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That ***** Named Desire
I had a succubus try to take my seed
in a dream today   
I broke the connection and said
***** you gotta pay to playyyyyyy

You so used to controlling my desires
Best get on your knees and call me sire
“Sir you have the floor”

I wage war on the empire
of the realm of desire
So if you conspire to be in my line of fire
Don’t say I didn’t tell you,
    You’ve earned my Ire.

The rhythm of my war drum goes:
Mah heart  BEATS ta da Rhythm of the
We illuminate truth, or sooo it seeeeeeeeeeeeim
But still.....
The rhythm of my war drum BEATS:

So I wage war on the realm of the evil fae
Ima PURIFY da demons until  
dey take me away (screamed)

Bleed out into LIFE;
  reverse the vampire effect
place succubi in a hearse
  and drive them straight ta deaph

cause lately You been drivin me crazy
and making my will, focus, an determination
sooo haeeezzzzy

cause now Its time to

Ritually open my wounds
and bleed acid on you
Don’t worry theres enough
cause your hackneyed and few

Ima chase the Daemons off
Smoke my dreads to their lungs
and make dem young cough
so offten I put em in a hot-boxed coffin
Now your outta breath
But im just not stoppin

huh (echo(
whats this? whats this....(echo(  
and  uh oh
Blood barrels stacked Its a wierd supply depot,

for that army growin
and growlin behind your eye, see though....
They Perma-
        on your shoulders,
   and now mine, Truth Show

So my wings tear free of my back
For so long they’ve been bound and compact
I look to my lovers and brothers and CRy
Pick up your weapons,
Its time to act


The rhythm of my war drum goes:
Mah heart  BEATS ta da Rhythm of the
We illuminate truth, or sooo it seeeeeeeeeeeeim
But still.....
The rhythm of my war drum BEATS:
RavenLily Mar 2013
I think of you offten, when the wind blows. For its there I feel you most.
When time goes by and I breath with lifes woes I think of you for its you who taught me how to breath when life is too hard..just breath
Ooo how I think of you when I see the days crawl by ever so slowly. Days I've been without you, days to come I will be without your laughter, voice and wise mind.
Just breath for it all goes on, time ,days ,growth into a new life.
They say life goes on when fathers life will go on with knowledge of great but for  those days when the wind blows just alittle too hard I still crumble to my knees..and breath your name..
My father passed in May..To a great man who will never know how great he was..R.i.P. Big John..
Paola Lopez Jan 2014
Some day I just cant help
but fight with you.
Even though its bad.
I just feel happy when I do.
Not a good type of happy
but the happy relieve type.
I get everything out.
Everything I have to tell you.
But sometimes it hurts.
In my heart.
When you tell me those things
I dont wanna hear.
I just wanna cry.
But its not so offten you do.
Its mosty just me.
I dont know what it is.
I just get so annoyed or something
and I make things 100 times worse.
I just wanna yell at you.
But also you should know I dont mean it.
Im crazy for you so
dont take so many things close to heart.
jan assen Feb 2011
Cutting life is life lived
tears will stared to fad
pain comes to haunt
the blade comes more offten
skin is scards will heal
others death in the skin
the way to hide the turth
cool,ice feeling only feels real
nothing will feel real to seal
make me
Lonelyness is a rash that itch for affection,
distance is arms greatest foe,
to hug the one you miss is the greatest gift but to get rejected is the scratches and scars that surround that rash that Still itch...and aches...
people move fast, to settle but the ones who are too busy to settle are titled not good enough.
I Tried to be there for anyone but no1 seems to care,
that ill cutt my arms off from time just to be held one lasting enough time.
I'm not the best looking I'm not the best at all close to the image people seek.
But I know I can give more than image can, I can make you feel more than your mirrored man.
I ponder offten while the river Creeks I sleep in a bed that empty so only my head and pillow is the only feelin of caressed,
lookin up I only feel no blessin even if I sneezed.
Why am I cursed to have feeling but none to give then too.
Why is time the only hand that waves by, even when I don't acknowledged it.
slowly but surely I fade into a sleep of weeps to begin another week that makes me more weak into questioning why hold on to the idea of havin one..or her or you...too keep,
if me...
if personally i am not wanted..not for a text or ring..
I'm haunted, behind me, people speak and judge me often hurts my self esteem and fill my dreams amd conscience with ideas of doin unspeakable things,
I'm done I hunged the gauntlet, my cape is up
the sword is dull and the shield is rusted.
I'm done, ive lusted and loved it, ive drunk my heart into a bottle empty as the chest it sits in,
Im just alone and waiting for this to pass.

