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My dearest Frank, I wish you joy
Of Mary's safety with a Boy,
Whose birth has given little pain
Compared with that of Mary Jane —
May he a growing Blessing prove,
And well deserve his Parents' Love! —
Endow'd with Art's and Nature's Good,
Thy Name possessing with thy Blood,
In him, in all his ways, may we
Another Francis WIlliam see! —
Thy infant days may he inherit,
They warmth, nay insolence of spirit; —
We would not with one foult dispense
To weaken the resemblance.
May he revive thy Nursery sin,
Peeping as daringly within,
His curley Locks but just descried,
With 'Bet, my be not come to bide.' —
Fearless of danger, braving pain,
And threaten'd very oft in vain,
Still may one Terror daunt his Soul,
One needful engine of Controul
Be found in this sublime array,
A neigbouring Donkey's aweful Bray.
So may his equal faults as Child,
Produce Maturity as mild!
His saucy words and fiery ways
In early Childhood's pettish days,
In Manhood, shew his Father's mind
Like him, considerate and Kind;
All Gentleness to those around,
And anger only not to wound.
Then like his Father too, he must,
To his own former struggles just,
Feel his Deserts with honest Glow,
And all his self-improvement know.
A native fault may thus give birth
To the best blessing, conscious Worth.
As for ourselves we're very well;
As unaffected prose will tell.
Cassandra's pen will paint our state,
The many comforts that await
Our Chawton home, how much we find
Already in it, to our mind;
And how convinced, that when complete
It will all other Houses beat
The ever have been made or mended,
With rooms concise, or rooms distended.
You'll find us very snug next year,
Perhaps with Charles and ***** near,
For now it often does delight us
To fancy them just over-right us.
Sawyer Jul 2017
I can't eat Ramen.
Which *****, cuz I love Ramen!
The broth is so good!

Curley fries are great.
They're better than normal fries.
Nobody knows why.

DVD's aren't dead.
I like the commentary.
That's why I buy them.

Thesauruses help,
But is using them cheating?
I will never know.

Okay, I'm done now.
Seriously, you can go.
They're just dumb haikus!
This is what the brain of a poet looks like. We all think in Haiku. X3
emily Jan 2016
Donald Trump
will never make America great again.
The American dream is dead.
You are the one who killed it.
Dead with Lennie and the rabbits.
George is probably gone now too.
Depression. Couldn't live with himself.
Curley's wife never made it to Hollywood.
Still stuck in the bedroom,
with red ostrich feathers and ***** husband's
vaseline-filled glove.
His breath still reeks of rotten eggs;
only a matter of time before he gets sick - affluenza. Incurable.
Crooks isn't a man. Been diminished to nothing
but a shell. Hollow, and he believes it.
Candy and Slim, worked to death for minimum wage.
The American dream is dead.
******* by deluded denial.
Time to wake up and smell the rotting corpse of reality.
Sexism. Racism. Classism. Stigmas. Wake up, America.
Mike Hauser Jul 2013
I had the strangest feeling
That if I cut my hair
All of my crazy poem ideas
Would suddenly disappear

Like Samson with Delila
I'd loose that added edge
If I didn't keep this mop top
On top of my knotted head

All the poetry would be zapped from me
And I would lose my purpose
Start rhyming things like moon with June
At that point my pen would be worthless

But I couldn't take it anymore
It was driving me insane
So I got out the heavy duty shears
And did something about this mane

I now see the pile in front of me
Expecting the Philistine's to crash through the door
But the only action that there is
Is me sweeping my curley remains up off the floor

I now face the day in front of me
Showing no lack of courage
Continuing in my quest
Of looking for that elusive word that rhymes with orange
Barbara Swan Sep 2012
They're seventeen and fourteen, those girls who have our hearts
from curley top and sassypants, they've grown up tall and smart
what ever happened to those  ribbons and bows that was braided in their hair
they've traded in the baby stuff, and now its liner and lipstick they wear..

