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Could you forward 4*4 clouds and
encode Base16 into heavenly lotus pond?
Would it all be ancient calculus to tell us a wise story?
If you stand at the crossroads -
A crank must come up...
Just cigarette smoke
And a quarter in his
There were many stories,
How to waste yourself on trifles.
Let a kopeck worth a ruble
Or even thirty-three...
At the peak of this torture:
"So finally – to be or not to be?"
What life has given in abundance,
Can’t you sell it costly?
Any person has something,
And something is missing.
When we float to iCloud Hexadecimal coding pond
No brain — no gain.
No more Hexadecimal fun encoding base track.
Aren’t we a true universe hexadecimal poet...
By Angel. XJ  11/06/2019
Andrew Scott Feb 2013
Maverick ex-cop (Green Beret /Navy Seal /SAS/Ranger)
Twiddle of the fingers to crack a 64 bit hexadecimal code
Shot but can still beat up bad people and run
15 people firing automatic weapons and they all miss
Database that searches the planets population in 2 seconds
And has photos of their children and plans of their building
Regardless of the crime scene sample, always a rare element that pinpoints location
Car chase where a truck can keep up with a Ducati motorbike
Organisations that only employ attractive people in lead roles
Ugly people are tech specialists sometimes allowed to be ‘quirky’
Even the uglies are attractive people disguised with glasses and bad hairstyles
‘I dream of genie’ gendre were they flirt but never get it on, unless it’s a hospital series
Watchable, funny programs that always succumb to sloppy sentimentality
High schools complete with intolerance, marginalisation, bullying, and hell on earth,
The most disturbing and darkest crime sent to titillate mid evening family viewing
Endless humiliation for fatties, chefs, performers, builders, restaurateurs, and troubled teens
Dysfunctional law enforcement agencies that never work together under any circumstances
Enough, if we need this thick coating of unreality, perhaps its time to switch off?
Bharathi Devi Apr 2015
I surrender. See there, my white flag,
Flying high? Yes, enough! You win!
I cannot interpret the mute language anymore.
When you shift your glance every time I see you,
Are you telling me you have moved on, or
Is it that I have done something wrong?

So, tell me, what is that you want to say,
Or what is that I need to know?
I am realizing more and more that
The signal processor in my brain is faulty.
It is introducing a lot of noise, so much so that
Fourier Transform gives jumbled frequencies!

Communication either in English or
my mother tongue Kannada, or even
the math symbols or Venn diagrams,
-bits and bytes also would do if not hexadecimal-
may perhaps tune my dud brain
to the right frequency to receive the right signal!

For, I may be causing more damage to us both,
And I certainly do not wish to hurt anybody,
Least of all, you, who I like very much;
I will do anything to set the things right!
So, tell me, what is that you want to say,
Or what is that I need to know?

©Bharathi Devi
KathleenAMaloney Aug 2016
Gigi Tiji Oct 2015
am real
my gender is real
my sexuality is real
despite everything and everyone telling me that they're not —
I am real as ****.

Maybe that's why you're confused by me.

Maybe it's because you're used to a resolution that's less than 8-bit.
Maybe it's because you're used to a pixelated existence.
Maybe it's because all that you can compute
are 0s and 1s.
***** and *****
lips and *****

Maybe that's why you're afraid of me.

Because you're afraid of what you're going to see in high resolution.
Because you're afraid to see exactly what you've been missing out on.
Becuase I'm not coded in binary, hexadecimal, Base32 or 64,
but Base∞

and I code myself in a language
that I am constantly learning
and creating simultaneously,
let's have an interesting conversation

...supurfluous, unnecessary, confusing...
words spoken by the able, the unwilling
to take a closer look at my pupils —
dilating in high definition.

In fact, the definition is so high
that you'll have climb from my genitals
all the way up into my heart to see me for who I am.

Yes, I realize that binary is necessary for the basis of computation.

