Dear new guy,
Tomorrow is a big day
Not because it's Mother's Day
It's also her day
Today might be a emotional marathon
She might text you back immediately
She might text you back hours later
There will be no in between
Whatever you do don't play this game
I don't care how tired you are
Get up and surprise her with a breakfast date
When you get there she may be stubborn
She might tell you that she needs to put on some makeup
Don't let her
Lie if you have to and tell her that you have a reservation
Tell her she doesn't have time to get all dressed up
Now you guys are at breakfast
Keep the conversation light and fun
Try your hardest to push the conversation away from negativity
Make her laugh
She may not laugh but don't worry
You are making her day
All you have to do is stare into her eyes
Stare into her eyes and make her feel like she
Is the only girl in the world
Then take a trip to the park
Let her hair flow in the wind
While you dance with her heart
Hold her hand
Just talk about life with an excitement that cant be matched
Then invite her over and have a few drinks with your mom
She may surprise your mom with a gift
She's just that type of person
Whatever you do don't try anything crazy
Just be there for her
That's how you will win her heart
Sincerely your biggest fan,
Alexander Leino
A date that I planned our a long time ago too bad it won't happen.