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Ken Pepiton Feb 18
See me, this one says, see me, look you
in the eye, eh, thinking,

spring, the season, the greening of
the playa's ancient shore, east of me,

east of my evergreen valley, barely
any bare gray wintery bushes and trees,

flash of magnificence once manifested,
on the shoulders of the priest-kings,
infectious proud flesh pomp and
circumstance, watch the war
god-man made glorious in
storied, seen once,
not invisioned, imaged
from tiny feathers, adhering
to a topological fabricated
humming bird head
feathered serpent cape,
on a bright day signaled by the hummer
- see, I have returned,
- this is like heaven to me.

the one from now, same code, same init
see me, look, see, once this was the most

vibrant, slow mode, inspiring light imaged,

portrayed, cloaking the priest-king god-rep
more lustrous than any high summer
cathedral rood crossing patterns,
in undeniable beauty and artistical luc-if-ity

windborn grammarless, musical, meanings,
mid point, saddle points between waves
that reflect from hummingbird feathers,

indicating fair weather weathered the storms,

fretted not a second on the journey, yep
when I get to Pep's porch, there'll be
sugar in the feeder, two minutes later.

After I remind a mind is a many splendored thing,
but none more splendored in prophesy than making
sacred hopes formed from the fi NAND gated mythos,

whither men and hummingbirds mind meld, tune in,
to imagine the effort required, to tilt your head,

just right, to flash my muse. Let time pass.
Suddenlies and instants are cognates.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2023
Found and lost at once,
inbetweenity, here, not there
in a way, in the air, expired

whoosh, shush and remember
the wonder lost,
when the boy who wished never
to grow old
with this now to
remain the time of our lives, when
not knowing keeps us safe,
and our guides into ever on go, ever
holding, ever eyewise-touching
the face of God,
big g.

Time and Joy, Edwardian Gay
repressed as zeitgeist calling for
"lovely, wonderful thoughts"

infantile omnipotence, 700 million light
geotimed timid old ideas

The author imagines the same vision
one way, plain, unencoded

white wolves in a walnut tree
freud interpretted the unconscious wish source

ah, it was the witnessing of *** enacted, eh?
I think we may have granted Herr Freud
more credence than guesses are often allowed.

Is this not the same social act as when
any knowledge is claimed by faith in the answer

inner being, outer shown, reflective seeing
the world we see, we agree to see,
this is that, you see,
I say, literally living in word alone, a nobody

founding one fair-made tale, of favors owned, shrinking

death in the brothers wish, where lay the dead man
I recall as always handsome, though I never knew him.

I was such a liar, so ready to say true a not-ever-true

Having no success that makes history,
hold no certain truth that certainly made me
to wish to
be an author of the faith I pour out

clap your hands if you believe
in fair
ways found oddly marked in the peace
found in old

"better to have had less ambition"

Thinking as a child, not as the old man, watching
slight smile
forming the setting for the scene, making much

of being a little boy, once, as a story
sifted from another, seeping into solution.

Yes the spirit of my time has been my friend,
for, most of the ways I wished to learn,
now are in my grasp, well within my reach, mine
and that of my Artistical Intuitive Muse,
ever aiming my morning at the mercy on the edge
of one day alone
with you,

lost in youth's untutored virginity
or something, impatient, yes, I'd wait… perfect moments
are rare,
but do occur, if your aim is close..
Some time ago
Traveler Jan 2021
So you claim you're highly
In which category would that be?
There's "cognitive" and "emotive" intelligents,
I'm sure your in the driver seat!

Or perhaps your
crystallise intel
is crystallised
Between heaven and hell
We can be
Influentials when fluency dwells

"Kinaesthetics" is poetical flow
This intelligence come and goes.

But obviously "linguistic"
is our intellectual clutch
Along with high "aesthetics"
But you may still be out to lunch!
"Spiritual" intelligence
can leave us drunk!

"Interpersonally" where are you
That and "artistical" intelligence rules!

