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Vivien Feb 2010
Headlights, you are beautiful
I do plan to slip into you
Over you and through you

You enchant me like the sunrise
That I may never see
And the flowers that my loved ones
Will never leave for me

Sirens, you are maddening lovely
More as treacherous damsels
Than the klaxons you are

I can't hear you singing
But I know you're not far
Composing your serenade
Over the wreck of my car
Edward Coles Sep 2012
The sound of silence
So frequently documented
Resides in my bones.

My restless brain sleeps.
Saved from the wretchedness
Of one million sounds.

And I let myself write.

The din of a stadium
Full of klaxons and canned laughter
Is now but an echo
And it is just Nina and I.

I can stare endlessly out of the window
And not be asked why.
I can sit stubbornly with my mouth taped shut
And not be asked why.
I can sit and strum
Out of time and out of key
And not be asked why.

And I let myself write.

A scattering a books and a half-made bed.
A cooling mug of tea.
I am laid bare afore the eyes of nobody
The fool of the romantics, and the jester of the ghosts.

And I sit here and just sit.
Twitching my lips along the grooves of these words
Stumbling over them in a soundless whisper.

And I let myself write.

This sound of silence,
So fleetingly fair
Will last just moments.

The chimes will soon sound
And one million yawns
Will tremble in the throats of others.

So for now,
I let myself write.
chimaera Aug 2014
the bridge deck.

In the back of my neck,
that feeling:
to be bursting out
of a howling whirling womb

and to come to life
for the first time.

A sudden silence
cloaks klaxons and brakes.
In the metallic height
hang together
- ghosts
weaving a iron web.

I forget them.
The water below
a craddlesong

and the riverbank
again is the wild freshness
of green and blue,
frontier undisclosed.

The tunnel lies ahead
to bury my sight

and it sips me
back into the
immured swirl,
colourful masquerade
of lit agony.
Been obsessed with this title; love bridges, never been in Brooklyn, though.
To blow away the cobwebs she
threw hand grenades to soldiers,
who in turn fed chocolate dollars
to the starving and the war torn
and the symbols of their faiths
fell into several debts of decay.

Today was just a normal kind of day.

When the klaxons warned of danger and
the peace keepers,redundant,set to make
loose chains of roses, with which they'd
hang all the invaders
and the chocolate dollars melted in
the fireball that was evening
to the sound of distant thunder as the
day departed heaving,
grieving widows
sitting all alone.
Foxgopher Apr 2019
When it arrived
No man can say.
It may have been here
Since the beginning,
Waiting to be discovered.

Now it sits, studied,
Watched by the world.
Black and reflective,
With the occasional ripple
Running across the surface.

It's purpose is unclear.
For all it does,
All it has ever done,
Is float there.
Slowly spinning on its axis.

Smooth to the touch,
Not warm, not cold.
Its atomic and chemical
Structures are unidentified.
The cube is a mystery.

Sirens wail,
Klaxons flash in warning.
We watch with bated breath.
What does it mean?
A fragment lies on the floor.
aurora kastanias Feb 2018
Praising silence delusional pagans
interpret perception of finite senses
fabricating concepts outlawed by reality,
as sounds audible and imperceptible

travel through mediums elastic and viscous,
eardrums capture peculiar waves of pressure
whilst bodies distinguish pulsating tremors.
What a prodigy! The auditory privilege

aural ability to hear, billows crashing
on shores, winds blow through crispy leaves
of ancient trees, where enamoured nightingales
sing, mating tunes humans reproduce.

Deepening breaths and sighs, musical
compositions voicing instruments while
vocal chords intone words that bring us closer,
exchange ideas, bequeath stories of verities.

