beg for any red cent
though methinks housing,
     donning, adopting...,
     a mephistophelian air proffers
     more beneficial cree dent
     shills, especially when combined
     with healthy dose

     of chutzpah fosters invincible
     unprincipled dogmatic elan,
     finessing, gilding,
     and honing event
chew wool machiavellian
     braggadocio with fervent
sea, sans this generic,
     kinetic, and laconic (ha)

     of Lix orbitz (around
     sun) dry gent,
who downplays his aptitude,
     cerebral enlightenment,
     and native intelligent
potential, cuz humility more
     appealing to me,
     asper applicably analogous

     with demeanor of Clark Kent
than (say...) disreputable, horrible,
     and lamentable disposition
     blatantly evinced
     by mal level lent
quasi metaphorical pyromaniac
     igniting proxy wars meant
to dispel any shadow of a doubt,

     that trumpeting self righteous
     privileged machismo coven nant
only allows, enables, and
     strictly provides access of
     materialistic trappings
     (such as opulent
metaphorical arena i.e. on par
     with Mar-a-Lago Club pent

house suite), and vamoose
     with dirt poor dill link quint
     (viz Matthew Scott Harris),
     he hook can barely pay rent
(true not "FAKE"), where moost
     of his measly money spent
(albeit on the bare necessities,
     which social security

     disability allowance
     (monthly) support, may force him,
     and the missus
     out in the cold
     shivering in a tent,
or he may forego
     surviving (like Euell Gibbons)
     on wild roots, bark,

     berries...(shelving) camping,
     and scout out
     a prime heating vent
most like in the
     city of brotherly love
     after poverty doth reign
     nasty, short and brutish

     suffocatingly crush,
     extinguish flickr of hope,  
     and flush away optimism
     every fibre of mine existence
     from within this decrepit body
     life source runneth went.
Holy mole lee
watch out fowl, balladeer
look out... i.e. donkey kong
primate doth share
footloose slothful writing,
essentially swiftly tailored hare

reed styled mountebank
gets made by mice elf,
an imperfect triangulated square,
while "fake" charioteer
looses neigh scent horsesense
glomming "fake" papier

mâché piñata across animal planet
rhyme without reason,
nonetheless who doth dare
dovish and/or hawkish
elk quint lee otter vamoose
double, triple, quadruple... dare

to caw meow ta
as silence rings loud and clear
ja hiss don't miss snake
pig in a poke hogtied
sow owl only tell ya beware
me dogged holy cow

cuckoo bird harebrained
effort won't impair
corpus collosum, where
seat of thinker housed
fortunately ye ant near
my neck of the woods here

Schwenksville cuz after
innocuous, impetuous, illustrious...
brainstorming deluge... glare
til hearts content
with nostrils that flare
lemming just be reel

regarding rocky mission
opossum bull, I swear
dogged bonafide effort
thanks ocelot to bear
with beetle browed toadying

off fish hill who accidently
didst entrap and snare
courtesy hook line and sinker
masterly baited metaphorical
Earthworm dangling cyber air

**** sitter me batty
*** sin nine, I admittedly duck lear,
but don't badger me, Noah
ark confess with prayer
yak see no porpoise here.
(alternatively titled eldest daughter despises us)

Eden (beloved eldest daughter) icy
flat tone of voice spoke volumes,
when she talked with the missus and me
courtesy cellular telecommunications key
December twenty seventh
two thousand nineteen
unwavering listless dull verbalization see
I subsequently told spouse, she
thy super smart self reliant progeny

fending for herself approximately
last half dozen years exhibits je
ne sais quois profound loathing
predicated growing up dirt poor free
quint lee lamenting deprivations re:
guarding legal tender adequate specie
i.e. money - at least compared to every
MainLine millionaire flush with dee -

suppose able income, and oft times
lovingly, pleasantly, unexpectedly...
receiving largasse gift horse courtesy
zayda (my father), who art not yet
in heaven sprung monetary help, ye
this second born and only son did
profusely think him (papa) lee
ving voice messages on his landline,
and tracfone, plus wrote heartfelt poem,

similar acknowledgement modus operandi,
when said offspring
became twenty three
years old - five days ago, nonetheless thee
admirable, dependable, honorable... née
holds Matthew Scott (namely he),
who helped beget
darling feels angry,

