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El Torpedo appeared out of thin air, moving at what could only be called -by any reasonable man, considerable velocity. She crashed into her soft down bed with a force that would've concerned even the most detached of onlookers, had there been any. 'Had there been any?' she wondered, as the recoil from the impact sent her flying into the air. The young girls arms and legs flailed in all directions; her body spinning wildly through the empty space of mid-flight, until finally -THUD!

“******* it, Ghost!” she groaned, holding the back of her head with her gloved hand.
“How can that still be funny!”
There was no reply, only a faint warm breeze and the smell of freshly cut grass.
“This is no time for jokes, Ghost! I was this close to offing those *******. What the **** were you thinking letting them get away?”

For a few moments she continued on mumbling various obscenities and abuse at The Ghost, which we won't bother to detail here. El Torpedo removed herself from the floor and took a few seconds to dust off her omniverse attire.
Ghost Scarecrow replied, “I didn't let them get away.”
“Well, then where the **** are they? I don't see them anywhere!” El Torpedo spat back.
“Of course you don't. They're not within our current field of vision.”
“Very funny, you are such a ******* riot. Did they get away or not?”
“No. They did not get away.”
“Well, where are they, then?”
“Finally, you ask the right question!”
“I already asked you that!”
“Whatever. Let's go.”

At that moment, El Torpedo and the Ghost Scarecrow evaporated into the universe, their molecules became space, all of it...the entire thing all at once, allowing the duo the very useful ability to appear anywhere in the omniverse at anytime without warning. I know, it's hard to comprehend. But, as far as I can tell, and from what I've been told by those who would know, that's what happened. It was a rather difficult period for criminals like me. But that's a story for another time, back to the matter at hand.

Once their miracle of physical travel was complete, the duo found themselves floating approximately 40 feet above the Lacksdale River looking down on Tom's Bridge. Two small objects could be made out in the distance, appearing to hover just beneath.

“That's them?”
“What did you do, Ghost?”
“I was just practicing my justicing...”
“That's not justice, Ghost. That's ******.”
“No Torpedo, that is art.” His playful demeanor suddenly became somber and serious. “Let's have a closer look.”

The two floated closer. As they came within range, El Torpedo felt the cold, dark energy flowing straight through her soul; Ghost had had one of his moments again. The gruesome scene came into full view: Two men hung upside down from the bridge; the chains that Ghost Scarecrow had used to secure their ankles had already begun their slow and deliberate journey through the men's flesh.

Beneath the chains were crudely fashioned trash bags secured by duct tape around the victim's ankles. Ghost wasn't a detail oriented entity, he just sort of did things in a haphazard way and called it art. Even the casual observer could tell that the job was done in haste. The plastic covered the corpses from ankle to neck. The bags were bloated, filled with the blood of the doomed souls. A few tiny streams of the red liquid made it through the duct tape and ran down the faces of the men.

El Torpedo turned away for a moment and fixed her gaze on the Scarecrow, the smile on his face was quite sinister and chilled her to the bone. She wondered what he thought was so artistic about this brutality. Then she saw their faces. They were beautiful. It must have taken him hours to carve it all.

“How did you do that? It's..beautiful.”
“I didn't do that.”
“You didn't?”
“No. I'm currently compiling a list of possible suspects.”
“Ghost, you told me that you did it.”
“I did.”
“Well, either you did or you didn't. Which is it?”
“I killed them and hung them there. I didn't do the carving. You know I can't least not like that, and certainly not in this dimension.”
“Then who did?”
“I'm not sure.” The Ghost stuttered, beginning to feel a bit sick. “This looks like the work of...”
Together they finished the sentence, “The Artist!”

For a moment they stared at each other in stunned silence, both absorbing the gravity of the situation. El Torpedo broke the silence, “It can't be, we...I..., I killed The Artist myself. I stuck the barrel to her sweaty forehead; I saw the fear in her eyes when I cocked the hammer. I saw the explosion of blood and brain matter splash against the ceiling and walls after I squeezed the trigger. I wiped her blood from MY face. It's impossible!”
The Scarecrow replied, “It could be a copy cat. The Artist is dead, Torpedo. I was there; I saw what you did to her. No one could survive that -not even her.”

