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Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last
yes I would like to climb to the top of your  hill
There you can tell me more about the breeze that flies me free
for I am old enough to love your steps and young enough to try
Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last;
Bring me your charms and all your steps, I am ready to advance  
pushing forward like the flower, bathing in the orange sun
I am on the summit of your summer ,
ready to  graze the verdant hills of my life , once more  ;
Far in the distance I hear the song of Ocarina,  
and I watch as  he plays the golden flute;  
Softly and keenly the spirit follows the groove of his tune
while the sun rises freely,  o'er the mountain until noon
Oh sweet, sweet, dance of summer you are here at last
give me the song of Ocarina, so I can dance on your festoon.

Written by: Mystic Rose
KD Dec 2013
I'm sorry if I'm not attentive
when you tell me about your day.
I laid awake last night thinking about
the color of your eyes.
I know that sounds kinda lame
and maybe it is.
But I don't mind -
As long as it lets you know
the magnitude of your beauty,
your loveliness,
your grace.
You are porcelain, I am metal.
I don't want to see you to break.
But if you do and you pierce me with sharp edges, know that I will be okay.
You are Belle's rose. And I am the beast that feels honored to hold you.
Though there are thorns to protect you, I won't break them off. I'll encase you in glass to protect you more than those thorns ever could.
You are the melody of the ocarina, soft and sweet; a heavenly lullaby of sad tones.
If you knew of my desire to drain you of your tears, they'd fall into tranquil waves that we could sail over with ease.
Laughing as the breeze kisses our shoulders.
I'll tell you everything will be okay.
I'll make the most idealistic promises, and keep every single one of them.
You know all these adjectives that should never be used to describe you, yet you accept them,
when I can't find a word in the dictionary exquisite enough to correlate with you.
So if you wake up one morning
and don't like your reflection,
let me be your mirror.
And I will tell you of the beauty I see.

Mel Oct 2015
explore and discover
risky adventures
stories of the past
secret confessions
ocarina song sequestered within
player two
heart container
power up
try and lose
hide and recover
reach out for help
wrong time wrong place
will there ever be a right time?
obstacle after obstacle
cycle all over again
such a coward
big boss challenge
fight or run?
Game over or continue?
Cuando tango la zampoña
cuando tango el sacabuche,
jamás pienso en quien me escuche
ni en quien me allane la moña. 1
Y así la zampoña taño, 2
pizzico así la vihuela
cantando mi cantinela
como trovero de antaño...

Yo no pienso en quién me escuche.
Yo no pienso en quien me loe
ni en quien el talón me roe
cuando tango el sacabuche,
cuando soplo en el obóe,
cuando tango la zampoña.

Ni en buscar el sortilegio
-con glisado tal o arpegioque
embelece a daifa o doña,
cuando tango el sacabuche...
Cuando soplo en el obóe,
cuando soplo en la dulzaina,
no pienso en boina ni en vaina;
ni en Burdeos o en Borgoña
cuando tango la zampoña-

Cuando soplo en la dulzaina
y si percuto el adufe
no pienso en que vozne o bufe
ni el cretino ni el tontaina
ni el doctorado en Lovaina.
Cuando tango la zampoña,
si pizzico en la bandurria
no me importa ni la murria
que me enerva y emponzoña.

Cuando tango el sacabuche,
cuando raspo el bandolín
ni cuando froto el violín,
yo no pienso en quien me escuche.

Si resoplo en el fagote,
si taño la cornamusa,
cuando tango la zampoña,
cuando soplo en la ocarina
no pienso en daifa ni en doña
(si me alabe o me abomina,
si se enfada o se alborote...)

