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Riz Mack Apr 2024
I sleep with the window open
so in the night
hope might float in
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
Dont recongnize me thats ok..Ill make you see,...
i dont do this for my name i do this so you see...
blinded eyed people im hopen that i can heal...
This is brialle that im writting hopen that you just feel...
Every word that Im saying even if you cant hear...
Sometimes to see u just need to shed a couple tears..
.dirt in your eyes distraction from whats ahead...
For He keeps you alive your the reasons why... He Bled..
im just a messenger, just another type sinner...
Writting in your Languge, Yeah the dude delivers...
So I open up my mouth, but Im not he who speaks...
For He gave me what to say, You just hear it in my speech...
So what is it aboout me, that makes you want to be like me??..
What you see is not me, i just need You to believe Thee...
Nienke Aug 2015
en vastgeroest verdriet
niemand ziet
het lam tussen de wolven
maar ver komt het niet
waar komt het vandaan
en waar is het geboren
of zit dat tussen haar oren
als er weer eens niemand is
het aftuigen van zelf
nog hopen op meer
lichamelijk zeer
een druppel wanhoop
gemengd met wantrouwen
en al gauw, de wanemmer verzoop
in eigen tranen
dan stromen het doet
en blijft stromen voor goed
diep in de nacht
wanneer er niemand op je wacht
behalve de ster achter de wolken
geen woorden maar daden
ja dat zal het zijn
maar het tegenbewijs valt klein
woorden onhoorbaar
een jongen die lacht
het vertrouwen ontkracht
een laatste afscheidsgroet
valt niet helemaal goed
als de duisternis nabij
zoals mijn geboorte
alleen en vrij
later zeer zelfstandig
maar nog geen procent als de rest
waarom ben ik zo anders
wat is er mis met mij, zo vrij
iedereen een ander perspectief
en ik begrijp het maar niet
ook al noemen ze mij lief
de wereld redden
met iedereen erin
heeft opeens weinig zin
als het verboden blijkt te zijn
slechts een eenzijdig spel
ach, het lam weet het nu wel
rennend in de ochtendzon
verscholen in een wolkenbed
de eerste straal licht
uit het zicht
uit het zicht van de wolven
waar anders heen
springend over steentjes
met sterke beentjes
alleen in de grote wei
waarin de stilte zo groot
haar hart stilletjes vergroot
zo ook de klap van pijn
de enorme val
zo jong al
de verhouding van zwaarte
en het verdragen
aan de andere kant het extreem behagen
dat is toch geen rechte lijn
maar slechts twee woorden mochten er zijn
in steen gekerfd, beroerd gepolijst
blijdschap en depressie
maar niets er tussen in
want dat had toch geen zin
voor iemand met sensitieve uitersten
bestaat geen middenin
toch levende in een wereld van het midden
zoek balans, het middelpunt
en *** men het haar ook gunt
ze was nu eenmaal als lam geboren
en niet als schaap..  (noch rund)

blind als een mol
gravend in de grond
het was haar eigen graf
waar ze uiteindelijk op stond
omringd door de vertrouwde pijn
vroeg zich af wel van haar te zijn
met borstkas gespleten door twee
het lam kreeg heimwee
stond half dood op
wachtend op één
met hart nog langzaam trekkend
de geur van aarde in vacht
wie had deze terugkomst ooit verwacht
en het worden van schaap
in wolfskleren
wilde zich immers niet bezeren
want moe het al was
met steen gevulde buik
de val nu slechts een kras
en wist niet eens meer wat de val was
de doorn(en) uit verleden
gestoken in vers vlees
al genoeg geleden
dus besloot nu gewoon ook wolvin
je bent een wolf, meisje
je bent een wolfmeisje
met het schaap
nog ergens binnenin
I wish i could just hit you with this writers block.. its the only solid thing that remains on my watch, besides the useless clock and you telling me to stop so i act not positive but only for the thought of my cause. turning rights into wrongs for the darkness is comfort, barrying my head in the dirt So i could think from down under. forgetting where thunder comes from i throw the block over my shoulder and continue to silently soldier my way threw this old curse of lost words.. I've never asked them why it hurts. Just continue to suffer hopen these verbs will work them selves out with an open stir from the colapse of my souls worth.. living dead i relapse on the feeling of hearing some critiqued work. So i write from another artists eyes, relizing the potential of my vocal instrument on a low pitch cure.  EARTHH BOUND
Everybody has these moments
C C Brossi Jul 2011
I wish, expect, and look forward to…
Word of unknown origin,
Thought to be of general Low Germanic origin
Suggestions abound
A connection with hop –
To offer leaps of expectation.
I shout:
Let it not be grounded and be transformed in
From Latin
De – without
Sperare – to hope
Last Arpeggios Jan 2015
Hologram (translated)

