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HeyThereLefty Dec 2014
My favorite book, you know,
the one I read over and over again,
the one I never get tired of talking about,
the one with the story that hits me the hardest,
the one that makes me think,
the book I can’t put down
and makes me say
“just one more page”
before I go to bed.

The book that I never want to end.

The cover is brilliantly put together;
colorful, eye catching, yet fragile,
It’s beauty is not only in the cover,
It lies deeper within its contents.
A story so spellbinding it puts
Harry Potter and company to shame.
Pages filled with a love, so magnificent
John Green’s characters can’t compare.
A story and adventure so wildly vast,
not even Jodi Picoult could keep up.

Here’s the dilemma
the book I love most
Is sifted through with a fine tooth comb
when really it does not need to be,
And the worst of this dilemma
Is when I came to the realization that
My favorite book of all,
The one I have read and reread,
scribbling notes in the pages,
memorizing my favorite quotes,
and putting my own heart and soul
into its existence,
is when someone borrows it

and never gives it back.
A million thanks to Joe Adomavicia for the revision work.  He really helped to make it glide =]
Rose Oct 2015
Ya ever read a book
N think
"**** I'm in this book"
I am Sarah Grimke
Sally from A Nightmare
I am Jodi Picoult's
version of a heroine
But it isn't much a nightmare
But a life so much like mine
Just lacking uncertainty
Regarding fear
These women knew what to do
And I

I feel your mission
I know why you did what you've done
It was so clear, but
for me,
who is my enemy?

I want to hide
Under or in a tub
So long as
You can't find me

Is this my millenial
sloth, gluttony?

We try try try
Nothing becomes of it

You are so drunk and you say that
You're dying
I ask you,
*What is your insurance policy?
verse Feb 2018
“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”
― Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper

this quote,
it strikes me in the heart
a sharp blade of truth and fear
of knowing what i know.

loner is a strong word,
and yet i keep telling you that is what i am,
i don't fit in, never have, i don't want to,
oh, but how i do.

solitude is a long word,
highlighted again and again and again,
because rather than "face my demons"
i prefer to stay at home, alone,
not that you'd know.
it's odd how often i seek solitude,
how often i wish to stay in a place where there is no one, to judge me
or look at me
or rate me
or ask me how i'm doing
or shun me for my grades/pass/fail
i am not numbers on paper,
i am not an email of red and green dots
i am not a string of senseless symbols on a portfolio,
i am not a percentage or a candidate number
i am a person
i am me
and i expect to be treated as such, but i
am too afraid to tell you that
no, not afraid, anxious,
you tell me.

a harsh word,
something i've seen in your eyes many times,
something i've always associated with,
it's hard to type this out,
because those ten letters
(ten is a lovely round number)
because those ten letters
will always haunt me,
a ghost of my past, present and i fear, my future,
i try,
i try,
i try,
i try,
but i can't
not when you make it difficult,
people speak of how they can tell their mothers anything and yet,
i find it hard to even say hello,
so yes, disappoint is the right word,
in more than one way,
i don't say this with conviction, because i don't think you deserve it,
(and yet somehow i do)
but i'm sorry.
Dark n Beautiful Jul 2018
Every time I open my mouth to
Response to idiotic people my language change
It was so early in the morning,
And believe me, I wasn’t in the mood

For female nonsenses: one drops on her knee
And raise her hand to the ceiling, open her mouth
And let out a bunch of nonsense. The other whispered
“God protect me from these evil people,

I look at my co-worker, and he looked at me
Such juvenile malarkey, so early in the morning:
“He said” with a loud Sigh!!!!

I lost another one, it gone, it no longer moves,
What, whom and where, and why!  The baby!
My eyes drop to her knees with such unspoken grief,

I was told that’s where they go for safety:
It had to be some conspiracy:  five small angels
In five years, how does she control those tears?

At the moment, I need a glass of water and two aspirins;
She looks so emotionless and calm: the same exact composer
Like my friend had after the death of her son:

I on the other hand saw myself standing on the edge
Looking down into the darkness of a bottomless pit

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

** If you gave someone your heart and they died,
did they take it with them?
Did you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn't be filled?”
― Jodi Picoult,
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
Costa Rica this morning
Costa Rica and St. John
Coincidence and mystery
The Road goes ever on

Slowly guacamole
Let the music play
Jo Jo's Arizona
My callooh! callay!

Step by step by flight
Early Saturday
Jodi Picoult alights
Life of Pi to pray

Still got a few ideas
I plot and plant to place
Quiet conversations
The charm, the change, the chase

                  Hearts: Ace.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Costa Rica this morning
Costa Rica and St. John
Coincidence and mystery
The Road goes ever on

Slowly guacamole
Let the music play
Jo Jo's Arizona
My callooh! callay!

Step by step by flight
Early Saturday
Jodi Picoult alights
Life of Pi to pray

Still got a few ideas
I plot and plant to place
Quiet conversations
The charm, the change, the chase

                  Hearts: Ace.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
small great things
      Jodi Picoult
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
small great things
      Jodi Picoult

— The End —