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Emily Dec 2018
There was a fake sunflower stapled to the corner of the cabinet where you first entered; my mother had banged her head on it in her twenties, and my Babcia took the initiative to cover it up from there on. The pots, rusted, and old, and dating back forty years, collected dust atop the fridge. A creaky, old, loud fridge that smelled permanently of kielbasa and applesauce, the light flickering inside, and it stood about five feet too tall for me. Before it, sat a rug, threads pulling loose and the faded face of a Great Dane looking up at you inquisitively. I used to sit on the island, not the kind you eat breakfast at nowadays. The surface was an obstacle course of splinters and softened wood that threatened to split, and the various, torturous tools my Babcia implemented upon her doughs and meats. It smelt like cigarettes, and cider, and all-spice year round; it used to make me dizzy. With the turning of the leaves, returned the headiness of cinnamon as my Babcia boiled sticks in a *** on the corner wood-burning stove, a reminder of times past. The back door that led to the garden never hung correctly, and whined with use every time it opened, whether from the wind or one of us. Dirt, weeds, and leaves were tracked in; galoshes more of a decoration beside the door than ever used practically. I cut my finger once on the pasta maker that was ******* into the counter beside the sink; one of these industrial farmhouse sinks that never managed to **** down the bread crumbs and corn all the way. I had been playing with my cousin’s power rangers in it, much to his dismay. They never were the same after I made them go for a swim. The cookies, usually oatmeal, were kept in a cracked, porcelain rooster that sat strict and unyielding next to the window; more sunflowers there as well, this time on the curtains that were stained despite how many times they’d been washed. I was never very tall, but I was good at climbing. Even in my dresses. And with feet blackened from the garden, I would struggle onto any available surface in that kitchen, and watch as my Babcia worked, knuckles dried and cracked as her hands mercilessly kneaded dough; whether it be for breads, pies, or pretzels. She would coat the pretzel dough in cinnamon sugar and feed me tiny pieces of it, and with a sip of her hard cider to wash it down, I was spoiled rotten in that kitchen. Despite the dust, the rust, the dirt, the clutter; it was my tiny kingdom, with an overloaded dishwasher, wooden spoons that met my backside more often than I prefered, and an ever boiling kettle. I can remember the way the sun would shine through on August nights, just before dinner started at 6:30 pm, the way the evening would cast the entire room gold and green, Stevie Nick’s voice gritty and soft, and the entire house smelled of pierogies and sausage. The adults would be bustling to and fro, and I would pretend to help, when really all I was doing was stealing bits of biscuits and gravy for me and the dogs. I can remember the stillness of early morning, the wafting scent of coffee that flooded the room like steam, I can remember struggling to reach the jam, the familiar ding of the toaster, and my Grandfather’s hands, fat and calloused, pushing me up until I was settled onto the island, and the windows opened as he smoked, the blackest cup of coffee you’d ever seen in one hand, and the gray of his hair turning white in the light of the rising sun. If I closed my eyes, I am able to envision it all. Each speck of dust that danced in the air, every berry stain that became useless to try and remove due to my clumsiness, the stacks of Blues Clues applesauce that took up the bottom shelf of the fridge, and the sight of the vegetable garden just through the back door, bountiful and green and ready to harvest.
Alliesaurus Oct 2010
Because my parents let me run around naked for too long.
Because I was always up a tree without a sturdy branch.
Because I was a good sneak.
Because my Babcia gave me too many cookies.
Because my dziadkowie always said my dress was beautiful.
Because I like to shake it, shake it, shake it.
Because it's too easy to cry.
Because I'd rather not yell.
Because I don't want to.
Because I forgot.
Because I pretended not to understand, but really didn't know what to say.
Because I like it.
Because I didn't understand, but said it anyway.
Because it's too hard to cry, when all you cry is smoke and mirrors and misunderstanding.
Because I don't know why the caged bird sings.
Because I'd rather scream.
Because you have long, curly hair that you let me braid.
Because you sang with me that one night.
Because you let me hold your hand, even though I know you don't like holding hands.
Because you have red hair, and love ears.
Becuase you are nature and nuture.
Because you are tall.
Because you give the best hugs.
Because you left your ***** dishes in the fridge.
Because you told me your secrets in my car that night, and let me tell you mine.
Because you always make me laugh, and I can always make you laugh.
Because you have red hair, and dance.
Because you are short.
Because you love so much.
Because you're hard to love but I love you anyway.
Because you taught me how to be myself, even if it seems like sometimes you forget who you are.
Because if at first you don't succeed, tango around the kitchen and try again.
Because you reminded me how to be sassy.
Because you taught me how to do a stall.
Because I still don't know what to think of you.
Because you pretended to be my mom so I could adopt a cat.
Because you trusted me, and had high expectations.
Because you let me go.
Because you still return my phone calls, and eat peach ice cream with me.
Because you knew Smokey.
Because you were beautiful, and I'm sorry I didn't know you were hurting on the inside.
Because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Because I don't know any other way.