and doth plainly exhibits contempt
(you) dear reader guessed correctly
towards sorrowful dada,
where inescapable thralldom
doth invisibly chain
(think ghost of Marley)
apologetic sir, whose
precious kinder, I

will unwaveringly cherish
forever love and revere
despite up paul ling
destitution, grinding linkedin penury,
and red hot poker faced
anger, yes... dismay
prevails how unforgiving
once (Benny sent) baby,

inside joke, I attest neigh
scent "star student,"
now grown young woman,
no longer - figuratively
wrapped around yours
truly her finger
father who fell short, natively cree
hated abhorrent within re

cent mammary, ***** (hers)
harboring scathing unmasked vee
hum mint, blistering, rancorous,
seething, volcanic withering...
no matter disgusting revulsion
toward aging mommy
and repentant daddy,
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
. the cure's album
is the sort of fun,
that's best associated
with the band
foster the people,
when it isn't...
   and it isn't...
                 a conscript
of mainstream;
petting cats,
leaves you,
the pristine outlier...
of wishing
for reiterating
    being "known"...
bon jovi LP,
the back to the future
nine inch nails...
  the cure,
depeche mode...
         foster the people:
joy division,
ola gjeilo...
       dream get-away
2 weeks...
**** the norwegian
   me, 2 weeks
on that faroe islands...
  2 weeks kater...
i disappear for 2 decades,
and 2 lifetimes...
when youtube became
english soap-opera...
coronation st. style *******...
just when french existentialism
became exported
to the scandinavians...
   right now?
i'm feeding off the export
of german existentialism
being fed onto
           the anglo canvas...
there's no such "thing"
as a curious cat...
there's only a bored cat,
or a cat imitating a dog
in terms of itself remidning
itself, of being a pet-animal;
a petted-animal is
unlike an animal akin
to feeding you abortions
akin to chickens...
   what is the standard
deviance of a petted animal?
there's no impetus
for ***...
                 i "own"
two castrated specimen
of the bonsai tiger...
                i act as if i don't own
but i also act akin
to: there's nothing i can do
about you, so...
do what you "feel" is necessary...
squint eye per quint eye...
at least the remains
   everyone anticipated
and subsequently in charge.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
Up early this morning
Prayers for Mr. Dougherty
Smile for me, Philadelphia
Irish eyes are green

Quint's shark fishing
Bipolar Richard Dreyfuss
Maybe Heath Ledger
Maybe Ben Vereen

Birthdays approaching
Hard to believe
6'0" 180
My son 17

A few months in Dublin
A few months in Stockholm
3 days in Vienna
That's a mighty keen

I like to get positioned for sixty nine.

Are you looking for a scheming,
schlepping, and schvitzing writer?
natural body and laid-back vibe?ᅠ
I'm all about therapeutic touch via
bolts, nuts, screws
and life of bee dogged trees.

teasing with idealism beef ****
illusory vision fades away
whatever ur method for stress to allay
perhaps mebbe e yar
cyber surfing tub bid on ebay
enjoy this day
or night sky painted
sixty plus shades of gray
whether completing
n ordinary task such as pitching hay
searching for a needle,

or quietly in bed ye lay
whence yar imagination doth -
like tha ant elope play
imagining whatever fantasy
mental efforts wish to stay
versus bing told "GO A WAY"
or sum mother retort akin
to go fish or jump in Lake Woebegone,
Yukon axe me an axle lent question
that snap, crackle and pop
into your head – YAY.

any query wood soot me fine 4u2 ash
pardon my being so brash
as into ur settled life i crash
while search 4 pinch from missus dash
this juvenile dill link quint doth wish
to indulge verboten fruit with thee in a flash
skipping stomping on glass spattered with hash
drive vin by each of your love eye lash
when lids fluttershy light reo speed,
wagon b4 my eyes appear as A mush-mash,
and that even a slight halo headdress
appears like a bridal sash
wheel coming ye as
"chief garbage taster" walking white trash.

puzzlement at ma style o writing,
thus far did not find an urge in ye 2 flee
but please, i intend no harm boot feel glee
because u r so beautiful tum me.

like right now, i wand dah
d'ya goot a mac attack
if passion could gush -
while either u or me like on our back
2 generate r own sin tha sized pet troll
Liam also called frack
no bag o trick this punster doth lack?!

well...anyway hullo duh ling!
how ah ya? boy do look ma ville us!

