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madrid Oct 2016
You are looking for the kind of love that I cannot give.
In fact, it is the kind of love that cannot be given by anybody else,
But you.

I know you think you've been through the seven circles of hell
That everyday it seems like the entire universe is conspiring against you
That as if the moment you step out of your home, the ground starts to crumble beneath your feet.
But love,
Do not be afraid.

You were made to conquer the army of Palestines
And climb atop the tower of Babel
You were made to crush the walls of Jericho and part the waters of the red sea

You are meant to be so much more than a pawn
You are a king
But a king knows the pain of becoming a servant
For he himself is a servant of the people

Do not forget that your strength comes from within you
Not from the foul words of those who envy
Or from the empty bullet cases of those who desire your failure
Your inviolability comes from yourself
Do not let anyone, ever, make you feel less of who you are

You are a king
Are my king

And all I wish for you is happiness beyond measure
Joy that fills the deepest holes in your hollowed heart
Courage that you may step out of your comfort zone and do amazing things
And most of all
You do not need words of validation from your peers
You do not need claps and screams of praises from the crowd just to prove that you are worth something
Do not change for anyone
Not even for me
You are worth more than a thousand diamonds or a million bricks of gold just because you are who you are

I cannot tell you that it will all be good days
Because I am sure that there will be days that feel like ****
You will feel burdened with the weight of the world
You will kneel at the guns of those who criticize your gifts
You will doubt yourself
And you will doubt me
I am sure of that
And there will be times when I would want to let go of your hand
When I will scream at the absence of your attention
When I will run away from the problems WE have to face

But love,
Know that I won't.

I will run the race with you, and carry you if your feet start to fail
I will sing to you when the music stops playing
I will remind you every single day that
You are loved
When you smile
You are loved
When you fail an exam
You are loved
When you are betrayed by your friends
You are loved
When you are at your worst
You are loved
When you don't love me anymore
You are loved

And when the time comes when you want silence from my side
I will willingly give it to you
I will shut up
I will close my eyes
I will take the pain
I will catch your punches
I will receive your harsh words
I will stand up
I will walk away
I will let go
IF you want me to
I will.

You know what is best for you
And I know what is best for me
For now
I just know
That what is best for me
Is you.

On a last note, don't let anyone, ever
Make you feel like you don't deserve what you want

Thank you love
For everything
These are the last words I create for you.
Sleepy Sigh Sep 2010
I heard a woman today
Through her subtitles.
She was on a documentary
About the dangers of
Holy conflict.

She said to the world,
Eyes storming with warning paleness,
"If they" the selfish, unholy Palestines,
"Had taken my son,
I would have destroyed the world."
She was as old as my
(Frailer, softer)
(Who has never heard a gunshot
Or seen a temple burning
Or beheld a crushed glass message
On a cold German night.)

On an old porch she sat,
Wrapped in moth-worn
Fabric thinner than my shirt
Without a shiver of fear
Or doubt,
And stated this cold fact.
She would have destroyed the world.

Later in the thinly white day
Her son visits her, bringing cigarettes.
"For later," he insists, but
She makes use of one immediately,
Gripping with the firmness of
A woman who needs nothing more
Than a son and a cigarette.

His face and the tip light at the same time.
The fire (in his eyes) burns discordantly.
"You know I don't like the
Smell of your cigarettes."
He snatches it from her
And sends it to a dusty grave with his heel.

Ungrateful *******!
I was standing now,
Shouting him down through my
Emotionless flat-screen television.
A thousand miles away
And every heartbeat breaking with
That worn and aged face
That betrayed nothing.

What pain must contempt be
From one who is in her eyes
More precious than the world?
The stupid, unthinking, unwitting
Cruelty of it strangles me.

But then she smiles with knowing eyes,
And waits a few more heartbeats than I can bear,
To say,
"Just one more?"
The worthless (world-worthy?) son,
Prideful and ashamed,
Scratches his temple and
Shakes his head.
"No," he says,

And hands her another.
share, don't steal, etc.

This was my first genuine poem. It's here not because I think it's good, but because I will lose it if I don't put it with the others.
Long live Palestine survivors.
From the river to the sea
Palestine is surely free.
The whole world chants a plee
World's children chant boycott Izrahell
Israelites now
their own star of cause and effect a huge defeat is earned.