Si taño la cornamusa,
laude pido o doy excusa
jamás, ni a Apolo ni al zote
ni a la mismísima Musa
de alto copete o de moña,
ni a Luis de Góngora Argote,
si resoplo en el fagote,
cuando tango la zampoña.
K Apr 2013
I was supposed to write a poem for you
(Very sorry, if it's horrible)
But here's all you need too know.
You don't learn to write it just comes and goes
And once you experience Ocarina of Time
But to finish, it'll take a while
You know I like you right?
But you really are polite
At least you like Doctor Who
Because I don't know what I'd do
If someone as awesome as you
Hated it as much as others
People call you names
But you aren't lame
Remember that my friend
Because one day
You'll need all the
Inspiration you can get
effie ebbtide May 2018
a pair of headphones with the mufflers missing
the wire that goes from said headphones to the computer
a ceramic pug in a red scarf containing tubes of paint
an ocarina that i picked up in a ghost town/tourist trap in california
a red cup for water during painting
a book called the artist's mentor
an adjustable lamp
wristbands a lover made for me
a book for savannah college of art and design featuring someone holding a large inflatable red ball on the cover
an incomplete abstract painting on canvas paper, slightly crumbled,
a box for the savannah college of art and design VR kit that they sent me
a book on writing
a book about color line and form in the visual arts
a red squishy ball inside a a fishnet containment, creating organic bulbous abscesses when squeezed
a book of poetry with a red cloth on the cover
a small packet of konpeito, a japanese sugar-based hard candy
a novelty necklace designed to resemble christmas lights, complete with glowing LEDs
a red colored pencil
a red marker
a red mechanical pencil
a gigantic anthology of american poetry i have yet to dive into
a packet of cherry jello
Dr Tayne Jul 2021
Zinedine Zidane
The legend of Zelda
Ocarina of time
1998...Baby one more time
De pronto, sin motivo:
graznido, palaciego,
cejijunto, microbio,
padrenuestro, dicterio;
seguidos de: incoloro,
bisiesto, tegumento,
ecuestre, Marco Polo,
patizambo, complejo;
en pos de: somormujo,
padrillo, reincidente,
herbívoro, profuso,
ambidiestro, relieve;
rodeados de: Afrodita,
núbil, huevo, ocarina,
incruento, rechupete,
diametral, pelo fuente;
en medio de: pañales,
Flavio Lacio, penates,
toronjil, nigromante,
semibreve, sevicia;
entre: cuervo, cornisa,
imberbe, garabato,
parásito, almenado,
tarambana, equilátero;
en torno de: nefando,
hierofante, guayabo,
esperpento, cofrade,
espiral, mendicante;
mientras llegan: incólume,
falaz, ritmo, pegote,
cliptodonte, resabio,
fuego fatuo, archivado;
y se acercan: macabra,
cornamusa, heresiarca,
sabandija, señuelo,
artilugio, epiceno;
en el mismo momento
que castálico, envase,
llama ****, estertóreo,
zodiacal, disparate;
junto a sierpe... ¡no quiero!
Me resisto. Me niego.
Los que sigan viniendo
han de quedarse adentro.
Maniacal Escape Jan 2021
Crack pipe lyrics
Can you feel your lips?
Puff in the smoke
Ocarina of time,
Smoke on the water
As you ******* your mind.
Blanket of troubles,
Show bed relief,
People passing by
Let them gawp at your needs.
Handle circumstances
All that you can
Fumble in the playground
Of the world in hands.
Smoke another pipe
Let it sink in your skin.
The world's no longer sideways
And you can hear yourself think.
Chree Dec 2023

If I were black
I say Malcom Made me
Everything I rap.
They call it calculated.
Sit on your couches haters.
I'm back.
Now they about to wake up.
Artist they shout Creator.
No doubt without contestation
I'm throwing bombs on each drum like It's hot potato.
No Ocarina but Andre 3000s just like that power ranger.
I am Ill, this is now contagious.
They want you to make a name for yourself.
"You should be proud of Satan."
Sean Fitzpatrick Jun 2014
Grand ocarina of the straights of India
String meadows in my mind such that
The wild song of sages grows next to mine

Slated for abandon granted for the heartland
Travel eastward and down to the
Way the Meadowlarks pray

This is India, welded to an island by
A stony bridge long sunken,
Spoken of briefly in epics but ruled lonely by the ages.

— The End —