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Andie Beier May 2013
distance brought by greed
and a fatal misdirection
an alterior motive drops in time, likewise
we connect by lines
easily drowned out by the tone of her voice
decisions that she made
changes my lungs
changes the air
volatile air
what did you say?

my mistake, your waste
try and stop harrassing fate
while connecting these two names
your mistake, my waste
were the breaths that i had lost
singing of your crooked lines
in chorus you could not ignore

a lip gloss defeat
but i'll never admit
that the way you move is so suspicious
the words you say are so delicious
i can't defeat all my vices
i'll always at least have one

my mistake, your waste
try to quit harrassing fate
while connecting these two names
your mistake, my waste
were the breaths that i had lost
singing of your crooked love
in chorus you could not ignore

lost in my disguise
i start to draw from discard piles
just to guage reactions

since wishes prove me nothing
action is the only way
to keep my head above her deep, disturbing wake
follow for days
cold and like a fevered skin
i'll keep the others in
mattered fact, spoken words
and the patter of tiny feet will make together last
just say...

my mistake, your waste
try to quit harrassing fate
while connecting these two names
your mistake, my waste
were the breaths that i had lost
singing of your crooked love
in chorus you could not ignore
Robert Guerrero May 2013
August 12, 1993

This is the third diary I have written in
This diary must be famous
So maybe oneday
Someone will hear or at least read my story
By the way my name is Sarrah
Weird spelling right?

August 13, 1993

Just heard some bad news...
I'm pregnant
I can't believe it
16 years old and pregnant!
The "father" is a dead beat
Ran after I said I might be
I can't keep the child
I don't know what to do

August 15, 1993

I wrote my first poem
One of my friends said it would help
Didn't really
I just wrote and wrote
I almost wrote a book
I wonder what I'm going to do with this child
Aborting it would be painful
Giving it up is almost impossible
Having it is unlikely
I have so much going for me

April 20, 1993

Found out one of my friends loves me
He knows I'm pregnant
He said he would help me
He always has a plan
Maybe I can be happy with him
I don't know
I don't want to bring him down
Diary...what should I do?

April 23, 1993

Still no reply?
I forgot I'm asking an inanimate object
To answer a question
I was forced to ask because of my stupidity
I have poor taste in men
I'm now called distastefully
Sarah the 16 year old pregnant *****
My boyfriend is really annoyed with it
I hope I can love him as much as he loves me

April 30, 1993

I cut myself
The girls at school keep harrassing me
I can't take this
I forgot how many weeks I am now
I just want this baby out
I don't want it
It's causing to much stress me please

September 18, 1993

I lost you for a while
Can't believe you were right here
Underneath my bed covered by my favorite shirt
That now I can't wear anymore
I look like a cow
School is horrid
I almost beat one of my teachers with a textbook
He called me "Sahcow"

September 21, 1993

I just got dumped by the man I love
He said I didn't love him enough
That I was wieghing him down
I can't believe this
I haven't stopped crying since 12 last night
Why does everything have to go wrong with me?
Am I that broken?
That big of a **** up?

September 29, 1993

I have just successfully planned my suicide
The title of this diary says "Diary Of Broken Souls"
It should say "Diary Of Suicidal Souls"
I just read the other 402 other entries
That many cruelty
Might as well join them
My ******* is just about the same

October 8, 1993

Halloween is just around the corner
And with it comes my death
No more baby
No more mother *******
No more father crying at the sight of me
Well the tears will be for a different reason now
I'll write my last entry on Halloween

October 31, 1993

Today is the day
Finally coming to an end
I'll **** this baby first
Swallow a **** load of pain killers
Throw in a couple anti-depressants
Noose is tied just perfectly
I have it hanging over the school entry way
A little memorial for the girls at school
All the students actually
Who have called me names
Criticized me for this ****
Well good bye *******
Sorry Diary you didn't get to know me
I'll be memorialized in these pages
Somebody will know what it's like
To be 16, pregnant, and depressed from all of it
Tim Russel Apr 2015
As a Christian,
I knew it is,
A major sin,
To have ***,
Before marriage,
That's why,
I'm still,
A ******,

I'm not really sure,
If getting married,
Will guarantee,
A couple,
A great,
*** life,

But I know whatever,
God says is best,
He knows all,
I trust Him,
With my whole,
Heart & soul,
So I will obey,
But sometimes,
I wonder...
Why do we,
Have to wait?

