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Anna Krijger Jul 2015
I am a Love Warrior
protecting my faith in love
True Love
pure Love
but first of all
knowing that
I am Love(d)
just because I am
I am beautiful
I am a Love Warrior
Perri Jun 2015
Nothing makes me happier
than being a set of nonjudgemental ears
for those who have never had
someone to listen.
But sometimes,
the mouth attached to the head of the ears,
also needs someone,
to non-judgementally

A therapist also needs a therapist.
Heart tormented throughout the age
Seeing nothing but destruction
Cruelty the best of the worst
Scarred for life
By a mother's emotional abuse

Never feeling comfortable around men
Afraid of anything more indepth than ***
Finding a nonjudgemental man
Thinking to repairing the past
Unknowingly mimics the mother

Finally swept away off the feet
Married, optimistic of the future
A child born early
New mother now turns the page
Happy as can be

Hormones a woman's curse
Cause heartache and despair
Mixed with the abuse of the past
Trying to over come
Badly, wanting to be good

Years pass by like rain
Flooding the family as it grows
No desire felt, yet in love for sure
Lost, scared
Self preservation reigns high

Sins of the mother passed down
Sharp tongue, quick wit
Cutting deeply through the love
Wants despartely to want, need
Tries to hang on to give not take

Illness prevails
Striking down
Hormones and desire all put aside
Attempts to reach out
Just cannot

You stop trying and give up
It gets worse
Make it stop mommy
Don't leave Daddy
Tear paint the canvas

Have I been so cruel
Ungiving and cold
Cirumstances piling up
Body becoming older

Beggs and pleads to try to fix
Isn't just a cold hearted woman
A beautiful soul inside
Just needs nourishment
Don't turn away

Don't toss tthis lifeaway
Not into the trash
Try harder
Meet a quarter of the way
Whatever you decide

Please Don't  turn away
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved
Now it might be hard to understand
But just for a moment I ask that you try to comprehend
The idea, the marvel, the miracle
Of learning love’s true definition from a child less than 3 years young

Her name was Amelia Lyon, but she was called Amy Lou
And her hair was up like Whoville’s own Cindy Lou Who
Dr. Suess would’ve been proud
I’m sure he would’ve loved Amelia, as did every single person of every single crowd

We would bring her with us to Disneyland
The happiest place on earth for both woman and man
And little Amy loved every second of it
With a wide smile, never crying, not even a bit

Bearing the power of a simple smile, and a thousand suns
She would light the very streets she crossed

Reaching out and attacking strangers was far from seldom
With a beautiful kiss of innocence, sincerity, we watched as joy would blossom

Did she discriminate?
Did she decide who to incriminate?
No, you see, Amelia would never
If someone was hurt, and broken, she could make all things better

A beautiful soul
To match a beautiful girl
I learned, let me tell you
What true love is, something new
Something that is rarely practiced
But only talked about, and the fact is
I’ve never seen love quite like this!

It was sincere, and it was real and it was amazing
A special perspective, a new trail she was blazing
And now I know what true love is
Humble, supportive, and nonjudgemental
Kind, gorgeous and always gentle

Thank You, Amy Lou.
One day, I hope to be like you.

But now she's gone, at two and a half you were taken from us
So unique, Heaven, God, and the Angels were jealous
Do I feel robbed? Do I feel cheated?
Certainly not! Because I know who I shall see when I am greeted

There she will be, adorable and precious
That gleaming smile with a child’s eyes
At the opening of the Gates, it will be glorious
Because finally, that disguise, that shroud of earthliness
Will have been torn away, and we will forever be united again

My baby sister, my Amelia Lyon, my Amy Lou
I miss you so very dearly, my little Cindy Lou Who
With love, bittersweet tears, and a heart deeply aching
Your brother, Remington Charles King
WendyStarry Eyes Mar 2015
Family is what we all dream to be
We may not want to admit it is actuality
Truth be known
All humans instill
A faithful knowledge
Our true Father lives above
Portraying nonjudgemental love
Some humans refuse this truth forever
Or for so long
Humans we insist we are so independently strong
We must constantly question life
We even tell others of their wrongs
We are so hard headed
"You see He must have a plan for ME"
It may be Our Fathers plan
For this humanistic madness
To never end
He is teaching us lessons
They may never come to a rest
Because we humans aren't the best
We keep slammin each other into the walls
When all we have to do is
Give Him

*­I'm just believing
gabby Aug 2016
i tried so hard to make you feel like you could open up. i did it a lot with you, to see if it would make you feel more comfortable. i tried to showcase how nonjudgemental i was, how open minded i was, how willing i was to be friends with you again. maybe it just showed how stupid, and naïve, and pathetic i was. and maybe now you think i was never who you thought i was.

but i was always me. always. that's always been who i am. and this is also who i am. i take chances, i give people second chances, and. i wanted to spare another, but if i wake up in the morning, and i can't.

i cannot apologize for that.
Nickeita Hunter Jul 2020
I sent you a message last morning,
still waiting on your usual reply...
But I'm strucked with the dreaded news,
your confidant...your friend, SHE DIED.
Ofcourse someone must have lied
because you told me you'd be OK...

So, how is it even possible?
How can this news be real?
Left in utter shock...
I'm fighting to breathe again,
but my airway just seems blocked.
Breathing has never felt this difficult.

I keep hearing it will be ok...
But OK would only be believable if you were allowed to stay
And you weren't...
Evil triumphs now in such an unjust way
What have you ever done to anyone but be Sacrificial, Understanding, Sincere, Absolving and Nonjudgemental
Yet, that never seemed enough- DID IT!
We all stood and watch you take the fall.
And Evil was only too happy, he took it all...

Now, here I sit...waiting for my heart to beat its normal pace
But that seems almost impossible FOR...
Yours has stopped beating
And I've lost the comfort of your smiling face
Your warm and affectionate embrace
Your encouraging words despite your fears
Your caring hands to dry my tears

I'm still waiting to hear your child-like voice
"ah girl!" "Hanging in there."
Still waiting to see you typing...
"Gm dearie🤗..."
"God is all we need in this world"
"No matter how things seem, God is in control"
I'm still awaiting on our next church date
I know I'll see you in eternity, but until then...

I'm still here... I'm still waiting to BREATHE...

                 For Susan who left me BREATHLESS
I wrote this poem after learning that my friend had died. I was just in complete disbelief at the time, think I still am by the way. I didnt feel like talking to anyone at the time, so I allowed my pen to do the talking. It could be about thirty (30) minutes to ink the words. Over all, this poem means a lot to me...
Ephraim Feb 2021
Kinetic and kind, well kempt, never kitschy, keen on kin as the key to good karma.

Remarkably resilient, reliable and respectful, radiant, relaxed and romantic. A bit rebellious but always within reason, and responsible in all things.

Idealistic and imaginative, intuitive and intense, immaculate, impeccable and irresistible. Never intrusive. Never idle.

Svelte and slim, scrupulous and supportive, sensual and sweet, swift, speedy and skillful, selfless and sprightly, swift, never slow.

Talkative, truthful, trustworthy, thoughtful, tough, tenacious and tolerant. talented with her touch, sometimes teasing. Tender hearted. Never tacky, always showing good taste.

Yogic, youthful, yummy, yin to my yang.

Natural, nonjudgemental and nurturing. Nice and neat. No-nonsense attitude, nimble and nifty. Nubile (oh là là!) and nourishing, non-racist and never negative.

Amicable, angelic, agile, attentive, astute, agreeable, amorous and always, absolutely adorable.
Kristyna, you are the love of my life.

— The End —