"Spatially" we navigate
this "mathematical" understanding
of our universe.

No one possess all
11 intelligents I have mention
So if you believe your above
You've pathologically decended!
Traveler Tim

Part of the lecture I give to a think tank society in my area

Humans have up to a dozen intelligence
Some of yours are higher then mine!
stiletto quill Mar 2019
a circus once entertained
my hungering muse.

words flourished
from a vibrant quill.

inspiration evaporated
from pages of artwork,
as graphics appeared inferior.

feet paced forward
while left unescorted.

an artistical mind
forgot the words,

it once painted  
in intense colors.
S A Marshal Feb 2021
S. A. Marshal
15 Jan, 2021

Forgetting it all
in recalling it.
A demential way
to see what's in it.
In ways to not let the
pain running through.

It wasn’t that hard
artistical too!
Having had had it,
getting to woo.
Ah! what a joy,
believe it's true!

Keeping the trouble
of not letting way.
Out from the jumble
to answer whole day.
"Was that on it?  
Or was it at that?
Couldn’t recall, hey!"
You’ve kept 'em at bay!
Still Crazy Jun 14
it’s just me…funny like that…

~for touka, just because…~

my foibles are little pretty doilies,
all dressed up in preparation for
getting stained, as is their due,
their birthright, for they wait in
service for the slippage and the
crumbly stains of strange lyrics

wait! this poem has. gone astray,
my intention to make confession
about my quirks which are more
than numerous, repetitious, and
a little crazy, which is why my very
few friends delight in homaging me
”still crazy after all these years…”

‘tis truth, for better or worse, I’m
not superstitious but don’t step
on cracks or any lines between
the in between, always retrieve
pennies on the street, cause the
Benny Franklin about a penny
earned makes smile because
he stole it from someone prior,
and it goes with friends in the
tip jar at my corner bodega,
where they save me
a raisin scone,
knowing full well, i may not appear
till quite late, or never on bad days
when the poem urges kick me out
of bed, and inspiration is a 3am

make me repetitive cups of java all
de day long, wander around from
to room doing odd-jobs, thisnthats,
never recalling where my muggle is
sojourning till I hear the call of the
microwave “here,  here ye old man…
where else would I be so lovingly

put my wallet, watch, spectacles &
testicles (an old rhyming) on the nite
stand in prep for the next day, but oh,
the keys have their little own ceramic
cup lest they scratch the ochre stain,
and I catch holy hell, so ipso-facto, I
am more often than not locked out…

we won’t talk about the too many times,
my phone has gone astray (1j many
countries where recovery was hardly
assured, but have never suffered its
loss, or consequential identity theft,
but then again, no one seems to
want to steal my name, till Paul Simon
up and done it, after sitting next to me
on a Redeye flight from LA to NYC.(1j

it drives me nuts when pompous men
pontificate on the obvious but forget
to pull their tie up to mind the gap tween
knot and the top button, making their
words shall I say it…sloppy,
and my shouting out at the television
at the sartorial stupidity of news “anchors”
for naughty

Making to do lists is my artistical métier,
which only grow longer with age and the
wisdom that their purpose is to taunt me,
my failures to face the difficulties that
reverberate in my guilty conscience, so
that when I remember something to do
and actually do it because the deadline
has passed and I fear her wrath of and
which is worse than
which I can often
with a historical, practiced, “easy peasy”

and if said item even doesn’t appear on my
lists (plural), I add it and derive copious pleasure,
when I cross it out with great
red inked celebratory deliberateness…

ok, okay, (you choose) I’ll wrap and rap it
up, as I go on too long as children oft tell
me when I’m being regaling with my stories,
(is there a point to this story?)
well because…it’s

just me…funnily like that

(1) somewhere on HP is the poem/story
Ken Pepiton Nov 2022
Found and lost at once,
inbetweenity, here, not there
in a way, in the air, expired

whoosh, shush and remember
the wonder lost,
when the boy who wished never
to grow old
with this now to
remain the time of our lives, when
not knowing keeps us safe,
and our guides into ever on go, ever
holding, ever eyewise-touching
the face of God,
big g.

