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Waitherero Sep 2015
I don't have any selfcontrol
The harder I want it
The more I need it

The more I wait for it
The more I seem to need it

I was hoping that you'd see it
Help me get it off
But it's underneath my skin

The more the need rises
The more I lose myself

Remember lying in the sand
Feeling the sun our faces
The force runing through you and I

The memories of that day are faiding
But what stays with me
Is the need I feel for you

Needing you and I

Needing and not resiving

I guess I'll keep on needing you
But you'll leave me needy and raw
Its slow and its painful
But its happening
I feel it slowly faiding
I feel it drip out of me little by little
And I cant stop it
I feel you slipping away

Your less in my dreams
Less in my thoughts
Less in my plans for my future
Your less to me

But I don't want to lose you
I don't want to stop dreaming of you
Or stop thinking about you every second of every day
Or stop making plans that I will be with you forever.

How do I stop you from slipping from me.
ryanë Smith Dec 2017
There once was a king who stayed in a castle

He loved story tellers and listened to them often but mostly at night. sometimes before bed they kept him awake. the story tellers always kept him wondering what happened next so he never stopped listening.

If a story didnt have a happy ending he would have the story teller banished to the dungeon never to be seen again, true or not its time to believe them. he didnt allow them to tell stories of faiding species, the hardships of surviving.. Here.. and how we are all doomed eventually. He only liked stories about books written by ancient deciples, Wounds being healed, lovers meeting from past lives and infinite impossibilities. Those stories with the least evidence most easy to believe.

Some days the king corrected his story tellers “no no no its like this. I’m the king and i know how it goes” he said, “anyway you like your highness” spoke the story teller. The king realized the story made no since so he sent the story teller to the dungeon and asked for a new teller. The dungeon door opened to reveal all the lost story tellers had become ghost on there way to take the king to the dungeon. He tried to ask his gaurds to protect him but they disappeared along with all of the tellers he had in his castle, and he was doomed to spend the rest of his days in the dungeon incased in a dark void of silence
Pointlessness metaphors metaphor
That One Guy May 2014
When I look at you,
I do not see a *****
I see someone I adore
Someone who is beautiful, sweet, and kind
The imperfections I do not mind

When I look at you,
I see you are faiding away
Into a state of decay
And yet still beautiful and sweet
But fighting something you cannot defeat

When I look at you,
I see someone who has been hurt from the beginning
And someone who's love of life is dwindling
I don't care, I will be there
Through think and thin
I will be there to lift up your chin
I am going to be there for you
There are things I wish you knew

When I look at you,
I see someone I love
I will be there;
Until you can fly free like a dove
Please don't call yourself a *****
Dimitrios Sarris Jul 2016
One of the greatest moments of our lives.
Patiently maturing our hearts for a beautiful cause and victorious
fall to the field of battle.
But patience easily gives in rage. It begins with a drop,
a single drop. Soon it becomes a river where anger is born
and from this fury rises a raging flood.
The tide wave changes and if anyone stands against
that tide, will drown...
All result of an unchecked wrath in prison within,
for this unjust and unfair world, where whatever is
good and true now watches like a ghost from beyond.
Waiting, faiding, forgetting, no rage just emptiness...
Jindomess Apr 2014
When I look at you,
I do not see a *****
I see someone I adore
Someone who is beautiful, sweet, and kind
The imperfections I do not mind

When I look at you,
I see you are faiding away
Into a state of decay
And yet still beautiful and sweet
But fighting something you cannot defeat

When I look at you,
I see someone who has been hurt from the beginning
And someone who's love of life is dwindling
I don't care, I will be there
Through think and thin
I will be there to lift up your chin
I am going to be there for you
There are things I wish you knew

When I look at you,
I see someone I love
I will be there;
Until you can fly free like a dove

— The End —