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Michelle Garcia Nov 2016
I remember the first time I discovered poetry,
bolts of electric affluenza coursing through soft fingertips
and into the skinny blue lines of fascination
meaning nothing at first, yet transforming into the spillage
of emotion, the invention of color,
the budding metamorphosis of the artist’s apprehension.

I remember telling everyone about the honey-tainted metaphors
that exhaled yellow pigment through our film noir madness
of ravaged years cementing over irises
and I remember the revelation, saucer eyes and trembling hands
after discovering the faultlessness of magic
that tore at heartstrings and furrowed brows,
the mumbled prayer of stitching entire blankets of words together
to keep our souls warm even as the frigid ice of Time
burned in desperation to freeze our heartbeats.

You are a poet
but to the world, you are wasted opportunity
you only know of words that slip through tied tongues like silk
and mending excuses to make up for heartbreak
You are a poet
but they never stop reminding you to keep your feet glued
To hollow ground, shaking
To find something that tastes of reality, the human flesh
sweat of long lost longing
You have to stop living in your head
In the spaces where you breathe life into promises
You are a poet
But that has never been enough.

The poet is used to this--
the knowledge of failure always shoved under the doormat
numbers that collect under crumpled paper,
the rotten look of misunderstanding as they wonder
where the science of living went missing
When did art decide to invade your insides,
Leaving no room to calculate meaning with mathematics?

Oh, but only the poets understand
That there is no formula to meaning
No theorem to calculate suffering,
Only words that get stuck and disintegrate into whispers
only all-consuming madness, write me a storm
That rages through afflictions
Write me an ending where
We are older, in the house we dreamed of, buried
Under blankets in the forgotten fog of Decembers
Write me an ending where my voice is steady
Instead of constantly wavering past the silence of goodbyes

Love me
And I will love you
Lose me
And I will turn you into poetry
stretch your bones into feelings,
follow the lines in your palms into futures
Where we end up together
I will hold up your eyelids
so they will never feel heavy at the sight of destruction
I will shelter your heart to keep it beating
As we watch  as the words I could never say
flutter at your fingertips like moths
with broken wings

The world does not understand love

nor the poets that create it.
You are my love. My sin, my soul. The only light of my life. Fire of my *****. Source of happiness, laughter, cries, tears, and oddity. You are that bad, believe me, but never better than you are now. Your name will forever be on the tip of my tongue. But sadly I could never utter it properly. Because probably I would feel shy. I would perhaps feel ashamed, if I dared to do so, or if I accidentally happened to say it out loud. I have never confessed this to anyone else. But I need you. I know it inside and out. I crave for you so much. So much indeed. And I know that deep inside, you need me too, although you are simply too proud to admit it. To you my laughter will always remain a ring of annoyance. It will never be enough. You will always long for more - from her. I will never be enough, because I will never grow up. I will never be an adult. And she is grown up. She is more of an adult than me. She is indeed an angel to your eyes. Her steadiness startles you; and delights your senses. You thoroughly enjoy it when it is so. She is but an image of perfection; her sound of laughter is of tranquility and calmness; she is indeed a pious image, a resemblance of faultlessness. Something that I could never truly achieve. Terrific but true - she is, I mean. Not I am. I will always be a kid. Sad but true. I will always be me. I will always be your outspoken, attentive young tutee to you. No more than that. I will always stay just the way I am. I will never acquire my womanhood, nor that am I inclined to, in your eyes. I will always be a girl. A student. Or whatever it is without surely any womanly attribute. I don't deserve to break my singleness. I can never cure it. To you I will always be myself; with all the misfortune and inability to be a true woman. But I understand that I will never be a woman; I don't deserve to be a woman in your heart. I will never be blessed with such courage, as I am not worthy of that. I am not allowed to enter your realm; a whole lot that is entirely different from mine. I have always been fated to be alone, and will always be left behind, even when you are ten or eleven years older than now. I will always be twenty-three. I can't age, strangely, despite my being a human. I am stagnant and odious, I am static and immovable. I am but a symbol of a fruitless tree to you; who dreams and hopes too high without having the ability to attain its true realisation. K, I am full of flaws, I smell of defects. I am adorned with fateful imperfection. And she has none of this. She is unimaginably perfect; she is all lovely and her beauty invincible. I can never be like her. Never indeed. But I am willing to change; if that is what you desire. I'll let you think that I'm obsessed with you. I will just smirk at your silliness. Over and over again. Hmm. Sounds like you've got no other option. Sounds like you are an idiot trying to comprehend my meaningless words too seriously. But I am just what I am. These are just my thoughts. Let me be obsessed with my thoughts of you. Let me make you appear in my dreams throughout the night. Day and night. All the time. Dreams that are unwanted but inevitable. As long as I breathe; as long as I could still trod the earth, let me think and dream of you that way. Stupid thoughts of obscure infatuation, I know. Guilty pleasure. The killing of my independence, my fragility, and uselessness, yet altogether the expression of my deepest feelings that I have often tried to bury in my chest, a thousand times.