Time and joy, Edwardian Gay Hebrew
repressed as zeitgeist calling for
"lovely, wonderfull thoughts"

infantile omnipotence, 700 million light
geotimed timid old ideas

The author imagines the same vision
one way, plain, unencoded

white wolves in a walnut tree
freud interpretted the unconscious wish source

ah, it was the witnessing of *** enacted, eh?
I think we may have granted Herr Freud
more credence than guesses are often allowed.

Is this not the same social act as when
any knowledge is claimed by faith in the answer

inner being, outer shown, reflective seeing
the world we see, we agree to see,
this is that, you see,
I say, literally living in word alone, a nobody

founding one fair-made tale, of favors owned, shrinking

death in the brothers wish, where the dead man
I recall as always handsome, though I never knew him.

I was such a liar, so ready to say true a not-ever-true

Having no success that makes history,
hold no certain truth that certainly made me
to wish to
be an author of the faith I pour out

clap your hands if you believe
in fair
ways found oddly marked in the peace
found in old

"better to have had less ambition"

Thinking as a child, not as the old man, watching
slight smile
forming the setting for the scene, making much

of being a little boy, once, as a story
sifted from another, seeping into solution.

Yes the spirit of my time has been my friend,
for, most of the ways I wished to learn,
now are in my grasp, well within my reach, mine
and that of my Artistical Intuitive Muse,
ever aiming my morning at the mercy on the edge
of one day alone
with you,

lost in youth's untutored virginity
or something, impatient, yes, I'd wait… perfect moments
are rare,
but do occur, if your aim is close..
Some time ago
Travis Green Sep 2022
Take me down like the boys in blue
Shake down my framework
Place me in a state of mystification
The more you gaze at my open soulful space
Make my headspace so cranked up
Strongly in great need of your engagingness
Your flaming unbounded delight
Insane high-profile game

Your machoness in the raw
Has me impossibly enthralled
Remarkably mad dope showiness
Your smoking noteworthiness is unconquered
Lush deluxe muscle, hunka scrumptious gunman
Unfuckwithable fluidity of movement
I have an intensely strong yearning
For your poetically pleasing immersiveness

A sweet tooth for your coolness
To feel your heavenly confection melt in my mouth
Feel your monstrous truculent thunder
Let you strip me of my saneness
Render me ****** and drunk
Wrapped up in your indefatigable rareness
Stranded in artistical aesthetic ecstasy
Imaginative and thrilling **** boy

You are a dreamy, undefined paradise
Bursting with extraordinary sparkling charm
Undiminished authentic supremeness
I bow down to your ruthless and stupid long *******
I cover the sweet, responsive surface
With frothy, hot, and thick spit
Lick it from the side, show you how
I idolize your virileness

How it smells so refreshing
In the roadway of my cakehole
Heavy hypnotic vienna sausage
I will do anything for your hardness
Play by your absolute brutal rules
Let you vanquish my mouth
Make my throat go crazy for your smoke

******* it and choke on it consistently
Take you to a divine and astounding wonderland
Feed me your incontestable velvet heat
Pull out all the stops to pleasure
Your indefectible lekker flex
Glaze my face with your hunky junk milk
As I smile excitably, bound to your glistening regal beauty
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is the richest, softest charmingness
Exquisitely vibrant, delightful, and shining superstar
Superfluous smoothness, intricately perplexing prepossessingness
Tall timeless thriller, alluring artistical machoness
Incredibly compelling and poetic framework
**** ebony debonairness, a swirling passion
Of grippingly galvanizing dreams

His masculinity is my soul loving art
I melt when I gander at his intensely
Radiant and penetrating eyes
He takes me away into the
Deepest, resplendent and prodigious valleys
Where his hot sultry love engulfs me