You ask me why?
I can think of a million things.
Why not?
Samantha Dec 2017
Is the one who
  Sacrificed her comfort
   For 9 months for me.
    She taught me
     To play, cook,
      And be a good person.

Is the brother
  I've had since age four
   Often annoying, but
    Still so sweet
     The best brother
      I could ask for.

Is the grandmother
  Who has been making
   Some of the best food
    In the family
     She's kind and sweet
      And I love her to bits.

Grandma and Grandpa
Are the grandparents
  I couldn't thank enough
   For all they've done.
    Together, we
    Our time
  I wish it
Wouldn't end.

Is the father who...


Gave me half his DNA?
I guess?


Poem's over, bye!
We are family!
Shamai Oct 2018
Children are lucky because they have
A Grandma and  a Grandmama
Nonna, Mhamó, Abuela, Bibi
Babcia, Giagiá, Avó, Oma

Nagymama, Mormor, or Kuku wahine
Are names of love for their Nan
O baachan, Babushka, Tutu, Halmeoni
Are certainly not names for a man

Ouma, Savta, Bubbi, Geema
Nai Nai, Nona, Gramms and more
Bomma, Mawmaw, Yaya, Nana
If I keep going you’ll think  I’m a bore

All names for their Grandma
The one they adore
That special someone
Who’s love to the core

She plays with them, cuddles, and keeps them all warm
She feeds them, she rears them takes over the chore
But all of this just to say, lest we forget
Grandmas are LOVE LOVE  LOVE and more
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2021
like a "sickness" in the stomach *** 7am
    after only going to bed at 2(am) -
       and not from any considerable mention /
allusion to a "lack of sleep";
     in that "sickness" is more or less
    akin to a metaphor of a centipede wriggling
about on a hamster wheel /
   a rollercoaster of sorts...

   tough-chew of a fiddling with imitation
             prized pins in the feet that have
turned to custard-hardening numbness...
immediately a towing of verbiage
seems more apparent than ever...
   perhaps an interlude of

   'and here's one i prepared earlier'...

  besides: no one really wants to write something
maxim esque every other sentence:
feeding a readership of
exasperation and sighs - from what i've
heard writing maxims and / or aphorisms
can be a rather tedious undertaking -
for all the times that: when should be forgotten /
'suppose i dreamt it?'
              - and any other offer than can
come with: working out a best lived towards
the amnesiac astral domain...

it just came out of a deep need for perhaps
conversation - then again i am too tired -
             a tiredness that probably sounds better
if i push for some eloquence and
technicality - a miasma is too strong a word -
i'm trying to focus on ancient "things" -
   a chimera variation of a turtle -
               a talking sequoia (but an oak would
do just as well)
                                        and a jellyfish...
  from centuries old... lethargy...
                            with this living:
                                        a tryst a harangue
a search for catharsis -
                                 if need be for a mystery:
loitering on the promise of -
                                    by the gallows on
                                         a Sunday -
                                            in a year were all
such days could be: literally read as being borrowed
from the benevolence of
that                                monstrous UV bulb;
and her copperskinned serpent
                          monstrosities of trickle a tease
of skin's to sizzle: undertones of
                 thrashing water against a window
in the ear reach(ing) a pitch higher...                

towing too much space: nudging forward
a shy rubric - an omni- litany (by any other
prefix, squalor)
            between a noun like shy
    and an adjective shyness - formality:
a word genus out of identifying it as such -
a technicality of teaching / learning
                                this (a) language...

- but it dawns on me that i have perhaps
eroded too much of origin and thought
and perhaps even an originality via
the cameo cinema of memory (fickle creature),
but it also dawns on me that
perhaps 10 years apart (circa

                                          ) is enough "time" /
the same sort of space that would allow
a rereading of a work that's
             either Herr Watt (ha    ah      ha)
or a Thin Geon  
                           Anne's Wake -
                    for what use to i have for any
more of that democratic endeavour -
   if only to reprise upon: from the catacombs,
the labyrinth, the ancient library,
the depth of sea upon sea of paragraph-congesting
a drawing-up a coming up for air
akin to (verbatim)

