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Aaron LaLux Nov 2017
Always have my notebook with me,
‘cause they say the pen’s mightier than the sword,
so I’m trying to cut through the tension & the red tape,
with the power of these words,

on the ledge of The Razor’s Edge,
resisting these suicidal tendencies to jump,
feeling like Darrell with these quarrels,
trying to catch some feelings before we all go numb,

on the leading end of the Cutting Edge,
going for the gold like Doug & Kate,
& I know it took awhile but I’m here now,
my only hope is that I’m not too late,

leaning out on the leading edge,
deleting friends and repeating trends,
with suicidal tendencies and telepathic technologies,
already wrote the whole message just need to hit SEND,

as we immerse ourselves in these alien technologies,
and submerse ourselves in Emotional Anthropology,
all this done as a Road Scholar not a Rhodes Scholar,
no PHD or GED just knowledge for free without the college degree,

a one man School of Thought & class is always in session,
which is why I always have my pen with me,
as I write instead of type these thoughts,
before they become digital originals on your hand held screen,

same way that cash is becoming cryptocurrency,

holding my emotions in the palm of your hand,
which is kinda why I write these diatribes,
to remind you I’m alive inside and not yet fully an Android,
even though I’m on an iPhone feelings like an AI,

& the machines still need me,
because The System still needs you,
& AI still hasn’t found a way to be AEI,
can’t create Artificial Emotional Intelligence moods,

can’t be you not even with YouTube,
can’t be I not even with iPhones,
can’t sing a song or hum a tune,
can’t write anything close to something like this poem,

and that’s the truth and I’m not trying to be rude,
but I want to smack that phone right outta your palm,
‘cause Palm Pilots have us all on auto pilot like drones,
feeling like Luke in Episode II: Attack of the Clones!

& I just wanna go home but the closest thing I have is a home button,
it’s just Me, Myself & I on CBS with the All Seeing Eye & my iPhone,
got me wondering if this is all an act and the whole globe’s frontin’,
as I die inside while writing these diatribes they never miss you ‘till you’re gone,

& that’s exactly why I write these poems,
that have that melancholy testimony feel,
because everything feels phony on these phones,
and I just want to connect with some one or something that’s real,

so I write these Melancholy Testimonies,
as a discourse of our crash course that occurs sans remorse,
without recourse either of course because there’s no reverse,
plus we dig our own graves so it only makes sense we drive our own hearse,

& you can dispute if you want to,
but can’t really argue with truth I’ve done my research,

I mean I’m at a restaurant right now,
watching two guys eat together without even having a conversation,
they haven’t even looked up from their phones once,
I assume they’re friends but you wouldn’t know it by their lack of interaction,

eyes & attention given complete to their iPhones or Androids,
stuck in an upright fetal position head down neck cricked back bent,
which makes me want to stand up & warn them that if they don’t change their ways,
one day they’ll wake up dead and wonder where their live’s went,

we’re almost there folks,
take over almost complete,
& yeah maybe it took awhile but just ask Kurzweil,
we should have Singularity by 2040,

and I’m still writing,
trying to figure out how to defend humanity against defeat,
feeling like Sarah birthing this poem like Sarah birthed John Connor,
& we’re almost all goners as we all honor The Rise of The Machines,

but before we go,
please remember one thing,
that these Creative Arts were/are/will be,
our Last Bastion of Humanity,

because a computer can draw maps,
but can not draw a painting,
a computer can write codes,
but can not write poetry,

and that my fellow human,
is exactly why I keep writing,
to remind us to stay human,
& take a stand as we defend this Last Bastion of Humanity,

& I do this by always having my notebook with me,
‘cause they say the pen’s mightier than the sword,
so I’m trying to cut through the tension & the red tape,
with the power of these words…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

Bill True Apr 2013
do you read poetry? what
do you know of poets? we
are a distracted lot. yes. I write
and call the scribbles poetry,
call it prose. it flows from
the pen in my hand in long ribbons
to suggest ideas and emotion or
maybe meandering descriptions
of places that we have seen. that
I have seen without you. that you
may have seen without me. the world
outside my window changes with
the position of the sun, with the time
of day. like Monet’s cathedral painted
day after day to capture the light changing.
i am no Monet. but i capture light
if not of day then of night, of dreams
and wishes rising above beds or fountains
that collect the coins of dreamers
who wish a dream real. a million
pinocchios wait in the shadows
for a blue fairy to wave her
wand so they may breathe.

i don’t mean to ignore the world
and especially not you. maybe I
should apologize. instead i withdraw.
hide as if I were rude or unwelcome.
and stumble along arguing by jiminy
with a cricked in my head who
suggests the most outlandish adventures
that only take me farther afield, farther
from you. ironically posing that it will
bring me to wholeness and what i most
want in the world. the butterfly’s wings
open and close like a colorful heart
taking the spring sun. the fluttering
tickles and brings a laugh, joyous noise
that rises into the blustery blue air, winding
through leaves and buds now emerging
from the gray skin of branches.

Crooked wings
I lamented and cursed you
those days when the forest burned,
You all took flight, forgetting my wings were wrong,
I had to run on legs pounding the earth, and still I burned,
And hate burned my heart as I watched you fly in the blue.
Your soaring caught my dreams, seeded a drive, cricked my neck,
Stretching my legs and climbing the mountains, and searching the valleys,
I watched you from under the blue; your distant scorn fell from above,
Because even when we talked, we had shared not the sky to speak of.
Then that dark day came, when the scarred side of my heart rejoiced
The sky split in two, great white rips of heat, with a thunderous voice,
Air threw you about, drenched and unprepared, and without the choice
You fell, lost, alone, my scars awoke and yet my heart no joy had found,
You returned to my domain, to flee the rain and the chastising clouds,  
Landing anew,  no strength, your eyes were blind, your legs unformed,
I saved you; crooked wings coddled broken ones, bonds reformed
Strong legs to crutch you along, and I led us through my world,
A world you had not known, of dark and depth, a world alone
Your world shrank, mine overflowed, we found more like me,
Dragging the winged and dashed to the safe and new.
Where I had burned, you now found refuge.
Where I had envied, we had been spurned.
My strengths came to your rescue
My crooked wings
nivek Jun 2015
I tip-toe around the edges
then plunge into the daily
playing catch-up to my dreams-

The crick in my neck
cricked over my left shoulder
looking for a sunrise long gone.
Blue Orchid Feb 2019
He broke his wings on Thursday
Not this Thursday though
But on the year he decided,
‘It would be better to fly than to float’
He shattered his wings
And watches the crowed descend
Upon his pieces
And feed from his scattered remains
They put him back together on Monday
But left him with rags for cloths
After scavenging his pockets for gold,
The threads that held his bones
Cricked in agony
So he limped to a house he seldom considered a home
He never remembered Tuesday
For it was a partner to a murderous Monday
That put the scars on his skin
And the shamble in his walk
He signed of Wednesday to Friday
Just because it asked
And because giving away was his specialty
For taking from him had been customary.
He groomed his ruined wings on Saturday
Getting ready for a Sunday that would put him on display
Above a pillar of hazy gazes
And wilted roses
Since beauty came before sentiment
As the eyes would never see
Beyond the glamour he lacked
And the weight that hunched his back
Thus he waited on Thursdays and his next resolve
Just to watch the crowed fall upon his empty alcove

— The End —