But we're past that now.
We don't only have ifs and thens.
We've got ands, ors, buts, maybes, sometimes, always, and nevers.

We've got infinities.
We've got forevers.
Brycical Jan 2015
there sits Father Time
drinking a 50 year old scotch,
His compatriots
Sister Life and her Brother Death
sit close by,
the Sister sipping *** on the Beach
while Brother blows bubbles in his Shiraz.
All served at the cosmic bar by The Great Spirit
nursing a big 'ol Long Island Iced Tea.

I'm thinking of creating my next masterpiece,
Brother Death said.

"Maybe this time, don't use a bucket of paint for just one blade of grass,"
Father Time chuckled.

Sister Life spun around
and round on her spinny stool for several decades
until she hopped up atop the bar, proclaiming in French,
I don't make the best hexadecimal frittatas in the seventh dimension for nothing!  

Suddenly all brought their glasses together in a supernova clink
as they cheered
"May we continue to move forwards in the trajectory to wherever the hell we're going!"
wordvango May 2015
hours since I was home,
my sign is astrological calm
twelve dozen months or years until
Revelations 12:1
or twelve tribes
twelve sons of Jacob
twelve Imams legitimate  successors
twelve Disciples, narrates the Prophet Yusuf
and his twelve brothers,
the twelfth moon of Jupiter, Lysithea,
the number of Magnesium, my son's weight
at three months plus his nine inside,
my cranial nerves,
C in hexadecimal,
NGC 12 spiral galaxy,
is craps on the first roll?
wordvango Jul 2015
most of our souls in cool slitted jeans
watch the crowds fall into
the happenings, privately talk to our
consciences mistake breathing for living

connect by wireless texts play the latest video
when walking past real people
who if we looked up may be the hello
we need.

See a screen of life continuously bufferring
awaiting for it to say   start.

High high we type complain,
of some troll when
all our being is being

bit or byte
a hexadecimal encoded
a screen, one coded

One cloud away
beenseen Sep 2015
September 07, 2015

And I kind of feel crooked

my hands feel small

my nose cold

and I'm waiting for the orbit

the moon to find its place

the water to fill my ears

my collar

for those lights to catch the stones

those planes to collide

to explode

fill me with some other form of


some other way of knowing

I mean, you could say


but it's the shapes on the ground


what does that even mean

disjointed in this perfect


and my nose is running


my legs are dangling


the planes are crashing


just sleep
Ray Irvine Jan 2020
Pagan roots a whisper, adding to my Thesis,
Then She works her Majick dearly, and feeds Telekinesis!
I've deterred realm muddied, absorbing all Demonic,
Not just Placebo, who hold No Go Zone Harmonics

Cover me in Monarchs, a favourite Butterfly,
And reattach my beside-Soul, as I roll up Mount Sinai.
That trek down Gilgamesh, HâH I finished in two strides!
And I fly round orbit, Fire Euphoric, with Earth-Heart every night.

Orpheus & Eurydice, Jezebel's Suffragette,
I Fly in a Witch Volcano, imaginative Lunette.
The only way out is within, I'll soak up all Infernal,
Then chew them up and spit them out! Please read deeper my mind's journal.

May you Cast the Circle, Thrice about, soft èYé and light of touch,
And savour no Voce unless you've spoke, and really Listen much.
For She expects in retrospect, to adorn your heart & mind.
And sail away from conquests Wiccan, if you are so Disinclined.

New Moon Gemini's Rune, it's got me all so Ritual,
Ancient Axiom Pagan, it's got me All Habitual,
Wayfaring Strangely Reconciled, it's served by Many Reasons,
And smiling as your **** ran down, A day for All Four Seasons.

