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In the aftermath
Of a very hot bath
Sylvia Plath
Used to re-read
Katherine Mansfield stories
Until she felt
A little bit snory.

Whilst Ted Hughes -
After he'd imbued
The cool waters of
A shower for an hour -
Would watch Jackanory
Till he felt Hunky Dory
Then listen to Aladdin Sane
To bring him back to
The real world again.

Watch That Man!
Yenson Nov 2018
The Cons fed no rations...hahaha

The house breaking Burglars are Chris, Joan, Tom and Kelly
Ably assisted by Jim and Cindy, the black and white *******
who broke up their families, move in together, to **** each other
Life's too short, forget abandoned spouses, what the hell, ok
Then there's Linda, who's had three husbands in ten years
all leaving after a while, leaving her with two kids
to look after, what a palaver, where's a true lover
These ******* ****, use and take then do a runner
Her trust in ******* men ruined to pieces and no nookie

All dysfunctional lives, full of pain, angry at the world
Yes we're in Limehouse, but do we have to **** sour juice
They're all seeking to vent, seeking revenge for their miseries
Look that couple upstairs, always bright, styled like Vogue
neat and tidy, full of laughter, going places, yuppie cts
See quiet husband, walks like Bowie, with a kin of **** swagger
And the wife so cute and petite, drives the shiny Red Mini
He ***** her every night, I hear them, I tell you
Their skins glows, shines like the sun, too happy by half

Chris the Scot married to strife and bother
The criminal life is such wahala, police here and there
its hide and seek, no money, no nookie, no nothing
Well OK, there's Tennants and Special Brew to drown the blues
****** hubby again in Wormwood Scrubs serving ******* Majesty
Tom ain't stealing as much as father, have to beg next door again
Joan is ******* and ain't making no money, now in the duff
only fifteen, by ******* Nobby, from the Young ******* Socialist Brigade, Kelly is also ******* and only twelve, what a life
Ahh ....  life on the Estate is life in *******

Listen you all, here's the deal, here's the number
Those ******* Happy couple at number fifteen
Why ain't them struggling like us all, where's the cushty
You don't see them carping, the ******* are loaded,
Them knobs have it all, smiling and laughing like *******
Let put some fire up their *****, let's teach them street life
Hears they think they are royalties, let tax their ****** *****
I'll be the lookout, you kick in the ****** doors
Liberate their valuables, we'll all have a party

******* Nora, the quiet man has blown a frigging gasket
Says he gonna tell all we are crooks, gonna evict us, the fool
Go get the posse, go put out a contract, a ****** for the jump
We are Eastenders, born by Bow bells, and we look after our own
How ****** dare the toffee nosed tory, says I should go get a job
as if, working for honest gain is our thing, ****** idiot
Yes mate, the boys are out, the contract is on
Let's see Jackanory tell us a bleeding story
Hero to Zero is now playing at Roman Street market

Break them up, mash  them down, ruin their lives
lets play 'trading Places, see how the c
ts feels
I already see cool man strung up. dangling on a rope
How dare they live happy and comfortable
two wages, car, dining out, new attire every day
Come on Jim, Cindy, Linda, all go get your mates
There's work to be done, no time to play
We are the TUC, that's Thieves United Confederation
And we've got the ******* Red Boys in the Team

It's down Tobacco road for Mr Tory, the bleeding ******
Ain't no more laughter, we'll put them in the gutter
Lie and slander, defame and harass, topple Saddam
Get the ******* Red mill going, its round Robin time
How's yer father,  no more mate, not ****** likely for a while
Yer only leg-over is gonna be legging it to the Social Security
Its Dole time, pain and miseries for you sunshine
Sing a song of hate, pariah on a roundabout
Yer marathon man now mate, come meet the Red Devils

Here, They need no ******* introduction
Lynn Hamilton Apr 2017
In no particular order:











Olivia Kent Jul 2015
Don't cry baby.
Your daddies gone off hunting.
He wants to get a trophy.
Just so you can see.
What a clever boy he's been!

Introduction to a child of everything that's  mean.
Daddy tell your little kid.
Of all the vile things you did.
Bet you can't, bet feel ashamed.
Of taking part in cruel sport and labelling it a game.

