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MissMalice Jan 2015
They keep themselves alive
Just to die more everyday
In a world that will not listen

Able to be pulverized by mere phrases against them
Able to be fragmentized by even that of themselves
Their lips , their skin , they taste of sin

And their eyes become the looking glass
In which only reflecting that of the ****** past
Conceived in poignant everlasting despair

And when their dreams have come to end . .
With what do they fill their emptiness ?
With what to they but their happiness ?

To fragile to exist
Disciples of this game
Choking on depravity.

No love , No loss
A particular set of songs inspired me to create this .
Designed to stand metaphoric for those with depression .
Something along those lines anyways .
Nikki Longmuir Jul 2013
Today, my professor walked out,
then back into the classroom
When I was young, excitement embodied my soul
like an embellished Christmas tree of happiness
At that age, I would have created an eminent fabrication,
such as walking back into the room
eventuates a new beginning
or maybe she was melancholy, and walking in
and out of a room eradicates her unpleasant mood,
like when you move the furniture around your house,
in order to adjust a grim, atmospheric emotion

This would have been joyfully amusing when I was young
Thoughts cascaded from my head and blossoming heart
as easy as a raindrop breaking apart
when slamming the ground
this was a lifetime ago
before He jumped off the father train
before I spent all free time vacuuming up
the pieces of mom’s fragmentized heart
now, here I am, nineteen years old
executing endless labor to
keep our house from running away
attempting the role of a second mother
to a younger, disconsolate girl
repeating the same thing every day,
I watch time go by faster than the petals fall off roses

when I was young I would have written this poem
with exorbitant talent
and an eagerness that encompassed the room
with remarkable vibrancy
but I am nineteen now, sometimes I’m fifty
and all I can see, is that my professor walked out,
then back into the classroom
HiJinx Jun 2014
in a way my mind is a sheet of thin glass / that has had one too many hammers thrown at / my mentality has shattered into jagged shards that / when I try to piece them back together my hands are torn and sliced / I end up feeling empty and numb from the pain endured / then you stride by with your slender cautious fingers lifting up / my fragmentized mental state / meticulously you built me up again / despite your efforts I am not who I use to be and perhaps that is alright / because you don't mind the gaps between my chipped pieces / you say that's where my light shines through /  for this I have to thank you / and when you do leave know I won't fall apart at your absence / your devotion and caring hands have made me whole-feeling even if / light shines through those serrated mismatched glass pieces
The Wild Flower Nov 2015
Our memories are detestable but ironically they're my most revered.
The utmost mundane things consign euphoria to my mangled soul.

The idea of stargazing from abandoned homes and kissing in the pouring rain Was platitude in some eyes but distinguished in ours.

Reminiscing leaves me in a despondent state, because feelings were not reciprocated nor was I cognizant of this.
Frankly because you lead me to believe they were.

I was oblivious to your game and the prize for being victorious.  

And the lack of corresponding emotions fragmentized my heart, Inculcated my despondency and left me with a paucity of trust for those to come.

Disregarding all the dissatisfactory emotions, I still cherish the memories.
serendipity Sep 2023
She will be
Pint sized with bright eyes
Aphrodite in disguise
She will be
A sunrise but
Supernovas fragmentized
See those blue eyes
Will speak of souls wise
A prophecy italicized
My love for her father immortalized
In the rays of her eyes
In the tilt of her smile

— The End —