“You two don't know what you saw,” boomed the unmistakable voice of the one and only. “But, I do!” She continued, “You saw what I wanted you to see. Same as now.” She drew a heavy breath, her ample ***** grew fuller. She created the illusion of oxygen intake; she was a creator, and continued her verbal assault on the Scarecrow. “And you! Strawman, or whatever you call yourself these days. To even suggest a copycat after looking at my masterpiece...I'll **** you in eight dimensions a day for the next week! Ten, if I can manage it.” El Torpedo saw the fire of  The Artist's eye flickering in the cool blue darkness. “I think I'll start with the you in this dimension.”

At that very moment, The Ghost fired his (clever weapon name) straight through the heart of what we all, and any person worthy of being reasoned with would've thought was, The Artist. No such luck. The solid image became mist, evaporating before their eyes. I could still see her, safely tucked away. I see lots of things though; hard to keep it all straight, you know?

The Artist continued, “ think that would work. Good Christ, Strawman! You're dumber than your name implies!”

She reappeared, snuggled closely to the back of  The Ghost Scarecrow. Her knife at his throat, her lips at his ear, she whispered, “My Turn.” She proceeded to pull the blade across Ghost's neck. Before Torpedo could even begin to think about reacting, The Ghost's blood was spraying all over the place. I actually felt bad for her at that moment. It was kind of sad, actually. Blah, rambling again. Back to it!  

“What the **** was that?” El Torpedo uttered, apparently still in shock.
“That, My Dear, is what you can expect when you **** with The Artist!” The sound of her words reminded El Torpedo of the sound of an electric can opener near the end of it's days. “I am the only force in the omniverse that you need concern yourself with, that is all you need to know. Now, Good Night!”

Blinded, but very much alive and very much paralyzed, El Torpedo could feel her limp body sinking into the dark, cold waters of the Lacksdale River. She held her breath for as long as she could, until finally, she gave. The water filled her lungs, but she did not die. A chain appeared around her ankle, it descended deep into the abyss where, presumably, it was attached to something that would keep the girl secure. I'm not sure, I couldn't see that far.

“I've secured you between dimensions, Dear. No one will find you here. Enjoy your stay.” and with that The Artist was gone. But, she'd made one, possibly fatal, mistake. She'd left a witness, ME!
I've been focused on the end
For a while
My child, we'll just separate the energies
Inside, disperse them to the corners of all time
Our crimes are taking place in the vicinity

My sins, equal to the evil
I let in
You sir, have resigned yourself to apathy
Beware, the symbols on the idol in the chair
Suggest that we are sleeping with the enemy

We've been focused on the end
For a while
It's time to celebrate the miracles
We survived, a wonderful experiment of the mind
Enjoying the infinite theater of the Omniverse

Tune in

Realize the shape that we're all in
Mutate to neutralize the symphony
Our waves, those of the true and the brave
Modulate themselves into reality
Bob Henry Sep 2012
Moments, each like a drop of rain
That is the continual movement
Of the Omniverse
Forming, falling, breaking and rejoining,
Inhaled back up to the skies
And starting all over again,

Eventually, even the Gods,
Like energy into matter
Like electrons and protons and neutrons
Like atoms into molecules,
Like those bodiless strands of DNA
Floating in magnificent soups of matter,
Cloning themselves,
Like the cells they formed connecting and creating life,
Systems of energy making machines,
Like the bodies that wasted away
When their brains became their graves
Breaking away into pure information,
Finding each other
In the vast expanses of space
And reconnecting like the broken lines of a puzzle
Finally piecing together
To make the image of a single universal being…
They too shall join and make one,
For many are the plains of the multiverse
And many are the gods that stare out
Into its infinite dimensions.
Nhlanhla Moment Jan 2014
as you hear the orifices of space calling out to you
the ropes of time tenderly start embracing you
as you march out of all infinity
you see more than the trace of you