    Wary and full of hunger, we lie
    the rumor of Love
    with such haste
    for physicality,
    the urgency to embrace
    blurs our faces

    Reluctantly, we find
   there is truth in tenderness.
    But like former convicts
    unpracticed in honesty,
    we let it slip between the bars
    of doubt

    We’re not living we just
    and hope to touch something real.

Hologram (origineel)

Vol van leegte liegen we
het gerucht van liefde
met zo’n smacht
naar tastbaarheid,
gezichten vervaagd
door de haast
om te omhelzen

Doch aarzelend wanneer
dichtbij, de tederheid
glipt voorbij
aan deze voormalige gevangenen,
ongeoefend in eerlijkheid
tussen tralies van twijfel

Wij leven niet, wij zweven
en hopen
iets echts aan te raken
Rahel Aug 2019
Help me pick up the pieces so broken,
Its vicious shards cackling maliciously when trodden,
All I can do is wait and hopen,
My mind alert, my eyes wide-open.

For all those who are broken.
Daan Oct 2019
Aan het einde van de week
moet ik naar een evenement,
dat mij bij beslissen leek
leuk te worden. Je kent
het wel, niet iedereen
en je moet veel doen
alsof, acteren.
Die moed kan keren
want het was zo druk,
het was vermoeiend op het werk,
'k had niet veel geluk
in de les of in de kerk
om op te letten, bij te blijven,
goal te getten.
Helaas, ik heb al toegezegd,
mijn vat is op en ik wil slapen,
ik wil rusten, voldoening geven
aan mijn eigen lusten.

gezwegen en belegen, leven
alle mensen verder
en ben ik heel tevreden
dat ik nog net genoeg had
in dat vat om te zeggen
dat het enige wat ik wilde,
mezelf erbij neerleggen
en hopen dat jullie
er niet te zwaar aan tilden.
Nikki May 2020
Er zijn van die momenten waarop je wereld instort
De grond davert onder je voeten
De lucht wordt uit je longen gezogen
En het wordt zwart voor je ogen

Op die momenten besef je dat je alleen bent
in een wereld vol mensen,
dat iedereen vooruit gaat
terwijl jij vastzit
En met elke stap die je probeert te zetten,
vertel je jezelf dat je bent waar je moet zijn,
dat je daar thuishoort

Maar toch blijf je hopen
dat iemand voor je zal terugkeren,
je bij de hand neemt
en je vooruit trekt.

Maar elke dag zak je iets dieper in de grond
Tot je helemaal wordt opgeslokt
Nikki May 2020
Iedereen danst
de ruimte is gevuld met muziek
overal **** ik gelach
mensen omarmen elkaar
en hopen dat de muziek nooit stopt

In een hoekje van de zaal zit ik
Ik ben niet gekomen om te dansen
Maar waarom dan wel?
Misschien hoopte ik toch
dat iemand me ten dans zou vragen

Mijn gedachten worden onderbroken
door twee glasheldere ogen die me hoopvol aankijken
Een hand vraagt me om te dansen
en ik neem ze dankbaar vast
We dansen de hele avond
en de hele nacht
zelfs als de muziek stopt
laten we elkaar niet los

Maar plots begin je te vervagen
en word ik weggerukt
Ik word wakker
en het enige wat er nog van je overblijft
is een vage herinnering
en voeten die moe zijn van het dansen
Daan Jul 2020
Ik wou dat ik de visserskoning was
en elke vis kon vangen.
Ik wou dat ik kon lopen en pas
als anderen allang niet meer, m'n handdoek op moest hangen.

Kon ik maar wormen graven, verzamelen en verkopen,
was ik maar wereldkampioen in hopen.
Als ik kon zien in donker of glijden door de lucht,
gewoon slechts één talentje had, al was ik erdoor berucht,
dan zou ik eindelijk gelukkig zijn.

