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unsxfe Nov 2017
[Alright, I don’t know how else to say this, but...
You know Unsafe?
I only made 3 parts.
I keep getting wind that there’s a part 4.
I’m starting to think that SHE continued it somehow.
How she did is beyond me, considering she isn’t exactly real.

Oh yeah.

       You might want a little clarity as to whom i am referring to.

Alright. so, the series X is written about a mystery girl that is called (or rather represented as) X, no?

Well, the reason she’s called that is because nobody knows her name.

I never gave her one.

Getting back on topic, it’s supposed to be written by another fictional person, whom for the sake of continuity, we will call W. Now, W and X were in love, very much so. W is offed, X mourns, yadda yadda yadda, et cetera, et cetera. Well, I felt that in order to give X more clarity and depth, that i’d have to write a second series, One that is written in the perspective of X. This premise became what you now know as Unsafe.

But, for some reason...

As I continued writing Unsafe, it felt more and more like I wasn’t even writing.

It’s like she had extended into my subconsious, from the fictional world in which she dwells, and into my pen.

Luckily, she’s easy to identify. I write her in ‘a special way’ as opposed to my [normal] writing.


Alright, Don’t be alarmed, but She MIGHT (this is a big might) have escaped the domain I made for her,


And into my Notes.

I cannot tell if it’s true or not, as this notice is considered it’s own poem. I cannot interact with my Notes until I decide to leave any poem that I am currently in.

But more importantly, this also implies that she is SENTIENT, and no longer needs me to convey her thoughts and actions.
Hell, she might be fighting for control over my account as I write this!


I really ******* myself over, huh?

Anyways, if you see her, tell me IMMEDIATELY! Just whatever you do, DON’T interact with her! In her current state, she is most likely extremely hostile.
I do appreciate you reading X and Unsafe, but this is getting a liiiiitle serious here, so uh...

Please take caution! I couldn’t live with myself if one of my readers LITERALLY GOT KILLED OFF by one of my works.

I’ll update you guys if anything meaningful happens.

In the meantime, I think I’ll go somewhere...

‘finally, FINALLY! I’M SAFE!’          

‘this feeling is so wonderful’          

‘i can forget my past’
Little Wing Jul 2012
Well sir !
Today we have, the usual, suicidal ******, paranoid drug addicts, skitzophrenic ******* that'll slice your neck open in a split second.
All the things you'd find in a mental institution.
Theres no place like home !
Walking these halls in my robe, and slippers.
You see darling, im not insane, they just think i am because well, im all of the above, ahahaha.
I didnt mean to **** that boy.
But ! He did say he loved me.
Who the **** would say that.
Filthy little liars.
He made it so ******* easy though.
But i did mean to **** him.
I didnt.
I did.
I didnt.
I did.
There was this one day, they locked me up so tight, it left bruises on my ****** skin.
Oh **** !
Do you hear that ?
What did the second one say ?
Well ******* too Elvis !
He wishes.
Ah, ****.
Scars are showing again.
Oooh,theres a mirror in this room.
''Nurse !, Lunas done it again !''
****** Luna they called me in school.
But i killed them too.
Anyway, i sat there with a broken piece of mirror in my hands and carved pretty little pictures into myself.
But, i needed stitches.
Yay the doctor !
He makes me feel good, inside.
Probably because he ***** me so hard it leaves me pleasure until the next time i break a mirror.
He's older.
42 to be exact.
Im 15.
Isnt it cute.
His wife doesnt know.
Or his daughter, i went to school with that dog.
She was the first one i got rid of.
Astounding Jan 2015
Ahhhh ahha ahahaha*
I sing of love.
Find me and make me whole.
Every man I've called upon, never makes it home.

Beneath the sea, I twirl and hum.
I lure men to the rocks, where I choose my lucky one.

I bathe in the sun, rocks warm my cold blooded fin.
Twirling my long, wavy hair.
I catch their eyes, all they can do is stare.
This is where I win.