We don't support genocide.
We detest concentration camps famine torture too
that Gaza people in Palestine endure open bombed crowded extermination camps. Israelite's genocide
actively carrying on as an intimidation show off to show the world **** regime Jewish
Agenda is armed to the teeth.
Against Palestinian beautiful unarmed civilians
Fighting for their own existence against beo **** thugs.
I see red! Genocidal Israelites
blasting new born babes up
Moms and Dads.


I SEE RED: (!We all see red )

1SRAEL your STAR now stinks,
With your billion grave stench
in shreds
digging your own genocidal exile
to your poverty ridden Abyss.

The whole world opposes
Your baby daily
genocidal scoring chants.

To h** with your many other
hidden agendas.
Israel all the planet agree you to give back full immediate payable
restitution to palestinians before all you are court marshalled and exiled.



"Did you really think,
I'd just forgive and forget,
After catching you with her,
Your blood should run cold, so cold

You, you two-timing,
cheap-lying, wannabe
You're a fool,
if you thought that I'd just let this go
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to all IDF sadist Nazis heads.
Now all I see is red, red, red
Did you really just say,
she didn't mean anything, oh
I'll remember those words,
when I come for you r soul, your souls
Know that you,
you dug your own grave,
now lie in it forgotten broke and alone.
You're so cruel,
but revenge is a dish best served cold
I see red, red, oh red

A gun to your head, to your heads.
Oh! Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that you're better off dead
All that Earths peope see is red, red, oh red

Now all I see is RED
Run, hide
Oh, you're so done, gone.
Oh, better sleep
with one eye open tonight

I see red, red, oh red, oh
A gun to your head, heads.
Executioner style,
and there won't be no trial
Don't you know,
you're better off dead

All I see is red, red, oh red
Now all I see is red, red.
Read between
this lines, Israel.

Death to genocidal agendas
self proclaimed saints

The chosen ones
are our Palestines
Along with all of us.
Requesting justice.
RIP 100,000 Palestinians death 70.000 under the bombed homes rubble.
Shame on you sinister Satanyahu.
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Somebody tell me where to go
Where heroes go
When they need saving
I'm sure it's not the place I know
Those years ago
Where we were paving
The times have changed
There's no more iron in those creases
But, still the same
It seems the fighting never ceases
Found out today, a better way
They needed us
to free the Congo
Will cost us more, but we got more
to spend on those
that need their freedom
During these times
It seems the fighting never ends
Let freedom ring until the end
And if it cost us more, what then?
Can we then spend
All of our savings
Just what is it that we get back?
Personal sat-
isfaction?  Pleasing?
I think I know
Why we both hold our heads up high
The only way
to save the world before we die
It can not be the Palestines
All of the time
Disrupting freedom
Where does that funneled money go
Now tell us Joe
Whose cornered market?
Sometimes it's easy
Finding out who is the bad guy
And other times
it just might be who paid the bad guy
Most of the people here they go
Where worship grows
to church on Sundays
The Bible teaches, we agree
to live in peace
We need forgiveness
And tell me please
Why we are bombing in this day and age
When will we learn?
Obviously not two thousand years after they slay [Jesus]
I need vacation but, can't go
There's no place now
That we're not hated
And if I could go to a land
I'd lie in sand
That's not debated
Two thousand years
Amazingly the weaponry
is still the same
It can simply leave you lame or **** you just the same
Somebody tell me where to go
Where heroes go
When they need saving
Today, our proudest son came home
Boxed up alone
And flagged for freedom
Somebody tell me where to go
Where heroes go
When they need saving
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
Blood Liable

There's more blood than

ever on Palestines flag

red Zion's are culpable.

**** spikes on David’s

star are injurious spurs,

evil and hate is in them.

Pontius Pilot, Cummings

Shakespeare even ******

must have all agreed that

Jesus deserved his fate.
larry mintz Sep 3
Gaza is a burning house,no end in sight.
Diplomacy is a water moccasin .
Israel maims their victims- a horrid plight
Bitter is a rank lime ,this war a no-win.
The Nerthus folk  shout Gaza is not right.
Benji's far right politics surely a stinking sin,

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch

Benji's war talk to Congress -he is such a liar.
Biden sends troops to Isreal to fight.
AntiDems and the 'cons both conspire.
Risk is a slick road- its American might.
Palestines anger is a raging fire.
No Gaza cease fire that is in sight .
Judgement  is Lady Liberty-comes for all
The guilty combatants finally will fall

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch

I spread the news using X and Substack.
I am just one man. I do the best I can.
I spread the news using  Tribal too .
All of Humanity  could stop this fire.
Either all live as one State with equal rights.
or as two States equal else perish together.

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch
The Bop

— The End —