Like I said, I'm willing to change; for you. If that is what you need; your utmost desire to be fulfilled. It is as simple as that; because what pleases your senses delights me, and therefore what delights me is what pleases your senses. I indulge myself only in my everyday thoughts of you, where I could jolly embrace and trace your epic proportions in my arms. I want to touch you, to cherish you fully. I want to be inside of you, just like you're already inside of me. I want to see you by my side, breathe in your air and feel your steady but unrelenting heartbeat in your *****. Your manly *****. The one I have always yearned for. I want to feel your skin against mine. I want you wholly. I want you so greedily. I want you so selfishly. I want you to be just mine. Just mine. I don't want you to fall into anyone else, because I perfectly know they are unworthy of that. Of you. One that should be my sole treasure. My precious treasure. Only mine. Because you are everything. You are the exact embodiment of who I am. You are the gold to my silver. You are the silver to my bronze. You make all of them complete; you rid them of their mutual envy. Just like you do to my soul. You repaint my soul, you release it from its gruesome weariness. You make me feel complete, unspoilt, and undivided. You make me feel as a whole. Unperturbed and unabashed by the torment of love. You purify and keep me warm and secure. You are the one I was predestined to love. The one for whom my love was created. The one I was fated to be born for. The one my very soul was meant to be with. The one that I should cling to, and should clutch tight as mine, forever.