They battle to see who will venture on,
Each thinking they are more worthy than the others.
My beauty so entrancing,
It can turn brothers against brothers.

There's only one I see who would be suitable enough for me,
I let out a delicate sigh, no chance his ears wont be free
The men look toward me and then at him,
I just show them my innocent grin.

They send the man over,
Ula, was his name.
He was the jewel to my sea,
And I did not know my life would never be the same.

We laughed and splashed,
Then dove deep underwater.
He caresses me tightly and plays with my hair
Forgetting about his fellow men and his need for air.

Now Ula stays with me, in the ocean deep.
I always talk with him, before I go to sleep
Taltoy Aug 2019
heto na naman,
heto na naman tayo,
magbabangayan, magchichikahan,
lahat ay dumadaan, nagtatapos sa tawanan.

diba parang wala akong mga assignment?
hahahaha wag ka mag-alala,
kasi kaya ko ito,
diba? mas magaling ako sa iyo? (AHAHAHA)

inaway na naman kita,
pero sino nga ba talaga?
sino nga ba?
ang mas magaling sa ating dalawa.

ang sagot, wala,
hahahaha wag kasing padala agad, hehe
dahil di naman tayo parehas,
diba iiba naman ang tunog ng bawat kuwerdas?

isa sa mga malapit kong kaibigan,
isa sa mga pwedeng pwede lapitan,
yung di ka kakalimutan,
kahit na ang pagbati nyo'y bangayan.

salamat sa iyo,
noon hanggang ngayon,
sana'y di magbago,
ang isang Ysobelle Valdevieso.

galingan sa kolehiyo,
sabihing kaya mo,
isiping kaya mo,
tawag dyan placebo. (HAHAHA)

pero seryoso,
kapit, laban, bangon,
wag patalo sa mga hamon,
kasi malakas ka, alam kong malakas ka.
Hiiiiiii butchik!!! Happy birthday dai. i love you as a friend, as a classmate and to the point na parang sister na rin (ATE MATERIAL) , alam mo yan. sana mag smile ka everyday and be happy. bal-an ko kaya mo na tanan ah, di ka mag duha duha. always talk to your parents kasi duuuuh. hahahahhahhaa tapos wag masyado magpakastress. minimize sa alcohol kasi baka mapano ka. tae care of your self always. hehe happy birthday ulit. good luck butchiiiiik!!!!
Estou sendo impelido a atravessar esta entrada, meu corpo permaneceu imóvel até este exato momento, quis correr para longe, quis me esconder, quis deixar de existir, mas esta porta está escancarada diante o meu ser despido, não posso ver absolutamente nada para além da porta, mas sei que algo me observa, meus devaneios consomem novamente meus pensamentos,  algo terrível me espera do outro lado. Assaltantes? Sequestradores? Estupradores? Maníacos? Lunáticos? Pervertidos? Psicopatas? Minha mente está se descolando da realidade, sinto meus hormônios de horror dissipando meu pensamento lógico... Estou diante o Demônio! O ônibus vai me levar ao inferno! Sou culpado! O que eu fiz foi horrível! ............O que você fez foi maravilhoso!............ Esta voz atravessa a escuridão, entra pelos meus ouvidos  e explode nas profundezas da minha inconsciência.

Entre no ônibus!...........Estou obedecendo sem sequer perceper, minhas pernas estão se movendo com tremor e dificuldade, subo o primeiro degrau, o segundo, nesta penumbra acho que posso ver o motorista, um homem velho e franzino, barba mal feita, branca, pele suja, roupas velhas, antigas. Voc.. Vá para seu assento! Não me deixou falar, tudo bem! Cadê um assento livre? Ali!  Parece que todos os outros estão lotados. Todos aqui são feios, sujos e maltrapilhos, estão exatamente como eu! Tem uma velha sentada no banco ao lado do meu. Todos estão me encarando, ela está me encarando. Como suas expressões são severas! Ela está forçando um sorriso, seus dentes são muito podres... Então...cofff...cooffff...cooooooooofff... Gotículas de saliva da tosse da velha estão escorrendo pelo meu rosto, o bafo dela lembra carne morta, em decomposição, quase tenho vontade de vomitar, ela está aproximando mais ainda  seu rosto ao meu... Então, você também está indo para lá? Eu não sei! Não sabe?!! Então você não deveria estar aqui!!! Todos estão me encarando, seus olhos expelem puro ódio!...........Você vai descer aqui!!!

