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Yusuf Kura Sep 2015
Your heart will always be young,
And your soul will always be free.
All else will be,
Just keep your fire alive.
Grow your flames to the sky,
And light the night with.
The sky will rain fire,
No shadows
No shelter
No shade to foster
The Clinchfield line flows from the mines -  and through the mountains of East Tennessee.
Wher menageries go to provide such a show - the likes of those we'd never  see.

The first glimpse of these beasts that came from the east - and such places where we'll never live.
They rolled in on the back and were pulled up the track - by the huge steel Loco-motive.

With this rolling stock that would bring such a shock - to the bustling boom town of Erwin.
All sorts of creatures where brought here to feature - where paying guests could get set to determine.

A lumbering cow was this company's wow - this Circus did owe its success.
But this pachyderm act would in time distract - and end up in a most awful mess.

Mary we can claim was this elephants name - and the boast is “the biggest in size.”  
For she sure was a hulk and endowed with such bulk - that I wouldn't be very surprised.

Too earn a few bob, Eldridge, new to the job – now the handler of this pachyderm.
This man was a fool and it seems, very cruel - as it said, he was overly firm.

He was void of the skill but enthused by the thrill - with a very go-for-broke view.
This creature he'd ***** with a great big stick – giving Mary a bad how-to-do.

He had picked the wrong day to cause this affray – as he jabbed with the long piece of wood.
Whilst he was being so rough he hit an absessed tooth – and believe me this figured no good.

With one painful bellow her trunk hit this fellow – throwing Red Eldridge around.
And such was her tread when she trod on his head – she crushed it right into the ground.

Bullets rang out and there was no doubt – they hadn't had any effect.
As before the crowd she still trumpeted loud – while the masses, revenge did select.

**** the elephant, **** the elephant – was the song that the crowds chose to sing.
Each and every man came up with the plan – they wanted poor Mary to swing.

The lynching was set and a huge crane was met – for Mary was five tons in weight.
Out in front of the crowds with them screaming out loud – her future was not looking great.

They secured her leg by a chain to a peg – whilst around her neck they placed a chain.
And whilst reeling it in it dug into the skin – as they lifted her up with the crane.

Back on the ground they heard such a sound – as Mary's big bones they did crack.
Then somebody said the chains still on her leg – and the elephant to earth did come back.

The effect of this trip broke the pachyderms hip – causing her incredible pain.
And with such neglect they then did reconnect – and they lifted the creature once again.

The crowds they did roar as Mary did soar – a day out it has to be said.
With laughter and glee for the whole family – this monster now hanging quite dead.

The elephant gone but the party went on – as this beauty did hang for this shower.
The boom town of Erwin all acted like vermin – and left her for almost an hour.

Buried in the ground she can not now be found – as many here try to forget.
To look in this face we see only disgrace – and forever this stone will be set.
6th November 2014

The town that hanged an elephant: A chilling photo and a macabre story of ****** and revenge
Charlie Sparks's travelling circus visited Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1916
An inexperienced keeper was put in charge of elephant called Mary
During a parade he goaded her with a spear, and hit an abscess
In pain, she dashed him against the ground and stood on his head
When residents began baying for blood, Charlie Sparks agreed to **** her

'Murderous Mary' was hanged using a railway crane in nearby Erwin
The photo is horrific but can be viewed online. It shows how cruel humanity can truly be.
Little Jazz on my birthday
Kings Crown Radio
special every year

Schaap lays down
the JATP grooves

All the tracks of this
Steeltown cat

A perennial
birthday bash

Takes me Uptown
With Roy and Anita

Strolling arm and arm
Singing bout a city

Checkin out the sights
Knockin me a kiss

On the fat lobe lips
Of my eager ear

Ole Little Jazz
Hittin the high note

Blowin somethin cool
Playing with the great cats

He’s one himself
A lion of the bandstand

You can hear a him growl
When he blows that horn

Or a prissy ***** purr
Fine and mellow
on a bouncy ballad

Or check a lonely tomcat
moanin the blues
As he swings on down
some dark alley in Chicago

Yea, he’s one cool cat
this Eldridge dude
One cool Little Jazz cat


Music Selection:
Roy Eldridge, Sunday
*** inta a funky blues roll
swing silent low piano
trippin down tinky tink keys
stumble the mumbled muffled horns
wha wha the humble orchastra roars
it swings a choo choo
tracks changin
bass a bumpin
du du du du
walkin through the room
Spoon croons a bellowed ballad
an Ella cat do a hair raisin ****
tink tink
you don't have ta think
you know what you feel
dis blues is fo real

For Prez


Music Selection:
Count Basie Band with
Ben Webster, Roy Eldridge and Jimmy Rushing

I Left My Baby
In time,
Her blue eyes turned to amber,
Gaining serenity at the expense of dazzle,
She was, in short:
You know, the proverbial red,
Red rose misplacing its hue?
Over time, becoming the times that
Try men’s souls--as they say—
Particularly in times like ours.
Life at the Vicarage: an in-depth,
Stunningly frank & brutal TRIP 4-2.
Surely, the falcon & falconer
Out of range of each other, at last.
Share drowned innocence,
Sans conviction, intense & passionate,
An in-depth study--if you will—
If you won’t, *******!
A close encounter of mutual
Self-loathing & contempt.
Soon the blood-dimmed tide,
Mere anarchy loose as a goose.
I speak of a time without pretense:
Are you ******* me?
Who has time to investigate
A simple case of what could or
Could not be spousal homicide.
But I digress.
Blood in the streets?
We haven’t seen that ****
Since Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver
& Huey P Newton stalked the earth.
“Lord, Oh God!” we wonder.
“Deliver us a savior.
Rescue Us.
Rescue Me."
Jack walks down Arbuthnot street.
he hopes to meet a little more than anything on any street he's ever met before,but this he hopes on every street and his hopes are dashed each time he meets the corner where the lights of disillusionment turn red.

His feet are sore,each street he's walked on he has swore would be the last,he wonders who or what he's searching for.

Today he'll go again,he'll catch the train to set him down,another town and one more street,today he thinks that he might meet but doesn't know the reason why,he's getting old now,time's flown by.

As he walks down Eldridge avenue he meets the moment that he knew would come,the sun shuts out his shout and in the silence which the day has broke apart,his heart beats time and one last time within the speed of memories he see's what he's been searching for,and then
the door shuts on his life.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
I met a little girl and I settled down
In a little house out on the edge of town
We got married and swore we'd never part
Then little by little we drifted from each other's hearts

At first I thought it was just restlessness
That would fade as time went by
And our love grew deep
In the end it was somethin' more I guess
That tore us apart and made us weep

I'm drivin' a stolen car
Down on Eldridge Avenue
Each night I wait to get caught
But I never do

She asked if I remember
The letters I wrote
When our love was young and bold
She said last night she read those letters again
And they made her feel 100 years old

I'm drivin' a stolen car
On a pitch black night
And I'm tellin' myself
It's gonna be alright
But I ride by night
And I travel in fear
That in this darkness
I will disappear.

      - Bruce Springsteen

— The End —