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solenn fresnay Mar 2012
A Odessa je suis morte un matin d’octobre
Si je devais revivre je voudrais être psychopathe et brûler des maisons
Non, surtout pas ça
C’est effroyable de savoir écrire, même juste un peu.

                                                               ­               …/…

Fermer les yeux
Ne plus penser
Mourir demain
Il faudrait que je meure demain
Mais vraiment, je veux dire
Me pendre au cerisier
M'étouffer avec le noyau d'une cerise
N'importe quoi
Trouver un truc
Mais mourir demain
Pour justifier ma raison d’être
Simplement poser mon stylo
Sur cette jolie place ensoleillée je vous ai regardé
Vous lisiez les yeux fermés


Pour justifier ma raison d’écrire
Simplement m’envoler
Ne plus avoir à me justifier
Etre juste un peu plus simple
Continuer l’errance à Odessa
Devenir transparente
La peau sur les os
Pourquoi elle
Pourquoi moi

Dans le fond
Je ne suis pas bien différente de vous
Je n'avais rien à écrire
Je n'ai rien à te dire
De ma vie tu ne sais rien
Et si je dois mourir demain
Tu découvriras alors peut-être
Je dis bien peut-être

Et si tu lis ces lignes demain
Tu comprendras alors peut-être
Je dis bien peut-être

A Odessa cet après-midi
Je n'ai fait que vous regarder
Peut-être aurais-je dû m'y poser

Je travaille pour survivre
Je vis pour écrire
J’écris comme je respire
Le souffle coupé
Je tombe.
Puisque je dois mourir demain
Juste fermer les yeux
M’éclater la tête contre le radiateur

A Odessa cet après-midi
Je n'ai fait que vous regarder
Un jeu dangereux qui se joue uniquement à la première personne.

A Odessa cet après-midi
Nous avions rendez-vous
Tu n'aurais jamais dû venir, maman.
Terry O'Leary Oct 2014
The spider Queen, aloofly vain!
She rules a silent ruthless reign,
with black-bead eyes like pearls of rain
that damp the depths of her demesne.
A spider spins, with nimble feet,
a sticky web of grim deceit
that drapes the corners, dark, discreet,
in catacombs of her retreat.

Her jointed legs (in number, eight)
traverse the threads with stilted gait,
but often more she'll lie in wait
within the hub of her estate.

Shy spiders live their lives alone
ensconced within a silky throne;
unless a transient guest comes flown,
their lives bide empty, monotone.
Well, now and then, a sullen breeze
may twitch the toils, begin to tease –
yet nothing's caught and nothing pleas,
so patience's bid  at times like these.

But then again, when stars ignite,
may maunder by a gnat, by night,
be taught a dance, a writhing rite,
within a lace of death, wrapped tight.

Sometimes a spider's in the mood
and waits awhile, whilst being wooed –
and then, to later feed her brood,
the widow slays her mate for food.

In time a spider dies, 'tis true,
bequeathing but a residue
entwined, devoid of retinue,
in fibers decked in silver dew.
One asks "What purpose serves the GNAT –
to feed and make the spider fat?
Well, 'tis perchance just naught but that
within a mindless habitat.
"Yet, what's the aim?” you may inquire,
“at the heart of MAN's desire.
To which goals should WE aspire
reaching high and reaching higher?"

We've, through the ages, left the mire,
trundling wheels and taming fire,
doing deeds that must inspire,
nursing needy, calming crier, …

Such things as these, most may admire:
          - placid dove and war defier
            (some are bolder, some are shyer)
          - patience (mess-up mollifier);

          - humankind (Life's justifier)
          - charity (charmed self-denier)
          - tolerance (proud pacifier )
          - love of Life (folk unifier).

What more could we, as flesh, require?
Needless kneeling neath the spire?
Childish chanting in the choir?
Preaching hell's impending pyre?

No, Death's the only rectifier,
comes the instant we expire,
nothing after, sentience prior.