Yet, increasing volumes may disrupt
fragile minds eager to listen, in a society
creating noises of its own to fill the voids
left by melodies unheard, disregarded

to the benefit of klaxons, traffic jams, alarms,
frantic rolling stock, people shouting
offenses, constructors drilling to insanity,
and if you listen carefully, energy stream

through electric wires an incessant hum
to which we are clumsily attuned. Our silence,
all but silent, ridded of the rest we could hear,
eyes bat, air flow gently into our lungs, blood

run through our veins, heart beat to a rhythm,
synapses sparkle thoughts impossible to hush,
internal heat engender emotions, flickering
sensations roar. Seducing silence only purpose,

perceive the entirety of all
the universal melodies unheard.
On silence
Tim Jordan Jul 2019
As I remember it I sat alone as a stone
somewhere out near Pleiades
and on nights when I felt quite human
I could squint my eyes into the distance
and remember something akin to earth.
Klaxons blared and lurched me alive again
and my ship rumbled underneath me,
already leaning into the Event
like a dog on a leash just too short of his bone
and as I remember things,
and I often remember them differently,
the leathery hands of some goddess I loved
encircled my ship and cradled my heart,
then whispered, "I love you. I'm sorry.
it's time to die."
Then one finger twitched
the leash was cut
and we were off to the races, son.

When we passed the Horizon,
I always thought it would be blue,
the singularity of the pain
pressed white hot kisses down my spine
and I looked for the drip but we were way before that now
so I closed my eyes and let it all go
and gave up everything to those swinging hips
and dead, brown eyes

Out the other side I found myself
s t r e t c h e d
thinner than a rose
my feet were in Omega
when she kissed me on the nose

That is why we're here, sun,
where it all looks the same.
Are we the ones who differ
No one doubts that we're to blame

The war is over and there is a tail on the son
The war is over
but I am waiting
in pieces on the floor
les klaxons et la circulation assourdissante
l’humidité et la pollution, la brume aveuglante
les banlieues de la mégalopole

une nouvelle fois, encore
toujours étourdie de la veille
en sursaut je me réveille

longue chevelure, noire et ébouriffée
s’en échappe un certain pouvoir
indescriptible, j’en suis esclave

elle ferait taire la ville si elle le voulait
elle purifierais l'air si elle le voulait

comme elle a purifié mon âme

la nuit passée.

oui, elle a de l'aura

car non, je n'étais pas seule encore
hier en rentrant à l’appartement

les cocktails ont fait de moi leur
une énième fois

ainsi que sa séduction asiatique

ainsi ce matin elle et moi sommes nues
au-dessus des draps
son bras posé sur moi,
sa main sur mon sein droit
et cette chevelure dominante
que j'en suis intimidée


en outre, ses lèvres rouges de la veille
pulpeuses de par sa naissance
rouge à lèvres séché sur l’oreiller
je saisirais sa mâchoire et je les embrasserais

comme on l’a si bien fait, hier
aux heures les plus sombres de la journées

avant qu'elle ne parte,
que je ne sache la retenir

et qu’elle ne redevienne
cette prédatrice venue de l'indochine.
le 24 octobre 2022
Big Virge Nov 2020
Like Reggie DONE SAY...
It's Time For Some ACTION... !!!

The Use of... “ Wordplay “..
To Stand AGAINST Factions...

Political And Criminal...
By Use of Verse That's CRITICAL...
of Actions MORE Despicable...

Than Visuals In...
... " Unthinkable "... !!!!

TORTUROUS Methods...
By Those NOT As CLEVER...
As Those With VENDETTAS...
That Leave BOMBS In Letters... !!!!!!

Actions That SADDEN... !!!
When Infractions Happen...
It's Time For MORE Actions...  

That DO NOT FEED Sadness... !!!!!
Like Heads Being... “Captured”...
By... Radical Captors...

But In Truth Who Are They... !?!
Who The... Media Name... ?

DON'T Let Them Confuse... !!!
Take Time USE Your Brain... !!!

Like They INTERROGATE... !!!

And Contras Engaged By The US of A... !!!

Nicaraguan PAIN Was Americas' GAIN...
From Carter to Reagan Their Actions REMAIN...
Like Arms In Iran And C.I.A... Aims...

Their Actions Have Claimed...
MORE Murders Than SHANE...
Because Just Like Cowboys...
They Choose To Employ... !!!

