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From this place.
The feeling of transformation.
Highly apace.
Culminating into eternity.
No pain.
No infirmity..
A sound soul.
To meet its goal.
We met for the first time one summer evening, school was over and I went up to your house, not knowing or expecting to see you, but there you were, a lively sprout just being yourself, enjoying life like never before. ( Those days were simpler, happier) Although we weren't friend's, we became just that, playing childhood games and being lively and carefree like never before.

Time is the worst enemy of all of us but the greatest ally of change, and change is what we have done like no others, now we are no longer carefree and and happy, change is a tricky miracle as for some it does all the good in the world and for others like us, just hurts and torments.

We spent a lot of time not knowing or seeing each other, we are different people, void of any connection with our past, and I don't delude myself, I know that our friendship was once close but no longer.

Not long ago we started seeing each other again, external forces pushing us together whilst pulling us apart, life is no longer simple or enjoyable for either of us, you glued to a loving tyrant whilst I distroyed and drowning in my own life scape.

What I feel and despite all and everything telling me not to, I truly love you, in every way that a person can love, and instead of describing why and what I love you about you, for which I would undoubtedly run out of space in the universe, I'm going to say this, I love you for who you are and who you'll become, I am pulled towards you like a fallen angel is pulled towards sin.

I would tell you, I would love to sit you down during a star filled night and give you every reason for why to me you're the meaning of life, but if  I did I would only hurt you, my feelings for you are not wrong as no feelings are, but I worry about your life, your change constitutes both my ascention and my downfall. You're my everything and I want you to know that you can always rely on me, as I won't ever stop loving you.

With Love 
My dearest
A love letter to this one girl who makes me a better person with everyday that I spend with her.
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2013
Curling upward like the smoke from a cigarette with lipstick
Emblazoned on the filter like a ruby on a ring.
Spiraling like vapour on a freezing frosty morning
Where the air is still and foggy, where the early blackbirds sing.

A maddening moment spinning in my flower's ****** youth
When I kissed those lips of tangerine to feel that heat ingrained.
And from the depths of ocean green that Kingfish rose to greet me,
Her beauty smeared by spear impaled in a deed that leaves me shamed.

Tendrils of thought arise entwining in the cortex
And the pleasure of sensation is my measure of delight,
Like the rising mist of lakeside in the golden shades of evening,
Of anticipating starlight in the jewelled descending night.

The rendevouzed excitement of ascention with the heartbeat
As a beauty glides unadorned through a moment in my life,
But the spiraled exultation of a lifetime's realisation
was the coil of breathless wonder sharing childbirth with my wife.

And the years, they pass asunder in a steady haze of flickering
Passing in succession, in a honey scented way.
Contented are my days in the muted shades of harmony
In the shady lanes of country in a sunlit green array.

Pukehana Paradise
10 August 2013
Silencer Dec 2018
Through the fog and through the rain
and the midst of my escape
to seek a hope of rescue I await
that though I fell away
I become the master of the energies I once believed could not be tamed

And So I thank you

Thank you, for setting forth instruction, fufillng the indulges of my desire to be taught
In my adolesence
I listen to The Order of Your Word,
carried out through training
adhereing in self-discipline
I now had learned to crawl..
that in the giving of free will, I be given way to step my foot in straight directed forward path, to spread the power of your Love

Thank you, for the Wisdom to know choice
for even though evil ways I crossed
you granted opportunity
to raise me up and walk

Thank you, for the Wisdom that's your Son
Who descended from the heavens to
to guide the way in sacrifice
that our hearts may see the light, never growing cold, to be overshadowed by the darkness, that fades into the night
A Knowing, Through Jesus, The Law Fulfilling Christ
That in Wisdom we come to know the Truth
Truth that set forth Wisdom descended from the heavens to carry out the Truth
A spreading of the seed that through Wisdom you come to know the Truth
That Truth may blossom like the flowers of the field in hopes you be carried out by Wisdom
To the land that fosters only Truth
Truth that is of Wisdom
Because Wisdom is of Truth
Because Wisdome is the truth
Because Wisdom was The Word guided by the Truth
Because Wisdom is The Word Of Truth
In Ascention, to once again unite
The Trinity
The Infinite Divine
Cause the only path To Truth is Wisdom
because only Wisdom knows the Truth
Because Wisdom is the Truth
And Truth resides in Wisdom
Like Wisdom resides in Truth
And To Find Truth You must Find Wisdom
That it takes,
Wisdom to Know Truth

