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Anais Vionet Nov 2022
Leeza (the 13 year old sister of my roommate Lisa) and I are in the building 220 lobby, heads-down on our phones, waiting for Lisa and Peter (my BF). The lobby is huge and deserted except for a lady concierge at the front desk, a security guard and the doorman - all far away from us. This is by way of explaining that our masks are off - mine hanging, useless, on my left ear.

When this unmasked guy, I was grazingly introduced to at last year’s 220-building Christmas party walks up to us and says, “Anais, Hi. You’re back!”

I flinched. I know a lot of people are over the whole mask thing and the covid thing - and have the temerity to risk it all, but I don’t - did I mention flu season or covid variations? Someone unmasked getting unexpectedly up in my personal space is jarring, rude, and on several levels dangerous and scary.

“Oh, hi,” I said. I vaguely recognized him, but I couldn’t remember his name. He’s one of those guys who’s cutely strange looking. He’s short (5’4”) (nothing wrong with that, short kings, you’re valid), his hair’s dark at the roots but blonde tipped (beach-hair?) and when he smiles, and he smiles a lot, his smile looks too big for his face. I remember he’d seemed socially awkward when we met, and Lisa had said his father is someone important.

“Yeah,” I said, with a shrug, “Holidays again.” I briefly bob up on my toes, to glance over Leeza’s head and to my relief, I see Lisa and Peter coming out of the elevator. I decide to mask up and seeing me do it, Leeza does as well.

“I’m sorry,” I said apologetically, “I remember you, but I can’t remember your NAME. I’m an idiot.” I give him my best, ditzy shrug.

He reintroduced himself, “Merritt,” he said, offering his hand and smiling again, still unmasked. As I shook his hand he twisted in Leeza’s direction and said, “Hi Leeza!” She gave him the smallest possible 13-year-old’s courtesy nod.

Peter and Lisa arrived, having masked up. “Merritt, hey!” Lisa said, greeting him warmly. “Have you got senioritis yet?” she asked, cheerfully. “Merritt’s graduating from Brown this year,” she announced, turning to include us all in the good news. “Public policy, ya?” She followed up.
“That’s it,” he confirmed, beaming.
“Congratulations!” I said, nodding.
“Way to go!” Peter added with a “yes” nod.
“Merritt, this is Peter,” Lisa said, taking charge. “He belongs to Anais.” she reported, as they shook hands and exchanged nods. “Merrit,” Lisa said, in a disappointed tone, “I hate to rush off, but we’re in a scramble for a dress fitting,” she lied. Lisa can lie like a politician.

And just like that, in something like 45 seconds she shook-off Merritt - who seems like a very sticky guy indeed - without resorting to mace or anything - Lisa’s got charm.

Thoughts about charm..
My grade, in physics 3 (an A-) was 2-one-hundredths from an A+. I almost certainly (like 85%) could have charmed the professor for that tiny bit. We’ve all seen it done - you put on a self-effacing smile and say, “I’m so close, is there something I can do for extra credit?” But I can’t DO it, physically, I can’t say the words and beg for grades. It’s like I can picture my mom watching me having to beg for something she earned, and I’d be mortified to even try. It’s my small disadvantage, a self-imposed handicap.

Besides, if I did betray my code, there’s the awful chance the professor might say no - and that would **** me.

Lisa, on the other hand, wouldn’t actually have to charm. She’d ask about her grade, periodt. The teacher, seeing there’s something he or she could do for this goddess - would just do it. With no asking involved.

Imagine you’re an airline agent and Beyonce´ stepped up to your station. She has a little problem you could effortlessly fix with a click of your mouse. Would you, do it? Hells-yes you would and before she even asked. “It’s already done,” you’d say - just to have Queen Bey smile at you.

The rest of us have to work at it (sigh) - and take our chances..
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Temerity: "a foolhardy contempt for danger”

periodt - an absolute period - there’s nothing else.
It's always a casual see you later,
  then somehow you leave forever.
  I see your obit on google and wish
  I'd reached out when I still could.
  Here's to our shared misery and joy
  sharing secrets and keeping them.
  Here's to ******* pants laughter
  and a broke piece you left in me.
john p green Oct 2015
Chew on that! How proverbial
Once you taste that grit
Finally opening those eyes
And finally laughing
Was it merely hit or miss
****! You certainly did
This time you missed
Does this merritt a wish?
Or simply goodbye to taste
Yeah! You know the flavor
Goes on and on
Till reality cups your lips
And washes it away
100PaigesShort Apr 2015
I see a netted drape
Over my mouth
And a knotted one
Over my occipital

A breath of fresh air,
Still finds its way south;
To give no relief
As my ***** drawls.

I'm a southern girl,
So south you ain't south anymo',
The same as my health,
Downed like a Merritt Island Iced Tea.