Está entrando pelas minhas veias, guiando intuitivamente meus movimentos, enquanto meu eu se afoga num oceano tempestuoso. Toma minha voz, fala por mim... Como OUSA se dirigir A MIM, sua VELHA IMUNDA? Se olhar pra mim mais uma vez vou ARRANCAR todos os seus dentes podres!

Eu dei um chute na cara da velha! Eu dei um chute numa velhinha doente! O que foi que eu fiz? Ela está ali caída no assoalho do ônibus, está gemendo muito! Tem sangue escorrendo pelo seu nariz! Meu Deus, o que foi que eu fiz?  Ela está tendo convulsões?? Meu Deus, meu deus! Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha ahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha... Que porra é essa? Puta que pariu! A velha está rindo??? Está freneticamente dando gargalhadas grotescas. Ninguém mais está olhando para mim. Não sei o que pensar! A velha... Está me encarando... sorrindo com crueldade. Parece que ela está tentando me falar alguma coisa...

...........Então você realmente está indo para lá!
Anthony Collazo Jun 2021
I'm an evil villain painted in the darkest image,

everyone thinks

I'm just an idiot

I don't care
I'm just living,

Look at my teeth
They're  hideous!

I'm a miscreant,
I'm too serious, inconsiderate,

I'm in need of immediate assistance


not single human gets me,

so I keep my distance
Never had a best friend,

always the third wheel,

This pattern is consistent
been that way since way back when




When everyone thought the world would end

I wasn't created

I was born for greater things.

When I spread my wings
They'll look up

Is it a bird
Is it a plane,

I know exactly what they'll say
One word..



Shame me..
blame me..
hate me ..
Rate me..

You're just mad.
you don't phase me.

Shame me..
Blame me..
Hate me..
Rate me..

You're just mad.
you don't phase me.

Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
a no, czym,
                             "niby" gadam?

to po co mi ta
                             kurwa flaga

      i gzyms co (w) dół
                          mam patsyc (z):

  o jakiś sentyment?

eksodus, kujwa:
w morde nadana...

   lepi sie lepiej ki(e)dy:
              i nieco nic
a w tym TRILL zapomnane...

    koo'dz: V            a(h)...

ja nie polak,
                 ja... polską...    
  żyt: na nieustannej
a propo:
            tym             te      sz

       zależy zkąd, tym prawda
o to ż in anti-shamanic
      "clarity"           (i.e. also).

           which includes
the matter to mind:

albo zapomne albo przy- se...
to NN... w kwocie
                    nie-ustaNNej -

you can almost tell apart a dutch
tourist from a french tourist,
and... you can tell they have
inherited an idiosyncracy,
  along with an ethinicty...

         ***** england ought to know,
the language has mingled with
so many deviations
that, it became apparent,
the scots and the irish became
    or at least the fathomed: last.

           n'eh n'eh        ej...

no, not edge via: jee'p...
   it's really stretching it,
"thinking" there are nouns associated
with the roman alphabet...
    which are, pure phonetic
       hey, the Jew god tetragrammaton
is a vowel catcher:    e.g. ah
    as a minor expression of awe...
and hardly the sigh of oh...

latin letters have no names,
to begin with...
      O is no -micron or -mega...
     V is closer to the definite
article via v'eh "point"
than it is to a greek cheese....
         which morphs,
"magically" from feet to theta...

