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Remnants of firecrackers litter parkgrass, splitting seams once encasing them;
exposed twine ribs attached, stretched out beneath shade like sunken reliquiae
dashed against the earth, as freedom is, withered paper husks abound.
What explosions in the sky were heard
above the quietus of patient submission?
Tracing the dotted white clouds to our horizon with thread and colored cloth,
held breath until nighttime, expelling then
-- as wind does each languishing puff of smoke--
from our lungs, sordid smells of Summer; vanquishing the past.
Isolating each other, like memories on kodak prints
we separately cling to that sleek filmy acquaintanceship of proximity and hue
-- disavowed pariahs and hearts lit anew.
Fused inside one sallow skull-box, which doubled once for holding shoes, we linger.
Ideas, impulses and infringements on the eye, until-- once--
bound, unbroken, encased and unspoken,
our ribs unwind with dew-- after,
unstitching seams outlined from heaven and inundating visions with brightness
we descend.
Violent fumes of childhood intercede amidst our shaking fuses lit.
--and BANG!
hi dudes and past livers

i can’t go to the carols in the domain because of some stupid reason

because of what i did which is in the past, and i am not planning to be a terrorist

or anything, i am just going to wave my candle and enjoy it, and i have every right to do that

youtube has changed now, and it takes a long time to upload stuff on youtube, so i don’t do it

i really think that people are living in the past with me, and that drives me crazy, i don’t want to be a terrorist

and anyone who calls me a terrorist, please don’t, i haven’t been plotting to **** people, in  fact i am a nice person

i have every right to wave my candle and sing the carols, WHY CAN’T PEOPLE EXCEPT THIS

i am not a hooligan, i am a family person, i go to the carols with family and enjoy, but this country

is a pack of past livers who don’t care about family people like me

you see, what i can’t except, is why can’t you just say stop emailing rather than leading me on

i am not going to the domain concert, it’s better to watch that on TV or youtube anyway

but you have no right to kick me out of the stage “88 carols because you are reading the stories

and judging me, i am not a terrorist, i am a fun loving guy, who loves to wave the candle and sing carols

and i deserve to be treated with respect, for christs sake, it’s a free event, and i am not causing problems for anyone

i will promise not to take videos of kids, i will just listen to the carols, i really think what i write has nothing to do me being bad

i am just writing stuff out of me, i think the conservos in sydney are a bunch of idiots, who just want to judge the poor people like me

i think they are gutless too because they pick on me at my venerable stages of my life, when all i want is enjoy these events and have fun

in my defense, i never knew i was filming a girl till someone pointed it out to me, and i didn’t put that on youtube because she looked like

she was worried, see i have a heart and i have a soul, i believe in buddhism but i love to wave my candle at carol events, other people take videos

so why pick on me, especially when i know that singing carols and waving the candle is all i want to do, just tell me not to take videos or photos

rather than kick me out of an event for what is said online, i was feeling great yesterday as i sang my christmas carols into photo booth instead of

youtube, so i don’t get any copyright infringements, i am a person, and not an animal, ok, i deserve respect, dudes

i prefer to be treated like just another family person going to the carols to enjoy the music, rather than being chucked out for what i say online

yeah, i feel great singing christmas carols at the carols by candlelight, and i enjoy it, i realise my poems might not be christian enough but

that is because nobody is giving me a go to read stories, stephen king writes evil stories, should he get banned from the carols, probably not

but either should i, i am causing no problems at the carols, so give me a break ok
Ella Gwen May 2015
I've added up those infringements
stumped them safe, sleeping on dewed grass,
notches burnt on pain of others past to
flare to light in the light of future true.

Goodnight sweet princes, please let
me abandon you soft in this dark
I want to move without your strictures
to seek valleys again crossed with blue.

Numbers lament from my touch but this
I know to be true, it is not my turn to
dance in the ditches, but I would set fire to
dawn to seek sweet signal of your hue.
Eriko May 2015
I feel those stares
gnarly infringements  
a flash of photograph
a creaking doorway
a breathless hallway

I swear I feel those stares
hidden under staircases
creeping around corners
kneeling under tabletops

