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Similiter et omnes revereantur Diaconos, ut
     mandatum Jesu Christi; et Episcopum, ut Jesum
     Christum, existentem filium Patris; Presbyteros
     autem, ut concilium Dei et conjunctionem
     Apostolorum. Sine his Ecclesia non vocatur; de
     quibus suadeo vos sic habeo.
                              S. Ignatii Ad Trallianos.

     And when this epistle is read among you, cause that
     it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans.

The broad-backed hippopotamus
Rests on his belly in the mud;
Although he seems so firm to us
He is merely flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood is weak and frail,
Susceptible to nervous shock;
While the True Church can never fail
For it is based upon a rock.

The hippo’s feeble steps may err
In compassing material ends,
While the True Church need never stir
To gather in its dividends.

The ‘potamus can never reach
The mango on the mango-tree;
But fruits of pomegranate and peach
Refresh the Church from over sea.

At mating time the hippo’s voice
Betrays inflexions hoarse and odd,
But every week we hear rejoice
The Church, at being one with God.

The hippopotamus’s day
Is passed in sleep; at night he hunts;
God works in a mysterious way—
The Church can sleep and feed at once.

I saw the ‘potamus take wing
Ascending from the damp savannas,
And quiring angels round him sing
The praise of God, in loud hosannas.

Blood of the Lamb shall wash him clean
And him shall heavenly arms enfold,
Among the saints he shall be seen
Performing on a harp of gold.

He shall be washed as white as snow,
By all the martyr’d virgins kist,
While the True Church remains below
Wrapt in the old miasmal mist.
Amor , amoris love
Servet me in aciem
Est vita aeterna,
Beautiful Beautiful  smiling smoke
My love is very sick
The tears keep me ballistic
"Don't worry," She spoke
Her proud figure curls up
I remain by her side
Even though plague's arm opened wide
I offered her my cup
I'm crying again
I don't want her to leave
Nor spend an eternity in grief
I hold her close to her parents disdain
Extinctus est Mihi
Ne derelinquas me
Perniciosasque tristitia
Manete in aeternum
Please get better
There are demons in  my mind
Our dreams they blind
Stay awake, read my love letter
Sadistic narcissistic fools
You idly gossip
Her fate you toss-up
Poisoned are thy souls
Ego solet abire
Te amo
In aeterno praeteriti temporis
They want me to flee
They want me to turn my back
But deathly dreams surely are black
I ignore their plea
I watch my love fade away
Take me instead
You can rest easy if I'm dead
Your soul shall stay
Et immarcescibilem
Vos postulo ut vivat in
Memento digni sunt
Vale, mea
Perspicuus caliginoso loco hoc
Fidem tibi habeo
Ne fleveris
Et nihilominus esset melior aptus.............
Industrial music + love of my life sick= a sad ballot
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
i treat profanity as i'd shakespeare, given it's the 21st century, its mightily odd, but necessary, given the specialisation of bypassing the middle-men, and becoming engrossed in mint-fresh "print"... hell, imagine marquis de sade without profanity, all i can imagine is a calculating constipation artist.