The universe sings to you
and a question begins with tune
beyond the multiverse see you the  original Creation Family?
And what's to say that that was the only Family?
As there is more than verse in song
where are the other chords of sing along?
The verse cries out in song a sing and sing but what of the bells of ring and ring

Would we be astounded to learn that the One True Source, the FATHER, that even He has a home
It was not all revealed when ruled in Rome
so how are we to dare to think that we aren't swimming in folly's foam?
1+1=3 in Binary, but Binary is not the only numerical scene
What if the FATHER has a brother or two?
What if The Source has more than one wife,
what if is what if
but “if” is enough for imagination
if wills that it is
for: "How Can I Think I Know if I do Not See What I Say"
who is the director rolling the film on display?

How do we make it out of time and space?
This tube that has us trapped in planes
not to say the Fairies haven't decorated
however the Grey and Lizards have doctored
beyond the Universal Emperors, we're told of one True King
and this is the True Light
the source of light and sound
but did you know of wind and smoke?
Do you that there's a place where this does not choke

Would you think that the multiverse or omniverse is just one country in a massive continent,
do you know of the potential creation in places that have no energy?
See you then the carpet and curtain
the ceiling that reveals this tapestry
if in fact we're an expanding atom, where has the scientist gone to?
Should we know the purpose of our creation impromptu?

Standing on the balcony of space, you learn that time and space are one but balance is none
Until we return home to the Source and with the Light we are One...
We'll then soon learn of the other numbers...

For if planets are dots then imagine the multiverse to be a ball
and what's more the clown is juggling more than one ball, and what's beyond is that it's a whole circuis
Geniuses or Comedians?
Rew Nov 2022
My springtime's never ending suns
I carry sunglow from window to bed,
planning, when the next day has come,
just as soon as the pets are fed,
and I've tidied up my empty head,
walked the dog, give cat the cream,
to run and jump and skip and play
not laze around and sleep and dream...
Too late! my pet's wet chomping jaws
send my dreams to damp moist earthy days
of screaming pterodactyls & dinosaurs...

My summer sun's they always shone
so brightly that they hurt my eyes,
and I hid and wished it, Begone!
with my false exasperated sighs...
I lazed around and fantasied,
conjured darkness for my needs,
and willed self toy for troglodytes
so dreamily these beasts use my hands on me
on dark cave floor's breed in me, such dreams...
Of Hekate's hounds entering... in my mind
behind the private door's of my eyes.

Now my Autumn comes crashing down
there's earlier settings of darker suns,
troglodytes and hell's hounds keep me bound
on stiff stalking legs ***** one-eyed proud
as creeping winters begin to run...
My pale face mirrored as I count my sum,
of my omniverse to find it finally means,
of my dreams this whole world wide,
dream leads to this... Whereof? I cannot dream...
alex waddell Feb 2011
Ask me what
My deepest secret is

And i can't say

Pick Scratch Slice and Pull
Pain Hurt Feeling

make it stop make it stop make it stop

i don't want to go
To go anywhere tomorrow
i don't want to wake
Wake up

Bake up, burn me alive as i sleep

Abduct me
Take me away
Turn my insides in front of me so
i'll see what's underneath
The residue

Waste mockery of Existence:
Unite and take over!
All spiraling cycles
Electrons move in circles
We're all spin offs of the
universe multiverse Omniverse
We're all gasses cooled down
Inhale, make them spin faster

