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Revisited Merak harbor one late evening
a shape of sea fairy and colorful torches
were seen from afar , chattering calls  in 4 languages. 4 squalls in  once was a plage
their dancing  flames asked me to come closer

I hurried along the sleepy shipyards
passing massive warehouses fenced by rusty wooden doors
giant padlocks accenting  (reminded me of a  fancy cocotte loaded with blingbling)
stacks of oversized containers  solidly sat speechless.  Sleepless.

The light of each torch lifted into the sky. Seen by another eye
1883 eruption of the Krakatau crater.  130 years later the odor of its curators  
I ran closer. I fell.  I laid there a while , got up and ran again.
I lost my head and missed my right foot along the way.  I did not care.

When I arrived  the torches were there in front of me
reincarnated  into thousands inhabitants who had lost their lives
bodies covered with revolting cesspit oil  
For a second  they transformed into torches again.  One blazing in my hands.
Regretfully, I had lost my head so I did not understand.

The fairy stared . I wasn't scared.

:  come, come, …come purifying Sunda strait
dissatisfying the idiots thought it could all be fixed with tax rate
I moved toward  embracing fairy arms  
(Possibly, this close hugging love was only for beach-sea friends)

So, I united with the torches
A bit of a breach  pushed us towards the petroleum . Demolished it all.  Cannonball.
Black fog shrieking that same  words : Keep up the struggle .  Stay strong !
The alien residents might think I was making choices
but the fairy was leading me around
the torches reshaping the ghost-town

Chattering calls  in 4 voices.   4 languages.
Yet, for the officials ears , all were still voiceless.  Pointless.  

(Pulo Merak - Cilegon - Indonesia )
good morning
with half opened eyes you can see your life
running like a fairy at the window
shaking the cherry flowers from her hair
raising the train of her dress between her fingers
it would have been unusual not to fall in love
not to see growing among clouds
swans in pairs white hearts in pairs
while you sip your rosemary tea
good morning I command to you
if you stare with wide opened eyes
you see this life
an old cocotte with thick makeup and dilated nostrils
sniffing you as if you were half dead
throwing on your table the dry bread and the hard boiled egg
take it there’s no time for bargain take a drop of sunshine
a pinch of salt on your tongue
swallow at once
like your eyes very slowly until your lives begin to wrestle
and smash one another until dust
Kiernan Norman Nov 2024
I spit out shards of last night's dream,
chasing threads and fractured schemes.
I wear my bruises like hand-stitched lace,
daring the dawn to match my pace.

Two summers dissolved, one in the wings,
winter-break and blooming, all gray, tangled strings.
I'm stranded between lost-cause and unfound,
with roots in the sky and feet on the ground.

And isn't it tragic, the way ghosts take form?
You're a pattern, a habit, a half-hearted storm.
If you looked at me once like you meant to stay,
would it settle the dust or just ******* away?

It's almost poetic, the way I play my part—
one foot in daylight, the other in the dark.
Fighting-fit and fighting-mad, memories that churn,
clinging to the sighing bridge I watched you cross then burn.

And if I said I could love you, would it land?
Or hang in the air, a threat, all hollow and ******?
And if I said I love you, would it even land?

Said you resented how I used you to ache,
like I cast you as fire while I burned at the stake.
Said I wore my wounds like jewels dripping down
a cocotte smile, a  martyr's crown.

Called me blameless, a darling saint,
a canonized victim in delicate paint.
But I've learned to love the heft of scars,
wearing ashes you left like fallen stars.

And isn't it just twisted, the way you choose to haunt?
A vivid grace, a clever chase, a truth you did not want.
You planted roots in a garden you'd leave,
an empty grave I still water and grieve.

It's almost poetic, the way I play my part—
one foot in daylight, the other in the dark.
Fighting-fit and fighting-mad, memories that churn,
clinging to the sighing bridge I watched you cross then burn.

And if I said I could love you, would it land?
Or hang in the air, a threat, all hollow and ******?
And if I said I love you, would it even land?

(never-ending Bridge)
When we talked about kids, with laughter on lips,
madness like heirlooms, sweet apocalypse.
“It’s not right to ******* around,”
you dropped your bombs as I star-gazed from the ground.