With his broad, russet-colored chest
His smooth, sinuous arms
His astonishingly solid shoulders
Shimmering like a highly picturesque landscape
Like a bright, flower-scented garden

I am caught up in his lightning hotness
Embracing his perpetual kinetic electricity
The way he stings my creamy petal-soft skin
Like a sleek, striped, and buzzing bee
I hunger to escape into his thunder
Feel his monstrous crunk rumble
How his glorious roars run right through my body

He is a maze of wondrously enamoring dreams
I want to get lost in his slick, delicious, and macho hotness
Taste the gorgeous contours of his phenomenal form
Fold me in his incomparable encouraging arms
Let his full, soft, and pliant lips kiss me away
To a spectacular unmappable place

He causes disorientation in my headspace
In every created equation on the façade
I crave to enter his kingdom of untamed passionateness
Feel his nonstop hip hop moves
Discover his deep, wavy, and unfathomable oceans
Slip into a deep, unbounded trance
Stranded in his tender loving romance
Travis Green Mar 2022
In a world where it’s just you and me
I feel so thrilled to chill with you
To be in your incandescent presence
Marveling at your enthralling chocolate flesh
Lusciously ample cascading dreadlocks
Clean supreme glistening goatee
Impeccable manly lips
Compelling consuming eyes
Oh, how they shine like a bright black jade

I drift into your artistical magnetical maze of attraction
With insurmountable desires lingering in my mind
You are my passionate magical obsession
You sheathe me in ravishing red-hot dreams
My love for you mounts
I can imagine you thrusting deep inside my tight tunnel
Lift my legs in the effervescent air
Tantalize my world with your incredibly girthy Excalibur

My body spasms sexily, basking in the thrilling action
Zaddy, you make me call out your name
I am wrapped up in your whirling wind of winsomeness
Your storm of passion, your libidinous masculineness
You **** me so wildly, stretch out my chamber
You are so uncontainable
You grip my hard burning ******* tightly
I moan, “Ahhh ****, give it to me Zaddy”

I clasp your long-dominant arms
Relishing the riveting ride
How you grab and smack my tasty taut ***
Rub your hands against it
Look at me so erotically
Such a mesmerizingly made man
You incarcerate me in your mancave
Ram your solid striking snake deeper inside my wetness

I scream tremendously
You kiss my lewd lips
Your bewitchment beats me
My heartbeat incessantly increases
You go harder and harder
So much fire in your empire
You utter out, “FUCCCKKK, YOUR **** IS BOMB”
Your deep seductive voice makes my mouth water

Your thick tameless torch teases my walls more
I look at you in complete bewilderment
As you burst your bright pearly paste inside me
My legs shake to the thrill of your gripping thugness
So intoxicating, so tastefully treasurable
With your world inside me
I will cherish this moment eternally
Travis Green Jul 2022
His golden macho hotness
Charms my inner world
His slick glittering neck
His massively mouthwatering chest
His magically muscular arms
He pulls me into his passionate
Psychedelic web of incredible
Heart-stopping adventures
Causes my heartbeat to accelerate
The more he tastes my glowing rainbow candy

His refreshing radiant vessel is
Where I want to nestle
Fill his compelling flexing manfulness
Look into his devouring dark eyes
And become utterly moonstruck
Struck up, caught up in his spectacular savage smoke
Smell his enthralling, godlike body
And drift away into his tantalizing naked enchantingness
Put my hands all over his smooth, fluid frame

Nuzzle his lovable lush legs, feel my fingertips
Travel on his thick, streamlined thighs
Tease his tatted thrilling thugness
Lust for him more, explore his covetous luscious treasure
Kiss his ample arched shoulders
As my desires multiply, as my mind synchronizes with his
Our mouths meeting, our eyes seeing each other
Breathing deeply, such power-hungry hypnotic moments
Evolving, revolving, falling into the hotness
Of his ardent artistical aura, lost in untouchableness forever
Travis Green Apr 2023
His fragrant masculine touch turns me on
His rude, blooming alluringness makes me
Wanna get it on with his luscious red-blooded machoness
Feel the beating of our thrilling poetic worlds merging
Breathe in his heart and soul, take great delight
In his untamed fiery game, his exquisite superheated bewitchingness