K, you are the only love of my life. I will always want you, although this very simple need might sound absurd to you, and on its own way even seem to be impossible. You are the answer to my prayer, from up above, and since I was but a young, sinless infant in my mother's arms. In you only do I lose my presence, my heart, senses, and the whole streams of my decent consciousness. I long for you, and even in the midst of all anger, hatred, and the world's greatest disdain, I will but always long for you. I miss you, K. You are the only source of light to my heart. My darkened heart. My terrified soul. My raging despair. And unfortunately you seem to be the only one who could heal it.
Eulalie Nov 2013
The power went out in my house for the first time tonight.
It took only but a moment for everything to run loose from my hold and to leave me empty handed and
It was as sudden and unpleasantly startling as the moment I realized I’d
fallen in love with you
and now these vaulted ceilings and smart, leather couches have fallen
to the same darkness that shrouds my breaking heart.
I think you’re really selfish.
But so am I,
and as I hide in the blackness with the amber haze of
casting those flickering shadows of
twisted, dancing demons on the walls I am hearing their exaggerated whispers hastening me to resent you for it.
They intoxicate my head about how you’re probably being
more selfish than me.
For god sakes you sent me a short story
laden and sodden and dripping
with all of these beautiful similes and thoughts and they were
Not only were they not written for me, but for some
replacement muse
who has beautiful green eyes (are not mine, any longer?) and a beautiful smile (have I stopped grinning at you? I wonder now how it is I lost your love.)
that conquered your heart and blasted past my deafening, mundane
You say you love me
You say you wish you’d say it more
You say you love me so much.
But the demons scoff at you—they’re telling me you’re lying.
O the lies! Liar! Clever devil, that one! Don’t believe those sweet things! they admonish with a brutality that entices me to scream out loud at you,
to shout and yell and kick and scream out loud because
how dare you do this to me?
Why love me at all
When your muse beckons with her beautiful, superior, faultlessness and tempts and tantalizes and
replaces me?
You say you love me so much.
And I, you, Darling.
But it’s too dark in my house and it’s too dark in my head and it’s too dark in my heart
And you have a new muse.
I'm going to try to move on. Slowly but surely. This was such a fleeting splendor.
PJ Poesy Feb 2016
We married in the back of that old Rambler in that syrupy summer. Kitkitdizze mortared under pestal of our tires and its grind made an aroma of peculiar pungency. The moon was plump as an unshelled fava and I was about to peal her. This was all the commitment ceremony we needed. Stars be our witness. Outsiders we were, and the cliffs of the Malakoff Diggins where we did our rambling. I initially met her at her wedding to him, whence she gave her away, though rumor had it she and she were once an item prior to he and she ever meeting. Still, more ****** talk spoke of them being a three. This was all good with me, being that I had had that other he who was still bound to that she who had two hims herself. Lucky gal. Notice, I'm not naming names here.

It was our life and we lived it in polyamorous faultlessness. Gurus, rock stars, poets and other worldly scholars were all in the club. As gluey as all that free love was, most became unstuck in their ways. Hot, hot, hot sticky June crooners. Man I can't wait for summer to come again. Who's getting married in the morning?
gd Dec 2013
Please do not sing me to sleep
For I might crumble under the weight of your harmony.
Please do not look at me with those wide, bright eyes
For I might look away from the sight of such faultlessness.

Please do not read to me,
Nor speak to me with a poet’s articulation.
Leave me be with the thoughts of your imperfections
For I might drown at your touch.

I am the girl who falls for the words;
I am the girl with the weak knees and the stutter
Whenever you walk into the room.
I am the girl who will love the sound of your hum,

And the feel of your hands.
Just as easily as a pencil,
I will break under the weight of affection.
I will be carried away by the expressions of your timbre,

So please do not leave me at a cliff-hanger;
Do not let me become captivated
By the stressed syllables and the curve of your laugh.
Please do not break me by the sound of your voice

For just like the words I am fragile –
I am the girl who falls for them.
I am the girl with the lyrical thoughts,
Merely captivated by your lyrical being.

                                                              - g.d.
Anon Feb 2015
Beauty at its finest definition,
Oh, how your elegance illuminates,
An impossible question of my blessed fate;
To find one free from God’s volition?
Sublime design, fair girl, a muse for all,
Variegated verges of comely charm,
Your vibrant voice shall serve as an alarm,
Fervour of such bliss, t'is against the law.