The Truth that is God

Thank you, that my loving you was my absolute and greatest fear
Whether I be right or whether I be wrong
It was in my sinning That I found the Fear of God
doors that led to my refuge
that I may know liberation
offerings he presents, to represent, his representations, of representatives

In that, Rising from submeregence
Thank you,
Blind that unblinded I became
I come to know the penalty,
A life without a cost, without cause
For such name I could not bear to hold
dissenigration of the deepest realms that had been placed,
       For the Angels of the Fall..

            I'm not meant to be here

Secluded in my hiding I find death, and death cannot be bought
To act against in Sins of He whom I Fear  Most Loved,
That I once more come to Thank You,
For it was there, that I was found to find my self dwelling,
        In the Shadows of The Lost
It was fear I Wed, more so did I know it was a custom of the dead
of those who away from love Fled
married to the absence of those unable to return and just like the memory
the sparkle burn a hopelessly, Only for their Spirit to return to from whom they were sent
Spike Harper Apr 2016
Life is overpopulated with actions.
And then miss the real point all together.
Always stepping over each others sentences.
To claim right to a land.
That no one wanted in the first place.
Distasteful means.
To a bittersweet ending.
The victor go the spoils.
Only it is life that spoils.
For if there can only be one to stand at the top.
Then at what point.
Did aiming for such heights.
Define such arbitrary scenery.
How strange to ponder.
Just when exactly did the surroundings grow so.
For there is only blackness below now.
A steep ascention to this final decision.
Has left only sanity to fall.
But One can stall no further.
As the distance has come forth.
And plummet I shall.
Whichever way it may be.
KathleenAMaloney Jun 2016
Let's just pretend for one Peacefilled Moment
Love actually did Win
That a powerful Voice came forward and said
We are Sorry
For the **** of your Soul and Consciousness by the poorly executed  Emergenetics Process handled
Yes, we should have asked Permission
Choice is Everything in a World that works for Everyone, Choice is the Ascention of Peace
Free Will to say and Be Yes..
You did welcome this
But now we understand
Your work is to make visible the need for an approach based in greater skilled used and being as Compassion..mirrors of Love, never Mirrors of Perception
We are sorry.. We didn't understand the distinction then
Our Ministerial and practitioner Students
They were untrained, and did not respond properly, the conscious capitalist.. They are not trained in love.. Just efficiency and niceness
We didn't understand
And in truth , sadly, those of us who did
We didn't Care,
in the face of Opportunitic Greed and the awarding  of large amounts of money
Even based in fraud
We decided not to give a ****
We didn't think you would go thru with a legal claim ,
we thought it was so well screened, no one could tell
How Can we Rectify the situation and change the Approach to Embody effectively applied
And bring forth talent without destroying people thru a self interested process which works for some but not all
How can we grow to be a greater Love thru our work in this area?

And What would you like to see happen to those Willfully in violation of Ethical And Legsl Standards of Principle Applied in the World?
Is there anything we can do
Or is there anything you would like to say?
Thank you for listening
And allowing this opportunity for change
We came to Serve as Love
Not Destroy Those of differing View
Thank you
How? Start with an After that.. It's too late..
Just writing..
In the dream there was 3 of me
the alluring - almost electric me
me and this me were drawn to
each other, the conscious me was
orbiting around this live wire
but serene me. We were curious
about each other. The third me
was there but only as a vague
outline, even less than a shadow,
like an entity waiting for energy
to be deposited so it too can
come to full dimensionality -
to existence and thus complete
a kind of trinity.
This me seems left behind, there
only as after thought between
the meeting of the two more
omnipresent me's- the owner of
the dream- which is the me writing
this account and electric me.
This third me is the x factor- the
possibility of my ascention and equally my oblivion. I need to know
and understand his role in

— The End —