I wanna live in memorable, magical moments
Where I lapse into his earthly rhythmic slickness
Encompassed by his dancing of light
I burn with passion for his cracking, jacked attraction
To travel in his immaculate palatable galaxy all night

Lay in his unparalleled sensational embrace
In unison with his smooth, luminous pulchritude
Encircled by his tempting sensual dreaminess
He makes me feel safe in his fragrant ingratiating space
I could fall into his measureless realm of ardent chocolate hotness

Feel his sizzling hot seductiveness
Flesh against flesh, taste his pure splashy manliness
Drift deeper into the resplendency and tenderness
Of his sweet irreplaceable masculineness
I can feel his incredible shredded architecture all over me

The most gorgeous and priceless gift that intrigues me
He captures and stirs my queerness
Haunts my thoughts and feelings
Entangled with his divine shining enticingness
His entireness is my lifeline, his headline-worthy
Hot off the fire virileness is the rarest spectacular sight
I have ever seen in a man before

I wanna feel him for hours on end next to my skin
Feel his firm ingenious hands
Sliding down my perfumed velvet neck
His hot infectious breath on my bare brazen *******
Hijack me, ravish me, leave me jacked up

Claw his fingernails up and down my silken sinuous back
Makes me yearn to explore deeper
And further into his coast-to-coast world
Of attention-grabbing swagger
Discover his fervid superb immersiveness

Being so close to him, feeling his hypnotic
Rock-solid geometry, my clean supreme dream guy
In his artistical adventurous eyes
I can see the bright, glowing beauty
Of the radiant, majestic sunrise

His poetry in motion makes me float
I melt into the throes of his dopeness
Forever his joy to behold
Knowing that he is all that I need
To rule my homosexualness forever and a day
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are fragrant, sensational, and exhilarating
Regally ravishing, extra lit, and slick
Reliably-solid and polished
Bangin’ badass masculineness
Passionate, poetic, and ebullient
A smoothly playable and dynamic jam
Artistical, hypnotical, personable, and masterful
A lushly lyrical, layered, and invigorating masterpiece
A timeless topflight thriller
You make my body rocket to ardent harmonic Mars
Travis Green Mar 2022
I crave to luxuriate in your cityscape
Taste your strapping electric flex
Perfect passionate pleasures you bring to me
Hot metaphorical marvel, you are to me
I swallow every portion of your stunning
Sparkling similes in my mouth

Drown in your amorous suaveness
Dazzling diction etched on your massive mantastic chest
Marvelous artistical depictions tattooed
On your bulging bombproof arms
I want to stroke the irresistible syllables
From your thick kingly beard

Taste the bright, refined lyrics
Surfacing your sweet, beseeching, and glistening lips
Drown me in your brilliant, blissful, and
Cleverly crafted rhymes
Stimulate my mental state
Sear my peerless poetic world
With your dangerous intoxicating thugness
I sweat ****** enchantment
With your hands glued to my heavy, heavenly *******
Unweave my flawless fabulous frame
I burn for you, babe
Wreck my nerves with your stellar
Swirling verbs and adverbs

