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Radhika Ghimire Dec 2020
I am sending a parcel on its wings,
Be careful when you open it.
It has full of beautiful things inside,  
108 of waves, you are searching for.
The true colours you love, wrapped up in a blissful layer by layer,  our doorway to knowledge path,
Expounding the absolute power,
As committed and receptive naturally.

The parcel I am sending you, to say how much I miss you.
Holding the heart- " the mystical heart",
Where you always remain, beautifully inside it.

I am sending a parcel on its wings,
Be careful when you open it.
The remaining just flower for you, the way the potters wheel is,
Opens up various levels of perception,  
Everytimes puts out, when it silence, gets hurts.
I am trying to be flower for you to your potential,  external  and largely fortunately internal.

I am sending a parcel  on its wings,   be careful when you open it.
Better to maintain conducive atmosphere
Is called KAVACH, create a cocoon energy inside,
That simply transmit that you wish.

The parcel , it has , things inside,  full of beautiness
That you had initiated into meditativeness,  
generating receptivity , you transmitted into me,
In a short time,
as a doorway to knowledge.

I am sending a parcel on its wings,
Trying to  praise your emotional integrity,
Whatever i send, be careful when you open it.
The beautiful things inside it,  The thought
Quiet powerful transforms spiritual process.
Starting the aware of kundalini with the help of ganapati.

I am sending a parcel on its red wings.
Grounded bases of balance emotional issues.
For reduction of anxiety to energize your powerful spirituality.
With another parts of parcel  on its orange wings.
Which help you to open up for the feeling of
Maintaining harmoneous relationship together.
Because of human beings being empowered with this.

To promote your beautifully things,  self confedence and
To be continued effective manner in which you are travelling miles and miles,
See in this parcel.

I am sending a power with  its yellow wings,
Be careful when you open it.

It has full of beautiful heart , the mystical heart..
On its green wings
Having full of love , kindness,  experiencing compassion which you opened a balance of sympathetic love.
During our conversations.

I am sending a parcel on its blue wings .
When you open it carefully,  you will find positivity,
Singing a song that you most love.
It has also contain a indigo one called 3rd eye
Helps you to visualize inside
And connected the way the path of spiritual heaven.

I am sending a parcel on its violet wings
The crown you will find,
When you open it carefully.
Enjoying with spiritual connections.
Creation of emotion, bonding meditative path.
Melt completely wisdom.
Leaving probably me alone
In the world a path spiritual
Where we will be reunions
Our soul again and again.
Meaningful parcel
Marcelo Jun 2016
everytimes he looks at me i see the reflection in his eyes and i recognize that look.
it is one of disappointment.
a look far too familiar on my parents faces when faced with their offspring.
i know i was never the first option just the ***** cell that won.
but who honestly expects a cheetah to win a swimming competition when there is a little fish in the race.
a disgrace that one is forced to convince that their existence is not futile.
As first i could not fathom what it was you wanted for me.
but Father i honestly just changed for you.
to be the son you have always wanted, i even withstood the torture and all of their tormenting words as they called me a 'Man'.
my mother failed to understand why i could not be a lady but it was all for you.
Father, forgive me.
Unlike Pinocchio, I CAN'T BE A REAL BOY!
open letter to my father, hoping he can love me as i tried so hard to just be a real boy.
Everyday when I look at the mirror,
I hope for a new reflection
Everyday when I twinkle my eyes,
I hope for a better vision
Everytimes when I sleep at night,
I hope for the next brand new mornin'
But everytimes when I wake up,
I hope for a new change.
A change from out daily routine, really helps...
Haniatira Oct 2014
Life is about journey
How tough you can across the journey

People say you shouldn't have to cry or be sad for someone who doesn't care about you

I have to pretend like nothing happen (everytimes)
You never understand
how in pain I am

Everytime when i see you it's just make me sad. More sadness

I've A feeling to
I am a human being
Who has beating heart that can stop
When Allah SWT ask to stop

I tell myself that I should
be more matured
I tell myself that I can face the world even it more pain will came
Arek Jul 2021
Sometimes life is like an onion
sometimes like a peach
sometimes you fall into a canyon
sometimes lie on a beach

Sometimes life is like a rose
sometimes like a thorn
sometimes each new day really blows
sometimes feels like you're born

Sometimes I think that I'm so smart
usually me so dumb dumb
but your salted caramel chocolate ****
will always taste so yum yum
anu Mar 2019
Happy poem
Which tells me Who I am

I am a good *****
Who will be very happy when his ana call her in his busy

I am preethu
Who always adore her positive enthu

I am his good thagachi
Who always wants her ana to be  in her katichi

I am his chamathu Kuty sometimes
Who prays for her ana to be very happy everytimes

I am always happiessss
Just because I am always with my Samiyanadha's smileeesss
Thank God .. I am writing very happy poem .. Its because u blessed me with what I deserve .. I realised ..
Ana - my brother
Thagachi - me ( preethu )
Dedicated to my ana who is more than my friend !!

— The End —