I press my hand into my eyes
so I can't see anymore

there are eyes everywhere
but only those of my consciousness
a doorway here, a path there
an unmarked territory
a charity to my soul
thank you, my body
for allowing to remain me
Jay Bryant Jul 2013
The love i give to her. Once again i think of her
If only she of thought of me, I wonder if she thinks of me?
More than bruised by my past, cut deep. Tho, I know this love is placed deeper within her.
I envision her not just in my future, but happily living with her until the end that’s forever.
Finding myself presently wishing she was present with me. Or that her presence was abundant in present day and time.
Previously my days were spent wishing i had more time with the girl I was previously with.
Feelings for that girl were prevalent in my heart, but they didn't help the mend cracks at all.
Tho, she looked past the fractures and fought to find how to mend my broken heart.
Ripping past infractions and infringements pitting me against her clean out of me.
How these thoughts of her entreat me, tho, I won't let myself be defeated.
Time strives to lead me away from her to break my devotion to her.
I will not abdicate my rights to her, so I endeavor and think of her.
If only time would past so I could meet her and forget my past.
Meet my future so I can my abandon my past.
I know if I meet her this love will last.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
the european concern, these days, is to utilise words: without an allahu akbar conviction... how certain is this: hollowing-out of language... before a meaning of life is attested, it's the truancy of meaning in language that's worth being investigated... how pulverising is this: hollowing out of words... and whichever word might denote ethnic antagonism: i utilise as shallow ventures, drowning face-down in a puddle... that's not me: about to start a ku klux manifesto... these days it's really about excuses... how best to excuse oneself from the fact that: we think we're living in a village (given the internet), but in fact: this metropolis, gargantuan, is choking us... on the daily basis of being congested, constipated: in a commute. me? sometimes itchy for a verbal-diarrhoea.*

it was an experimental procedure....
            in south wales, Glasbury,
i was the sole white boy
   sitting with the Cadbury crew...
subsequent reasoning follows:
        what are the boundaries of language,
and what's the standard etiquette?
   a reaction, i guess:
   people at s.o.a.s. saying you shouldn't
read Kant.
            and if language can't cushion
if language can't cushion violence...

  and if language is subjected to the many
internet little hitlers and snowflakes...
             i might just be sued for
copyright infringements when i use any
word of my liking...
sooner or later it'll all look a bit like:
  the A to Z... with © before every word.
               language is supposed to cushion violence...
        if this motto is disavowed...
             alt-right neo-con
                  and when my ethnicity was
compared to rats...
                                i'd like to hear jazz from
auschwitz... or the blues...
                     or rap, for that matter...
  are cruel as it sounds, there was no extermination
     procedure with the blacks in america...
someone evidently spoke of basketball
breakdance  and all that african cool...
                       now we can say: african-american,
             shame we can't say mohawk the same way...
culinary problems...
        the reds didn't use enough spices
         and craft the taj mahal broth...
                   and if my ancestors were a bunch of
                 no wonder news outlets speak of
  premature depression among the post-colonial
     children of this hue.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
don't like me,
don't love me,
don't subscribe to me...
none of my material...
don't add comments
to any of my work,
to give me added
   make copyright
copy, paste,
send via email...
keep your head, low...
i mean... low...
i once was called a rat...
but you know?
the same categorization,
at rats...
       i'm asking for these
bonkers ***** to leave
me drinking habits alone...
don't like me,
don't heart my content,
don't follow me...
don't subscribe to me...
i want... NIL exposure...
don't even comment
on the work...
           zilch... zip it...
504 error message
Ray ID: 44b800bc5d6535f6
  • 2018-08-17 00:26:20 UTC...
shut it up!
play the quote...
  of actinopterygii...
ambush predatory tactics...
   there is no darkness
before a dawn...
there's only, waiting...
i don't care for numbers,
break copyright infringements...
  me, even, being, remotely,
concerned about what
numbers i see on the other-side
of the original post...

          i'm not here for the numbers,
i'm here,
  for filling a blank pixel area
that would otherwise look
like a blank piece of paper!

i'm saying: ambush predatory
don't even think about...
paying compliments...
with statistical indicators,
prompt. data collection mechanisms...

none of it... hush!
   i'm giving you a copyright infringement
    i have left no copies
of this text within the confines
of a personal access copy...

   stay low, stay silent,
stay safe.
Anastasia Jan 28
Darkness will come.

All the infringements of suffering
that have broken our own selves

will unfold us

and we'll lay there naked and unveiled
in each-other's arms

as gold falls from the sky.
This poem is about the opening up of vulnerability in a relationship (darkness), and how it can have the most rewarding results (gold).
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2024
you hear it all the ****** time, esp in England, trying to live this Babylonian multiculturalism without polymaths in sight, this itchy term of justifying incremental infringements, islamophobia: as if terrorist attacks don't justify the phobia, as if i don't "suffer" the jokingly endearing arachnophobia... that i can't rationalise a fear, that is becoming more a stance from the position of tedium... oculus per oculus (eye for an eye): to reiterate with a (now) reinforced emphasis: why so Russophobic... why so serious? i don't understand the Russophobic vibes... the Russian are in a defensive mode... why wonder as to the reason for a why, the how has been blatantly obvious: to begin with.

Russian Russian not my friend,
***** ***** rusz Rusa...
róża - rose rose...
         rusz Rusa: move the rose...
if Nietzsche equated the Lachs
to the French of the Germanic world...