(For those of you unknowing,
MI is were addicts go to retire,
and our teas are more green than the dragon)

For vainglory we go
Buzzed and slow

I did so well,
despite red in the bowl
over and over
I just saw roses

On my long nails,
under my eyelids,
in my nostrils,
Unnoticeably pale.

The pain makes me pass,
outer than cattle
In the Atlantic, you still won't find them.

If I count like a toddler,
why can't he?

He strangles my ears,
Slaps my eyes,
clenches my stomach,
hurts my hands, my arms, my spine, my legs, my face, my jaw,
And still they don't listen.

I can't blame them much.
Though I said many word,
The passion didn't seem right.
Wrong to the right people,
Screamed to the able,
Signed to the deaf.

No one has done anything horrible to me.
Nobody but me.

Sure, I have problems with my mind
Like most of you here
(otherwise we wouldn't be writers,
though I am of a differemt [boring] breed)

But that's not what's killing me.
My body is shutting down,
And I wish that was metaphorical.
Or that it would hurry up and finish.
Cedric McClester Mar 2022
By: Cedric McClester

Jussie Smollett
You’re innocent I bet
If only in your own mind
But you should regret
Making us upset
Just because you’re inclined
To prevaricate
About that alleged crime of hate

Despite all your chatter
The truth of the matter
Definitely needs to be mentioned
You clearly were seeking attention
The story you conceived
Is hard to be believed
Because it defies convention
And causes nothing but dissension

You did a week
And are out as I speak
While awaiting your appeal
But for a moment let’s be real
You’re gonna find
That your appeal will be declined
Based on lack of merritt
You’re lucky a judge agreed to hear it

But you won’t relent
And take your punishment
Because you think you’re an exception
You’re practicing self-deception
Consider what it took
In order to close the book
See thirty months isn’t that bad
You’re lucky that’s all you had

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021.  All rights reserved.
Maddy Jul 2022
Let's hope it isn't our last one
Merritt Garland when you recover from surgery and all is well
Please do what needs to be done
No need to spell it out but rhymes with Dump
He and his cast of characters are not above the law

It's always a casual see you later,
  then somehow you leave forever.
  I see your obit on google and wish
  I'd reached out when I still could.
  Here's to our shared misery and joy
  sharing secrets and keeping them.
  Here's to ******* pants laughter
  and a broke piece you left inside.
Neville Johnson Sep 2018
The stars of Dan and Merritt shine bright
Amidst fine friends and family
How fortunate we are to share these special moments
For this is what life is all about
The love we’re meant to see
These two lovers
Now weren’t they meant to be?

This is a celebration unlike any other
They have volunteered to make the world a better place
May they grow old together
May they have a grand old time
With much mirth and joy
Shooting for sublime
Welcome to our family
As we join with thine
Gord Dec 2020
Looking at you now
Seeing the candlelight flicker off your body
As if it were dancing shadows
I cannot think of anything that I have ever seen
That is more beautiful
You fill my soul, you mezmorize me
Numb my mind
tranquillize my senses
I will love you if you will let me
My passion re-ignites
with each look you send me
Like sparks to dry tinder
My soul is chaste and wanting
My love is pure and untainted
My spirit is undaunted
Lead and I shall follow
Lift me and I shall walk beside you
Ask and I shall carry you
Pushing my feet deeper into the sands
But only the weight of your indecision shall burden me
For your love makes me light
One set of footprints is the sign of two walking as one
And your body shall warm and strengthen me
You give me life and reason
You energize my soul
You are mine
Even though you stand alone in the shadows
As the candles dance

Gordon Merritt
Cedric McClester Jun 2019
By: Cedric McClester

We’ve elected
An African-American president, he said
When right from day one
He declared him dead
Like the restorative justice
They’re moving ahead
To provide reparations
And put slavery to bed

While it’s true
That we’ve fought a Civil War
That in itself
Doesn’t even the score
Nor do the bills passed
That we can’t ignore
The remnants of slavery
Has still left us poor

150 years and slavery
Has passed
So why reparations, now
You well might ask
When you’ve reaped the benefits
Of that checkered past
It’s about time
That we place you on blast

Mitch McConnell is
The last one who should talk
When Merritt Garland’s nomination
He chose to block
To place a conservative
On the Supreme Court dock
Even someone
That the public could mock

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Gord Dec 2020
Think of every love song
that ever touched your heart
Put them down on paper
and select the sweetest parts
Put them all together
with the perfect melody
And still they couldn't start to say
the things you mean to me

For words are only words my love
and words could never say
The way you make me feel inside
That very special way
Mere words just lack the emphasis
They only say a part
of the love that I am holding
So deep within my heart

I guess I'm really saying this
to make you realize
I'm feeling something deep inside
of monumental size
It's taken much too long
for me to say right from the start
That it would take a million love songs
to say what's in my heart

Gordon Merritt
Delton Peele Nov 2021
Can't stand
quick people
Jump to love then
Take a fake offense
Comment which was actually meant to be a compliment.
I just
love that.
Like the other day
2 and a half weeks&11
Short days ago.
Someone said they
feel like my words were
Full of ambiguity .
Instead of responding
And said
"It's so hard for me to lie to you.
That's what makes this
So difficult for me to say.
"I appreciate you and furthermore
Value your little constructs .
Thank you so much.

