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sdrawkcab lla si ti
sgniht  ta kool ot yap t’nseod
eb dluohs yeht yaw eht
ytilibats pu evig  ot nrael
ytiugibma fo ssenteews eht ecarbme
ekil-gurd si rewop sti
sevird ti  sa sessessop ti
shpmuirt taht ssendam a
  tniop noitanimluc eht ta
ytivitaerc fo ecand eht
egru na ;regnuh a si ti
tcepser a sdnammoc taht
lausunu eht ,euqinu eht rof
!ylpmoc ohw esoht staiwa dlrow wen elohw a
-em evig
noitanimreted emos noissap emos
!ylf dna sgniw eht hcterts ot ssengnilliw emos
- em ekam
seil dna sevil taht sselraef a
ytirucesni nwo sti yb detrofmoc

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Asa D Bruss Feb 2015
yad a ekam dluoc  I fI
noitalsnart ni tsol saw eno on erehw
!eb dlouw taht yad yppah a tahw O
dniknam sah ydalam retaerg tahw roF
kcal elpmis ruo naht
.gniwonk fo
sdnim lautum ruo fo gniwonk ehT
dlog naht thguos erom si
revlis naht suoicerp erom
dnoyeb dna raf dna
derised erom
. sevlesmeht sthguoht eht fo yna naht
From Jess's Lips Jul 2015
.dnuos a gnikam tuohtiw
rettulf traeh ym ekam ouy
.nwod edispu em pilf dna
tuo edisni em nrut uoY
For those who don't like to read backwards:
You turn me inside out
And flip me upside down.
You make my heart flutter
Without making a sound.

I periodically send backwards messages to friends, so I thought it'd be fun to send a backwards poem to y'all. :)
devante moore Mar 2016
gnorw ti ta gnikool ruoy esuaceb s'ti esnes ekam t'nod sgniht nehw semitemoS
Jack Connolly Mar 2015
I think will write a poem.
But what about?
It should be about something important,
Like sub-Saharan drought
Maybe it should be funny,
Well that made me laugh.

I think I will give it a nice rhyme,
Like orange and door hinge.
Or place a hidden message,
Egnirc em ekam t'nod.
It could be deep,
But your as deep as water in a spoon.

Lyrical might my poem be,
Stop you'll sound like a loon.
It could be about struggling,
Except you don't live in a box.

How do I start it,
And what should it be called.
Ill check these poetry books,
How many stanzas just one or three?
This is harder than it looks,
Ill stick to tv.
.hguorht em tup uoY
,niap emas eht leef mih ekaM
.uoy ot did I dias uoy tahW
,did ohw nam eht hcnup d'I
It's backwards and in reverse order, just like the twisted way they think.

— The End —