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Helen Jul 2012
Asmodeus* is left to breathe nothing but sand

Belial is trickery and is partial to Man

Charon is only influenced by what is paid

Dagon will bake whatever can be made

Erebus guards his own darkness under his own tree

Furfur  his army is more legendary as a legion to see

Geryon his sentry at the gates ensures leaving is not right

Hetu-Ahin even whole at Dawn you are not safe at Twilight

Itzcoliuhqui is the ******* of all that is cold

Jezebeth is articulated as all falsehoods that are told

Kasdeya wallowing 5th in line to never be king

Lilith who Adam thought would make him sing

Mephistopheles not the true leader just a fawning servant

Nyx Incestuously in love with her brother Erebus

Orthon can take on any or other form

Philotanus will assist when the fortress is to be stormed

Qanel is alone in a canal of strife

Raum his command means Furfur is under the knife

Seth Rules the Egyptian underworld with an iron fist

Tando Ashanti Takes seven on seven and will never miss

Uphir will ensure that all Demons stay well

Vetis will make sure all that Holy comes to Hell

Wele Gumali is as black as the darkest sin

Xaphan makes sure that all are comfy and warm within

Yama has dogs to take care of all the junk

Zagam** is just a drunk
This is an oldie... written one day when I was bored... I've reposted because it seems we all fight our share of demons... it doesn't hurt to have their number ;-)
For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:
Rain; empty river; a voyage,
Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight
Under the cabin roof was one lantern.
The reeds are heavy; bent;
and the bamboos speak as if weeping.

Autumn moon; hills rise about lakes
against sunset
Evening is like a curtain of cloud,
a blurr above ripples; and through it
sharp long spikes of the cinnamon,
a cold tune amid reeds.
Behind hill the monk’s bell
borne on the wind.
Sail passed here in April; may return in October
Boat fades in silver; slowly;
Sun blaze alone on the river.

Where wine flag catches the sunset
Sparse chimneys smoke in the cross light

Comes then snow scur on the river
And a world is covered with jade
Small boat floats like a lanthorn,
The flowing water closts as with cold. And at San Yin
they are a people of leisure.

Wild geese swoop to the sand-bar,
Clouds gather about the hole of the window
Broad water; geese line out with the autumn
Rooks clatter over the fishermen’s lanthorns,

A light moves on the north sky line;
where the young boys **** stones for shrimp.
In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.
A light moves on the South sky line.

State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?
Thsi is infamy; this is Geryon.
This canal goes still to TenShi
Though the old king built it for pleasure


Sun up; work
sundown; to rest
dig well and drink of the water
dig field; eat of the grain
Imperial power is? and to us what is it?

The fourth; the dimension of stillness.
And the power over wild beasts.
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
You’re impenetrable my little
Nemean lion
You have cauterized your skin my brittle
Lernaean hydra
Forever I'll chase my crippled
Ceryneian hind
Where ever you lay waste my graceful
Erymanthian boar

Even if you never come clean my *****
Augean stable
No matter how many you eat my hungry
Stymphalian bird
No matter your myth my covetous
Cretan bull
No matter how many you’ve ate my cannibalistic
Mare of Diomedes

Even if blood has to shed my bellicose
Belt of Hippolyta
I built this field for us to grow my starving
Cow of Geryon
I will hold your world up my poisoned
Golden apple of the Hesperides
I will travel to the depths of hell for you my frightening
I don't think this works so well, may need to expand on it.
Ed C Jun 2019
My sister fell, at the neighborhood pool,
on the cement, instead of into opal water.
She said the **** on her knee
looked just like a maraschino cherry.
Red like a maraschino cherry,
or a clown's nose,
or like the fire
in the center of our planet.
The ****** **** dripped cherry juice
down her leg
in between her sun burnt toes,
evaporating off of the cement.
She reminded me of lava,
constantly bubbling
always moving
always destroying
without hesitation.
The reaper of flowers
and ice cream cones.
Red cheeks, red like Geryon.  
Purposefully confused
and always wondering.
I hope I can answer any questions
she has, when the need
to know evolves to thirst,
and the fears she has now
as a little lava girl
become fears that we all feel
as destroyers in our own lives,
wrecking everything,
reaping the flowers
that are growing
in the ashes of our youth.
jussssss thinkinnnnn
The Lion

She eats the men lured to her lair and sends the bones to Hades. In the dark I pounce back and wrap my hands about her throat, white knuckled grasp until the last gasp of life leaves her like a candle blown out.  I skin her with her own claw. Her fur now mine.

