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Styles Aug 2014
My rages
Tearing pages
Going Cray
Ripping pages
My flow
Changing phases
On stages
Front row
Front pages
Your rapping, verbally attacking
Any Enemy slacking
Riff Raff'em
Taking charge
Like a captain
Ice challenge
Chilling living lavish
Way Above average
About to fix me a samwich
Let us with cabbage
Went H.A.M.
Over some beef
Got bread
Hand some  cheese
Hate spam
Love trees
Cool breeze
In Belize
Blowing Lush Kush
In blush trees
Across seas
They love me
See a tree huggers bush
Land and strip; No leaves
I'm cooler than an oldies, in his ******
Eating Coco puffs watching ice-t
In a wife-tee, drinking iced ice-t.
Spiking spike, while playing Exite Bike on an old PC
Laughing so hard
I *** ***
I wish you
Could see me
On HD with an HD
With At&T;
Getting my P.H.D.
Figure it out
Too late
Quarter past three
Then they
Passed me
Sin Nov 2015
I'm not a bad person or so I thought
It's just this urge
An itch
On skin so taught
A scab that lies upon my arm
All dried and red with scorn

Just like you now laying there
Naked flesh
A tempting fare
Unable to talk
Let alone scream
Don't look like that its not a dream

My hand I'll guide around your form
Such tender skin like silk adorned
A mannequin of silence

Your ******* exite in a way I might
Cut you just a little bit
My heart beats fast
I cannot last
The humiliation
I give now

So close your eyes my pretty scab
And let me scratch that itch
Just lay still and let me feel
Your my ******* *****
I like to write darker but maybe someone can recommend a site for that. Thank you.
Aceito todas  as pessoas assim como ******>(não se enganem, não disse que gosto)
Simplesmente não vejo por quê não deveriam ser assim
Vejo o fatalismo total e inevitável da vida
A aleatoriedade dos factos
A imaginação e a memória humanas
A submissão incontrolável ante a força
Não há destino, mas não há escolha
Ser é simplesmente existir seguindo um fluxo
Tornar expressivo e externo o caos íntimo da mente
Não exite mentiras, nem falsidade,
menos ainda heroísmos, ou coragem
O homem é ser dotado de todos os sentimentos
Impregnado (estupidamente impregnado) da certeza da vida
de toda a moral e inescrupulosos egoísmos
Não há como negar
Nos resta observar e e rir...
Toda ação gera consequências,
se alguém faz é porque é inevitável que o faça
e tudo o leva a fazer.
emma joy Sep 2013
Her face suddenly turns to me with Exite -
you're glittering again, you're full of warmth.
Was I cold before, I ask her.
No, but I couldn't put my hands in your pockets
the same way
I used to.
Come here.
I am back.
(witch role an unavoidable mandatory phase)
that nowadays breaks the piggybank
   like a dropped fragile vase
you most likely nod assent if offspring  grown,

   or ponder new found challenge
   expectant motherhood costs of progeny
   take the following precendent all ways.

deux daughter desiduous teeth comprise
   sum total of forty milky pearl white
whereat each healthy tooth
   a miraculous bite size bit
   of jaw dropping wizardry to in vite
a tasty morsel to get chewed,

   until at some arbitrary time
   (incumbent on each individual biological clock),
   the second set thwart aside
   (or sometime literally override)
   these baby choppers right
fully as sought after treatures for the tooth fairy

   (oft time disguised as part  
   of canine corp) offer sterling sight
but fascinating as each replicated, punctuated,
   lacteal dentition adorned with a pulp,
   dentin, enamel, and cementum quite
a complex miniature edifice,

   or a more apropos metaphor fielding sprite
   would be a picket fence with important slats,
   and thus a challenging plight
arises when a child shows their mother or father
   gapped smile, and understands
   to place tooth under pillow at night

when quiet as a mouse (who to be honest
   create scratching sounds) the might
tee tooth fairy doth descend (nowadays
   resort to global positioning
   satelline application)
   to find their way without turning on the light

soundless and still as a dust mote
   feign being a knight
less to rescue a damsel, maybe
   one baby step ahead of her/his insight
expecting to disover a modest *** of cash,
   if stood on end, rather sizable in height

and essentially necessitating po' papa
   to take out a loan, or hope flight
   of fancy wish to win the lottery, which would exite
   self or spouse, but reality in league  
   with fickle finger of fate doth disappoint and delight
son or daughter boasting to classmates,

   how the rich tooth fairy (iz actually a faux pas
   sham shaman, dirt poor father, bled dry,
   whose coutenance (visible after break of day)
   reflects that of one who barely survived a catfight
with finances in tatters as if
   one money hungry toothless fairy took a bite.
Ammar Ali Oct 2020
All of my eyes see different;
For if my own vision unkown
A pile of orange isn't seen-
For green grass isn't green
And grey clothes I see, if white;
Drapes and grapes are blue to see

To step I do in wet soil, to knees I see
Earth for sure is there yet underneath
For deeper sensing be it, for dry winds spin
Sirrocos didn't exite for enough hot I feel
And the moon lay down for sun is gloom
Needles grow, and the feeding is done by me

And mourn, remorse, regret yet numb
For I acknowledge not, nor I do feel
For a pile of orange isn't seen-
And the grass onto I caress isn't green;
Cause if not if I see, yet dark is seen
For skin is nothing, my blue and my dream.

— The End —