Wondering in recluse how fortune came;
Open oceans of insecurity,
Inquiring how long you will remain,
But, you supply extant felicity;
Imperfect perfections, make you matchless;
Mere words cannot depict your faultlessness.
i wrote this sonnet around 2 years ago, it's super cheesy and was originally in shakespearean form but i've modernised it here (i tried)
Stíofáinín Dec 2018
A consequence of love
We cannot abide
Inside my minds eye these faces divide
The question still begs,
Who am I;
One thousand masks dwell within
They come to meet you, to try and let you in
Little white lies that are violent like knives
Cutting through virtue, breaking all the ice
Aching for a faultlessness I trim away a little more
And there's no loss here
We're just settling a score
Your undead eyes see trough this open book
The doors ajar, take a look
It is nothing more than what you can see
Humility raises these walls around me
And I'll hide here, just like a secret
Ceaselessly burying my own heart just so you can dig it up and keep it
And it's down so deep it becomes hard to breathe
I look in your eyes as they devour me
I can't see my reflection because the light is dim
I'm too weak to climb out but you're strong enough to get in
You begin to whisper and I start to see
My own loathsome skin is suffocating me
So I run, just like I did before
We're sleepwalking, and I'm so afraid
Breaking through a brick door
Inevitably descending into another chasm, on the fringe of my mind where I can just disappear
Time stands still while we're trapped in here
And your eyes, they're still devouring me
I begin to hear you whisper, and I can almost see
But we're still sleepwalking
And I,
Can't breathe
Praise Nesvinga Aug 2020
I know how your lips are macadamia husk amber, rosy and crimson, lubricious and subdued like silk sashes, radiant and warm as cloves in burlap sacks.
Their live, insatiable kiss, moist and breathy, rouses quick and electric heat, brushing softly and passionately like butterfly wings.
The feel of your waist, tender and delicate like the half-curled frond of a sun washed fiddle-head fern, sizzling and thermal under my hands.
Fingertips tracing the figuration of your rhythmic contrasting thighs, navigating your rounded hips with familiar fascination as your skin orchestrates an exhaled symphony of inaudible passion.

Scattering nascent rays of unfiltered moonlight, yes your unfathomable, unbaked clay eyes form the immortal art of a perfect soul with a swallowing incomprehensible depth.
Swirling warm and edged with a muddied silhouette canvasing the luminescence dancing in your irises with a soft glimmer, conjuring lucid eyes that betray this poet.
If I could touch your face, to be a fleshy passion fruit on your tongue, to be the skin inside your palm, to be yours and tender as steak imagined off the bluegill's pearlish bones.
O' show me the detail my love, the intricate structure of your faultlessness and the languish against my slow chapped power.

Your infallible inerrant hands, touch in a slow successive tactility as though arching away at every bone, inciting and conjuring upon approval even from the very last toe.
Your embrace is the most exquisite distress, sweating, feeling an impetuous volcano strain at its peak inside me, urging to explode my steaming self over you
That voice that floats off untethered as the corners of your mouth tilt up like commas around " beautiful phrases ", glazing with human light and espousing them to your lips.
Adoring the twilight of your skin, it's brilliant light tone beginning to blush evenly, each cell inspired to push toward that ruddiness of purpose and that sigh.

In neither absent nor a pensive mood, the bliss of your solitude, the grandeur of your ever happy self, tossing its head in a sprightly dance, you are my passion
For Nelida Ndaubvonga
Travis Green Feb 2023
Every time I check out his rude toothsome smoothness
His unsurpassed high-valued attractiveness
My fervent treasure-worthy dream lover
My far-out five-star star power
That hypnotizes and stupefies my livelihood
With his honeyed feel-good manhood

High-powered hot-off-the-fire spellbinder
His unrivaled awe-striking spiciness is
The sheerest atmospheric immersiveness
That has me so locked in his artful blossoming sparklingness
My lurid choicest alluringness

His charming cherishable voice
Gives me four-star cosmic highs
His vibrant, virile frame is without equal
His unconditionally loving seductiveness
Sways me into reverent, selective, and scintillescent ecstasy

His hunky spunky construction bewitches me
Dreamy smoothie pink lips
That make me wanna kiss him to the end of time
Feel his top-flight godlike power
Piece by piece, I want him to dominate me

I wanna taste his front-page glamorous straightness
His gettable irresistible sweetness
Drink down his futuristic flourishing faultlessness
My deft delish devil, he fills me up with his bulletproof buff thugness
Has me insanely scatterbrained

I hanker for him to claim my radiant bodacious playground
Make me sweat in the stellar presence
Of his energetic flexible majesticness
Allow his appealing and beaming masculinity
To reinvent my sensually splendiferous femininity

— The End —