Van dat laatste is toch één ding waar
en neen het is niet dat van dat vliegen.
Ik ben de allerbeste
in mezelf beliegen.
achja, misschien in een volgend leven
Daan May 2019
Wij geloven dat de ringen,
die jullie om elkaars vinger
schoven, niet anders kunnen
dan een prachtige toekomst beloven.

Hartelijke felicitaties met
die wonderlijke dag en de komende dagen.
Mag ik me nu dan aan het bruidsboeket
gaan wagen?

Jullie hebben een heuse boot betreden,
denk eens, *** lang is het al geleden
dat jullie elkaar mochten ontmoeten
ondertussen, aan het altaar, groeten.

Wij wensen jullie de allermooiste dag
die ooit heeft mogen wezen
en hopen dat we later, met een lach,
nog vele fijne dagen in jullie leven samen lezen.
Ken Pepiton Jan 19
72 minutes rethinking a minutes worth used,
under obligation to prove my own worth
under certain dares once taken to trial...

Whistle while one thinks alone, whose tools
one uses
to amuse oneself, alone, walking
beamused Yeatseanly in sane state

slouching, toward the place of the skull,

wishing Mammonic economic persuasions
were less bitter.
Acquired tastes. As seen on crossclass telly.

Cold day old pizza
a functional supply o'coffee
press two buttons make two choices
type with one hand to slow thought

so you can tactile think qwerty clan, common
coding daemon inset early on, advantage,

we had appletalk by 1986 Space wars,
followed by some basic silicon beach brains

When they stopped building space shuttles
in Palmdale,
in that building so big it had weather in it.

Weather systems harness idle power
to make a real difference as a team,

mindsmeld, conjoined quarks organize

chirality and polarity we agree, all good,

not simple, but one step beyond, we find

sublime… explanations

patience… wish to know enough

To speak into the cosmic probability

Today we spent a minute choosing

Splurge, spend a minute,
praying at the shrine, leaving
evidence in light of life lived wishing.
Ask an honest old man, when
did he know the value of a minute,

and odds are good, he says he never did.

An hour's worth of entertainment now,
all attention paid, containers, vessles,

bottles and jugs and bowls, not a few,

fill from faith fed children's innocense,
art makes sacred secrets seem wejusknew
fret not, only believe, eventually, we know

it never was True that the Good God Jah,

cursed the curious nature of mankind 2.0.
You know, the globally propagated order
of knowing first things first, intuitively

******* wind and signaling life, eeelah,

wordless wonderful word-like noise,

I breathe and have being, love me please.

I do not want to be a mother,
I do not know how to,
I do not wish to,

but, most of the time, the probable

reason for being born, brings evidence,
reason with me, think and see, look
love, see
this way, ask why life is so hard, learn…
love to
become better by trial and correction,
straight between the points, not beside,
evil details chirality causes, left orders
right, right controls e
precision programmatic cascades bemuse
plural mindforms and Christian salt or sage
-- slow down we thunk too fast, we past
the point of no return, ever after learning

us, we, the reader's judging logos value adds,

word for word, one followed by another, two
then followed by ten which form whole true

paradigms of push and pull, and squeeze
and stretch, to mature, in time to serve,

the national good citizen informing press.

Watch, and become, beware war's profits,

cautiousness conspires with desire
to be cared for, to be comforted,
sidereally attuned to time's pace
for entire immediacy phases
of life
in flesh,
nothing inbetween the real thing idea
carnal mind developing along lines
of reason,
used when words developed stores
of ways, worth the effort to think
pastless points pure nous uses
to say this is that,
mine is mine, thine is not,

just then a thought, ugh, urges emergency,
encouraging urges
we can ask
our augmented intelligence storage system,
etymologically acting men'ally as if
is it possible… and, as it is
with loops that slip,
and knots that bind threads together,
winding and winding
strings twisted fibers into toys, first, once
stretching attention spans, in mindcraft once
some child down the DNA
from us, once
in a string looped
saw a pattern lacking logic,
from us, form sense,
information query code ?reload ¿? 96 tears
yen to squeeze gentle easily entreatable
why, two hands, no, nowhyspent
we know, we intuit. gnodjoy
knowhy builtin gnosnot j'use
Ai in the flesh, if one considers
sources for desires discernibly fine
enough, LONGFORM, acting point/.