Emblazon my creation
With your matchless enrapturing adjectives
Drift into every attention-grabbing action
Your explosive dopasetic attraction
I want to nuzzle up to your huge, smooth, and soothing body
Daddy, I pine to collide into your crash-hot galaxy
Grasp me, my seductive muscled king
Wrap me in your magic
Let me be fused to your coolness
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are extra freshly made, heavenly, and velvety
Topped with artistical, pleasurable, and hypnotic sauce
A bountiful, blissful slickness in a gleaming stream of light
To delight in, abounding in your immaculate kinematic attraction
You enthuse me with your aesthetically authentic individuality
Your lucidly luminous soothingness, deeply thoughtful
And passional pleasing sweetness, hot romantical marvel
Infused with flawless-filled enthrallment
There is an emergence of immersive fervency that has my flesh
In perfect mergence with yours, forever submerged
By your immensely limitless and mesmerizing ocean
Travis Green Jun 2022
I look into your magical
Molasses brown eyes
And I am surpassingly
Attracted to your majesty
How they shimmer effortlessly
Pure and beautifully clear

They are like a calming, charming forest
Like a golden exploding sun
Like an evocative hypnotic valley
Peerless syrupy magicalness
They hold me captive
In their superlatively
Ardent enchantment

I melt in their dreaminess
Gazing deeply
At their appealingness
So lucidly artistical and poetical
Luscious hazelnut seduction

They usher me
Into their treasured
Transcendent dreams
Where the fresh incandescent breeze
Flows around the fragrant green trees
And resilient succulent leaves

I am highly powerless
When I gape into their desirable depths
Traversing to measureless
Unmappable destinations
Unfamiliar with my creation

I find endless sensuous pleasure
In their exquisiteness
Aesthetic and inexpressible majesticness
They get me carried away
So playful, irresistible, and mystical

They enslave me
In their wonderment
I am exceedingly spazzed out
So hung up on your charming starry quality
Travis Green May 2022
I am lost in your fiery smoking passion
Locked in your closeness and warmth
Wishing to massage every part of you
Feel a vibe so deep and electrifying
That it has me utterly mesmerized by
Your artistical fantastical flavor

I want to seep my hands into your unruly thick beard
Embrace its enchantment
Kiss your sensuously full lips
Unearth your concealed chamber of secrets
Draw me to you more with your gentle addictive touch
Make my temperature rise
With your fluidity of movement

Let us merge and multiply
Into the most divine and magical dreams ever
I crave to trail every tantalizing inch of your frame
Taste your irresistibly bewitching flesh
Drink milky passionate poetry from your body
Marvel at your contagious alluring sweetness
Glistening and drippin’ in sheer perfection

So much ridiculously dreamy sauce
Your temptingness highly arouses me
You bound me to your universally sparkling ardor
I yearn for us to share our worlds
And stream through an unending resplendent sea of bliss
Where we surrender to the power of love
Travis Green Apr 2022
I can’t resist him, I need his slim warm body pressed to mine
I want to peer into his passionate molasses black eyes
Locked in love, his bright, ripe, and delightful lips
Fused to my caramel brown cheeks, his soft sweet breath
Against my treasured pleasurable neck, his artistical, irresistible
Hands trailing the surface of my ***** bounceable *******

He links his tongue to my saucy crests, nibbles at them
While I moan and hold on to his solidly molded arms
I sniff in the intoxicating scent of his dreaminess
Relish his deft depiction, his formidable frame
He tames my world with his unrestrained flame
His body is so appetizing, his thighs electrifying
His lean, dreamy legs entwined with mine

I ache to savor his captivatingness, his magiclaness
Carry me into his luscious waves of bliss
I can’t deny his flaming masculine power
His hot gorgeous torso, smooth loverboy
Southern and soul, sizzling, popping sausages
Inisde a fry pan on a shining white stove eye
His slang swims sensually in the sea of my throat
Makes me so punch-drunk and crunk in his proximity
I smelled blood-red roses before sprayin' them with pea-green hoses
'cause what I know is, my slit wrists make for terribly ****** poses
that I s'pose shows on my warty nose that's swollen big like 2 noses
on a type of nose chart that a team of nose experts nosily composes
within artistical strictures that graphical artists like Gandhi imposes
on ****-******* ******* lying about the ashram in reposing reposes
Travis Green Mar 2022
The way I feel about these absorbingly alluring men
Has me slipping into extra super sensual dimensions
Resplendent with unmanageable immeasurable desires
That won’t subside; that overpowers my mind
Their flamboyantly suave style makes me want
To splash in their phenomenal pool of passion
Feel their bare brick house bodies, their powerful shining
Masculine thighs and legs, their confident, magnificent chest