I don't know how to feel about that!
And quite frankly my friend.
Statement is without Merritt
And the fact
That it doesn't matter is irrelevant.
I'm not ambiguous
I'm ambivalent....
Atleast I'm pretty sure I am.
And ya
Ya know
I wouldn't be a liar if I told you
I think
So when I speak

I have a habit
Of being overtly descriptive,
Painting the picture with explicitly vivid depiction the subject just slightly out of focus so as to draw the listener in
And when they're in tune
I put them into the story .
Then I know there listening
Then I know hear me .
Then I know they understand me
Then I know they feel me.
The we peak together
And I
End abruptly.
And bounce ..
Wait for the phone call the next  morning.
When they say
Hey I'm sorry I fell asleep .I didn't hear the end to you're story.

So here it
Is .

Gord Dec 2020
I sat and watched the stars tonight
They burned so hot and shone so bright
Reminded me of your sweet love
and lifted me so high above
I sat and watched the angels sing
And saw you there with your new wings
you sang a sweet sad lullaby
It made me smile, then made me cry
Then back to earth too soon I came
Twas Bittersweet, to hear your name
on Angels voices high above
Sent back to earth without your love
I sat and watched the stars tonight
they burned so hot and shone so bright
But I touched heaven for a while
And I shall dream of you and smile...
Gord Merritt...
Gord Dec 2020
A new song I wrote titled "it all ends in why?"
There are times when I miss you
There are times when I cry
There are times when I I'm lonely
and times when I lie
And say I don't love you
Though I don't know why
I aint fooling noone
Though god knows I try.
There are days when I'm sunny
There are days when I rain
There are days when the storms come
again and again
I guess it just pride dear
that helps me hold on
And stop me from dying
or going insane.
There are days when I'm lonely
There are days I am blue
There are days when I'm happy
Just thinking of you
There are days when I'm alright
and there are days that I try
But the days that I miss you
all end in Why?
Verse two
There are people who like me
and people who don't
There are people who love me
But there's one who just won't
There are people who know me
and know I'm a fake
Every time that I smile (at you)
they can hear my heart break
There are times when I wake up
and times when I sleep
but the last one is harder
cause my ache is too deep
But when I do sleep nights
what I try not to do
I try not to dream
Cause It's always of you
There are days when I'm lonely
There are days I am blue
There are days when I'm happy
Just thinking of you
There are days when I'm alright
and there are days that I try
But the days that I miss you
all end in Why?
Gord Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
As long as men have eyes
There will be someone to adore you
For the beauty of your face is
like the setting sun as it kisses the water
on a warm summer night

As long as men have ears
There will be music in the world
For to hear your smiling voice is to
hear the skylarks sing
in the early morn of spring

As long as men have bodies
there will be longing for your touch
And aching need that borders lust
and rivals cool summer breezes
on a hot summer day

As long as men have hearts
There will be hearts broken
For you are sweet as sorrow
As you wear your beauty inside your heart
and not as a shallow mask for vanity’s glory

As long as men have life
There will be a will to live
For to be in your presence is to bask
the light of heaven’s grace on earth
and want not for ethereal gifts until time is past

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
If she knew, if she could see me
There would be such a reverie
If she knew, if she could see me
Then her heart could fly free
For she would never want
and she would never need
And she would never cry except for me
If she knew, she could so fly so high
and touch the stars way up in the sky
if she knew if she could see me
Then her heart could fly free
And she would laugh and she would sing
and would not want for any thing
and she would never cry oooh no...
unless she cried for me

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
Sometimes the most beautiful stars are not the ones that shine the brightest. They are ones that always shine in the distance and help you find your way...
Gord Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
I want to lay you down upon my bed
To make you shiver with delight
as I lay my mouth upon you
To taste the sweetness of your love
To savor your response
like fine wine
I want to be your connoisseur
to taste your passion
To me you are just desserts, like maple honey
sweet and flowing

Feel my touch… want me… need me
All I ask of you is your bliss
Throw away your reservations
and open yourself to me
I will fill you
with my desire
I will fill you
make you want more
inch by inch, kiss by kiss
hour by hour
Passion, fiery droplets of molten love