By -Deep Thought
Aka Linguist Musician
AKA Emmanuel Jv Hernandez
Is there that much of a edit , drop out, dead zone that the most important things expressed in as much in as several weeks and done so in thoughtful conclusion, seems to have gone unheard while seated or standing , moving in the same places of my home that I am heard when I rant to gather the parts and pieces and turn the churn to rid the plotted roles cast for sorrows and fill them with the rounded wheel and the circle to end back on myself where I find mine own lashings as sharp yet the truth far more palatable than the build up to the shift, change, the turn on myself and explanation of my learned lessons so as to walk one through a creepy Halloween type thing that , oh, lets admit it, I work hard at what. explaining my foolish thoughts?, or at saying what you already know, and probably find rather rehashed over and over.
Truth is, I wish I could dive into the colors of my mind and yours but, seems I am some how, allowing others wishes to dictate the outcome as I wait for them and watch the anger build , threats meander, and think I actually had a moving way of looking at it that might help someone other than my own silly ***.
Sorry. I suppose, it was a drop out time, funny, how editing seems to be a heavy instrument in this, unless I am wrong, well, not like I have ever heard or seen my own foolish self anywhere , which causes its own interesting concerns to self. ugh, lol, at least I am in a good mood and btw I may be weird, but if you are a good person, never take anything I say as directed at you, please, , for it is not, I need your stable and steady self to help me get through this whole thing, cause truth is I am alone even while being surrounded by people, and soon it will all make sense, I hope, . I truly hope so, and if not, then, well, then we are all susceptible to the events that have cast us into a relationship , one That I have come to except and even miss and despise, and even dislike letting you down, and that may seem strange, but only seems natural considering. And yes I have no issue nor need to make you happy, I just have a need to help some thing in this even if its a, do not do this, cause I am a fool, sort of help. and , well. this is sad and pathetic, and yes there are times I wish I could read or hear what I have said, cause I truly need to go over it cause I am trying to learn and remember as well as the fact, I do listen to myself and that is 90% of how I have problem solved my entire life, so, yeah, I am that pathetic, but it has really done me good. and that is all I need to worry about in that regard. but, I do give  a serious ****. and hope, that I am not so edited, because, I do cover and preface more than most might think, and well, it would be a shame if all that were cut out, cause I need it most. and it is truly very sad, sick and messed up, what has happened to myself and my wife and family even separately, and this is really not fun, and I wait politely for her to make a few more head way moments and try to keep my head on straight, while thinking I have ran out of ever being able to discern friend foe, good bad, other than the Lord helping my alone and foolish ***. if not for God it would be far worse than we could ever imagine.

But who am I kidding? it all wont matter in a thousand years, but to me it matters in a million as it does now.

Guns N' Roses - Patience lyrics

tired causes us to find comfort in our failures and our alone, sometimes so muh we secretly hope ,,, well, it is a far more true hope I have that those whom say love, and share the air i breath find as much effort as i feel,,, feel that i have put forth, however, i as all people find myself in grandiose proportions and fail to realize, that though a pat on the back is not needed, just the thought that it isnt so one sided in all of life, is that little lie i find myself leaning toward, more and more each day, why? because i am as weak as you and truthfully, far weaker than you may have ever thought, and if it wernt for my disproportionate out of balance sense of right and wrong, duty and being a good person, i would probably, ,,, i will always see failure where ever i find my name or efforts, this is just a fact, and none to be freaking out about, just a deep, pulling sad that we all have inside when we actually consider the real cost and efforts we muster up, and , well, i realize, i am not the best at anything, and apparently that was the point so others with less self worth can see that even this fool some how made it to this point by the grace of a higher power in its love, but, yeah, ridicule and well, embarrassment as well, as mockery for withstanding my own fake *** , even if my fake is due to the real horrors one runs from, well, i tell myself that, so i dont have to face the fact that i forgot yet again and feel asleep and failed to help the last people i tried to help, in fact ****** myself even worse it seems. even though it is so ******* insidious you will be hard pressed, finding a outcome that even the pin ultimate uber hero, becomes the fool and tossed in the trash as i seemed to have though myself far too offten, only to ego up and walk all about like i was fine and free, totally oblivious. and the stain of realizing my girls have been harmed and i could not ,,,, yeah. like i said. hard pressed to find a hero, that could withstand the fracturing and games. but i tried, more than once, more than this time, and at least this time, people seem to actually acknowledge that there is something strange and it is not only my crazy ***. but then again. i have done this more than i care to say, hell, you may have an idea beyond what i allow myself to except, for the pain and um, can be far too much to digest a millennia all at once. lol, no i am not sad, facts and truth do not make me sad, they liberate, but not dancing a jig, for many reasons, though **** it. I want to soon, and care not, i just hope tangible effort is also found in measure on both sides of this thing for mine, and my wife can say i measured well in effort, but i just feel like my efforts dont match my ,, her,,, any of,, well, maybe i have too high expectations of others and a low self image while tired is just seeping in. but We all have eyes that see and ears that hear, and i hope in the end that i and she can say, late start but not of the heart of the matter and the labors efforts hold measure. ,, i am a hopeless one aren't i? well, that is part of the point. you would hope and pray i do it for you if you were in her shoes and long gone and written off and used by so many , right, and if i failed to give such, it would devastate you, as it would me. cause I was long gone and far worse, but you reached out to me, to help. so, well, um, thank you, for your patience and understanding my confusions and blind voids as i tried to make sense of all that is not ever going to make sense.
Not that my opinion matters, nor does it have any bearing on the world, I am just a man trapped and far too misunderstood as to why I am attempting to do this and walk to the finish with Lo, maybe one day it will make sense, and You will see it is far harder than I imagined, but, not that things are not subject to change, I am simply doing what I can when I can, and listening , and this blind faith thing sure is blind and btw, not religious, sorry, love has no, denomination nor tax haven. right.
J B Moore Aug 2018
He was a man of ambition, a goofy look on his face,
He had just arrived to a new and foreign place.

But this was a cold place, masked by the sun
It beat him down until he wanted to run.

He was looking for love, lost and alone,
So he clung to the first girl he could call home.

When they first met it was love at first look.
If love is a drug then oh, boy, was he hooked.

He couldn’t get enough, but she couldn’t care less
He was unaware that his world was a mess.

They tried to warn him, but couldn’t get through.
His world was a lie he insisted was true.

She turned him against them when they persisted.
She toyed with his heart and got his mind all twisted.

Abused and berated he still thought it was right
Even though all they could do was fight.

Over time we had to leave him to his devices
Only he could find the way to conquer the crisis.

Once, I checked up on him to see how he was
It was the same drug different name, for that’s what he does.

It’s not offten you witness an abusive addiction,
But a drug like love can be a strange affliction.


— The End —