As entropy decreases,
beauty increases.
As order forms cordage,
and cordage ropes,
think one edge
to tie toes to feet to ankles to leg to knee
to thigh…

hip bone to ladderly spine, modified by now,

as muses used to make reminders remain now,
line upon line no space letting lying mindleakers
we mostly all recall a string tied around a finger
to remember to turn in a permission slip,
-inhuana cuneiform buy one freethought
-in sense made with non chron ease, SYTF
to remember to put the money in the offering.

Because, if you took that money, once,
and used it to, for instance, see a movie,

let's use 1920, see, that little girl, is my Granny,

she was ten years old
in 1920,

she is tied to me today, in the merest of ways,
by means of memories, I choose, from many,

you can do this, as we both live and breathe, but

many times, while writing immediacy puts me
in the course through human events, at a point

whence I imagine you, strange as cousins
several ramifications back in time, divergent

ontologies, fractally evident truly uninique, you

and my words, shortly after, mere wisdom means

knowing how curiosity connects through dopamenergic

cascades of hope, hopen helping ease transition,

from striving to inspire, to aspiring from lowest

common factor, or set of mindable states, hunger

we share, the sense since Infancy lacking power

to take and think, all my needs are met
for awhile whiling a day away safe and warm

and globally connected to true myriad ways life
makes usable in plain text tech, direct mind life

loosening laxgnoshit re
al the details, subject, thrown under, standing
straight edged ray vectoring rules
for standing, mean each word,
make it worth the time to use it
breath wide we breath
strong and warrior proud, while peace is thought.
Why is vain, cosmic as is post JWST
at scale, who we may imagine we are,

as seen from some distant star, here we are,
this is us, we can imagine enjoying, the feel,

fingers on the home keys endless tickertapes
and backspacing nnnandgates, seconds called

wait a minute, freetime

tieing knots to petons you may assume exist.

Line upon line, quoted in my multinational soul,

Isaiah, reasoning, together carnal warfare
versus immaterial substances in sapience, being

peace, per se, peaceably, easy to treat familiar,

we feel the peace we let be, we do
or we don't.

Distraction, amusement, same same, we think
engulfed in bemusement enjoying our time
worth of a minute, multiplies into a life's worth,

ex amined, lived, mind active weform being,
crazy kind, calm, collected, right on upto
examined vitamin mental activation, right
perpendicular to gravity, immediacy, nothing
not touching vectorially directly at a quarter
no medium is the media, touch thought
turn toward the actual axial age
of technical enlightenment,
we make wisdom feelable
rising form, found shapend
in the shadow codes *** culture,
coagulation of ways and means to ends
curds and whey, Alte Vista spider, timeless code,

in effect, curioser and curioser, the edge
of ever,

in once
upon a time etchings used as lures,

did Blake make you believe Eve mother of evil?

Or did your infantile curiosity animate an etching?

Itching to recall if our credentials allow questioning?

If, this instance, once reading, again, recalling once

I knew knowledge and life as the best of things,
Wisdom, sheform spirit of life in the way things make

positionable behind pre-posed essential mind locked
beliefs, the fruit of the action, believe,

believed to be intuitive, perceived
receivable as externalities, tying hope prosperity,

to trunks filled with spiritual dread knots,

knitters and crochetier gnosisnot clots,
itching to be picked at… as if embodying,

the whole idea mankindness is in one sack.
One bubble
of all probability
on top
of recyclability, logos nous science
of all we believe
by now we may know,
by rote, rethinking a thousand heroic faces,

each posted publically, eventually evidence,
we did see that then and therefore take some

for what comes next… whoa, danger,

persist, the novel reader's mind set, peace,
no rush, a mellow pace, cloudy evening
no need to read the end, at this point.

Life in the flesh, the inside pitch
for all it's worth,

yeah, easily said, approaching

Augmented Intelligence Information

Use in an endeavor
to shake hands,
after the augmentations legal tech
pasted known known grown grew

on a query, what day is this really?

