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Rich Hues Nov 2018
Cloistered within her living walls of flesh,
Soapstone skin, breath minty fresh,
Bursting ivory, towelling dressing-gown,
Laughing as she bounces up and down.
First line is stolen from 'The Flea'  by John Donne.
Jordan Alexander Sep 2010
is just another word for control freak.
But let me back up.

Who decided that things are FTW?
**** competition.
I apologize for line 4, but I wanted to make sure you know
I’m being serious.

Winning is meaningless.
The one thing the Arts had going for them
is gone.
It’s all about being the best
and it’s devastating G-d.

When I play my saxophone
at the right time with right mind
I swear John Coltrane
couldn’t recreate that.

When I write a poem
about truth or of it
I swear ee cummings couldn’t
have written it.

Expression is all that really matters,
but only to me.
The world doesn’t accept it, so
it doesn’t accept me.

That’s just the way it is.
I’m not concerned with success.
I’m not like all the rest.
I am happy and blessed.

Does my mind deceit me?
We’ll see
When I face Judge
Sebastian Perez Jun 2014
What a ****** up world
He creates life to **** life
Would this **** ever end
When im around you,
i find myself biting my tongue
Georgia Owen May 2013
I lost some muscle tone today
Lying around and writing dumb poems

I gained a little *** belly (maybe)
My boyfriend will be bummed if he notices

My house is still a mess
I feel trapped by the mess

Just clean
You're your own mama now.

No time for this existential mental *******;
Blue collar FTW.
hold your head high
right now's all you got
blow a kiss to forever
close the bars
don't get caught
i used to leave this poem on the back page of every book i read in lockup
Amanda Pringle Apr 2020
I’m the unfinished poem
And you’re the deadline closing in way too soon.
This is not shaping up to be anyone’s best work.

You’re the chair with a faulty seat
And I’m the *** falling through.
Is it my fault for not checking first?

I’m the ambulance sirens wailing outside on your street,
But you’re the silence I need to concentrate.
How are you going to work with this?

You’re the hands typing away
And I’m the keyboard with a missing key.
Or maybe you’re missing a finger?

What about the deadline?
How is this going to work if you’re missing a finger?
Is this what’s making me the ***?

I might be the biggest obstacle you have,
And baby you’re not one for track and field.

Bring your best revision to the table,
I don’t think you’re saving this piece.

Whether this is a creative block or not,
You’re dealing with a failure to write.
gp jackson Feb 2013
I need something..
Something to fill this hole that you left..
Something more than these holes I fill..momentarily taking my breath..  
The hurt that I feel causes me to want to hurt back..
**** what they feel..just lay on your back..
No you can't have anymore.. there's something you lack..  FTW..I just want it back..
Marty T Ottman Jun 2018
Where ever you may be let there be solicitude. Clear all other moods my dear. a sensitivity you took for granted. All the ******* you ranted. Still all is forgiven, but not forgotten. As my inner demons want to see you rotting. this battle inst over yet, let compassion fill your heart; before all is to late an ripped apart. you had my sympathy but forget my empathy. Let off the deep end, descend my ill minded friend. i know this is hard to comprehend. quite useless indeed. just heed the warning because we may not see the next morning my friend. peace cease to rest as for your no longer here, just a mirror i broke.  so evoke or choke on this toxic air. as its seems harder to bare.   to everyone who thinks differently or indifferently i wish you all well. as i step through hell watching from the inside out.. endless route. i now walk in solitary, that this wont end through any

promissory i held.  ashes fades to grey.  only to feel betrayal to watch all vanish away.

_ marty  X.x ftw an FML
AnEscape Jul 2015
I am so ******* sick of giving you chances you don't deserve.
And may this blog help me in vanishing you from my entire life *****.

and btw telling me to ******* is probably the best thing you ever did and the BEST motivation that is making me decide to LEAVE you FOREVER babe. THANK YOU FOR THAT!
Sorry because that's how it goes.
I am better without you
and I am not even sure if I love you the way I did before. So why stay? It's pretty pointless at this point especially that you hurt me immensly without even acknowledging how much I fought for you.
OH NO no more fighting, I am done.
I wish you can feel my excitement!!!
You made my brain click of how FILTHY you are and how much you don't deserve the LEAST **** from me.
I just hope you rotten with your sick pyshco personality. I hope you go fix yourself! No one in the entire world would like to lose a person who might actually die for them and love them to death you psychic *****. And I would never do that to someone who loves me. I am glad I am done from your mentality. Sorry if that hurts but its the ******* truth you cannot deny.
Marty T Ottman Jun 2018
Where ever you may be let there be solicitude. Clear all other moods my dear. a sensitivity you took for granted. All the ******* you ranted. Still all is forgiven, but not forgotten. As my inner demons want to see you rotting. this battle inst over yet, let compassion fill your heart; before all is to late an ripped apart. you had my sympathy but forget my empathy. Let off the deep end, descend my ill minded friend. i know this is hard to comprehend. quite useless indeed. just heed the warning because we may not see the next morning my friend. peace cease to rest as for your no longer here, just a mirror i broke.  so evoke or choke on this toxic air. as its seems harder to bare.   to everyone who thinks differently or indifferently i wish you all well. as i step through hell watching from the inside out.. endless route. i now walk in solitary, that this wont end through any

promissory i held.  ashes fades to grey.  only to feel betrayal to watch all vanish away.

  X.x ftw an FML

— The End —