We really miss those days gone by, their games and movies and noise
mudpies and tea parties are over and done, they've now discovered "boys"
So now we wait a few more years, to see what they'll become
We hope that we are still around  when they find their special "one'

I guess the most important thing, that we would hope they share
the memories and the love we have, for both will always be there
So as we grow older and so do they, as life has so proclaimed
We leave to them our legacy, and someday they'll do the same.
Luke OReilly Dec 2011
Havnt a baldies what the word means
On account of me not having a dictionary
to hand.
Tis nice though,
to say.
I urge you to play.
Say them out loud.
Curley wurley
It's words that define us.
i like to watch the squirrel climbing in a tree
swinging branch to branch as happy as can be
with his curley tail and his cheeky face
happy and content in his woodland place

gathering his nuts for his favourite treat
his favourite food of all and what he loves to eat
i sit there and watch them they bring a smile to me
they make me feel so happy and fill my heart with glee.
Hank Roberts Aug 2010
She walked from her house
She was wearing a blue blouse
As she crossed over main street
Looked over her shoulder in the sleet
Did she catch a glimpse of my face
I ran to the closest hiding place
Where I could still see her pace
I stayed far away just in case

Three years ago just the other day
Her and I would never part ways
Always under the morning sun
During the evening stars, we weren’t stunned
Everyday we were hand in hand
We loved our feet in the sand
It was on this fateful day, the other day
She told me she didn’t want to stay

I crossed the park with snow on the ground
Noone was around, nothing was at sound
Her curley hair flowing with her hop
Making everyone look and forever stop
Turning left down the alley way
Hurrying, I didn’t want her, twice, to be away
Even through this numbing winter
In my heart, I can still feel the splinter

Three years ago, just the other day,
Her and I would never part ways
We were standing on edge, peering at the lake
My feelings for her were far from fake
So I got down, asked her for her heart
The unforgivable, nervousness, tore me apart
It was on this fateful day, the other day
Where she went and left me down and astray

After all the endless calls and letters
Nothing was better, I tore her homemade sweater
Seeing her on the street, she hides her face
All I want is her to plead her confusing case
She climbs into the red striped car
I called a cab to take me this far
Far in the forest, it was the lake house
I peer through the window, I see another spouse!

Three years ago, just the other day
Her and I would never part ways
We would share hands, skip down the lane
These memories will be forever stained
For two years prior, we shared desire
Now I realize, her words were just to conspire
Never I thought, it would never come, this day
She’d leave me in tears as I lay, away

My brain said no, my heart said go
By this time, I was at the very low
I entered, walking more then slow
I could hear here laughing below
Walking down the wooden steps
As I came close, I took a misstep
This was the first time she saw my eyes
Seeing that us together now, could only die

Three years ago, just the other day
Her and I would never part ways
Down by the place at the lake
I gave her everything I had at stake
She told me her dreams, I gave her my soul
It wasn’t just my times, it’s my love she stole
It was like every other lover’s day
But on this day, I was left to only pay

Everything happened as fast as it came
Two polar extremes can never be the same
The other man, stood tall, like a king
He led me with his left, gave his right a swing
Being scared, I picked up enough courage
My anger was the one to encourage
Ending his life, I saw my trembling lover
She looks so pale, as I put her under the cover
Ken Pepiton Aug 2022
Thorough, and thoroughly,

Nearly through, throughly true. If ifity fit ifity fit, pfft. Pfft,

Ifity fit not, no fit no fit, wait, sh-it fits, in time, today

-thoughtless of me, wordless, wait ‘but through...’ word. text

-we need e- lectric, mind, appawareness usually clicks time

Was a word as all words are, mere after thought, mere means to points with no lines in reason

We must record this moment, we the scribes and proper scholars, art’s great sifters, shifting screens and lenses,

Lo' looking loci-precise, sharp, pattern
- memory verses versus Youtube.

From a long forgotten dance.

In time we have no long ago, after ever – does what ever does – you know,

Just, justice, just makes no real

Sense one may take as common, as where all is fair, yes, es-sense, knowing more than mere names of things seen. Sounds, reasonable, eh.

If you bring a reason, to the table, why... would you expect to win a reasoning contest?

Writer chose heads. You give a reason, we test it on history, and lead your learning based on attention paid patterns over time. Ai is on our side. Life is openbook.

Do you think? Why can you read these letters literally only forms of sounds words would make, if you

Stop, Look, Listen, train town brain, mindfullness, oh yes, fashionable, aware being as a ware,  


Page Break

After a full life, per each idle word in books that burned, lifes works that burned in time,

All the songs copied for the choir, all the poor scriveners treasures, burned, as by

Midnight oil, from the brain pan of a great blue whale... back when

Capitalization, o, a ver-ified manmental tool to frame course corrections...

means (n.)

"course of action,"  
late 14c.,  
from mean (n.); sense of "wealth, resources at one's disposal for accomplishing some object" is recorded  
by c. 1600. Compare French moyens, German Mittel. Phrase by no means is attested from late 15c. Man of means is from 1620s. Means-test  
"official inquiry into the private resources of an applicant for public funds" is from 1930.

