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Nik Bland Sep 2012
Pomegranate dawn, lay me down
Ivory moon, call to me
See that I may never touch the ground
Float me by on symphonies
Leave me in the haze, the cool of day
Wake me in awe on summer nights
Chase demons away with all your shades
Make darkness flee in the moonight
Keeping dream and dreamer both alive
Silently fading away
Ivory painted moon seizing my nights
Pomegranate dawns embrace my day

Sky studded with stars, burning now
Jay's egg blue painted morn
Falling to my face, dust on my brow
Waiting days ache to be born
Never will I again cry alone
Ever still will you carry me
Seeking just to rest in a place called home
Cabins by the crashing sea
Risen in the day to warm sunlight
Rocked to sleep by sheets of eve
As the ivory moon bid me, sleep tight
And pomegranate dawn awakens me...
Clare Jan 2013
This morning I was just me -
Detached from the past, estranged from time
I chased emptiness down the streets
Like a lost soul searching something divine
People walked past, people pushed by
I felt like a complete non-entity
Until you stopped, loooked at me in the eye
And stole away the last bit of sanity

I sat next to you, the sun going down,
Enveloped in the shadowy gown.
The shadows growing longer,
Your eyes shining brighter,
The moonight reflected in them as clearly as in a silent pool.

You smile, you turn away, you laugh.
I can see you shaking with mirth
The straight line of your back bent forward
In your hands a spell that captured beauty, captured moments
And you went back to them, with you me - revelling in nature.

The wind shifting spikes of your hair
There is something magical the way your sad eyes move
They seek peace, they seek love, they seek finesse.
I stutter, I stumble, I might not be any of these.
But I know I would always understand. I would be there.
If not with you, somewhere; still understanding.

The stars are up now, my hope is bright
If not forever, let it be for tonight.
Gossamer Apr 2013
The park was lit dim as the four of us met,
Two pairs sitting in the grass under the moonight
Your interest was her, but my interest was you.
The years go by and friendship evolves through drugs and the same friends.
I become involved with a boy, you become involved with her.
In our minds we desire the touch of one another,
And look away when we make contact with our significant others
It hurts us to see the false happiness we endure with him or her,
Because we know whats right and what we are doing is wrong.
I go down the wrong road while you stay in school and stay with her,
I get sent away for my abuse as you graduate school.
I come back to learn your still with her and im still longing for your tenderness.
You finally break away from the hold she had on you,
And you find your way to my arms.
My love, David <3
rk Jul 2020
to the darkness
i surrender
my body laying in wait
claws in the earth
ruby droplets
decorating my throat
laying myself open
bathing in moonight,
from beyond the trees
my love has come
and i am ready
to be devoured.
- wine soaked lips & crisp white sheets.
Jeffrey Robin Jun 2016


Dancing in the moonight

Waiting for the new children

To emerge from the raging fire

Finally reborn



The whole place here is more simple than we

Make it seem


We can survive

( maybe )

I mean

You do realize

That AMERICA no longer exusts , right (?)



Maybe YE got somethin like a boyfriend

Somethin like a girlfriend ...


What exactly is the game plan ?



There's  somethin callin


The mountains


— The End —