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Salt Peanuts Mar 2010
You Hackensack Station
You tiny ****** quiet *****
How dare you keep such a weak atmosphere on my youth
You don't deserve me
You need some blood of life, ****
**** of my dirtiest saddest static lucidities
You do indeed though, my Hackensack Station,
Have these clenchers
Clenching for every little bad moment of life
And inhabiting your innards
Sadly the other "respectable" ****
Just lock their tongues, eat their vision
Static and cold and minute ****
Hackensack station dares to breathe
The breath exits it's miserable doors
Oozing with everything but character
However only to sigh, and sigh on the inside
About a woman's wrinkly *** bills
We the breath, have migrated from the quiet hell
To the eerily similar bus life
Only there... we move, we motion, finish a journey previously doubted
With white noise, and white noise that at first was not white
cohen Mar 2019
zephyros, who killed gentle hyacinthus in
a fit a passion
was condemned for the crime
for that passion borne of love for a boy

his penance was and is paid in eternal service to the god eros
god of love and god of understanding for
violent zephyros, driven mad by what he could not have

zephyros’s wind warms us all
all who gaze upon the forbidden
those fist clenchers, those hopeless romantics, those desperate addicts of whirlwind violent passion

who coined the very concept of love-driven insanity, who murdered his would-be paramour
is the patron saint of [our] desperation
rip hyacinthus, a boy so lovely he inspired ****** from the gentlest of the winds
I’m grappling with this amorphous *******,
Whose refusal to come out and fight,
Come out and fight,
Come out and fight,
Yet deal me black eyes and gut clenchers,
Like a Vegas card shark leaves me,
Flailing against an enemy,
I estranged, doesn’t play by any rules I know,
He she it strikes whenever I don’t expect,
Stalking me in my room,
Listening to music,
Watching a movie,
Reading a book,
Talking to friends,
My friends, no worse for not warning me of the oncoming onslaught,
They are fighting have fought will fight or wont,
Regardless most if not all are as,
Hopelessly blind as myself,
And sometimes you resign to the beatings,
Just let them come,
But that’s not always defeat,
Everyone gets tired,
No one can fight all the time,
But don’t fall complacent or retreat,
To societies’ low standards,
We must keep on
Especially my kind
I must keep on
Keep on
Keep on

— The End —