Day of Life Calculator… in the bubble
of all we know, we can leap to the answer
to an authorized query as to how many days
have I been in becoming me, the  memory?
- there can be ringing in our ears
- and humms from electricity
- we assignal mortal mindforms
Wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove?
Accepting peace as patience price, we pay

for knowing no just war ever was, honest man,
any honed over time and telling tumultuous times,

most finest edge
in imaginable peace space,
mental touch point immediacy, nada betwixt,

save stories we have
to stop
to think, we are a new way words work wonder
if we try
to weform reform whose peace works,

who can swear
to his own hurt, and admit it,
not worth it, lying
about truth forcing one to lie

or be so single minded as to lieve be a lie


you came to see in my reflections
through ghucking ****** time dime story worths,

to reach this page, so you could read it and think
it does not confirm nor can any deny, truths

used artfully con tu permisso, y'know'stru
to device this mecanical logic, code, demand,
under wecan me do
stand, from bottom mind, fundamental we,
word users framing bubbles

of all we know, abstractions from the remains
of total chaos, whence fears form the realms
sub con science
of below together mind science, we remain
creatures capable of choosing, choosing
to read already enough, wu wei
peace be thinkable easy way
go be, go do become what becomes
of the alienated mind set free from fretting…

complexity solves nothing, loose the tie,

the final fiction used to be the hero,
in this story, as we thunk, we thunk,

the marvel literacy involves the back story,
a minute at a time most days, decided
by the third we aware attempt
to leave the peace wider…
from the pop

Therefore, today, January 18, 2025, would be the 24,318th day of life for someone born on June 27, 1946.
mmmnnow that error stands exemplary proving,
GIGO, basic assistant intelligence requires proof,

if you plan to think this hard at twenty, is it easy?

WHY? Worthship metrication time's pace

what day of your life is today.
A we form constitutes common sense.
awe we think pitiful.
assumes my peace pervertible.
Per turbine windings loosed perturbib
le break,
just iusta thank, read…. ready on four

To determine what day
of his life today would be
for someone born
Day of Life Calculator
Worth on examination… vvondefool life
To determine what day
of his life today is f
or a person born
on June 27, 1948, we need
to calculate the total number
of days
from that date
to January 19, 2025. {
or today we may assume okeh
using relativity adjustments}

From June 27, 1948,
to June 27, 2024,
is a span -resource
ibid, said thought new
to this single twisted fiber
span examined life, insurance
relative to quantum chances met
as expected, at the intrance immediacy

once, with nnnand gates, is all we need.
Once in this span specifically this few, could be
any life's numbered days, taken today, with interest

revert to jello time,
tune to the time of day and consider
the lucifity in signalling in the night, here am I
in evers found between those same phasesims
there are 76 years.
Among these, 19 years are leap years
(1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024),
and the remaining 57 years
are common years.
Therefore, the total number
of days worth what ever this guy put in
76 \times 365 + 19 = 27740 + 19 = 27759 \text{ days}

From June 27, 2024, to January 19, 2025, we need to count the days in each month:
- June 27, 2024, to June 30, 2024: 3 days
- July 2024: 31 days
- August 2024: 31 days
- September 2024: 30 days
- October 2024: 31 days
- November 2024: 30 days
- December 2024: 31 days
- January 1, 2025, to January 19, 2025: 19 days

Adding these up:
3 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 19 = 206 \text{ days}

Therefore, the total number of days from June 27, 1948, to January 19, 2025, is:
27759 + 206 = 27965 \text{ days}

So, today, January 19, 2025, is the 27965th day of the life of a person born on June 27, 1948.
was I a conception, let us take a chance,
Hemingway secret, how did she get pregnant,
there is no pyschenumbing hornyteen ok scene
an apprehension, me wishing to live in these days

a probable cause, intending
to attempt a making
of a thought that engulfs peace as you believe,
peace on earth really oughta feel, right,
¿before it make sense  
   to turn quest mode on
    going in to a series accent
of yen yanking fractalling thangs
the class or ways life has made thinkable these days,

we imagine, uploading, but not
wait, when quest mode stops
>? too much to ask… worth
for very long days
these days, news
eefeed fee free we flee
engulfing us informs times taken when recollected,

ever bigger bubbles
of what we think we may be,
quasi redeemable idle words, needing reading
taking may, in a certain mindform common sense,
I may read and rephrase formal mortal mindspace
experience recorded using human complexity sense

weform the conceptual tools we use to make sense.

Ah, then we post, to prove. today  a curios
whim from 1946, led to the unmentionable act,
indescribable, but to the mature mind, thirty years

past the blast doors blown off Ernie's brains.
Comments please
Daan Feb 10
De borstel was smaller dan verhoopt.
Hopen werd verwachten en dan eisen.
Ge hebt thuis liggen wat ge koopt.
Nu moogt ge uzelf er terug uit hijsen.
Los het maar op is veel gezegd,
begin maar te harken, net voldoende.

— The End —