1 aha footnotes have been invented for poets...

Ok. You set the style, I wish this to be easily read, on any powered page displaying device. {yeah, who owns the air? This is published for peer review, ears hear, ah, then attend} Was it good for you?

-some times

Some times iusta dissipate

And that we find amusing, amaze

Zoom, doom, doom, freeways,

Free mean path. Why factored.

The advantage of being old by any standards common in history. Our species lives about this long, in the realm of measured things.

--- In the cultural patterns, vibes, radio active ifery evers

Candide, the referee and me.
Information, where we reign, really

Leibnizian reasons for evil.

Truth, as life’s mean free path.

-Voltaire, definitely, might agree with Heisenberg.

If it were ever said.

Evil is the best worst outcome,

Chaos is not evil, chance is best

Judge, we need to seem fair.

The wall in Shiloam, answering the reasoning of Voltaire, on the air,

Imagine that. Footnotes. Or xv

Ctrl x, then v, besure

I say exactly the same thing

… to dissolve the political bands which have connected them {the we} with another, and  
to assume  
among the powers  
of the earth, the separate and equal station  
to which the Laws  
of Nature and  
of Nature's God entitle them,  
{when all that occurs,  

in the course  

of human events,  

we are yet in, it seems,  

time being as it is,  

SYFT- fit slipt} {Balaam’s *** has the curley braces- note that} {} for vocalization...

-Yes, when in this course, of course... what were we agreeing... as this we,

- go on... say why

a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. {same we}

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -

Ok, that gets us 1000.

Here, just west of the Pacific Crest, we all are in constant contact, in touch state, stated

Wait. 5G is, livewitit.

Nonsense, this is not the rescue mission statement.  

We are here for fun. Peace is fun. Makesum.

What we do, we, soldiers of the ancient orders, duty bound and regimentally religamental, do & die with honor to the code. We,  
the people who know how to believe all men are created equal to the task,  wombed or un, we die knowing
failure is no option, there is no longer any other ever this is before.

---- did that occur in your ever?

@ today, 2022 tehkne- of course, freedom at the quantum level must be means-tested, mmmhmmm tested, measured for sensitivity to we, being the judges... we who chose freedom, down low, deep pro-fundus-mundus lizard brain, mitochondrial link, yeh,

Phoneme, yah, who, yes, at best is spirit one may deem worth something, a breath, may being
may, as a word described, an action, being... here, mere is

As God is said to be described by Jesus, in the good news,

Made plain enough, to build a whole plethora of reasons for war.

War with reason, by faith, or by the code, that which must be true?

Drama, the idea, information acted out, without words,

Mimes in boxes, you know, you can admire the best performances, and thus imagine a purpose, break dance contests in the joint.

Yeah, and poetry slams, no curses, no spells

When I grow up... I’ coulda been a contender, any contest,

If it ever came down to life and soul, I never bet my soul, I bet yours, and I live,

So see if sense is all mortals imagine, or not... spirit- ual ‘n’al. -- Fantastic Fungi, five stars, as ever, Mushrooms. magi are aware, you are aware, of course,
this course includes Basic Mycelium Net Adaptation or Augmentation
BMNAA, eh? So you know.
My Father was a gentleman ,
he loved to do what was right.
but above all a loving Father
in everything he did ,
beit playing catch with a rugby ball on Sunday afternoons.
Or digging the garden always with a pipe in hand .

Tall dark and handsome ,
was my Dad in so many ways .

So tall my gran never lost him in a crowd
or so she used to say ,
you could see him a mile off for he had fair Curley hair ,
when all the other girls could only stand and stare ,
my mother asked him for a dance as love bloomed in the air .

But it was my sister Father took too the dance floor ,
as she learnt to waltz across the Room ,
to the tunes  of Bacharach and Rich ,
on some smoke filled  afternoon .
But when the lights were dimmed ,
and moon set far above the stars ,
which somehow looked down on them ,
from other far out galaxies  hidden from afar .
the waves washed up against the shore ,
with moonlight and roses beaming in their eyes ,
‘‘Twas their nights of paradise that encapsulated the room ,
every single night .

Yet when the mornings rays sent to lighten up the room ,
with sparrows and blackbirds chirping their O so happy tunes ,
Memories of childhood stars ,
bring memories of love .
Sitting in my bedroom even to this day ,
those memories stay with me ,
and last throughout my day

— The End —