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Christine H Jan 2011
It isn't a privilege
Or some dort of miracle.
It is a test.
A test to see what you've done
Who you are
And what you deserve.
Whether it's pain, joy
O neither.

Do you deserve to live among the shadows?
Where the sun never shines but the clouds never darken -
A world filled with emptiness.
You are neither hero nor villan,
Friend nor foe;
You deserve nothing.

Or have you killed?
Wronged the Gods in one way or another?
You deserve more than death
To be filled with hunger, food and water always out of reach.
To be live among fire, pain always present.
You deserve endless torture.

If somehow you managed to live your life right
Defending family
With everything you've got.
You will continue to live on
Your name and story passed down
People will whisper your name for strength
For help.
You will wander the fields of Elysium
Surrounded by endless beauty
Blue lake,
Green hills.
You deseve more than can ever be given
Part one of my little series, we have to explain things by artisic way so I chose poems....hope you like :)
I just made the impossible that is keep me alive every week
Because breathe some times  don't make sense.
I just want disappear
I just want be alone cuz
the only thing that make me feel better
is cry on my bed                                                              ­                          
The darkness is just more clear now,
this pain really need to go to other body.
My soul is lost on my deep memories.
Only my dreams know this place,
is a dark place with nothing but don't worry...
Even in the lost deep memories
with a lonely soul you find a nice live girl,
with a pretty smile.
She don't deserve suffer.
She just deseve  to love...
love  a time love.

- d.a
Sydney Nov 2020
Baby, tell me why can't i love you the way you love me?

Why am i choosing you as a friend??

I don't deserve you, baby
You love me even if i don't return the love

I tried several times to push you away from me, but there you are, hurting, but still loving me

You don't deserve me, i don't deserve you
Please, free yourself from me
I can't love you
But i love you

I love you, but not in the you want me too
You deseve better
Please, let go

— The End —