You loved me in riddles, in half-truths and smoke,
left me craving the punchlines to every cruel joke.
Appointed me Queen of an empire gone
a plot-line twisted, a catastrophic denouement.

Asked you to visit, heart laid bare,
big house, empty rooms, “Come, love me there.”
What do you think of when your hands get bored?
Do they crave the inches you never explored?

Kissed me in theory, ****** me in words,
left me aching in metaphors, splintered in thirds.
Does my short-skirt-restless stir you, ten years gone by?
Do you see I’m getting cuter? A five-foot fine-wine.

Think of me late, when you can't get clean,
when desire drips slow, my name gasoline.
I dream of you younger, long hair, frayed seams,
like a well-timed kiss could rewrite dropped lines, silent screams.

Now I wonder where you are, in what state, what bed,
if you ever read my poems or regret what you said?
Maybe you think of me, brilliant, unbridled-
or maybe I'm nothing—worthless, exiled.

It's almost poetic, the way I play my part—
one foot in daylight, the other in the dark.
Fighting-fit and fighting-mad,
on my knees but singing
verses from scars still stinging.

And if I said I could love you, would it land?
Or hang like a ghost, hollow and ******?
And if I said I love you, would it even land?

It's been a long time coming, this curse, this lust,
I've woven us into poems, stitched from rust.
If I said I loved you, could you let it stand,
without closing your fist around my trembling hand?

Think of me fondly, then punch out a wall—
echoes from bridges you’re compelled to let fall.
I don't think it'd land.
I know it wouldn't land.
wouldn’t land.
I wrote this as a poem but don't know music. help?
Ce matin Décébale, ton petit diablotin,
Ton filleul, boude
Et refuse obstinément de chanter
Pour sa muse !

Il boude et fait le gros dos.
Son chant royal, nu et sincère
A failli ne pas planer, majestueux,
Comme à son habitude
Comme une étoile à l 'orient
Au creux de ta nuque.

J 'ai dû le raisonner, tu sais !
Il est têtu comme une mule !

Ce n'est pas qu'il soit fatigué ni triste
C'est qu'il sait que le cri strident
Des marjolaines qu'il a plantées en toi
Au tréfonds de tes sabots dondaine
Te bouleverse dans ta chair
Et fait que ta sève s'évapore en nuages
Qui s'amoncellent et se déversent
En ruisseaux de grêle.

J 'ai beau lui dire de se dresser sur ses sabots dondaine
Ce n 'est plus le fils du roi
Ni l'un des fringants trois capitaines
L'oiseau ne bande plus !
J 'ai beau lui dire de se dresser sur ses ergots
Et de fredonner la chanson qui te ressemble
La chanson royale, nue et sincère
Monsieur boude.
Au creux de ta nuque.
il s'est à ma demande agenouillé devant ton icone
Auprès de la fenêtre
Et la crête basse il a prié
Lui dont le bec ne picore guère que le vide des rêves de Dieu.

C 'est sans doute dû à l'orage
Ne dramatisons pas
Bientôt le soleil noir de tes yeux
Ravivera sa flamme
Le couvera de ta lumière ludique
Et son chant strident pénétrera
Comme un vin gouleyant
Ton sourire cajoleur de lynx
De ses flèches musicales et parfumées.

Marraine ? Ton filleul me prie de te soumettre
Le menu de la grasse matinée :
Jus de mangue et coco. Oeufs en cocotte
Et plus si affinités.

Présente-toi à la table nuptiale
Royale, nue et sincère
Ce dimanche il sera sur son trente-et-un
Royal, nu et sincère
Dans son habit de bal
Pour te proposer une valse à distance
Sur une sonate d'amitié de foi et de raison.

Il t'envoie ses humbles câlynx à la puissance 10
Avec accent circonflexe
Partout partout, a-t-il insisté, et nulle part ailleurs
Plantons, te fait-il dire, un pied de marjolaine dans le creux de nos plaines
S 'il fleurit tu seras reine
Et s'il meurt
Tu y perdras ta peine
Oh oh oh avec mes sabots.

— The End —