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L T Winter Jan 2015
I commit secret things, dark and in the past. Worse than cutting fibers and curing blood, but I stopped trying to go against life once the pavement had become bioluminescence and my choices changed.
Nathalie Hill Mar 2023
i never thought remembering
would burn this much, nor that it would consume my sleep at night.
I remember how happy and sentimental
cute clingy songs made me feel, because my pathetic heart felt every lyric.
I now find myself skipping those songs because they remind me the pain of you. That last taste of your lips that used to give me comfort, but none of it was real. How could you sit there, look me in my teared up eyes and lie to my face? I wonder how many times you touched me, kissed me knowing **** well you did not love me anymore, these questions torment me on my daily basis. Therefore I keep myself busy to distract my thoughts from you,
I can heal all i want, but how do i get this feeling of betrayal off my skin? I find it very ironic how you used to blame me for the sins you were comitting. Broken promises and blood spilling, but you're perfectly fine.
That's such a *******.
These memories became a wound on my soul and you my stabber but i gave you the dagger, i regret you all the time. We became a tainted memory id like to fully erase from my being.
Raleigh Jul 2014
Mystical Priest,
Come into mind,
Suffocate it,
And blame the truth(s)

We never disagree
Never comitting,
The Parade,
Of darkness, and solitude

We move, day by day
We learn,
From book to books
From story to stories

I want to meet
That priest
On the great journey,
Of life
Of value(s)a-investment

The Priest
Is me,
Spoken Truth

Like mist rise in the winter
Your the end of my cold
But shawty you know
A ***** like me
Have it easy
To break your heart
I'm sorry for being a *****
Cause you believe the stereotipes
Of ******
Breaking a girls heart easily
****** never mis peeps
But I'm just being honest
Cause shawty
I Love You!

I know my best ***** is your ex
But I've got love for you
Shawty if this is a rebound
I'm standing back
Cause I've been through to much
As such
I've had an ex comitting suicide
And that's what I'm afraid of
But here you the final choice

I don't kwow if I'm wasting ink
But I just write what I think
In pink
You've got your eyes
If my lies bind
You'd end to have a written truh
Cause even the sky
Is turning from blue
To pink
My heart linked
To yours
But shawty I can't take this ****
All I want for you
To get what I'm saying
You my night and day
For in my heart you'd stay

'If I tell you I love you
Why would I not be speaking the truth?
Believe me girl
I could be faithful to you believe or not'
Are you tired of living in the hood?
Looking around only to see this "flawless" generation getting up to no good?
Are you tired of losing?
Have you been betrayed?
Have you got bags under your eyes because you stay up too late?
Well I tell you this, I do,
I've got a lot on my plate,
Just like you,

Do not judge what your eyes perceive,
No one wants to be judged, certainly not me,
Cos when you look around what do you see?
Do you see love? Nature? Trees?
OPEN YOUR EYES and your ears,
You need to listen, you need to hear,
I am simply a messenger,
I am not GOD,
But this world's turning into an illusion that cannot be solved,

We no longer live in harmony,
That is not what I see when I look around me,

I do not want this earth to die,
She is my mother,
Yours too and yet you peoplr don't even try,

All of you "lost" children out there,
STOP SAYING "Live fast, Die young"
Thats a disguise,
Your trying to hide this horrible truth that has arised,
But if you don't face it!
No one will do it for you!

Our world is dying and while your having a good time dining,
I sit up at night crying,

Because I remember when people had hope,
They didn't give up and they'd simply devote,

The air is filled with car fuels and man-made chemicals,
The trees are chopped made into money,
But we lose because those trees are our filters,
As important as our lungs,
But all you people care about is yout money and your guns,

I want children and so will mine,
I wish they'll be able to breathe in a world that is FINE,

Nowadays children are robots to the system,
Controlled by the media and placed in their position,
Goggle eye'd to the television,
Stuck in a generation growing up too fast,
Only to notice that we're not gonna last,

We're breathing in dirt every day,
The moon is drifting further away,
As for the chemtrails they spray and spray,

And YOU governments sit and have the guts to say,
"Why are so many children today comitting suicide?"
Well MAYBE its because they believe,
Victory's on the other side.

By Larna Kourtis
Aged 14
Peace. ***
Sphoorthy Soma Jun 2010
Let me steal 'You' from 'You'
in the hope that as time passes you'll love me
so deeply does your smile my heart move
that merely talking to you is ecstacy
\Normally such crimes are not my style
nor i could stop yself comitting it
but i love you so much i can't revile
anything that some slight hope bestows
\Give me a chance..
i'll show *** best one can love you
how good it feels to have me at your side
how spring eternal i'll ever make new
that every want or passing whim provide
\Try me out...
i promise 'you wil be mine'
once u see how i care
i wait, hugging the thought
that you wil love me one day.
Your beautiful mind is shrouded by our abyssmal surrounding
The jarring ruckus composed of voices with nothing to say, comitting lustful and spiteful acts just as confounding
You buzz around the gun shots in the night from the heated exchanges of the afternoon, and relish spreading the news in the morning
Yet we all hate the mourning

Your thoughts float along a tributary of violence, carrying too much weight not to be dragged under by the venomous current
And you love it

If only one ambition I could bring to fruition, if only one purpose I would be a leal servant
It would be to abruptly uproot you from this concrete savannah,
this rolling plain of debauchery,
this collaboration of skullduggery,
this tundra of treacherous trollops

And replant you firmly in view of the sun,
Emma Katka Dec 2016
when I'm falling in
I get addicted
like sin I can't stop comitting
and ask myself for forgiveness
and say i'm quitting
every time
as if I honestly believe
it will not happen again,
but I know how I am with men...
I need all of you,
on possibly devouring you
can't be less than creepy
I inject you under my skin
I like to feel itchy
want you to scratch me
got that craving
for your attention
your affection
for everything else I purposely don't mention
because I'm passive aggressive
and a little slow motion
while moving in too quick
enough to make me feel sick
romance makes me feeling like dying
enough to make me want it,
all or nothing
Ariel Leann Feb 2014
She found herself in the closet,
Where she once had been,
Her mother had beaten her,
Blamed her of comitting a sin,
Her jaded green eyes,
Both troubled and pleased,
Filled with horror and surprise,
Her mother would decieve,
She had become a monster,
A victim to her distress,
She was her mother's outlet,
To her never ending stress,
Her long frail fingernails,
Liked to curl up in a fist,
Beating her daughter senseless,
Her face in a derranged twist,
The bruises on her body,
A sign of her mother's rage,
She was a troubled book,
You could barely decipher a page,
There was a touch of bitterness in her heart,
A fire of hatred in her soul,
Rage had torn her apart,
She was no longer whole

— The End —