Their FAVOURITE Envoy... !?!

Which Has PROVEN To BE...
How They Employ Police.... !!!
Whose Actions INDEED...
Lead To YES BRUTAL Scenes... !!!

Are Warranted PLEASE... !!!!!

Their Warrants Are WORTHLESS...
As Is Their Main Purpose...

To “ Protect and Serve “...
It Seems They PREFER...

To Act Like INSURGENTS....
Protectors Who HURT US...
And Make People NERVOUS... !!!!!

Their Rebel Should... “ Sekkle’ “...
And PUT DOWN That Metal.... !!!

INSTEAD Use Their MENTAL... !!!
When Their Job Gets STRESSFUL... !!!

And ACT MORE Like Generals...
Who Have The Credentials...
To Serve And Be Helpful
Instead of... Judgemental....

YES Actions Are NEEDED... !!!!
To KEEP People Breathing...
Instead of Just BLEEDING...

'Til Their Life Has....
.... NO MEANING.... !!!!!

This Verse Is An ACTION...
of Acts By... ASSASSINS...

Who HOLD ON To Badges...
That CLEAR Their Infractions...
When Court Cases Happen...

It's Time For The People...
To Now... MOBILISE...

That... "Hides Behind Doors"...
of... Leaders and Boards...

of Those Who Outsource...
Young People To WARS...


By Those Who They CLAIM...
Are Sent To... PLACATE...

And Put Peace In Place...
With GUNS On Their Waist... ?!?

Well I'd Rather Factor...
Wise Verse And Good Grammar...

And Use Them Like KLAXONS.....

For... POSITIVE...

...... " ACTION "...... !!!!!!
Poetemkin May 2021
Awakened and
Awash with life, a soul
Abandoned amid artificial

Blinded by beauty best beheld
Beneath bold bastions of
Blazing silence. Craze

Cacophonies collide and
Congeal, coagulate and
Cluster—melting, not unlike
Neapolitan ice cream.

Durst the dwindling
Darkness dance its
Deathly defenstration? Ought it
To belay its night?

Evening ekes ever closer,
Edging; even seeking most to
Elevate eternity to its
End. Out with it. Time
Is not your pet!

Forward, faithful fowls of
Fancy: feast on flesh
For which you came!
Find a farewell fully

Get a grip on grime
Galore! Go, you gawdy
Grateful gyre; gone is all
Glory and rhyme. Now to
Exculpate a *****:

He's the hero herewith, and
Helping hide his horrid
Histr'y is the hill you have to

I, interloping idiot, I
Itch to irk some innocent
Ilk. I, the

**** ****** jankly onward
Just to justify juiced minds.
Jury, you must spew a verdict!
Judge you must sentence
This crime.

Klaxons blare that kegs are
Key to this
Kiss, but not to fool
Keen kind of

Limitations let me
Lie here looking like
Life left me lame.
Lots of lazy lack of

Made my music
Mainly maim. Most
Men motion more for

No one needs to
Name their cause;
Nothing will. Notice now,
What is northward,

Only our obliging airs
Often offered on the
Order of the oligarchic

Prosper we, politely posting?
Positing our prescient claim?
Passing not the prophet's muster,
Put we not ourselves to

Quickly! Question who is
Questing quietly beyond the pale:
Quoth the raven quixotic chaos
Quite outside the

Range? Really, rouse the
Raspy rooster, rising sun a
Ruse too rare:
Rafting in on rising

Stallions stride the earth
So bare. Sing the song,
Six pence so-called,
Still the cost of
Love riebald.

Touch the tangled
Truths which dangle
Tantalizingly close to there;
Take the taudry lesson

Unleash hell upon the masses,
Unsuspecting users will delight,
Until all the unlit gases
Usher forth into our

Valor vests its
Vanquished victims with
Vociferous applause. Asking
Very little of them—just a life for a
Just cause!

War will wake the
wasting weapons wildly
Whet with wonderous

X, the spot is marked e-
xactly where was this

Yesterday young warriors
Yelled out yearning for
Years they have lost
Yeeting sinners into
Their graves.

