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Ariel Leann Feb 2014
A stab in the chest,
A puncture to the  heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart

This is how I have been living,
This is my pain,
Darling, This is only the beginning,
I am on a high speed train

Not a single tear to shed,
Not a single heart to be broken,
I am better off dead,
This can be your token

You put me through hell,
You had it your way,
I am no longer under your spell,
I no longer have to stay

A stab in the chest,
A puncture of the heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart

A pure inncocent life,
You corrupted with hate,
This is how I will survive,
I guess you can call it fate

I took all the pain I can endeavor,
I put your insults at bay,
My heart is now severed,
I have nothing left to say

Look into my eyes,
Tell me you believe,
Do not speak your lies,
Its time for me to leave

A stab in the chest,
A puncture of the heart,
I seek internal rest,
Because you tore me apart
Kennedy Woodard Jan 2016
My Phone explodes with text after text
People wondering who and what's next
What party is that? Who's boyfriends is this?
An destructive illusion of bliss
Be careful for you might miss
The noises, the voices, creating a cacophony of choices
Hang with them, joke about serious things
But all this fake ******* brings
Is plastered smiles and fake laughter
But no one knows what goes on after,
After I leave the party, the hang out, the game , school
I close my bedroom door and the tears began to pool
I can't keep up
But i can't give in
Because then my mind wins
And it is a dangerous game
For the mind cannot be tamed
It is wild, thoughts running free
Over and over engulfing me
In bubble Of doubt and self loathe
The sadness becoming my cloths
wrapping me up, all nice and tight
I won't put up a fight
So I relish in my loneliness with delight
It is there where I can rest
No texts, no parties, no tests
Nothing can touch me but my emptiness
And though it be sad
It really isn't bad
Because i don't have to wear a mask
Force laughter
Fake a smile
I think I'll stay here for a while
This is what happens when your mind gets to tired and broken
Listen to these words I have spoken
Bipolar, depression, and anxiety ****
They cannot be fixed by just taking a pill
Kids, adults, and teenagers need to be to educated about these things
And what we can bring
To the table of ideas and research
It is absurd
To think that these things are a "phase"
It's time we call it what it is
Not inncocent
Or pretty
But harsh and gritty
It is more than a thing, it is a condition
And I am a witness of this
Pandemic of Mental Illness

By Kennedy Grace Woodard
Simpleton May 2014
Young lady
I wonder if you are aware
And I hope you're inncocent
But in this latest
Fashion craze
Of translucent leggings
Worn as pants
I can see your underwear
Young lady
I wonder if you know
You've taken the make-up
One step too far
And painted yourself
A clown face
Young lady
Those eyelashes
Coated on
Look like
Spider legs
Far too long
And the padding around
Your derriere
Are you wearing a *****
Unbalanced on those
Spikes called heels
So when you topple over
I'm not surprised
My dear
Your hair truly is
A nest perched on your head
Stick out your chest
Like a puffin puffing with pride
A peacock strutting its feathers
Yours are the multi-coloured talons
Fish lips
And a pink tongue hanging out
Just like a dog
Deep breath in
And assets pushed together
Time for a selfie
In the bathroom mirror
Young lady
There was a time
When dresses reached the knees
And camel toes did not exist
Blouses were buttoned
And modesty was dear
Chivalry was alive
And a rosy tinge of blush
Was the sweetest thing
That is all it took for attraction
To blossom
Trish Jul 2018
Right arrow goes left
Balance became unbalanced
Both eyes got blinded
Hearts unsatisfied
Worries starts to arise
Mouths covered by someone's hands

Tears fell like a heavy rain
Screams that sounds like a siren
Guns of hatred and anger surrounded--
Covered by the fear and lost feeling
As the eyes of greed and revenge
Inncocent people suddenly got affected

In every scream and fight for right--
Is heard like a wind flows in their ears
As they became blind and continue what they have done
Dead pilled up like mountains
Blood spread like oceans
Humanity and Justice went downhill

Grounds have shaken us to wake up
From the reality that we used to believe in
Hopes of others have shattered like ashes
People have been brainwashed by them
Prayers of each religions and unity
As we strive for humanity and justice for each of us
(This poem was inspired after reading some news about crime and issues about EJK and Fight against Drugs
jeffrey conyers Mar 2013
Too the fool that drink and drive.
Get help.
Obviously you're not obilivious to the people that dies.
And the many families that cries.

Too the fool that abusive to a woman.
Seek help.
What man you must be to hurt one?
Who's more weak in strength?

Too the politicians that lies for votes.
Get a conscious.
Truth will be exposed.
But people are so gullible.

To the men or women that cheats.
Give it up.
It only creates more violence.
And leaves a bad experience.

To the parents that don't love their kids enough.
Reach out.
Many hugs are about.
You'll be surprised, the way they will come back.

To the rich folks in society.
Make a difference.
You have the wealth to do it.
Just put your heart into it.

To the gang members of males.
Give it up.
There come a time when you will meet the Grim Reaper.
And that's your future trouble.

To the judge that sits upon the bench.
Use common sense.
Just because the jury says guilty.
Realize there are some inncocent ones behind bars.

To the parents that have done their very best.
Realize God knows this.
He recognizes your worth to society.

To the gun owners that cry foul.
Did you cry at the death of an innocent child?
When guns ws behind his death.
Or cry about gun ownership protection as a collection.

To the poets that brings words to life.
Write on.
Creativity is the very best of truth.
It shows that creative side of you.

Once more.
To the fools that never seems to learn.
Time's running out.
You've better turn your life around.
It's sad to be six feet down and friends wish you had.
Saif May 2018

There was this inncocent little soul
I wouldn't say a boy or a girl
All it longed for was happiness and happiness was it's only goal.

In childhood it ran behind the ball and jumped over fences
In highschool went to ball and enjoyed the lovely dances.

Traveled the world, met different souls, married and had children.

Never could it find happiness as all these were just joyful events,

As it went through albums over and over
Alas, found the true solution.

Ran back home and dived into the lap of it's MOTHER!!
love your mother

— The End —