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Anastasia Jun 2019
i love pangolins

my favorite animal

but their almost extinct

the most heavily trafficked animal

they're pretty cute

you can find out how to help at
please help in any way you can <3
Hence... what better opportunity, I aver with zeal
presented to one local everyman token schlemiel
keystone state (Pennsylvania) three score lifelong
trumpeting resident in United States commonweal
experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms I feel

plenti linkedin with voracious insatiable appetite
to buzzfeed chronically hungry fancy feast appeal
courtesy poetic generic electronic communiqué 4
hard/soft bound nuggets, essentially noggin fodder
printed paginated good n plenti thought provoking

firing imagination (mine) moost any genre squeal
with excitement well written satisfaction guarantee
to assuage, mental massage bitcoin blockchain me
lack legal tender, but amenable safe passage steal
under cover of darkness, stay 4 delicious hot meal

pop slop special of every day curative against past,
present and future pandemics inducing batty *******
behavior, yet please truck over (and/or rig delivery)
regarding lifetime woolworth (dime a dozen pennies
on dollar) riveting, spellbinding, tantalizing timeless

tomes some dubbed cult classic literature, everlasting
an ideal getaway quarantined within dystopian surreal
"new normal" alienation courtesy social distancing ye
become linkedin among disembodied soul train flitting
hither and yon, to & fro across cyber spatial dimension

storied pages offer healthy escape to getaway funereal
smothering unnatural cloistered atmosphere confined
temporarily alleviate forced imposition to toe line heel
spontaneity crushed every impulse to commingle spiel
broadcast how contagious coronavirus contracted air

tight sequestration impossible mission, where isolation
induces cabin fever delirious skeptics hatch conspiracy
theorists to convince population mounting thumbwheel
(albeit invisible) prima facie Covid-19 originated in bats,
scientists concur possibly spread to pangolins* & human

nonetheless devout believers pray to divine power kneal
expiating, purging, repenting sins past, present and future
beseechingly, devotedly, fondly craning neck to empyreal
infinite cosmos all powerful rhetorically asking -
What's the big effing deal?! Rejecting panglossian retort.


*Pangolins, or scaly anteaters, mammals of Pholidota order.
The one extant family, Manidae, includes three genera: Manis,
Phataginus and Smutsia. Manis comprises four species found
in Asia, while Phataginus and Smutsia each include two
species living in Sub-Saharan Africa.Wikipedia.
Francie Lynch Apr 2020
While cruising Corona on the net,
I saw pangolins not eaten yet.
Many, you see, believe its scales,
Are cure-alls to cure whatever ails.
And its meat festoons the rich Asian table.

Who ate the pangolin from head to toe.

China lauds its laws to say they save
The endangered pangolins,
At home, in Asia;
Yet in Wuhan, locked live in cages,
In wet markets like our Dark Ages,
The scaly pangolin is sold.

But Revenge,
We know,
Is a dish best served cold.
K Balachandran May 2012
I am against finding fault
with the Mongolians,
for feeling incongruously-
partial to pangolins.
Mohan Boone Sep 2020
The Bear's Paw
standing at the bottom of the hill
guarded by psychedelic sandbags
filling in the cracks opened by the daily pilgrimages of sheepdogs 

King Kong cries
his battery acid caught with it's guard down on the wrong side of town
bearded vultures, pecking his ears in the rain
and his chin setting down a towel on a **** beach while people touch each other,

Pol ***

hundreds of millions of tiny microscopic parasites
dancing in gaggles while a 140 year old dog lies dying,
slowly steering his magic carpet through a stratus
of lightly spiced sausages

The Popo,
all the gear but beached like blue whales on the wrong end of a tsunami 
lions have played backgammon for a thousand years around this watering hole so tell me why
after so many famous moves
would they get bored now?

old man, with tobacco eyes and a homemade pool cue
his dancing demons his own and his chin working from home
you can't win them all but if you hit the ball with conviction 
you might just catch onto the coat tails of an incredible journey

King Kong has been divorced 3 times and has never met his kids
Daddy Kong packed a swimming pool with watermelon's when King Kong was merely a glint in the milkman's eye and told him that he would DANCE
because he was the fruit of the pangolins 
and that's what pangolins were born with the right to do

tobacco eyes eyes the black
the parasites swipe right, go on dinner dates, then give birth to 10 baby parasites in under a minute.
the baby parasites grow hair,
learn to ride bikes,
travel the world,
then settle down.
sand-pit. wax roots. cheat.

before you've even squinted to see the next train,
thousands of great great grand-baby parasites are getting dressed up for their first day of school
all in the time it takes
for a pint of Guinness,
to finish ******* ITSELF.

LOVE, in every stain on the carpet
a lifetime of 10/10 potatoes
shirts, tucked in - just like it says on the rota
stories of adventure and death traded in phone boxes with infinite shelves and shipping containers loaded with questions

answers always the same - 
same ****, mate
different day, mate.

The Bear's Paw
standing at the bottom of the hill
old wooden door wide open
love stained carpets buttered to the edge with the marmalade of the free

no King Kong's, 
no pangolins,

just microscopic parasites
and loyal sheepdogs
who have travelled across a thousand fields 
sat waiting to bewitch you with their tales
Nos chemins se sont croisé et décroisé
A distance
Nous étions pèlerins de jeux antédiluviens.
Nous nous sommes envoûté de mots
Et de rêves d'ombres et de chair
Et seuls nos mots peuvent désensorceler
Nos sangs et nos dieux archaïques.
Nos mots sont des onguents, des potions magiques
Des philtres et des pommades
Dotés de pouvoirs incomparables.
Ce sont des déictiques et embrayeurs
Ils accomplissent par la seule force du Verbe.

Nos mots sont des poudres miracles dont nous baptisons nos envies
Et ils sécrètent leurs propres antidotes.

Il ne nous restait plus qu'à les mettre en scène,
Titiller nos mamelons lubriques,
Mordiller le creux de nos nuques et aisselles,
En dansant la danse des dugongs ou des pangolins
Mais chacun a sa propre lecture
Son propre phrasé
Et le déhanchement des Muses Dugongs
N'est en rien celui du Poète Pangolin.
Rendez-vous posthume, donc.
Aujourd'hui j'attendais ma muse
Sans trop me faire d'illusions
Comme chaque matin de mes jours
Je lui ai préparé son café et ses billets doux
Mais ma muse boude depuis quatre jours et quart
Ma source d'eaux charnelles s'est desséchée
Ma muse n'est plus ma muse
Pas même un filet de muse chez le poissonnier ou le boucher
Ma muse ne fait plus mumuse
Ma muse tarie ne frissonne plus
Ne viendra pas jouer mon ombre
Ne jouira plus de mes délires d'orphie.
C’est un fait accompli, mûri, implacable
Et je me rends aux évidences.
Mais l'oiseau est têtu et bande encore de joie
Sur l'élan magistral qu'elle lui a impulsé :
Je mordille, je griffe, je câline,
Je bois, je lèche, je grignote,
La distance qui nous lie désormais
Lentement comme une corde raide
Un pacte d'amour courtois
Irremplaçable .
kain Nov 2019
And we are all
Paper weight pangolins
In our own ways
Just a fragment.

— The End —