The Hydra

Golden sword, face wrapped with cloth. A beast raised just for my demise. One immortal head among many, like a house of mirrors. Chop one head and two return. Seemed impossible until my blade covered in poisonous blood scorches the stumps of decapitation. Two new constellations branded in the sky as proof of my deeds.

The Hind

Faster than an arrow in flight, the sacred animal was just out of reach. I pursued on foot for over a year, through four different kingdoms. I trapped it while it slept allowing me to capture it without desecration. The King demanded to keep it. Slow kingly hands enabled it's freedom, once again bounding away.

The Boar

Commanded to catch the beast alive I sought advice from Centaurs. They told me how then got very drunk and attacked me. They can't handle their wine. I shot them with arrows covered in poison from the Hydra. The boar was easier. Drove him into thick snow and delivered him to the cowering King Eurystheus.

The Stables

King Augeas wanted to humiliate me and so tasked me with cleaning out his stables. Immortal animals make an enormous quantity of dung by the way.  They had not been cleaned for 30 years and housed 1,000 cattle so I re-routed the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.  They cried party foul.

The Birds

Ares, the God of war had sacred man eating birds with beaks of bronze and metallic feathers that they could launch like darts at their victims. Did I forget to mention highly toxic dung? A simple rattle scared them to flight and I easily dispatched them with more arrows. Didn't even break a sweat.

The Bull

I was Beseeched by King Minos to sail to Crete and catch a bull of ill repute that has been causing havoc in the orchards. I snuk up behind the beast and throttled it with my hands, stopping before it was killed and then shipped it back to Tiryns to be sacrificed later to Athena.

The Mares

I have been sent to steal the mares Podargos, Lampon, Xanthos, and Deinos, who are raised on a very unnatural diet of human flesh, fed to them by their owner. They are madness itself. He pursued me, we fought, I won. After getting the mares corralled I fed them their owner which permanently calmed them.

The Belt

Admete wants the Queen of the Amazons belt. I have been ordered to retrieve it. Hera however had other plans, disguising herself and walking among the Amazons she began sowing seeds of distrust. One giant misunderstanding later left the Queen slain by my hand. Should never have happened, but I did get the belt. sigh

The Cattle

A golden chariot carried me to the cattle who were guarded by Geryon. He charged me carrying three shields, three spears, and wearing three helmets. My arrow pierced his forehead and bent his neck over to one side, like a poppy that spoils its delicate shapes, shedding its petals all at once. Cattle successfully retrieved.

The Apples

Caught shape shifting sea God to find the Garden. Agreed to hold the Heavens for Atlas while he got me the apples. He wouldn't take the heavens back so I asked him to temporarily relieve me to adjust my cloak. Atlas agreed and resumed holding up the heavens. I reneged, walked away with the apples.


Struck deal with Hades. I could take Cerberus to the surface if I didn't use any weapons. Used my hands. Eurystheus was terrified of him, begged me to take him back to the underworld offering to release me from any further labours. I am now free from the king. Think I'll ride with the Argonauts.
55 word chapters. Micro storytelling
Caner yel Sep 2020
She was hard to achieve
and I was hardened to love.
She was smiling heavenly
and i was the Geryon in inferno.
She doesn’t look at me like before
and I’d better water the lawn.
She is taking too much drug
and I don't even remember my thirty-ninth death.
She will have her second child soon
and I will ask  bartender to pour me another.
She will have a very happy life with her huge family
and I will be staring at my neglected lawn all day.
I shouldn't forget to take care of them.

— The End —