So, treasure Life and don't deny Her.
"if not the gnat,
the gnat is naught..."

Hmmm... wonder what that means...
Homunculus Oct 2015
Learn to recognize lies, while they stand at
Their podiums, and proselytize,
Like so many Sunday preachers,
You can see it in their eyes, and
Their shifty ****** features, though
Their words seem sincere,
Their subtle cues, serve as
Teachers of their inner intent, so
Don't forget your diligence, and
Let them **** your dissent, with
Empty promises and rhetoric, to
Fill your head with lies about,
How war is for the betterment, of
Nations abroad, the sentiment
Is laughable, the premise is a fraud.
Cause when it all boils down, and
When push comes to shove,
Democracy has grass roots, it's
Not imposed from above, and
At the end of the day, money is
The factor prime, it's the secret
Justifier for this terroristic crime,
First, they bombed Iraqi cities,
In a trial of "Shock and Awe"
That killed even more civilians,
Than what 9/11 saw, and
Once the cities were demolished,
Halliburton then rebuilt them, and
Reaped enormous profits,
To the tune of 40 billion, and
Among other things, in this
"Just" war's spoils, were
The underground oceans,
Flowing full of crude oil, and
We all fund these atrocities,
These lies, these hypocrisies, well
If you decide this ain't the type,
Of thing that you can stand for,
Write "exempt" on line 7, of your W-4
Aside from the W-4 approach, you can also refuse a token amount of any monetary sum on tax form 1040, be it $5 as a symbolic gesture, or a larger amount equivalent to the share of income tax that funds defense/military . Note that if you actually do this, the IRS will try to retaliate. Don't let them intimidate you, people are rarely arrested for low profile tax offenses. There is an establishment called the "War Resisters League" that has been active in the States for over half a century. Their website is an excellent resource for strategies and  guidelines for those whose consciences will no longer allow them to be complicit with this sort of behavior. Please consider this, and spread the message far and wide. If enough people did this on a given year, it would make a powerful statement.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2014
My Curator

I can't remember,
what I can't remember

new items arrive daily.
name of the restaurant,
where I ate dinner
last night

the name of the movie show
I saw last week,
the last place my glasses
went looking for me,
lucky me, only one key,
hanging around my neck,
easy peasy,
just trying to find which apartment
it's for

I can't remember,
what I can't remember

the first poem ever wrote,
the first poem ever loved,
written conceived while I ever wept,
found some old ones and thought
hey, that kid is pretty good

I can't remember,
what I can't remember
when and how I knew,
what now you know
as well

what matters this, little

quote the kids,
last week is well,
so last week
or even better,

yesterday, last week, last year
have all merged,
old men drivers, riding in the slow lane,
where the speed limit signs are reminders
go faster, keep up

the memory surplus, surfeit,
now purged, forfeit,
fear of droning,
my inspirations
grown decrepit,
forces desperate,
less than adequate creativity,  
trying to pour poems Beaujolais,
before they can age,
decant, evaporate,
poisoned by oxygenation
sour turning, stupid smiling,
cause I know you from someplace,
are you a clear and present danger?

I remember plenty
of glimpses and snatchery.,
but the incoming data flow
has strained my 50's circuitry.
these memories, onboarded
now a single product
of a mass hatchery,
all eggs are indistinguishable,
therefore they exist,
therefore I was once

electronic calendar
keeps my schedule,
thus my native personality
type A,
kept in line,
the pills work,
from time to time

so I am
where I was supposed to be,
a necessary
but insufficient conditionality,
pour justifier mon existence

the mission critical stuff,
the weave, the sensibility,
the collections of sensations
of another's hand
on my back as I write,
declining, felt their dying,
having arrived at the
skinny part of the tail
of the normal curve
of natural ability

alas,  alack,
too many poems dying stillborn

I have newly employed
a curator

sadly he (she?) will not
cure me,
nor save my soul,
tho he wears
a collar of white
around his neck,
and a stethoscope
over one wing,
a recorder on the other

his wage dear,
sold him my best jewels

Paying costly
for my Ponzi scheme
of reusing
words previously employed,
deeded ownership of the accidental newbies,
the old ones in the sewing box,
both now his property,
but at least, saved.

