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Ashton Jul 2016
Maybe it wasnt me
Maybe it wasnt you
Maybe it would have been that way enevitably
Maybe there was no way to avoid that
Maybe we were meant to end in disaster
No matter how hard we tried
We would have crashed
We would have burned
Paula Swanson Jul 2010
L Lightening bolts of curiosity................Let them strike.
I  Ignite the imagination........................Follow its flame.
V  Vehemently pursue your dreams........Let them lead.
E  Enevitably follow your conscience.......Heed its call.

L  Levity is inherent..............................Let it free.
A  Allow your inner child to play.............Share your joy.
U  Unpredictability is encouraged...........Surprise yourself
G  Go ahead, splash in a puddle............Silly, is O.K.
H  Have a belly laugh daily.....................For what ails ya.

L  Logic does not rule the heart.............Hear it sing.
O  Over the top, head over heels...........Go for it.
V  Vast is our capability........................See the possibilities.
E  Even when mad, say these words......I love you.
Paula Swanson Jun 2010
Curious. How we view ourselves, while on the slab we lie
Knowing forever shut, earthly windows, our eyes
Modesty behind us now, embarrassment we don't feel
Our flesh, we don't cringe away, from the frigid stainless steel
To look with no emotion, incisions, from the autopsy knife
Every muscle utterly still, relaxed as never in life
No blood to rush a blush, our cheeks a pallid waxy grey
Lividity of our skin, shows how in death we'd lain
Enevitably we will be reduced to a dusty grime
Either by an uncaring fire, or the mercy of time
Devin Ortiz Jun 2016
I have been driven mad
Looking for the words
That will enevitably set me free
Then I thought of a thing that truly must be

The incantation to break the shackles
Was never owned by me
The secret in the poems
Is that the sacred words are another's

Puzzle boxes writing desperately
Searching high and low
For a solution to their mystery
Only to find the key is a lover

Of ancient words and rhythms
The passion for magic in writing
I know this because I found truth
Within the winding words of another.
sheala mckmean Dec 2010
Where does all the love go, when its home is destroyed?
When the lovers loose the magic they so enjoyed
It cant simply be lost
All good things come at a cost
It may spread out and travel far away
But take comfort in knowing that theres a moment in everyday
When, whether you know it or not, it finds you
Embraces you, brings a smile, and enevitably a bit of heartache too..
Always remebmer love is not to be thrown away
It is a constant reminder, it is in everyday
Don't forget
TJ King Aug 2020
Underneath a sun baked deck in San Jose
A flower was born.
Sun dappled, it unfurled its small green hands toward the lawn where
Globes of water still sat on the shoulders
Of green grasses to catch a glimpse of the sky,
who's cool breath had so recently whispered them into being.

Every day, as the sun peeked through the
Slats of gray wooden decay, the focus of it's impeccably golden eye would enevitably fall upon the delicate petals of a small blue flower.

Where had it come from, such a flower? Fallen out of its sleeve on the way to the garden? Had it been blown astray in one big gust? Where were the other flowers then?

They are gone. The Partridges disbanded long ago and left in their place a corpse
of tortured cedar, concrete, and angry hot metal. All now home to one small blue flower, who dances whenever given the chance in the spotlight of it all.

I only tell you this because because I watched that flower die this summer. After a gaggle of men pealed back the carcass-home, a flood of light came tumbling down upon all that had unknowingly benefitted from its protection, mostly weeds.

I should say, the lawn was the first to fall, well before the house itself, though it fought valiantly.
Hoisting its mystical morning globes skyward, like an offering. Golden death still spread like a flood across the lawn, catching every unshaded corner until all was bleached and unremarkable to look upon.

I remember how odd it must've looked, one blue flower shooting up from the grey mounds and yellowed grasses. How excited I was to see something so small and beautiful set free. How long I lingered there waiting for it to die.

— The End —