German neighbour
Rome's a neighbour...
more tanks in Poland than in
England, Germany, Italy,
France and Spain combined...

if the Polacks are the French
the Russians must be English
the Ukrainians Germans
and the Balkan tribulations
the Italian polyglot monstrosity
Yugols collectively...

such that when push comes to shove:
i wonder whether those
canons are aiming at Moscow
or whether... they might
suddenly turn toward Berlin...

so much for not feeling welcome
on the continent
bad neighbours...
siege of Vienna - before any
inclination of an Ottoman ***-lick

or is that somehow juvenile
to have a historical disposition
rather than the modern
journalistic jargon:
since when did journalism
outweigh the importance of
reading history?

why do journalists think they can
somehow overpower historians:
Heidegger was obsessed with
historiology -
again: when you get ****** in
the mouth by a **** amphetamine
while a drunk Russian comes
at you from behind...
never mind those УПА *******
in Ruthenia celebrating the ****
annexation of "my" land..

i'm asking a question: is a study of
history somehow juvenile:
holding onto this old qualms
and disputes?
while the rest of the populace
is lost to the altar of journalistic
malevolence and celeb-pleb culture?

not that i could ever:
but pan-Slavism 2.0? any takers?
out of necessity of asking a question:
as Heidegger (to reiterate)
would put it:
is something question-worthy?
is this question-worthy?

well if the blacks can do it...
celebrate it in London at a concert
by none other than...
Wizkid... if there can be a pan-Africanism
well... what am i entitled to:
as an Anglo-Slav?
the same shared history of the banality
of Anglo-Saxons who differentiate
their Roman history context
as having inherited what the Welsh
and the Picts were subjected to?

come to think of it: i too can play
identity politics -
and socialism worked...
as a one off special circumstance
for only an exclusive amount of time...
as a failsafe mechanism against
foreign investment
as a rebuilding economic model
that could be reiterated in Syria
as it was iterated in Poland
because: like **** did "we" get a whiff
of the Marshall Plan...
Switzerland and Sweden got a whiff
of it: yet... neutral(?)

but what if this is all a poker game?
as much as i had respect
for English society and still do...
certain influences from across the pond
are bothering me...
so un-European so uncivilised...
technically "we" could band together
but watching Islam do a stinker
in these:
what did Chamberlain say about
alluding to the profanity in Kendura:
"quarrel in a far away country,
between people of whom we know nothing..."

right... wow! with the empire
that stretched toward India
   and the current immigration climate...
    seems "we": your European neighbours are just
that... far far away... we know nothing
of the same script we write in...
might as well:

durka durka Muhammad jihad
right, the, ****, back at you!
well sooner or later you'll be glorifying Blahlah
with your ******* up in the air
for the massive deity **** *******:

are "we" Christians?
i thought that the Polacks were Catholics
as a joke... like the Italians are
Catholics as a joke...
weren't "we" the last defenders of
paganism in Europe?
Christianity spread to this continent
like a pain like a sloth
it had to be brought over by the Hebs
even now: 2000+ years later i'm
still not convinced - although i am
by the ingenious Heb reality...

durka durka bengali bud bud...
**** of the neck and twisting in *******
but ooh! Czechoslovakia: Rapunzel land!
i absolutely abhor this English
ignorance about the continent...
even grouping "us" as "eastern europe"...
for starters... "we" are CENTRAL
european... east is somehow a slur...
there's England France Germany blah blah
and that's distinctive:
but the rest of us are somehow
collectivised into the east...

         a Romanian is an Albanian etc
oh but don't mention the Greeks...
those ******* are Syrians...

so i ask: would there be a point of
invading a place already rife with its own
spastic liberalism?
or is this simply a taste of flexing
telling the other to shove that neoliberal
                        mantra up it's **** eclipse?

i might no like the Russians
but... push comes to shove...
                              better that than
a transgender hangover... so un-Hippocratic
so irresponsible!
neo-**** smiles at these chemical castrations:
all these western post-Victorian
social experiments...
and i'm not supposed to become
emotionally invested in any of this?
i'm not supposed to rely of emotions
from time to time?
       become a pacified buddhist *****?
become a lobotomised Christian?
not gravitate to my innate: unshakeable
ontological foundations -
                       my Darwinistic impulses?
i can't have my secular wants met
       because of some ninja bullies?!

i've inherited living through Joseph
and Adolph... maybe not personally:
and to think i would play it "sensible" now
is asking for moo but not the milk
from a cow.
Michael Marchese Mar 2021
Young and aware
Of what’s going on here
And you don’t want me telling
The world
I see clear
Through conspiracy theory
To blatant infringements,
Hear populist speech
As elitist enrichment
We get
That this globalized
Laundering scheme
Still comes at the expense
Of a kid’s right to dream
And with dignity,
Eat, play and love
Their identity
Deem what their destiny
Ought to be
Owed an apology
Long overdue
From the old leadership
Still afraid of the new
“And when our cubs grow, we’ll show you what war is good for”
  -“One Day as a Lion”, Zack de la Rocha
KG Aug 2020
Thinking thrashing thoughtless
Bubbles up, as if from the stinking pit
10 years, 2 years ago
2 nights of drunkenness
Keeps a warm light on past infringements.
So I sat on my delight
My delusion
My hopeful youth,
attending it's thousandth funeral
And hoping to fall in the pit this time
Inebriated and uncaring

— The End —