Pretty futures I have for own
Prettier fun, to live with a smile...
That came and went with none's imagination
Taken to a reasonable limit, for gift's of guile?
Penny saved, penny earned
The welcoming gaiety we show for song's
That we invent by memory, the rightness of a comely word
That has the same of a stone's throw, for asking wishes among
Priveledge, was the first to hear...
My time of curious eyes worth once more, knowing form
Of a house to promises that came, with mere
Truth and hail, the collection of similarity to add, are we home?
Natures of cares and the capable way we introduce, say most
The images of may, that have sensed the coming mine
Of worth, we learn to see, in the eyes of other's, a host
Of simplicity found, with the harbored season of dread we kind
Myriad moment's and monster's of the ordeal we seem...
A laughter has the silence to make the world stop, and keep...?
The bell's of very and many, with poise to have, a new whim
Misery loves company, but arm's of vagueness, we never be...?