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Pagan Paul Jul 2018
And her arms enfold me,
I lay my cheek
against her breast.
The shaking starts,
the tears fall,
as sobs emerge unhindered.
Cries from way down deep,
and I hear her heart,
slow, steady, metronomic.
So I follow its rhythm
along a path richly bathed
in warm sunlight.
Through an archway
and across a threshold shrine,
the cemetery of the Ancients.
A hundred thousand names,
carved in marble,
adorned with statues and plinths.
Holding knowledge of old,
and the sound of silence,
like an abandoned library.

The shadow of love hovers close,
driving through midnight mists
and leading me on.
Practising narrative necromancy,
reanimating old words,
giving them life newly born,
upon the first carved marbles,
its names burnished with wisdom,
and the anonymity of obscurity.
There glows one name
in forgotten script
and I know my deepest identity,
the weight of the aeons
flows free into my mind,
histories of the millennia.
I know
my Forest Lady holds secrets
that belong to me.
And she gestates them all,
a coveted pregnancy.

A path-working, an etherical dream,
and her heart skips a beat,
as another part of me
crumbles and dies,
to mingle with the dust
of ancient knowledge.

© Pagan Paul (11/07/18)
Joshua Vincens Apr 2013
Changing times leaving it Mystical
Abandonment of all of the material

The end of a star was the start of Our Sun
Human body 'tis the temple of Sol-Om-On

Seeking for Love finding only of animosity
Wake and rise from this dreaming mortality

Hell is actually here on Earth
Death is truthfully life's birth

Detriment is becoming one Etherical
Sickness is surely all that is physical

The Eve inverted same is a golden dawn begun
Fear no life nor death naught should we shun

Alpha as All also is Omega in We One All Eternity
Living to Die We're Dying to Live it Omnipotently

Living low has no more worth
Being is Death with infinite girth"
Pagan Paul Mar 2018
I hear music.
Coming from nowhere, filling up everywhere.
A ghost of a phantom
whispers in my ear
“Let the music take you;
let the words free you”.

It waits like a shroud,
misty, comforting and open,
for my caveat-less submission.
Insistent soft etherical tendrils
take me to the source.

I feel music.
Coming from everywhere, filling up nowhere.
A voice of a Goddess
whispers in my ear
“Let the girl take you;
let the woman free you”.

© Pagan Paul  (2016)
Wi Oct 2017
She hears music.
Coming from nowhere, filling up everywhere.
A ghost of a phantom
whispers in her ear
“Let the music take you;
let the words free you”.

It waits like a shroud,
Misty, comforting and open,
For her caveat-less submission.
Insistent soft etherical tendrils
take her to the source.

She feels music.
Coming from everywhere, filling up nowhere.
A voice of a Goddess
Whispers in her ear
“Let the girl take you;
let the woman free you”.

— The End —