I cannot write
the name of what stands between  
you and I,
tween tip of tongue
and visions of past,
but future visions, pace taken,
they will survive
should they arrive again

you reader, you are
a familiar face

are you not my

My Curator?

10:45 AM
Sept. 3rd, 2012
Labor  Day
He who doesn't work, works **** or just can't commit
He homeless
He an affair and a **** good fix
****** with a tendency to show underwhelming ****
Twisted into nicety by such anger at the human, the wants
Good at *** when in love
One of my best mates like
Dyslexic thick ****
A problem
Step child and real life son, grandson always, always, grandson
eldest unappreciated, underestimated, paranioder? Paranoidist.
One of the needers of therapists
Panicked by past
Fractured by future
A depressive, doesn't drink, do drudgery like drugs
A fearfull mess mummy's boy
Fathered less
A letdownshowoff
Anxious, ex husband, probable poofter, please Goddot, please, let he be a cheater  
A ex punk, definite *****, pushover, almost poet
So easily hurt, yet never hurts
My love one. (Cary you Guardian)
Too damed romantic
Cant read but by gosh buys books
artistic, Autistic, an idiot and just another bad student
Little Boy
Unable to be alone and not a good flatmate
Justifier of the almighty grey areas,
The cheated...

the Strong willed.
Ginsberg made me do it
I Was The Warrior,
You're Protector,
The Justifier.

I Was A Mere Puppet,
A Side Piece To Your Show,
I Was Nothing.

You Showed Me Everything,
But Only The Thing's I Needed To Know,
So Misinformed.

I Was Easy,
You Knew Which Button's To Press,
I Feel So Cheated.

I Asked You Why,
Why Did You Do This To Me,
Why Would You Do This To Me?

Your Response,
So Cool,
So Easy,
Because I Could.....
Desire Apr 2022
healed the sick,
helped the hopeless and helpless,
freed the oppressed and possessed,
and forgave, of sinners, their sin.

taught truth; made miracles;
saved souls; scoured sin;
daringly died; defeated death;
radically rose; returned to life.
Alive, he ate, and showed his face;
Five-hundred eyewitnesses - there was
no debate.

ascended to Heaven;
and is approaching again;
This Divine-Manifest, God-become-flesh;
This Ransom-Redeemer, sacrificial Savior;
This Risen-Rescuer; eternally crowned
Creator-King; rightly reigning; readily returning;
This living and loving Lord; caring and compassionate Counselor; justly, Justifier and Judge;

This is… Jesus…
Elizabeth Nov 2018
his sword
his power
my protector, defender, justifier.
his touch
his kindness
how gracious, steadfast, compassionate.
his beauty
his knowledge
such wonder, holiness, infinity.
Cedric McClester Nov 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Conclusion no collusion
Kellyanne Conway said
Confusion and illusion
Or so her cue cards read
Liar truth denier
She’s always been instead
A reliable justifier
While moving their agenda ahead

Hickory dickory Dock
I can’t help but to mock
The way she made her point
By clouding up the joint
Where there’s smoke there’s fire
Nine times out of ten
And it’s my desire
That the church just say amen!

She’s been branded a liar
On The Morning Joe
Therefore, on their airways
She’s not allowed to go
Because she’s not reliable
And they’ve told her so
That fact is undeniable
Even when the news is slow

Now her reputation
Is on the chopping blocks
Everywhere that is
With the exception of FOX
Who gives her an audience
And listens as she talks
To this reoccurring character
In the funnies on Boondocks

Cedric McClester, Copyright  © 2019.  All rights reserved.

— The End —