I know I'm not,
The only one,
He hasn't,
Had ***,
It is,
So tempting,
To break the rules,
And "do it" like,
Everyone else,
Especially in,
This day & time,

On TV, in my home,
In school, in the park,
In grocery stores,
In magazines, in books,
In the mall, on the beach,
(**** BEACHES), on the radio,
And definitely on the Internet,
The list goes on and on...

Being a ****** is TOUGH!!
Boys are always trying,
To play with girls' minds,
And the devil is trying,
To whisper to us softly,
It will feel good,
Just go on and do it!!
Trying their best,
To make us have ***,
As boys' hormones,
Seem to rage and rage,

Telling us,
We are the one,
Making us feel,
Beautiful & special,
Telling us they,
Love who we are,
Telling us they,
Loving what we,
Do to them...
Because it,
Feels good,
Better yet...
*** with them,
Will feel,
They secretly,
Are thinking,
To themselves,

Can kissing,
Hugging, and,
Holding hands,
Be enough?
That feels,
Good too...
Plus it's,
Sweet and,
Something to,
Be proud of,
To cherish,
To sing about,
It shows a girl,
And a boy care,
About each other,
W/o having ***,
And really love,
One another,
Cause they,
Can wait,

I guess *** can,
Mean love too,
If it's done right,
And God is fully in it,
But *** over the,
Has been dragged,
Through the mud,
No one thinks of ***,
As sacred or precious,

People "do it,"
Anywhere now,
There's no shame,
Only vulgarness,
Nastiness, & ***** dogs,
No longer it is viewed,
With respect, loveliness,
Purity, or holiness,
People in the world,
HATE to do what's right,
Men having babies and,
Not taking care of them,
Men mentally & physically,
Abusing their children,
Women having abortions,
What has the world come to?!!

Maybe God looks up,
On this world,
And weeps for,
Our souls...
Maybe God gets angry,
And starts throwing,
Things in heaven,
Thinking...what's wrong,
With these people?!
But in the Bible,
It says:
We are his,
Best and most,
Favorite creation,
Because God,
Loves humans,
Despite our...
Flaws and mistakes,

He knows from,
The beginning,
Of time...
He didn't,
Make us,
Like God,
Who is perfect,
In every way,
We are sinners,
Trying to live,
Day to day,
We ALL make,
I had to,
Learn that,
The hard way...

I fell in love,
With a guy who,
Didn't really,
Love me back,
He just wanted,
To have *** with me,
But love blinded me,
He did everything,
He could to get,
In my pants...
But I kept,
Saying NO,
And he kept,
Getting mad,
He kept...
Asking & asking,
Harrassing me...

So I let him,
Have *******,
With me instead,
But it was so,
Weird and,
I really didn't,
Like it...

At school,
We would make out,
Touch, and feel,
Making each,
Other's bodies,
Feel good...
I liked,
That part,
Most of the time,
Until he started,
Making me do,
Unspeakable things,
Trying to get,
As close to ***,
As possible...

