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Nielsen Mooken Feb 2015
Nous etions, en cet instant, prisonniers du bonheur.
Heritiers de cette douce mais, o combien lourde, ferveur
Brulant sous cette peau vernie de sueur, de sable et de sel,
Portes, en princes sous les ficelles des tisseuses de ciel.
Nous regardions le gris a nous ecorcher les yeux,
Aimant de la passion infidele du zenith bleu
Le vide encombrant de nos plus incroyables espoirs
Et le remou sans debut ni fin de nouvelles memoires.
Nous les connaissions, ces esprits, vagabonds des mers
Chassant, au milieu des vagues ces humeurs incidencieres,
Celles la meme qui jadis se prenommaient “reves d’enfance”
Et qui depuis de sont transformes en dependence.
Nous les connaissions, et meme si la nature de ce lien
M’est masque par un sacerdoce qui ne sera jamais mien,
Elle me dicte toujours chaque contour de leur lames grises
Qui de cet air sec et fier sont tragiquement eprises
Nous etions, en cet instant prisonniers de beaute,
Celle la meme qui voit nos poumons dechiquetes
A vouloir engouffrer ce monde entier sous nos pores
Que demain a travers ces lettres je puisse a nouveau le voir.
brandon nagley Oct 2015

Albeit I'm here
And thou art there;
Many mile's from eachother
Yet still ourn endearment shalt not decrease.


I am thine own
Thou art mine;
No need to worry mine darling
I'm thine own forever, not a lease.


Agone juncture's
Of mine second's and minute's of sorrow's;
Art now gone mine treasure
Looketh forward toward's the morrow.


Interval's shalt pass
With times we both art to busy;
But at the end, when the sunshine bend's
I'll still be waiting for thee mine queen, mine hunny.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Albeit isn't used anymore it just means although in archaic tongue...
Agone means past....
Juncture is a particular point in events or time..
Vyiirt'aan Nov 2017
I was struck by a bliss from my desklight
As thousands of moths gathered by the candlelight
And with its fragile wings fluttering
Accumulating in heaps to ponder over

Resonating sounds propagating through
The continuum that marks my territory
The domain, dormitory where I remain within
From the grasps of the path of thorns

When Will time learn to keep its pace
The sun comes and goes before the moon
But rarely spends its time saying goodbye
Tragically yet romantically they follow

Yet the music lingers tonight
In the interior of this barren room
The sound of buzzing and the rain
Tickling the window sills that seal my room

Time will **** this occasion ever so slighty
Slowly draining its face from blood as it
Writhes in the everlasting embrace of mortality
Whilst the temporal veil creeps over their face

Amongst sparkles of the dim lights
Dwindle fractured traces, slit away
Pulled apart from the guardians of the dusk
Dust and dirt emerging from the kindled heap

Were it for Them, they would never cease
To see the dawn arise as solis vincit luna
They could fathom the sunlight's carress
For their sunlight faded to charred vestiges

Yet I remained here, the butcher talis qualis
Smothering lepidopteran remains, crushed at my hand
A solis ortu usque ad occasum, ad absurdo
Cacoethes scribendi meum

For my answer lies All in the order of
The naturals where even phraseology
Conjugate in what it is
The everlasting will of my inner demons

— The End —