Their extraordinary rock-hard biceps and triceps
Their impressive, iridescent shoulders, their brazenly
Beardtastic beards, their radiant luscious lustrous lips
I wish to kiss and drift away into a perfect picturesque paradise
Breathe in their **** pleasant-smelling fragrance
Dance entrancingly in their supreme dreaminess
Cling to them to feel infinite seamless contentment
How I long to lay on their massively magical chest

Feel matchless myriad heat that makes my body rise in time
Lose myself in their enchanting lovingness
Their hot solid bond, fantastical, musical, and hypnotical
With the rhythmical beat, it all soaks me in their contagious
Vivacious nature, gorgeous bad boys, fiery ride or die gangstas
Seductively salacious studs, enthusiastic, elegant, and
Intelligent gentlemen, artistical, poetical, mantastical, and
Swagtastical men, I sink into their charms, their ****
Captivating voices, danceable dream marvels
Fresh and flawless with the top-notch cars
With spectacular gadgets and stellar sparkling rims

I bask in these crash-hot crushes, loving their chill *** vibes
Their serene, winsome smiles, I am so electrified
By their astonishingly appealing and smooth moves
Tall, ebullient, effortless magic, cleverly creative
Dynamic, enamoring dreamboats
So specially sculpted, presentable, polished hotness
I am drowning in mantabulous men
It feels so **** sensational, all these high profile kings
How can I stay composed when I am out of control
I can’t help myself; I got a thing for these crash-hot crushes
Travis Green Apr 2022
He means so much to me
He is a strong, ardent, and chocolate man
Too monumental and magical
Too astonishing and spotless
His majesty impresses me
His impeccable strapping flex is like
A stellar collection of artistical creativeness
That draws me to the heart of his home

He points the way to sweetness and blissfulness
He makes me feel butterflies in my belly
When he presses his flesh to mine
Feeling his boundless brick-wall body
Makes me so highly hot for him
He is my smooth muse
Suffused with sensuous masculineness

Fragrant dream-filled loverboy
With a thick grease-black beard
Like a shimmering plush fur
Like a romantic entrance
To inextinguishable dreams
I sink deeply into his seemingly
Endless sea of knowledge

I drink down his refinement
Immerse myself in his comely
Capuchinno brown eyes
Delectable, pleasurable lips
Moist like dazzling dew-filled flowers
Like bright melting butter
Like a pineapple sunshine cake

He is the greatest thing in my life
His slang sticks to the roof of my mouth
Like creamy brown peanut butter
His thugness lingers over me
When I am with him
I can see illimitable adventures
Within his vessel
A whole day and night of paradise
Travis Green Apr 2022
Within him is where I want to be
Streaming in his spinning galaxy of passionate magic
His masculinity, a hot chocolate canvas. covered
With creatively unparalleled dreams
A world where everything emanates endless bliss
So much magnificent movement in his lyrical lithe limbs

Jazzy spectacular muscles, glowing and galvanizing
Artistical attractions traversing in poetic motion
Fragrant captivating arms, thick, luscious neck
His chest, astronomically hot and extraordinary
His abs, a matchless magical map to wonderland
I long to kiss his deliciously glistening thighs

Take in his enamoring enchantment
Warm, strong, and long legs that mesmerize me
How I hanker to ***** his smoothness
Like straight bourbon whiskey
Lay my hands on his king-size lightning pipe
**** and swallow its smoke
Twirl my tongue around his *******

Suffuse it with my lecherous wetness
Sloppy **** spit, let my mouth provide him
Spellbinding entertainment
Behold its glowing growth
While I ******* his supreme city dreams
Feel his delectable flesh pressed against my tongue