"Son, daddy fox is called a dog.
Mummy fox a *****.
Baby foxes little cubs soppy as a kitten"
A spot of education..
Hell  hounds have a job to do, apparently.
Together, language of us common folk will paint the sky bright blue.
***** story.
Written by the Tories.
For fox sake keep the ban.
Speak out loud while we still can!
Jo Nov 2019
New pen, same old story.
Children’s hour, Jackanory.
Binary one - Binary two.
You love me and I love you.
You’re an **** hole and I’m a fool.
You use me and I hate you.
Big Virge Jul 2021
Ya Know The Poetry Circuit’s....  
SURE GOT Some... EGOS... !!!

Or Maybe Some Poets...  
Shuv’ COC’ UP Their Nose... !?!  
**** That ISN’T Your AVERAGE PROSE... !!!!!

Oops... I’m NOT Britney...  
Or NEEDING The Crack Pipe...  
Like STUPID *** Whitney... !!!!!!  
I’m Feeling MORE LIKE...  
An ABO’ Lost in SYDNEY... !!!  
Now By This I Mean...  
That People Seem MEAN...    
Cos’ Praise Is Quite Rare...  
On The... “ Poetry Scene “... !!!
Maybe It’s MY SHEEN... ???
That Seems SO UNCLEAN...  
To Poets Who Look At Me...  
Like I’m... OBSCENE... !?!
OBSCENE In Appearance...  
OBSCENE In My Thoughts...  
OBSCENE Cos’ My Attitude...  
CANNOT BE Bought... !!!  
Some Like To... “ PERFORM “...  
But NEED TO Reform...  
And Get Back To The NORM... !!!
The NORM As In SEEING...  
That They Should Be HUMBLE...
Before They Find Somebody...  
..... Ready To RUMBLE..... !!!
And Then Their BIG EGO...  
While Meantime I Sit...  
Eating Grans’ Apple Crumble...  
Cos’ Lyrics I’m Writing...  
Keep BURSTING The Bubbles...  
That People Are... “Trapped In”...  
Causing Them TROUBLE... !!!!!
THESE Poetry PRO's... !!!  
Are SHOWING EGOS... !!!  
So I Hope Their EGOS...  
Are Earning Them Dough... !!!  
Cos Poetry’s ONE THING...  
But Earning’s ANOTHER... !!!!!  
Don’t Y’all Think It’s Time...  
For A... POETS Big Brother... ?!?  
Now I’m NOT James Brown...  
But... Ain’t That A Mother... !!!?!!!  
... Poetic EGOS...  
Living With One Another...  
The Poetry Circuit’s....  
... STILL Undercover....  
While RAPPERS Are Making...  
... SERIOUS Dollars... !!!!!!!  
It’s EGOS That’s Hurting...  
The Poetry Scene... !!!  
But Craig Charles Has Shown...  
It’s NOT JUST..... “ A Dream “.....  
A Poet Can Make Himself....  
Cash... RECITING... !!!  
And If You’ve Got PRESENCE...  
Acting’s The Next Thing... !!!  
Well Acting Is Nice.....  
But I Want A BIG SLICE...  
of Pie That Tastes BETTER...  
Than... “ Basmati Rice “... !!!!!!  
OKAY That’s NOT PIE... !!!
But Here’s Mud In Your Eye...  
For Poets With EGOS...  
Who Tell Themselves LIES... !!!!!  
“I’m really a star,
in the Poetry Scene !”  
“OK, yeah that’s great !  
Keep washing my car !  
If you do a good job,  
I’ll give you five stars !”  
See That’s Just A Story...  
But AIN’T... “ Jackanory “... !!!  
I’m Just Showing You...  
I’m TRYING To Give Out....  
..... POSITIVE Vibes..... !!!  
Where Poets REVIVE Our Will To SURVIVE  .......  
With Poetic JUSTICE That RISES ABOVE...  
Individuals Who SHOW...  
They’re Willing To BLOW... !!!  
A NEW POET................... Off...  
Who They DON’T EVEN Know... ?!?  
So THIS Goes To show...  
My Poetic Flow...  
Is Built On HUMILITY...  
... NOT MY....  
... “ EGO “...
They run far and wide in the artistic scenes of the world, but man, do some poets really have, UNNECESSARILY BIG Ones !!!
and so we add to our story
sometimes a bit 'Jackanory'
it's real.

they say that the truth is the deal
until someone steals it away and
genetically alters it and then
the truth is what they say.

Tired now and how
this day has been tough
not enough hours
can't relax
because the powers that be
won't let me.
work, work, work, a ****** workhorse is what I am, but home now and all is well, well not well with world but well, well is a four letter word.

— The End —