the ego's worth of question,
given that thought is:
question perpetuated -
do the gods remain worthwhile
toward the child... or the man?
is man worth a gods' presence,
or is it, a child?
  i find that thought, being
an anti-thesis of sense -
overcomes the sensuality
of the five, that be
the sixth refining "achievement"...
if thought be not a sense,
why is it, sensed?
                 the question is
not that of morals:
why do we sense a moral question,
          when while sensing a question
there's no guarantee of a question at all!
        mere thought does not translate
into a "sense" of hearing, or of seeing,
or any other parameter akin...
to summarise beyond sense:
a moral, question.
                     cogito esse caecus sensus:
to think is to be blind to the senses,
and to think via a blindness regarding
the senses, is to be morally upright,
    and to be morally upright,
        is to have a morality cleansed from
having to make a "moral" choice...,
       the trinity that god exists,
is as measurable as whether god, does
exist, as is the sameness of the argument
whether thought exists,
   as is whether god can exist
beyond the animate or the inanimate -
or whether thought can concern
itself beside narrative, without a
desire to incorporate choice....
    whether thought can be anything
beyond the lazily invited narrative...
                  to imply a desire to express
the nadirs of either good or evil,
    or the zeniths of good, and, evil.
god is just a minor enigma in the scale
of things worth investigating,
   thought is the most recurrent phenomenon
that cannot be grasped by
schoolboy error of phenomenology -
           mere thought is more interesting than
                   given that
there's no kantian antithesis for
the patriarch of existentialism:
  what can arrive from noumenonology -
given that post-modernism arrived from
the precursor of existentialism, i.e.
                   i'm subject to as fascination,
regardless of the almost ancient dualism
which is actually a dichotomy, akin
to medicine and quasi-medicine (psychiatry) -
       in that there's
the notion of *cogito reflexo
       and the cogito cogitatio -
               thought as a leisure activity -
    to think reflectively,
but at the same time not conjuring up
   and then there's thought as reflex,
which is hardly a thought (an ought)
to begin with...
                 for all i seem to care,
thought believes itself to be the puritanical
                      it is vox primo se,
per se, pro se, and nothing more,
which is just a nibble off the idea of "god" -
the freedoms we adore to exist in our
heads, we translate into a belief of
the same mirror-bound object of our
original intent,
the the child in us dies,
and the games we pleasured ourselves with
so do too.
to fear madness more than death...
as they say and continue to say:
a death is the end of life,
but alzheimer's?
that's a death within a life that knows
not either the beginning or end
of its life, nor the beginning or end
of its death.
god is but an inanimate object
in the enigmatic sense, compared
to the animation of mere thought...
        human thinking overshadaows
an existence of a deity...
                       by said calculation,
to imagine an animated god,
is to make the idea of god non-existent,
which is also to imagine
an inanimate semblance of thought
consistent with a counter-inanimate body...
  the irritability of the existence
of thought is comparable with the already
irritating answers to the pentagram "questions"...
but when it comes to by bewilderment,
the existence of thought is
   more devastating to question,
than the existence of god is to be
              after all, thought does not
implore prayer, but a god does...
             thought is self-perpetuating,
it's the only genesis ex genesis ex non genesis...
        at least: deus habeo autem genesis -
               at least god has a beginning...
                                 thinking as no
              the mere existence of thought
is more perplexing than either the existence
or the non-existence of god,
since thought could be the balance for
a moral ought that we transgress...
                and not abide by...
               or could be much more than:
a narrator's preferential desires to
mask behind a puppeteering scheme
of wild-card antics.
to merely contest the existence of thought,
is to immediately distrust the
existence of god,
since that sort of belief is
invested in an inanimate object,
whereas the concern is to form an
inanimate narrative from a holistic animate
"subject", worth a "competence" to
be guaranteed an ego.
                 who the **** cares
if god exists, i care whether i exist!
i better not be plagiarising someone,
or running the text verbatim
of an "original" intent!
   existentialism, the bastion of saving grace
against post-existentialism,
i.e. deconstructionism -
paving the way for reconstruction -
a language once opaque -
   once this that & the other -
necessitating a revival in an interest
in poetry, and the instruction manual
simplicity, of an i.k.e.a. staccato put together;
because authoritarian rule
couldn't decide whether to call it
index, or whether to call it, thumb;
i hate stressing a "need" for an uncomplicated
use of language...
     the crude tongue for limb attempt -
even as much as the post-modernists
are worth being despised,
   an overly simplified use of language
is twice are bad as the jargon of parisian
                because the antithesis of
the postmodernists is that:
there's always some impeding
   and a necessarily "to do"...
there is no "necessarily" to do...
there is, rather, necessity of
                           the necessary being...
we can do blindly,
     it's only by being enlightened
can be forthright: beyond
                   illuminated, i.e. illuminating;
and yes, i always imagined
myself being a con artists,
esp. this current vocab of mine...
a con artists, who conned people,
  writing motivational self-help books;
i wonder whether i could pull off
being a con self-help guru.
Traci Sims May 2017
Tantum tempus temporis
quoniam aliena femina in meo cubiculo dormivit;
ecce illi quantum dulce somnus est.
Quanta etiam libera somnia sunt.
In alia aetate mundum certe rexit
vel optimo regi in matrimonio fideliter ducta est
qui iuxtus flumen psalmos luce lunae scripsit.

**** me iri foras egressum et spatiatum
Nihil occurit hic, nihil umquam fit.
Praeterea si incedat iam volat me narrare;
habeo nihil, praecipue erga quicquid erat.

Viam cepi aviam
qua celeres non superant;
dignis praemia sunt
qui verbum veritatis distinguere possunt.
Hospes solus me docere potuit
praeclaram orem iustitiae contemplari
et videre oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente.

Nisi duo homines in mansionem,
Est nullus in viso; verem exspectant,
proinde quasi ver plaustro accederet.
Mundus deleretur ea nocte
sed meae amicae aequum esset;
illa meo cubiculo dormiret *** revenirem.

Meridiano me promoveo
adhuc in obscura parte viae;
in angustos corruere
et constans manere non possum.
Alius mea ore dicit
sed solum meo animo audit,
calcas omnibus etiam tibi feci
quibus tamen careo.

Ego et ego
In creatione quo ingenium alicuius
nec alicui ignoscit nec excolit.
Ego et ego
unus alteri dicit nullus et videre
imaginem meum et vivere possit.

From "Bird's Nest In Your Hair" by Brian Jobe
For Lovers of the Latin language...
Derek Dec 2013
potentia nostrae amori
vertat sidera et
moveat terram.

velut tuus subrisus clarior lucet
tibi infiniti sensus habeo.

— The End —