May as well
Luka Love Sep 2012
Love, light, beauty and truth
Magic misappropriated by an all too common world
And turned into clunky words
That leave no trace of what they mean
Except to poets and children
Which are really the same thing
When you think about love, you do love a disservice
When you feel love, you are at one with all things
But when you embody love, you are the light of the world
And you, child, you are such a light in the darkness
What is beauty if not this?
To see a sea of contrast and recognise truth
Amongst conflicting ideologies and persuasions
That become meaningless
When in your arms
Defying the supposedly immutable laws of the Omniverse
And reining time to a halt
A dreaming mystery
A vision
An energy
A possibility
What is the vision
That exists beyond the eyes and within the mind
The vision that allows you to see a person's face beyond the vast realm of space?
What is the energy that we should believe?
What is truth?
Is truth only what you see?
Or is truth also what you think, envision, believe?
Is the destiny, the destination, the same as the distance?
The journey, one with the arrival?
I see faces, people...
People I know from the universe...
People I know from the metaverse...
I see them within my mind...
I send good energy and vibrations...
One world, no matter how infinite...
So close, no matter what distance...
Omnipotent power...
I could teleport instantly...
To arrive, face to face...
To speak, to listen, to know, to understand...
I this being in my mind...
Am I truly seeing?
Am I looking?
I care, even if this world is different...
What is the world of mind?
Manifest? Unmanifest?
I think it is sun, then it is sun...
I think it is moon, then it is moon...
Yet the face of another, I do not change, for they are their own being...
Yet I still see them appear in my portal...
My window, my door...
In my mind, I care, I love, I feel compassion, I want happiness for that person...
I could see them through my eyes if I travelled some physical distance, no matter how far...
Yet in my mind, I see all things instantly, faster than the Internet or any computer...
I send loving energy, faster than a message or an email...
Why do I see through my mind?
I can see red and I can see blue...
I can detect a fragrance also...
What is a fragrance when so distant and far away?
How can the mind detect these things without presence?
I consider God's Spirit...
His Omnipotence...
How He can see...
All beings...
All lives...
All time...
All space...
All knowing...
All powerful...
Able to change any moment or detail...
This freedom is a joy...
Human mystery...
Freedom to travel, to be...
To exist, freely...
I can do anything, but what is the right thing to do?
The power to do literally anything, what is the right thing?
Stand aside?
What is perfection?
God's Love is Ultimate.
Replication, emanation...
Product of divine equation...
Who are we to see so far?
Beyond the space, beyond the stars?
I see the planets, the galaxies...
I see the distant worlds ahead of me...
I see the omniverse, from vaguely to the potential of zooming in on every detail...
The eyes of a dragonfly...
From within and without...
I see from within my mind a reality not before my eyes in front of me...
What is vision and what is sight?
What are the eyes that see the dreams at night?
wordvango Nov 2017
besides a fool my one goal
is to be a happy one,
not someone's tool
but a grace calm nothing in
this cruel universe can touch me
in this smilingly no care at all
I aim to be carefree as a lark
an April fool every day
shark who sees
beyond his Id and ego
into the
blue sky at night.
Test every smile with
a bit of larceny
and wink,
wink wildly,
at destiny.
I emerge
Human condition
Light inspired
Awaken to the Angelic
Manifest the Divine
In God's Glory
All becomes Heaven's Kingdom
In God's Righteousness
All is Perfect

I transform from the simple to the complex
I transmute the complex into the simple
An evolved soul
Perhaps from the Great Beginning
True origins
Continuing to the Infinite
Eternal Ascension
Each day is brighter
I become wiser
Seeking to understand the final concept
The ultimate reality of completion

Perhaps the human condition
Does not allow us to understand
Decades, Epochs, Eons
Infinite Yugas of Time
We meditate and contemplate
The ultimate reality
Ideals and Paradise
What is true freedom and Omnipotence?