- ****, Nick & the Naggies / Glugg &
    the 3 riddles - Chuff etc. -

   in the house of breathings lies the word,
all fairness. the walls are of rubinen and the glittergates
of elfinbone. the roof hereof is of massicious
jasper and a canopy of Tyrian awning rises and
still descends to it. a grape cluster of lights
hangs therebeneath and al the house is filled
with the breathings of her fairness,
  the fairness of fondance and the fairness of milk
and rhubarb and the fairness of roasted
meats and uniomargrits and the fairness of
promise with catatonia and avowals...

that from out of nowhere and for reason
other than: in order to write proper  & "proper":
tossing and fidgeting the little oystertongue
like imitation(?) i.e. forget conversational
standards of languid, lingo, linguine -
in a frock of half down and in a tuxedo of
half up
                for none of this could possibly
make it into: it's a Thursday morning
   by now all the newspapers have,
                               have been printed...
                  perhaps i'll tender a pause to imply:
pounce-stealthily-hidden in
  trainspotting & *****-tickling itch-not-itchy...

now that would be a-happening of sorts:
beside all the bog-****-sodden autobiographical
miasma and fog...
beside all the fog-coup-nudging shadow
with elbow and prayer to a nuke-UV-bulb...
a heart a sparrow a ribcage:
                when farting into the wind
when throwing a stick against a tree
in a forest -
                        when the unbelievably
corrupt sense of self is content, pure,
             by pure i'm only aiming at:
                           uninterrupted -
                           or... without a conjunction
like                                            and...

                that's before: that's a before veering
toward:                          image - begin, again:
a chandelier made from champagne flutes...
       on a side:
i can stomach divulging and bulging in
                                   shackles and monkey's
cackling imitation giggles -
some existential angst (although not something
grandiose as a 20th century sort
or "European" / 19th century precursor)
       on the periphery of some "now" (a variation
of when, what if - how, what?)
       such that it is a beautiful lie:
this life...
              and my newly  found estimation
of revising esteem for: not wriggling
in worm-food and silly-ink:
a medium of tedium of being taken
seriously (even if as a "reverse psychology"
reversal of joke)
       a puncture a wound that "word-thing"
compilation of:
       well beside something as interesting
as: it's an essay by a lucy ives and
                 it's an essay but for me it's more
a shortcut a footnote parade for my own:

   would it ever (at all) be better
to cure an itch by a pinch
   or in(deed) by a scratch...
             gravestones and heads of matches:
possibly very itchy specimens
it's not hard to imagine
******* on a pebble: no, not imagining
it to be a toffee (landrynek)
but honest to god and all that's
Port & Geese (Frugal, Portent - i forgot
the attached -al in s.p.e.l.l.i.n.g)
                 i have nothing equivalent to:
beba babe caco (clot)...
in my own in nomine patris
            since: what is much dissimilar
besides... "******": baba implies
               old woman / peasant woman /
         or woman as harangue (of sorts)...
even though babka =
                        a sort of cake (elevated
sponge, elevation = more bite to it)...
   then comes the suffixation of
the diminutive (adjective)
                             to the word...
babeczka, babusia... babcia
no language policing here or alt.
   wizardry / frothing at the "salad" i.e.
         concretely (in conc.) a D. Pignatari ref.

but for me: unless not congested (at least
like so) then latin is: loophole it see-through
it's almost flimsy it's barely visual:
& why-because-it's-so-utensil-where-none-required
& economically sound
& sieve & water & thirst &
it's hardly an M like Ⰿ
                     or Ⱄ as S
                                let alone an I (pronoun)
i.e. not vowel(,) which is a syllable compound
of Ⱑ   (let alone Я) -
                          perhaps via some distinction
between vowel and pronoun
                    and aye i.e. yes...
             i̊ must say if the pronoun is so bothersome
and more: cut the head elsewhere
sınce ıt's there by no real dıstınctıon
when compared to              får
                          when compared to fát...
                    unless that dıstınctıon be made:
also elsewhere - ȷust like so (Jettıson Bothersome
& Blues)
unless: bothersome camouflage like
a broccoli in a sea of cauliflower akin to
when "oops" and Bob's your uncle
   i.e. ınınınınınınınınınıninınınınınınının

...never mind - i've been here before
but for the sake of convention (ctrl-c-ctrl-p)
     as clear as day:  
                                  i̊ might add...
       because it would not (otherwise)
  in any other way not suit me -
              thrice up ¡¡¡           thrice down !!!      

all in all: a leisure of an exercise in...
                              terms of waiting for such
pennies of a wording to drool off
a muse's heavenly gob.
Mateuš Conrad May 2020
.i'll make it ******* plain.... and simple... i'll erase the concept of the tetragrammaton... once and for all... what you denote as: cheap-****... i'll hide those two "who's who" consonants... the vowel catcher and the architecture of laughter: the sigh baron and the laughter prince... чeap-шit... no... no caron? well... no... really: no... "crown"...

