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My smile
Once lost her beam.
To vices , the vicious and vile.
Her crown
Fell down
At once,to drown

Deep in the ocean blue
My lips expelled
Dangers and woes.
My heart
Like my face spelt 'red'.
Words weighed void, equating emptiness.

Darkened darkness.
Rumoured wars
Could not revive her.
Lost in the dust...

My smile
Had no chance of survival
Till I rose
To praise the beauty
Of the morning sun.
It's scattered reflection on and on.

To see
The wetness underneath my feet
An evidence
Of the rain being
Blessings from
A planet of many waters.

To hear
The sweet tweeting
Of little birds.
To see the  wind swaying the heads of the trees
The beautiful petals of  an emerging flower.

To behold
The fluffy royals
Floating in the skies.
The gorgeous setting
Of the morning
Into noon.

Then my crown
Banished, from the bottom
Of the sea.
Re-coronating my smile
No longer exiled to drown.
A smile could make one feel better
I am learning to dwell on the positives.
That it brings
For the king of kings
The son of God
And foretold son of man
Is now besought
In a hovel, born in Bethlehem
He will heal the sick
And give life to the living and dead
He wills to pick deaths crown
From our heads coronating us in righteousness
Bearing the thorns upon himself
To a death on a tree, that beneath our tree we can share this gift
We follow, He whom death could only borrow
The broken
Find healing
So wise men
Still seek Him
To understand
God's gift to man
Lunath Jan 2014
I want life to be unchanging,
I want to accurately refer to it as my amaranthine companion.
I am aware that i'd be coronating a royal of dullness, but I would also have annihilated the wretched ghoul of tragedy.

This would of course empty the afterlife,
All graves would be vacant.
Earth will be heavily burdened. I am now afraid of the great purge.
I do not know what to wish for.

I am one to prosper in darkness, yet I also thirst to bask in light. My heart loves both.
I cannot be the one to change what is already fixed, I do not wish to alter what has already been written centuries past.
*I only ramble in an abyss of what if I could?
Nivey Jun 2015
You and I can we feel
The morning mist hand in hand
Can we traverse the silent speak
That we never had

I’ll sprawl my lips on your neck
Bite the hints
Of perfume after taste
Muddled with your skin
See your pores erupt
The trickling down of the mythic mead
From your rivers, deep within

Delve in the night of your groin
All the churning
Wonder where it’s coming from
With my magic fingers trace your breast
Ask them what they are yearning for.

Spinning in the spirals of ecstasy
In the deep mystical realm of transcendence
Feel the fingers slowing sliding slithery in my sensuous curves
Coronating me in the kingdom of pleasure

Senses blur , spinning and spinning in the widening gyre of desire
Reaching the crescendo of bliss
Tasting my  bodyscape and detonating the fuses lurking all over
Phallus stroking, fondling, searching in the depths of my cave for the shrine
Nuzzling and rubbing the fuses again... and again...again... and again rapidly, with urgency, with haste, seeping in and out of the precious mount in a bull's exigency
Exploding  in the zenith of  rapture.
Where Shelter May 2020
lest the best go to waste

~for the Grande Dame of Port Hardy~

this breathing fire, a coronating sense of mortality, internally
stronger than ever before, though unaffected, no visible signage,
his invisible labored breathing, the torn fabric of easy gone mentality,
yet so corrupted, his interiors polluted, his crying-out-loud goes

unheard, the sheltering alone in his head, which now is stretched,
way past the point of no return ever, this new strand of side-virus,
of dreary sameness, familiar but reimagined as an atmospheric cancer,
the urgency by which his olive oil words, from pitcher poured, astounds

no subterfuge, he’s made his Great-Escape, to the sheltering island,
his refuge, part redoubt, jagged coastlines a hardening shell, no access
until you declare fealty to the Ferry Captains, who let you board for a princely $2 bucks, if you meet their unstandards, upstanding, healthy?

to the old cottage where we have summered forty year more, The requested Crew assemblage by early dawn (no ****),  for animals unencumbered by time-stealing watches, animal mutual truce declared, mottled multiplying rabbits, squirrels who know not any fear, orange breasted robins, **** deer, mollusks, rainbow trout, osprey, cat-sized cawing crows, and the watchers, the sea-it-all gulls

even the Canadian geese send a scout, in the poet’s nook we are formed, nervous not for their safety, but worried for mine, a Memorial Day meeting very traditional, atmospheric condition cool-cloudy-overcast, party sunny a bold-faced forecasters lie-trick, for an island *******-bonding gloom, a glomming gray weight tamps the air down

Friends! My Audience for New Poets! (their honorific, now over-a-decade old): The Gods have tweeted, this year may not have a next, no Jerusalem for your human acquaintances, the luxurious slowdown of island life, infected by a new urgency, explaining the known and the unknowns facing the human interlopers

Where’s Shelter?**

a refrain, a greeting,  we have sung together, so many times, self-satisfied, fore we knew well, knew anew, we had the answer, here, here, though to life’s cycle we are not immunized, but now your human admirers face agents of death, by invisibility masked, giving us no pause, so we, all, write now, must forward on to:

live/write our best, lest, our partnership be for naught, always between us truce of mutual consent, a natural love of all living things
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
The morning with the wet grass,
Started with a full blast
With the lord's name,
A reminder of the past,
A fear in the heart for eternity to last
The reminder of sorrow,
And a grim reminder of an uncertain tomorrow,
Between the burn't houses ,
With each side having it's own voices,
With the aftermath of horror,
With fires of hatred erupted around the  corner,
Streets covered in blood,
Shops which remain burn't,
Dead bodies that lie around ,
Ask in dismay about their faults abound,
Asking which side protected the lord,
Following religious guidelines word to word,
While goons, politicians and the influential count profits,
Countless lives lost in such fruitless conflicts
Such is the sweet desire for revenge,
Such is the need of my lord to be provident ,
By creatures such as we ,
Who are unable to control anything a spree,
For puny mortals who cannot even predict death,
Somehow both sides will justify this at best,
Blaming each other's religion,
Coronating murderers and hooligans,
As heroes protecting their religious strife,
While we sleep in our non-existent lives

— The End —