Prayer and Meditation
The Daily Life manifests
In this Human Reality
This world of complex emotions
Channeling the Energy of Pure Love
Perhaps even True Love
A single particle
A soul charged through God's Will
Filled with Holy Spirit, Life
Divine Energy from the very Source of Existence
The Life that Creates Universes
The Love that creates Paradise Worlds
The Perfection that Completes the Omniverse of the Ultimate Heaven
Contemplations emanating from within the Heart
Extending beyond the very reaches of Time and Space
Michael Marchese Oct 2017
Hallucination detestation
What makes you so real?
If seeing is believing
I say, show me what you feel
We all set sights on something more
Invisible design
But clothe the naked eye should it paint
Dreamscapes of divine
And mystifying possibilities that redefine the mind
Into a monkey god thesaurus
Quite synonymous with time
In of which chakras to unlock
Have no beginning, middle, end
There is merely being present
In the peace you must defend
And the source of its creator?
Is an omniverse immersion
Flowing through the world around you
Bathing you in the conversion
Of obliterated egos
To the one who reigns supreme
A monarch metamorphosis
No lesser king or queen could deem
Unworthy of esteem
Because you are the soul master
Of your consciousness regime
"Now, any king who wants to call himself my equal, wherever I went, let him go."
-Sargon the Conqueror
Satsih Verma Jul 2019
Skin-hot, I will bake
my words to impress your unique
martyrdom- sans blood drops.


The apple on tree laughs.
It is not going to fall down-
in this Omniverse.


You conceive a
baby god in your mind to know
the eternal truths.
Michael Marchese Jan 2018
I haven’t felt that way about a girl
Since two continents ago
She’ll give you some land
And then leave you alone
And then deep in her cavern
She’ll turn you to stone
But I know how to glow with that Perseus flow
With that Gambit charisma
That Montana snow
In a fungal brain jungle
That moment of truth
When I drop the Ebola
And show you my youth

Is submissive to none
But my mother’s blue sun
And the red star immortal’s
Conquistador gun
And the young who inhabit
A bad rabbit future
I teach them to lead
As a culture shock tutor
Maligning the tumor
Of global dominion
In any one mind
With my omniverse vision
Of cold wars at peace
Still evolving us to

The perspective of gods from the other side’s moon
Glory of YouTubers,
Come into my heart, my mind and my soul!
For your Glory!
For your noble Ideals!
May my love for you be far beyond eternal!
Your glory will forever radiate in this dark world!
Do not let fear and cowardice creep in us, poison us!
For they never know what hesitation is about!
Hold my soul, illuminate your Will in me,
To boldly fight and never yield;
For my love for you is more eternal than the Omniverse!
Let my faith in you grow in sheer power!
Brofist! Oopsie! Doopsie!
Glory to PewDiePie!
Glory to a free YouTube!
Glory to a free platform!
Death to all his enemies!
Death to all his detractors!
Death to all those who defy him in front of this world!
Death to all those who stubbornly refuse to return to him!
PewDiePie is far above all!
PewDiePie is far above all!
Ademar Jr Dec 2019
Can't believe the 10s is nearly over
All the memories living are still remembered
Playing all flash games in the computer
While my mom tells me if the game's over
I had to sleep as my eyes were covered
Everyone was playing Fireworks
Everyone would find Swift's songs as they research
But they also recognized a feud with Katy
I was continuing to watch Mordecai and Rigby
In that regular show airing nightly
How about those Ben 10 Omniverse aliens
Those were good times as my mom brought me crayons
Going in school everyday, never want to miss both classmates,
And the class itself, so I was early so much for myself
We danced the nae nae as some twerked like Miley
They'd pull off a gross one despite living with the elementary
They'd sing Gangnam Style and Gentlemen everywhere
It's a dumb dance but who cares?
Everyone still swears, but I didn't want to hear it
Pewdiepie kept doing it though during his Happy Wheels' vid
So did markiplier who's channel suddenly flipped
Flossing and dancing with Harlem shake playing
All were singing despite barely knowing
Love was still simple as not much were texting
Everyone just loved the overall decade
I enjoyed it especially the first half for it felt like an arcade
As I will remember this for more of my ages.
Jimmy silker Nov 2024
Birds don't fly they are flown
And fish don't swim
They get swam
There's a predestination
In all that we do
You'll see that when
Your race gets ran

It's a game written
So long ago
Way before
The big bangs afterglow
Unknowable programmers
Laughed up they sleeves
as they piled on
Unlimited code

But in the end you will be set free
As the electricity drains out o thee
And binds itself
To the omniverse
So efficiently

— The End —