woz not payz for ziz... woz best: smear ****...
call if graffiti... golden halfz..
          woz not payz for ziz...
tribunal of: "journalistix integrity"...
        woz not payz
for zis smear: *****... and
a load of *******... der nacht ist für: schlafen...
so! hier: wir - ar!
          tribunal of leeches...
and the tabloids... toilet paper horse-huffing and
horses-puffing: that is... the warm air: with a scent
of baked good... like bread...
that blatant culprit, though...
                 with: wit... Ł...
like the orthodox cross from deer hunter:
which implies: post... w imie ojca: credo...
touch the forehead...
i syna: touch the heart... the stone...
blessed is the instrument of torture
the synonym of transcendental exaltation...
the crucified pig ****... body of lacklustre...
          the phantom trench of:
moses! moses!
rifle aim: rifle... crucifix... the christ bullet...
and there i was... thinking:
moses the... moses the poet!
  the greeks and the hebrews know
a thing or two about conspiracies...
if they didn't finally learn it at the reign
of the drittereich... or casimir III...
ziz iz zee plaz auf:
the greeks should have mattered
in the ottoman empire...
the hebrews were still drifting...
pretending... as one best pretends
to sell shoelaces but no shoes...
and matchstickz...
to no one, except...
                  fire blessed forms...
  so... so much for israel...
given the activity of the diaspora...
in h'america...
they cite: who needs israel?!
who needs to struggle with: gott?!
brochette 'ebrai...
                                      nero pokers...
don't know... in a language of
quasi afghanistan..
                           secular iran
and secular: turban on fire... the caves...
                     alexander the great
pretended to conquer...
by reaching the raj...
               that middle territory...
where... the women were so fine...
a niqab did hide the saudi beauties...
but a burqa was more...
in-stru-men-tal... for the pashtun women...
zee russischroulétté?
punctuation: wohlwollend-herr!
               the details: no h'american left
i was expecting... a lick of rubber-soles...
from the boots...
and the face of god... when...
lazying a sunday with pol ***...
of any given sunday...
miracle of sporting venom...
anger... for the spectacle...
       and when hiroshima took noon...
and nagasaki took midnight...
i came across...
something lost: yet somehow human...
some called it the disinfectant...
some... the anaesthetic...
some... the aesthetic...
                 culprit... monk bro-mance...
and brit-pop... nostalgia...
oh: yummy...
yes... the hyphen and the acute accent...
and the excess of tau...
but no tao...
                                   tao mantra:
primo! the best way you can help
the world... is for your to forget the world...
and for... the world... to forget you...
good luck rainman meets fowest grunt!

h'america is like islam...
it's not a people...
it's an idea...
it's staggering how... the synonym closure
was not reached prior...
h'america is as much an idea
as islam is...
the former brits... the irish...
the yidman and the gyrman...
the pole the fwa fwa fwench...
russophobia galore...

                       the secular route:
end up in the las vegas...
malcolm x route: mecca bound...

               both a set of ideas...
but unlike h'america...
in england...  i dare to retain...
my born with: mama said...
tata: said...
dziadek said... babcia: said...
                     "semi" integrated: karen...
it's not a lasso of mehiko spaniard: quasi...
nothing from: mad-rid...

         h'america is an idea...
leave the leash of history at the door:
and mat...
                islam is also an idea...
the ummah... no wonder these twins
should somehow swipe: right...
in england i still speak my native: mother...
because... the gwand'pah and the gwand'm'ah
are still... brea'vin...

it's no more a limb... or the instrument of
torture being celebrated...

than... when... the cossacks...
were... invested in... or that romanian prince...
the crucifix was to be replaced:
"revised" by the: na pal!
onto the spear!
onto the pike!
                  crucifix my ***... literally:
my ***...
the crucifix is what?! given the pike?
with one hands tied... better... cut off...
sinking for two weeks...
onto a phelgm lie lubrication
of "ease"...
                 pray! the orthodox mantra from
Kiev will not reach Danzig...
                 we need nostalgic tourists from...
Ken-and-Larry: yuck contra: yummy...
theyz needz to knowz:
beginz und endz vel! they' zzzzzz...
includenz! a skip of sleep...
to lessen the сoвиeтц interrogation...
insomnia tactics...

               zuckerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz magic
       (jig jig... m'ah jig... contra...
           m'ah m'ah: m'ah jiq)...
         yep: rz... je suis!
                    her-t-z... contra:
frankensteinz: herz... harts... herц...
                             blah blah; hassan "e" sahba...
some life was worth living...
some... exacating synonymous parallels...
to... drinking bourbon and exclaiming...
mein gott! this tastes like chewing

— The End —