Wearing me thin,
To the core,
Making me do,
Things I was,
Not proud of,
Causing me,
& mental stress,
Causing me to,
Love myself,
Less and less...
A downward spiral,
In my personality,
I began to lose,
The girl inside,
That I knew best.
Not from experience, i looked up what a '******' is, and I definitely am a ******.......
Syddy Raye Mar 2014
I am who I am
No one, not even you
Will ever change me
Can't you just let me be free?
Let me make my own desisions?
Even if you disagree
My decisions still make me
Who I am
I am who I am
Those who mock me
Call me names
Spit on my future
Someday it will come back to you
Karma, she'll find you
So, let me be me
Stop pestering what you dont understand
Stop making eveything I do seem wrong
Stop making it all my fault
Its your fault
If you would just leave me alone
Stop harrassing me
Stop following me and hurting me
Everything would go away
Everything would stop
You would be you
and I would be me
I am who I am
And nothings going to change that
Adulterous besieging capstone damnation
exploitation foists groping, heaving
insidiously jerking
knowingly lunges
machinations notoriously nymphomaniacal
officiating ****** quests
rapaciously, sadistically
tenaciously, unstoppably
vasocongested wickedness
Xerses yawped zeolously.
All throughout history of  man/woman kind
ascendent civilizations extensively gouged,
impailed, kindled, murderous outrages
quashing sacred urges, women yearned.
Versatile thematic refrain punctuating nubiles
maximized looting, pillaging, ******
visited upon females via decimating fountainhead
guarding brestworks of vestal virgins,
innocent youths (little boys and girls).
Twenty first century **** Sapiens male population continue to applaud, covet, extol, gloat, invoke, kickstart, ****** outrages, quest savagely thee unbridled wedded yoke appropriating coquettishly enshrined gals imposing killing mandates okaying queasy sordid ugly wretchedness yanking aborhent behavior denigrating, fulminating, harrassing, jawdropping lewdness, nabbing prized rearends, twerking, violently whiplashing, yelling zingers.
Now not a day elapses with instances women claim untoward advances, and/or forced coercion to satiate and temporarily slate the ****** thirst informing prononced picadilloes (philandering if married pompous head honcho demands appeasement of coitus, *******, indecent lowball outrageous ribald uncouth ******* animalistic, carnal, feral, gonadal, immoral, kleptomaniacally misogynistic, narcissistic, opportunistic, pathetically reprehensible, torturously undervaluing, validating virility within Yankee Doodle, haply lambasting, proudly touting, vaunted wayfair zest.
The above meandering stream of consciousness attempted to amplify, a recent spate of accusations figuratively slapped against a male *** mongers, who specifically rule roost, and blithely, demandingly, forcefully, hideously, impishly, killingly, malignantly, opprobriously, powerfully, repeatedly, terminally, vindictively, wantonly, yearningly acrimoniously belittle, demean flagrantly, harshly insinuate keeping mindful, not publicize rabid ****** unwanted villainous withering zeal!
EmotionalWreck Jul 2017
***. I'm only 14 and already I have to face it. Thats all they care about. Grown men harrassing teens. So many oppertunities that I am never going to take.

It hurts. It hurts to think a body is all that's seen of a girl. It hurts to think my ******* are the only good part about me.

When will it stop. When will this ever be done. I'm tired of deleting social media because strangers are perverts. I'm just done. And so are my friends. I am not the only one dealing with this. So I have to be there for my friends too.

I'm not appreciated for who I am. The first message I usually get is " nice ****" how dare they. How dare they be so crude and assinine. I have done nothing for that. I don't even reveal my body. And they have the audacity to approach me with such disrespect.

I'm done. I'm done with all of this.
Im just going through a lot right now, and I'm trying to deal with it. I feel underapriciated.
in this life fwoah dream destroyed the demons by saying "the magic number is three" aka the livin, aka boz the destroyer, my son's, favourite number. i heard them all blow up like some wild firework display all around the earth for about a month.

you know it's a demon when they start offering you a contract from behind some kind of wall. the trick is not to say anything in response as even saying 'go away' classifies as 'negotiating' which means they can carry on harrassing you. if you do not respond to the offered contract they then have to redo all their maths and offer you a new contract which they will repeat four times - usually the numbers involved stack up behind the name of the new contract which they will repeat 4 times and usually involve the number 4 and the number 7. if you still say nothing they have to leave you alone for 24 hours. expect them to get angry if they have to offer new contracts as they have to work out all their new numbers.

demons were originally fallen angels that bartered for peoples souls. this was all to do with peoples good and evil points which they could trade, but the demons became more and more evil and it was a silly idea anyway to barter with your soul.

question - when do you say the magic number is three if speaking to them classifies as 'negotiation'
the answer is you may say this after you have ignored them for an hour and then they will go up in smoke.

the only other thing you need to know about demons is you can only become a demon if you have *** with one.  

why i am posting this? it is useful information if you are being harrassed by demons and i think everyone should know what to do.

why does saying "the magic number is three work"? the demons can't survive the goodness in saying 'the magic number is three' after all the evil they have done with the number's 4 and 7. remember words are very powerful things.

— The End —