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Allania Berkey Mar 2016
You were my favorite thought at 7:30 in the morning
As I woke up and gently smile
thoughts of you brushed through my mind
Laughter embraced me as I causally pulled the covers over my head in embrassment
In the mean time the covers layed on my newly blonde hair, I'd think
how could I be so in love with a man like you
Something I never expected nor encountered to feel
It was as if we were to magnets gravitating towards one another
As my thoughts drifted me back to sleep
He walked through the painted white door frame and sighed with endearment
I stopped and smirked
"What?" I said to him
Without words, he gravitated towards me
as if we were the two little magnets that plunged through my thoughts
Quick as ever he pulled the covers off of me as I whole heartedly and playfully clenched to them in resistance, but he was a little too quick and a little too smart
He stared deeply into my eyes and grinned
Finally, he made his way to me and gently clenched onto the covers, as I playful did too
He grab my hips and pulled me in closer
Weightless I layed
The warmth of his body resembled the feeling of wearing a thousand hand knitted swears in the middle of July
The strength of his arms made me feel safe, while his voice gave me assurance and comfort
I stopped and sighed with admiration
He continued to gently gleam into my eyes
And just as I pulled away in embrassment, he insisted to drag me closer
The closer he got the more his nose brushed against my cheek
I no longer pulled away
His eyes were locked in mindless contact with mine, while his lips brushed against my cheek
Breathless I layed
He whisperd in my ear "coffees ready"
I smiled
As I replied-- no sugar and no cream
Tashea Young Oct 2016
Have you Ever Felt Like You aren't a success because you feel rather less than the best.
Well please Listen to my request:
For it shows that you are Making progress.
God is prepping you for A favorable outcome.
So hold on tight because he is not yet done.
These Additives are a requirement
To bringing you out of the old and into your new environment.
Out of Obedience I give to you the following Ingredients:

Add a teaspoon of hopelessness with a pinch of replusiveness
Pour a cup of Persecution, and  Mix it with neagtive thoughts invading the mind with pollution.
Next Add a spoonful of Despair.
Just a dash of feeling loneliness here and there.
Sprinkle in the feelings of failure and doubt
Because day in and day out you don't see things working out.
Stir in a pint of Suffering.
Just enough to leave you Uttering, "LORD, I NEED YOUR GOVERNORING"
Add a gallon of Sorrow with
Prayers and hopes of the pain ending tomorrow.
Mix in a few drops of Tears
As You seek Counsel from The Big Man Upstairs.
Put in a hint of Embrassment from the harassment due to impaired judgement.
Stir in the Dissapointment for You need to Go through this to get your anointing.

Then, Humbly we come to seek you in despartion
Bringing to you our circumstances and current situation.
Blend in the Senation of Humiliation
Now watch the beautification and Wonders of your transformation To His Marvelous  Mastepiece: His Beautiful Creation.
This was all a part of The Process
So his love you could gain access to and possess, dwell within you just so you could be blessed and exchange for our heavy burdens for Rest.
These are The Ingredients For Success!
If you never Experience poverty, being striken and ill health
You would never know the true meaning of  prosperity, riches and Wealth.
SO I DARE YOU to Trust Yah as he guides you on this journey to finding your true self.
Inspired By A speach From Kirk Franklin
Bren O May 2015
I have so many blocked up feelings that this poem can help me release. My soul has been in constant war ever since I left my old school. I lost contact with my friends, family members, and someone really special to me. I thought I was strong, but the world proved me wrong time after time. My soul has taken embrassment, insults, neglect, hate, anger, depression and so many more phases at once. My soul had been beat up, trampled on, kicked around, and stabbed way too many times to count in one year. I lost so much I fell into a shell that I'm not even sure I can recover from. I tried to connect with others to ease my pain and sorrow, but as expected it made things worse. I'm starting to think all people are the same. My heart and soul can't take anymore. Thoughts would come of death and evil. I don't know what to do now. I have taken the final blow to my soul and it's time for it to rest in peace. I have given my soul a funeral and this is my eulogy to it.
87forever Jun 2014
What I want I have
What you want I laugh
You love me that I know
I play with your keys like a piano
I'm here for you nobody else
I can't help that I think bout myself
I got somebody that loves me
We can't be what's on TV
What I want is OK
Your dreams can go away
Tho I can't let go of the past
dark cloud you'll never know when its in the forecast  
I want you to be my first and last
If you don't I'll blast
You heart right out of body
I love somebody
they love me
There know screct you can see
A few things odd and crazy
Years later still know baby
You are the one cause I say so
Your crazy if you think I'm letting go
Embrassment I refuse
Its me not you that was used
OK we both need to improve
No regrets I'll never say I'm shame
I could never say I'm at all the blame
I wish you the best on the next love
Sorry I was crazy in love
Middy Nov 2017
her eyes are green with envy
her heart barely beats
her mouth drips with poison
and her her voice is filled with venom
she chews up her victims
and spits them out
just so that they look like her
she leaves broken hearts
in her journey of hate
and her quest to spread lies
and spies out every rumor
creating ******, embrassment and shame
turning the kidest of people
into bullies and killers
yes. i'm writing at school again.
I stick my foot in it so many times.
I sometimes speak before I think.
I sometimes make mistakes.
Make the wrong call.
Mistake a male poet for a woman
Laying in bed dying with embrassment.
Just know that my heart is in
The right place.
I wrote this after having one of those days where you just get everything wrong

— The End —