The miracle of this night
is that it will not end
And as the night turns into day
I will again drink of your love
Needing it,
Wanting its sting on my lips

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
If ever I held you again. If fate would be so kind
I would not forget to love you for even one second
I would not look past one second to the next
I would not lose one precious second
For seconds lead to minutes and then hours and then into days.
I wasted too many seconds not holding you
I wasted too many minutes not taking you in
I wasted too many hours not loving you,
No...I would not waste even one second.
I have spent too many seconds, too many minutes
Too many hours, days, months and years... thinking of you
Loving you... wanting you back in my arms.
And I will spend the rest of eternity
A second at a time
Just dreaming of your touch.
And if I could hold you one more time
If fate would be so kind... I would make each second
Last a lifetime.

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
i took my love out walking
along the river Rhine
i gave my love a picnic
of camembert and wine
i read my love a poem
her head upon my knee
i sang my love a sonnet
beneath the shady tree

i gave my love a flower
a budding rose of white
i gave my love a warm embrace
and held her o so tight
i gave my love a token
a simple band of gold
i gave my love my open heart
for her to have and hold

i gave my love a promise
of my eternal love
i gave my love a wish I sent
to all the stars above
and in return my love she gave
a simple loving kiss
and that was all it took for me
to want to do all this

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
Lips quiver
softly trail
butterfly kisses
ever wanting
sleepless dreams
don’t say a word
kiss me

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
Tis sad, words to far and distant to be heard
Sentiment of a bygone era, to faint to hear but for the chosen few
Too few now to be counted and I fear too soon gone.

A brushed cheek, a flushed cheek and one heart skips a beat
Hand to cheek means nothing now but to those who capture hearts
and to those whos hearts need capture...

Hair in my face, a perfumes trace to speed the beat of a lonely heart
Touch of a hand, nape of neck and the lobe of an ear to lighty bite
Too subtle for these times but

Desire is a lost art, want is a lost need... to fast we speed
and loose the charm and fervor of lust... for want is the seed of love,
and seeds need time to grow.

Gord Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
wrapped in a silken cocoon
Oh how I await the beauty that emerges
when the silken cocoon is shed
Glorious in her new finery
Angelic beauty
Tender as the petals of a rose
Fragile as a snowflake
to melt at my touch
Like cool water
wet on my tongue
Sating my thirst
An oasis in this desert prison
I will drink of her love
Gorge myself on the fruit of her passion
fulfill my hunger
Cool myself in the shade of her being
And, as the night turns into day
I shall again feel the heat
The fire of need in my soul
The memory of her touch
The longing for the night
And the silken cocoon

Gordon Merritt
Jack R Fehlmann Mar 2021
For those that care
This IS Me

Imperfect, but breathing
Often approaching things
In my own way, I set the speed

I forget an awful lot
Even the important things
Names and faces, birthdays
Where ever I put down that doohicky

I'm drawn to bright and...

I talk over out of enthusiasm
For any topic I hold interest in
Not only is this rude it's unintended

If I am quiet, nodding
Possibly listening, I'm honestly off
On an inward tangent
Or straining my focus to not be
That would be rude,
I'm trying

I am not great at serious
I joke, I laugh, I enjoy it

I'm not easily swayed
But I am open minded
I simply choose the BS I find
Stinks less and holds merritt

I am mid age body
Old fashioned
Black and white sitcom
Never gonna happen
Yet I hold out hopeful

My life is a gift three occasions
Crash, cliff, shot and missed
I guess I'm not done yet.

Anywho, this is Me
Being transparent.
Gord Dec 2020
As the night calls you
Sun near gone and all light fading
Heat of the waning sun has past
and yields to the pallid moon

In darkness comes the lust of night
and trepidation fades
Howling comes my desire and righteous need
and with it your raven hair and burning eyes
To tear my indecision away

Oh Raven
As the night calls you
And bares your breast to my sinful tongue
to feed my needful want and leave me sated
and yet unfulfilled and ere wanting
The nectar of your womanhood

As the night calls you
I am yours so to possess
And yet you see me not as yet
My age perhaps is beyond you lustful thought

But Raven
As the night calls you
My sin is to feed my eyes on you
and ere to slake my need and desire
My mind takes hold of you in the dimness
And I love you yet again

Gordon Merritt
Gord Dec 2020
If I could dream a thousand dreams
And make each one come true
I would not dream of distant lands
Or calm lagoons of blue

I would not dream of diamonds
Or other precious gems
Of chalets in the Swiss Alps
Or villas on the Thames

I would not dream of riches
Of silver or of gold
Or dream of lasting youth
And never growing old

If I could dream a thousand dreams
And make each one come true
I’d only need the first one
The one I have of you

Gordon Merritt

— The End —