:) dis hard knock er skool alum
invites hew to take thee ss ***
& rube hee zzz magic flute for
liquid asset amadeus Mozart
wood wolf down like a gang
as meself bait for mistress tub be comb,
thus, reveille tapped out taut as a drum
stick - albeit an itty bitty teensy
weensy bona fide courtesy
frum me...the little known, boot famous
in dis papas po' house -
held 2getter with
toothpicks and bubble gum
and blood, sweat, and tears - in summer

sealed tight by august expansion
via mister sun humming
a radiant tune -
re: wee thin mine interregnum
wheel soon end
and thankfully for ewe go mum
boo twill oaf her mad duress
write when'r ya feel comfortably numb.

u madam moist lock lee har rah rah rah
striking beauty to me,
a sexagenarian caulk cajun
married male
i sense thee wholesome -
with insight eye see
a gorgeous gal so ripe n succulent
from the human tree
wanna me to drool
ova yaw lil zyder zee.
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Quin not Quint
Todd not Tod
Quietly, let it be
Brain on overload

The silence is so peaceful
The rain sounds so good
My little lonely life
Toledo if I could

Solamente un pequito
One for Chicago Hope
One for Istanbul
Arrival, Hoot, Nope

   Prayers for the Pope
attempt to break thru Hadrian's Wall
while roam'n across cyberspace of urban sprawl
dark shadows spill across
the outer limits of the twilight zone
whereby edge of night
creeps brow of me, a Neanderthal!

Yours truly self proclaimed
er calculating polymath
no win no campy intent to kindle,
or spark hay8 full ire rate wrath
juiced whiling away
the early evening hour hath
horror hived this then February
twenty second two thousand eighteen,
revised this early afternoon of August 24th,
two thousand twenty fourth
nah scared to take a bath.

The Process (is a Process All Its Own)
self accomplishments, I modestly credit
a disembodied humble liberal spirit
eye up ply applies
to brainstorming with zest to whit
barn storming across das plains of google
to pitchfork embers tuff flickr tinder lee
with smart poetic dip pose zit
tool loom hen ate interior darkness
where lurks the monstrous akin to Perdido
otherwise known as perdition,

especially Native American
linkedin as The Buffalo Hunter
pseudonym adopted by Ballard and Sandrine,
The Green Woman, whose Side predicted to win
Pork Pie Hat predicated on Feng Shui yang and yin
force fields property aligned creates A Special Place
predominantly filled with A Dark Matter
only known (bee you wick), i.e.,The Skylark,
and of course Poe's Children, totaling 5 Stories
helpful to down with a chaser
viz - The Little Blue Book Of Rose Stories
Ideally red (red) in The Night Room,
where an unsuspected parvenu
absconded with Lost Boy, Lost Girl
housing Magic Terror, but interestingly
one must ask - Isn't It Romantic?

Via the perspective Looking Back
feigning to be combination of Mr. X, and/or
and Mrs. God innocent looking people
yet, the progenitors of The Hellfire Club
burnt offerings indistinguishable from Blue Rose
fragrance or melancholy Ghosts
resembling trumpeting Floating Dragon
invoking grabbing by The Throat sensation
Where spirits flit to and fro
throughout neighborhood Houses Without Doors

and games without frontiers
this...a millennial Mystery
unlike the generic Ghost Story,
the main anti protagonist and/or
pro antagonist, nonetheless named Koko
who calls The Juniper Tree home,
especially eerie Under Venus
provoking Wild Animals
kickstarting rolling stones
to run berserk at lightspeed

en masse Black Sabbath
bestirs cries and whispers
proto, pseudo psychedelic
quint essence ova thermocouple
holographic images hypnotizing
vista as Shadowland
explicit formula generating
happy interracial Marriages
nah...ha - ah, the joe cuz on ewe
especially, If You Could See Me Now!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
Coincidence again
Quint's shark fishing
Thank you, Richard Rodriguez
Let me watch and wait

          something radiates

— The End —