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Rexhep Morina Oct 2016
being in the darkness
that I was,
being isolated
inside these four walls,
left with only a mirror.
I kept looking
but saw nothing,
I kept searching,
but found nothing.
until I met you,
until your eyes coruscated,
iluminating my heart
the brightness was imense,
In years of darkness
my eyes werent used
to such light,
such beauty.
In the mirror
for the first time,
I saw my self,
in my self
I saw you,
in you
I saw love,
in your love
I saw my self,
in my self
I saw that love
existed within me,
within me
a part of you existed
and forever will.
dedicated to someone very special, someone very beautiful, someone who rejuvinated my life within me.
T Sep 2018
This pull that has a hold of me is intense.........just the thrill of it all is imense......this woman is my soulmate.....and is to her I gravitate
At times I did things wrong but my feelings they are so strong.....even if I wanted to which I never would something just pulls me back to her .....a sort of gravity...this love that I have is is the love we have for each thing I want  her and everyone to know if the gravity does one day cease ......always and forever we will be at peace
Its like the moon and the stars above......there is nothing like the sight of our love
So please let her know ......there is something that I must show .........she is the flame that ignites my heart .......and our love will last just like it has from the start
#somewhere up above there is a star that shines so bright.....forever and a day she will be my guiding light
Kara Sep 2014
Its usually happens during the day,
I will catch myself laughing,
radiating genuine joy instead of the usual fraudulent happiness.
I'll feel the relief wash over me like a wave,
carrying away every dark thought i've ever had.
Leaving me feeling weightless and euphoric.
And in that brief moment
I can finally see the rays on sunlight
shining through the murkey waters of my mind.
I will be overwhelmed at the concept
to have finally made it.
To finally see the significant beauty of life
through untainted eyes.

Yet at 2am,
when the worlds asleep and i'm all alone.
The only company being
my bedroom walls.
The air will begin to thicken in my lungs,
and I will forget how to breathe.
The silence will scream at me as the empty
walls start to close in.
I will feel the numbness sink in,
and it will consume me,
as I let the tears fall begin to fall.

I will cry for myself,
and i'll cry for everyone I love.
I will cry for the ones who betrayed me,
and for all the people I have betrayed.
I will cry because there is nothing
I can do to stop the feeling of nothingness
and imense sadness hit me
in these early hours.
Tearing away my sanity with it's
claw like nails.

And only in the early hours
will I curse myself for being so niave,
foolish to think I could ever
escape my mind.
To think that I was ever ok.
I have not been diagnosed with dysthymia, i just get sad sometimes.
Alex Sep 2019
Sworn to silence
a sacred oath
never spoke a word
exactly as told

disease ridden
death bound doctors are certain
waiting behind a red oak door
beholds the grim reaper lurking

6 decades & this vow not yet broken
dragging this imense burden
debates reveling all the unspoken
as if behind a red velvet curtian

decision to tell came much too late.
frantic gasps; hands tight on throat
contemplation actually decided fate
saliva & foam; not a single word said
unintelligible noises is all he had left
both man & secret
officially pronounced dead

Trying out something a little bit more professional. Thanks for reading!  Enjoy!
Rem-embers Nov 2015
Such temple is my skin
Blood fills me within
As a sprogg faintly bargaining
The rushing steel is to me akin

Suddenly I see
In the corner of these eyes of mine
Things I once believed
Considered now but a crime

The drops drip down
Warming the rain that falls
Compared to a mare with no mount
Free, imense, and whole

Such temple is my skin
Blood fills me within
As a sprogg happily bargaining
The rash steel is to me akin
Mar 20. 2015

— The End —