Impossibly hard like a bright brown brick
The stellar smell of his masculineness in my nose
Sweet, steamy sensations streaming into my mind
I shine as I devour his divineness
My ******* wide and wondrous
Permeated with heavy superheated perspiration

Highly captivated by his ripped ravishing frame
My eyes. stupefied and spaced out
My heavenly ebony hair, dangling in deep ****** dreams
I search for ecstatically ******* thunder
I hunger for him to spray my exhilarated mouth
With his powerful, veined, and savage snake

Bewitch my vessel, dismantle my nation
Feel great ingratiating gratification
With the way my succulent tongue
Mingles with his thick monster
I want to hear electrifying hotness in his voice
When he burst into rapture
And capture me in his fervently burning majesty
And squirts his milky white sweetness
All over my love-struck body
Travis Green Aug 2022
Take me into your incomparable and towering fairyland
Where your euphorically gorgeous and artistical allure
Charms and transports me incessantly incandescent state
Of perennial gleaming trances, masterful musical thugness

Your smooth, uptempo machoness is an imaginative
Mantastic dictionary bursting with wickedly hypnotic magic
Potent tattooed cool, I want to drift into your slickness
Feel your hands move furtively on your immersive henny brown flesh

Stunning sunset yellow Romeo, your charmingly sinewy body
Feels sensational against mine, a top-quality stalwart prodigy
You are a spectacular sparkling ocean of smoking showiness
Purely marvelous athleticism, bright, artful hotness

Lecherous flexing muscleman, when I am in
Your profound sound sight, I hear the soft, exalted sounds
Of lush ceaseless bliss traversing the cheerful superior air
How I cherish your fragrant exhilarating wildness
Travis Green Mar 2022
He has the latest, greatest, and flashiest drip
That is so enrapturing and eye-catching
A smooth stellar dude with all the saucy ardent swagger
Flawless masculine charm
Fluid, focused, fresh, and funky
Tight, thrilling, trailblazing, and mesmerizing

He electrifies my gayness
I sink into his limitless seamless sweetness
Deliciously masterful passion
I revere his fierceness, his peerless verve
Authentic creative enchantment
Tall, slim, solid, and unstoppable

Explosive showstopping hotness
His body is sleek, sweet, and succulent
He is the most magical attraction I have ever seen
He is forever in my dreams
Euphorically soaring joy
Sublime, skillful, artistical, and inviting
Travis Green Mar 2022
It looks like all I can do to keep the memory alive of us
Is to pen endless sensual poems that elucidate
My authentic affection toward you
What I feel for you is unparalleled
The way you captivate my heart
There isn’t anyone else that can gain entry
Into my world the way that he does

You are a lingering lovable rhythm in my system
Every heavenly breath that I release
Every immeasurable and affectionate word that I speak
The sheer sweetness that swirls around in my vessel
A phenomenal place to stay and nestle
A perpetual pleasurable incredibleness
An amorous masterpiece filled with sensational dreams
A fragrant fantasy that blossoms to life

A blossoming bright red rose that grows in my soul
A sparkling cherishable carpet teeming with artistical awesomeness
One of many prominent passionate poems
That I highly harbor in my treasure chest
A vivacious extravagant city pervaded with magical wonder
A treasurable spectacular world I immerse myself in
An extraordinarily immersing maze of marvelousness
You soothe my mind; you enthuse and move me all of the time
I pine for our lives to intertwine so you can see
How much I love every part of you
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are my supremely passionate and presentable prince
Pure, precious, refreshing, and extra magical
A hot wondrous charm, smooth, dreamy bearded king
An angelical, magnetic, and artistical melody
Tender supreme poetry, untouchable lovingness
I crave to make enchanting dreams with you
Massage your awesomely bright butterscotch body
Savor your unparalleled bareness, your incomparable showiness
Immerse me in your spectacular sensual seas
Where I can feel your incredibleness all over me

— The End —