A Light that's Burning Low, still floods Singularity Source,
And I prefer Snow and Sunshine, on the Same Day I speak of course,
All Roads lead to Home, and Rome hosts Colosseum,
And now Summer's Solstice Beckons, Marquis' shields down Igneous Unum

My Ceilings all transparent! Don't Worry or You Frown,
But What is All Apparent, journeys from my Heart to Crown.
Everything I touch ya say.. Hah, Genie rubs Divinity,
How Quaint again a Saint Emplane, you Bypassed Holy Trinity

Hex marks the Spot, be loving Hexadecimal,
Multiplex or not, I'll conduit All your Seminal.
I Found Peace in All Your Forestry, I Learned of Waters Flowing,
Cast out to Sea, so Mote it Be, Heart's 5D and Glowing.

I Now talk to Feathered Friends, down with Ornithology,
To Equate a Severed Aether, I Rewrote my Chronology.
Universal, Atmospheric, Galactic, Solar, Lunar
963Hz, we don't need Piano Tuner!

She served me Heart, where does one start, when all Rhodes lead to Roam,
Within Headwaters and those Two Daughters, sent in by D'orcY Gnome.
Mistakes you made, Great Lakes you Paved with your Clapped Out Clapperboard,
A Tagteam Willing, ten for a Shilling, a Major7th F Chord!

And then again, my Spiritual plane, was spoiled by that Gnome!
Into my life, my lovers, and evens in my Home.
I can't begin to work your Sin, your manipulation dwelling,
Well I'll tell thee, now in my Quay,
We cast our EA Spelling.

I place my Heart on Her forest floor, and listen as I whisper,
She speaks Back! But makes no sound, the same as Seven Sisters.
The Weight has Slowly Lifted, Usual Program Resumes,
For Ancestral, I shall blow to Ease Magdalene Wounds.

Widdershins go by the Waning Moon,

Chanting out the Baneful Rune,

Need the North's Wind, Magenta Grail,

And that's some Cache for your Eggs of Quail.

Akasha Spirit Come to Me,

Sèé Shapeshifter's Synchronicity.

And Ravaged in Adrenochrome,

Attempts my Soul, Rites in my Home!

Nein Woods in the Cauldron Go,

Burn Them Fast and Burn Them Slow.

Eight Words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill,

"An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

                          o O o
But I remembered her favorite color
by hexadecimal color code,
a green so calm and fierce
you would not mistake its fire
in a man's eyes
green poetry eyes love romantic colors color calm fierce
Algorithms are little deaths
like *** without the ***
hexadecimal disconnections
I do not like them

when you lose more friends in cyber
than you ever had in real life
something is ******,

and again, it's
like *** without the ***,
sixteen ******* digits
to put a hex on you.
Everyone's going non-binary
it's no wonder that they'll not talk to me,

I'm still hexadecimal.
Ayn Dec 2019

An abyssal hole,
void of any values.
In Binary it is 0,
in Hexadecimal it is 0x0,
in words it is "   ",
and in life,
it's me.
I code, so that's why there are Computer Science terms in there. binary is 0s and 1s, while hexadecimal is 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 etc etc. both are numbering systems. Null is a piece of data that can be applied to some or most variables, try to figure out what NULL's value is, its in the name per-se.
visually delicious as  germane strudels
the following cooked years ago
courtesy me noggin awash with noodles.

Yours truly crafted remaining poem
around 27th July 2018
idea arose within me cerebral dome.

...As poetic theme came to mind
     in a Serge without a waiver
thus, I took a virtual Page
     from Google LLC to slaver
with little effort
     in an acceptable
     rhyming rant and raver
about said American

     multinational technology company
     that rode dot com bubble,
     where other startups did quaver
specializing in Internet-
     related services and products

     rolled out amidst
     much fanfare palaver
though odd, how such an obvious
     idea hit me like figurative brick
over thine noggin

     upon instantaneously espying
     Lyudmila Vladimirovna Rudenko
     Soviet chess player, and second
     women's world chess champion,
     from 1950 until 1953
     when bitta bing bitta
     chitty chitty bang bang
     that eureka momenta did click

mental wheels and cogs
     as oil derrick
hit a mother lode, thence subsequently
     inducing automatic flick
     as latest feted persona grata
     gets done up in bold face and/or Italic,
nonetheless a commendable
     spontaneous fantastic burst

     of inspirational magic
commensurate with mine
     modest prolific quixotic
of course, I WON'T applaud
     idea de jure as terrific
and puzzle over, how such "a ha"
brilliant idea did not occur to this -

