I was born and raised on Lon Lon Ranch,
I would always take care of the horses and sit on an Olive branch.
My mother died when I was younger,
My father, Talon always fed me and I never suffered from hunger.
One day, my father went to Hyrule Castle to go deliver milk for the Royal Family to drink,
I waited from him at the gate to the castle, thats when I saw a boy with a fairy, his name was Link.
My heart dropped and began to flutter,
And right then and there I began to giggle and melt like butter.
After that day, I didnt see him for seven years,
As I watched him walk down the road I held back my tears.
For seven long years I thought about that boy in green fleece,
I cried alot of tears, but it kept my heart strong and in one piece.
Now I see that he loves another, I believe her name is Zelda,
You deserve better then me, you deserve to be with the Alpha, I'm just an Omega.
Please take good care of Epona, for me please,
Take good care of her when you cross the Seas.
I hope you keep me in your mind, and that you promise you'll visit soon,
I love you Link, you're my precious blue moon.