Zoom! At Zion
Zealot's rage is launching—
Zero zest for living love—
Zoo-like, all the world is watching; all the world,
And that above.
Big Virge Sep 2021
The Manipulation Equation...
Deals In Mass Subjugation... !!!

From Using Inflation...
To Subjugate Nations...
To Submit To What’s Feeble...

That Now Have Been Stationed...

To Keep People QUIET...
And Plans For Environments...

Are Those That TAKE HOLD...
And Take Peoples' SOULS... !!!

Through Manipulation...
It’s Subtle But BLATANT... !!!

Like Hiding The Truth...
Right Out In The OPEN... !!!

So That They Confuse...
And Leave People BROKEN... !!!
And USED Just Like TOKENS... !!!

They Deal In Race Bating...
And Stirring Up HATRED...
To... Des-table Races...

The Equation Is CLEVER...
And Uses Trendsetters...
To Set NEW AGENDAS... !!!

From Gender To Senders...
of New World VENDETTAS...

Like Depopulation...
Is What Some Are Saying... !?!

But Is That The TRUTH...
If No-One Has PROOF... ?!?

Confusion Now Rules...
Like Those Who Abuse...

By... Manipulating...
To Keep People Fooled...
Into Following Suits...
That Lead To ABUSE... !!!!

Instead of Impeachment’s...
of Leaders Deceiving...

Who Are NOT The FEW...
There Seem To Be MANY...
Who Clearly Are Ready...
To Make Things Unsteady...
By Feeding Untruths...

That Helps Plans They’re Making...
Become Variations...
of Manipulation Equations... !!!

From Actors To Factors...
Dividing New Factions...
Now Sounding Like Klaxons...
About Whose Live Matter... !!!

While Lives Are Deprived...
And Then Left To SHATTER...
By Use of... *** - ides...
That Are Placed On Folks Platters...

of... Incorrect Data... !!!

That Cause... ARGUMENTS...

While They Advance Tech...
That Spreads Like The Net...
Can Create Dominions...
That Will Set Conditions...
For Modern Day Living...

While Digital Business...
Leaves Poor People Sinking...

If They Are Not Linking...
To... Internet Visions... !!!

Replacement of Cash...
So That Peoples' Finance...
Is Controlled And Tracked...

Folks Should THINK About THAT...
BEFORE They Are Left...
In A World That’s CASHLESS... !!!

Can Leave Their Lives VACANT...
Through Cash DEPRAVATION... !!!

And Then Debt Collation...
Will Deal In Mass Placement...

Because of EQUATIONS...

That Keep People SCARED...
And Eventually SNARED...
In A World Populated...
By Those VACCINATED... !!!

And Of Course Propaganda...
Is Used To Fuel ANGER... !!!

By Those Who Command Us...
As If They’re Our Handlers... ?!?

Bureaucrats And Diplomats...
Who Manipulate Facts...
To Set Up Their Plans...
To Control Foreign Lands...

With Reach That’s FAR Ranging...
From... ****** Relations...
To Games Youth Are Playing...
On Console Playstations... !!!

Equations Are STACKED...
To Now Log And Track...
Like People Who Hack...

These Heads Also Hang...
With VIOLENT Gangs...
Who Are Used To ABUSE...
Non Compliant Crews... !!!

Don’t Get It Confused...
They Manipulate News...
As Well As Bedrooms...

To VIOLATE And Manipulate...

And Then Shake And Bake...
To Take Down The Names...
Who WON'T Play The Games...
That They Like To Dictate...
In The Way That They Say... !!!

The Game of DICTATING...
Through Sly Orchestrations...
That Now CONTROL Nations...
In... Foreign Locations... !!!

It’s One That Is DANGEROUS...
Cos To Them... NOTHING’s Sacred …
And This is Now BLATANT... !!!

So It’s The One That I’m Now Naming...


... “ The Manipulation Equation “...
There are many equations, that deal in the art of human manipulation !

— The End —