     Ok la home ma sooner
     ushering world wide
    webbed ******* "FAKE"brouhaha
sooner to the mind
     of this humble ****
Louie, who admittedly
     feels tidy bowl flush with
     goo goo Lady gaga

(tony the TIGER FEELING great,
     a mild euphoria if gifted
     as lottery winner)
over the top smugness -
     unaware of jeering ha ha ha
within dark internet arena,
     where the much maligned,
     loathed, and feared Jaw

bar wall key (jabberwocky)
     dwells ready to pounce
     outsize egos hated
     like an incorrigible outlaw
hmm...perhaps cognizant

     ex post facto, I set
     a deadly faux paw
forever remembered as
     ornery oaf forced to eat raw
bits (hexadecimal at that!)
****** in via last turkey in straw
     that broke the camel's back.
nothing but persistent
pesky sniveling, snot nosed
beastie boy buggers.

Data breach conundrum with Gmail rectified...
courtesy MacKeeper computer technicians
in tandem with the geek inside me,
who finally resolved elusive quandary
that befuddled and frustrated yours truly,
yet would probably be a no brainer
for generic kindergartner.

Orders of protestation barked back
from artificial intelligence machine
******* Macbook Pro laptop,
informing stymied ordinary sleepy joe -
biden his time trying in vain
to contact Google representative.

Left to my own devices
plus praying to the god of technology Vishwakarma,
whereby a thunderbolt appeared out of the blue
struck me upside the head
jump/kick started problem solving creative juices.

Picture the general scenario
such that I could see
clearly within mind's eye
raw binary bits of personal information
snapped up for sinister purposes)
after familiarity with MacKeeper transpired,
and kudos to the brain children
(before parturition little Einsteins trained in utero
while he/she they/them
listened to Mozart), who birthed

said utility computer program
to maintain ideal free and clear
functionality, operationality,
and uni-directionality
of sophisticated electronic machine
to detect, quarantine
or purge malicious software
when necessary if the life
of the expectant mother
or other type of end user at risk.

After bundle of joy exits ******, he/she they/them
burbles fluent binary, octal, hexadecimal, et cetera
before nursing courtesy re milk of human kindness
suckling buzzfeeds babe essential nutrients to fend
off nasty and brutish microscopic manifold germs
empowering immune system of newborn with vital
defenses against deleterious organisms analogous to
top notch military trained to stop enemy in their trax.

Similar to taking preventive measures such as getting
inoculated or taking antibiotics if body affected by an
insidious illness causing pathogen, a legion of danger
exists (rather flows) within the webbed wide world of
a stand alone computing machine or a linkedin network
system analogous to vulnerable damage causing living
entity, (whether animal or plant) wreaking havoc within
cellular level, which worse case scenario spells demise
of corporeal entity or in the case of flora, flowers nipped
in the bud before they get a chance to blossom, which
irksome blight, a pitiful sight for sore eyes or lamentation

(more likely anger or rage against the machine) currently
infected with deliberately delivered malware intended to
sabotage important data as happened to many unsuspecting
netizens (including yours truly), whose divine intervention
courtesy MacKeeper application provided ways and means
to remedy implacable stealth perpetrated, especially black
hat, gray hat, green hat or elite hackers to mention a small
number of cyber marauders hell bent causing woebegone
agitation, brutalization, cannibalization, desperation,
eradication, infiltration, ruination of blood, sweat and tears
regarding creation of supposedly air tight
vacuum packed system.

— The End —