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vircapio gale Jul 2012



while dreaming,
i became a swan's eye,
i was dreaming through both its apertures at once,
clicking separately, click, click shuttering
both sides from out a box, or from out a feathered,
living boat, or two, severed visions
evergreen under,
star over at a zenith
gazing twice over
paddling under

i actually wrote this years ago, to describe or try to make sense of a picture i drew in response to a vivid dream of mine... after reading somewhere that sanskrit doesn't have capital letters, and remembering something about Latin not having spaces, i just felt like expressing them together today, as one, and this is what happened
She was a Hatfield
And I  a McCoy
It was just love beween
A girl and a boy

Our daddies grandaddies
And those from before
Might think us irreverant
To open that door

She lived two towns over
It was love at first sight....
We would slip out and meet
Every Sat. night
The neighbors all thought
It just wasn't right
But we were in love
And it wasn't our fight

Only two counties apart
She lived in West V
My home was Kentucky
The suitor was me

To us it was foolish
The feud was so old
Even though it was famous
From the tales that were told

She lived two towns over
It was love at first sight....
We would slip out and meet
Every Sat. night
The neighbors all thought
It just wasn't right
But we were in love
And it wasn't our fight

We'd meet after dark
At a barn down the line
We were not feuding people
For that night she was mine

We would run off together
After school was complete
We'd change both our names
We would be real discreet

She lived two towns over
It was love at first sight....
We would slip out and meet
Every Sat. night
The neighbors all thought
It just wasn't right
But we were in love
And it wasn't our fight

Our folks would reject us
And spoil our joy
Cause here was a Hatfield
With a real McCoy

For now, we'll be secret
Share our love cross the fence
And we'll wait till our kin folk
Wake up with some sense
Henry Brooke Feb 2015
Days pass so fast beween those hills

the ones of suffering delt with skill

A heart not clensed from ill design

softer than silk, fresher than pines.

I write this thousenth letter with a mix

the juice of my oragans, stones and sticks.

So hang around if you feel alone,

and hear the letter leave the stone

and become bone from a bush.

Cast 'tween lands of firery ice

my body acts; I pay the price.

******* of a blueprint, my cardboard genes

still fail to smell a rotting dream.

The clean produce with an iron strength,

a deadly aurora of graveyard stench.

Between the rosebuds, black as soot

lies my ****-bush pushing roots.

Free to amend, from time itself;

Id then be able to cure my self.

Days do pass fast beween these hills

the ones of dementia, of feeling ill

A heart not yet ready to resign,

for there is hope in Valentine.
Work in progress
Perig3e Feb 2012
In the constellation of probabilities
there's but one
where we would find each other,
meet and fall in love.
Let us pray our union thrives
beween this band of narrow odds.
Waloo Oct 2014
I see you,
  as you dance behind he veil of your soul.
     Do you shine so bright,
        to attract faeries to
          your sitting party...
Can we play together,
     I have learned to dance
   Can we wave,
         and play
            and dance
               and sing
                 to see what may
                    come about?
Your beauty has no equal,
     for it shines through you
       from the place in which your soul resides,
And my love for you,
      can serve to reflect
            Her's for Him.
Have we dance before,
     In the space between drum beats?
Somewhere beween a baby's first breahe,
     and his vision of you.
I long to be near you,
     can we be close?
And yet far off!
     You on one peak,
        and I on another,
          So that we may sing
              the songs of our hearts to one another,
                    to this Earth,
                       to the love within our chests,
                         and he invisable rhelm of infiniy.
Jennifer Maciel Jan 2016
I wanted to break the silence in beween
Share some words that I really mean
While I grieve you are free
Why am I so used to this?
This is not how it's supposed to be
I thought you were honest
I innocent believed
Now I'm out of the darkness
And I can finally see
You are not who you claim to be
The silence in between
It had been foreseen
Now I feel blue
It's all because of you
So *******
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
and the difference
beween monkeys and
          nothing short
of a laboratory
and a limited
      expense worth
of a zoo.
     - artefacts
of when you
nurture nature...
and then go smack
face first,
      into a hurricane.
well done.

— The End —