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Your apodyopsis
Is enticing
Every single part of me
Is entangling
In this gaol
Of carnal insecurities
And fervent longings.

For Don
fatemadememortal Dec 2017
apodyopsis was definitely a factor
in what drew me to you in the first place
but more than just physical attractors
were what held my interest because you are anything but commonplace

it may be cliché to say
but you make me weak in the knees
and now that a few people know
(and have started to tease)
the mere mention of your name results in a decidedly crimson glow
creeping up my neck to my face and ears
so no matter how subtle i wish to be, it is painfully clear

that i've got it bad
i'm carrying a torch
i'm sweet on you
there's really no point
in trying to deny it
and this time, to my surprise,
it sounds like
you're sweet on me too
KILLME Dec 2013
I'd apologize for my apodyopsis,
but how would you ever know?
KILLME Dec 2013
Petrichor- the scent of rain on dry earth.
eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind.
basorexia(n.) the overwhelming desire to kiss.
elysian(adj) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
clinomania(n.) the excessive desire to stay in bed.
psithurism(n.) the sound of the wind through the trees.
aegis- protection, support
affable- 1. easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. 2. gentle and gracious.
agrestic- 1. rural; rustic. 2. unpolished; awkward.
alexithymia- inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner
ameliorate- to make or become better; improve.
anathema- 1. a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. 2. a vehement denunciation; a curse. 3. one that is cursed or ******. 4. one that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned.
antediluvian- 1. extremely old and antiquated. 2. occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood.
apodyopsis- 1. the act of mentally ******* someone. 2. imagining women naked; ******* women mentally.
apolaustic- devoted to enjoyment
apostasy- abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, principles, or a cause.
apricity- the warmth of the sun in the winter.
assuage- 1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. 2. to satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example). 3. to pacify or calm.
ataraxia- calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquility.
atrabilious- 1. melancholic; gloomy. 2. irritable; ill-natured; peevish
bailiwick- one's particular area of activity, interest, or authority
banausic- merely mechanical; routine. 2. of or relating to a mechanic
clandestine- done in secret; needing to be concealed.
curple- buttocks; ****
doryphore- one who draws attention to the minor errors made by others, esp. in a pestering manner; a pedantic gadfly
dystopia- 1. an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. 2. a work describing such a place or state:
ecdysiast- a striptease artist
effusive- 1. unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression. 2. profuse; overflowing
euphony- agreeable sound
flapdoodle- foolish talk; nonsense
frippery- 1. pretentious, showy finery. 2. pretentious elegance; ostentation. 3. something trivial or nonessential
gelid- very cold; icy
gigglesome- prone to giggling
globule- a small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid
inchoate- 1. in an initial or early stage; incipient. 2. imperfectly formed or developed.
incondite- 1. poorly constructed. 2. lacking finish or refinement; crude
indemnify- 1. to protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure. 2. to make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury.
kakistocracy- government by the worst or least qualified citizens
kerfuffle- a disorderly outburst or tumult
lachrymose- 1. weeping or inclined to weep; tearful. 2. causing or tending to cause tears.
lackadaisical- lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid
libertine- 1. one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person. 2. one who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker
logorrhea- excessive, incoherent talkativeness
maudlin- effusively or tearfully sentimental.
noctilucous- shining in the night
nullipara- a woman who has never given birth
obloquy- verbal abuse of a person or thing
perfidy- 1. deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery. 2. the act or an instance of treachery.
quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic
susurrus- a soft, whispering or rustling sound; a murmur
transmogrify- to change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre
tryst- a secret meeting between two people who are having a romantic relationship.
usurp- 1. to seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and without legal authority. 2. to take over or occupy without right
vertigo- 1. the sensation of dizziness; an instance of such a sensation. 2. a confused, disoriented state of mind.
vitiate- 1. to reduce the value or impair the quality of. 2. to corrupt morally; debase. 3. to make ineffective; invalidate.
Papilionaceous- having the form of a butterfly, having corolla with two wings resembling those of a butterfly
An Uncommon Poet Sep 2014
I sit here and write lines
helplessly helping words fall into place
sweating over the definition of my verse
maybe if I use big words she'll love me
maybe if I exercised the thought of apodyopsis she'll want to **** me
what is it that makes her drool
what is it that makes her bite her lip
I sit here and stare at the empty page
as curiosity punches me in the face
my eraser falls thin
the point of my pencil becomes a rounded wall
blocking me from lyrically crushing her current emotion
with my emotional baggage and excuses for questions of nonsense
she loves it either way
but I want to see her shirt drop and her pants fall to the floor
I want to see her underwear tangle around her toes and bra hanging by a thread
I want her to tackle me onto the bed
and grasp my body
as I capture what the **** to say or do
I'd be a clueless and moronic
human corpse, a space cadet
trying to make a moment I wouldnt forget
but my memory is a near epiphany
then I realized I'm my own histamine
falling terminally ill to my own curiosity
as I sit here and ponder possible ways to make her scream and scratch
claw and moan
fall into an intoxicated mindset
lost in the sensation, high from the ******* abstinence
I became sidetracked from my intention
perfectly plotting the lyrics to this poetic excuse for mental state of ****** cravings
was all I had to do, instead she was the only thing I wanted to do
I refused to control my emotions and spited  myself for my temptations
my punishment was to complete this poem
in the most utterly honest way
to indulge in the realism of foreshadowing
to amuse the literal stints line after line
and once I'm done, crumple up the paper
break my pencil and dispose of my imaginative discretion  
and once my page turns to black ash from the light of the fire
I will begin again
until she stands unclothed beyond me
until she forfeits to my literal ultimatum
Martin Narrod Jan 2018

we make death
we eat breadths
lay in beds
bray and fret

we make death
sticks which twitch up the legs
passing through like a wish
it’s an inside your one-two tease
i stare at your shell
i want to ring your bell
just plant your hell on me
give yourself what you need
please baby please
give yourself what you need

we make death
we acquiesce
feint of logic
till quite obnoxious
eat flesh in keys quixotic
lubricious sycophant rhapsodic
John michalski Mar 2016
My skin is dieing,
To just feel yours.
Like early flowers blooming.
So apodyopsis.
We are panoply,
The closer we get the more
our bodies become vintage.
She is the somber clouds-
for I shall catch the very first raindrop,
Tasting her sweet presence
on top.
Mirror me the crown of King,
While such ***** words you whisper within my ear.
Let us melt together like candle wax,
Swimming in eachother with such painted emotion.
And did our love feed the flames,
That burned inside of us.
Moan to me,
Moan to me as if it was your
last breath ever taken.

— The End —