      what's V'eh point?
latin letters do not, and never had
possession of a noun status.
     there are actually only
three nouns in the polish

    igrek (y),
                   jot (j),
               zet (z)
              ziet (ź)
                      rzet (ż)

  although i'd debate this claim
(really, only igrek,
  the slavic gamma qualifies
to be given a noun status) -

the greek isn't exactly pristine
    considering that

of the 24 letters:
        α, β, γ, δ, ε,
    ζ, θ, ι, κ, λ,
                   o, σ, υ and
   ω could be considered as nouns,

syllable cound:
        1 syllable doesn't allow
an encoding a noun status...
            the inability to lip-read...

sure, you can tell apart
        a π from ρ from τ from φ...
(luckily this observation,
is not,
         a rigidity celebrating
orthodoxy... namely because of
the noun:

then again, if certain letters were
to be ascribed a noun status,
they'd become siamese gemini,
e.g. μ-μ....


yet a noun would probably require
an editorial "interlude" -
          a prefix and suffix,


ω requires: o + μ + ε + γ + α...

  greek joke concerning diacritical
i guess it depends on
a variant off a fashion statement,
  given that it might as well have been
composed with the η-variant.

    tongue numbing gymnastics,
i admit...
              but then is the loss
of the R-with-a-trill in english
   a numbing...
      never could fathom
the french harking of the letter either...
but at least i allowed
a tarantula to sit on my tongue
and numb it when i could
have had a rattle-snake with it...

   funny... whenever my history teacher
spoke Latin in my catholic
highschool, she actually revived
the trill of the R...
  most of the time?
         a bit like cold liver in the mouth
of the english...

oh, i can analyse the english,
but i am unable to give them a psychology,
the technicality of the language
received me to peer into,
  and i know that my observations
will not receive an implementation...

    but that's the prune you pick
off a tree,
            where you're more a:
                  than an, active
ingredient of ascription to a concept
of memorable time...


nie ma sprawy:
                             posprzątam po sobie,
tak jak teraz:

              shoo shoo shoo...
          worded broom;
   and off the clustered buds of
   urban congestion
that are pigeons, skim, flew off,
   like heads off a guillotine,
         into a reiteration opposed
to: a conventionality of
the literate exploring nothing,
             but verb and narrative.

can you seriously read books,
and no paint?!
         seems a waste of time,
to read and subsequently
reintegrate a reading style,
within a modem of: ditto verbatim...

    which is: that ****** variant
of plagiarism...

         considering the anti-phonetic
sctucture of the englosh tongue...
   i.e. says one thing,
      gives it a variant "arithmetic"...
               i can hardly begin to
              a need to replicate my reading

       given that i only speak only
two organic examples,
        i can already point that:
english, as a lingua?
               doesn't exactly have syllable
Lena Sep 2024

FOR [27.99] YOU CAN

y-you don’t want my


why do you close me
I thought I told you that I could
Why do you turn up your nose?



{This Popup has been blocked}
{Goodnight and stay safe, Friend}
This idea was inspired by 'Spamton G. Spamton" from the hit game 'Deltarune'
Anthony Collazo Feb 2021
Evil was beside himself,
he never really had nobody else.

He never took care of his health,
he never cared what others thought
Cause deep inside he knew he was,

made to rot.

It all goes back to that first thought
when all was dark and all was black
when there was no sign of a thought
emotions lacked
He held them back
He learned to act and take attacks and when he snips,
They all get mad.


Its fun for him
The game thats played

Its fun for him
The **** they say

He knows they're weak and tempting him

They're trying to stir the ***
He's in,

but this guy's been kicked
since he was,

a little kid...

He stepped in ****,
And took a lick
his sick as ****
Just look at him
Perverted ****
I'm sick of him

But they keep lurking in
With **** to say,

Its on replay
Oh blah blah blah

You're not a threat
You're ignorant
and childish!

You're full of ****..

Everytime he speaks they ******* cringe but they're watching him like a netflix binge

Identity- is


Yet they think he should be perfect

Like they're perfect

no ones perfect

But it'll be worth it,
As he keeps working
On whats inside,

Oh **** the surface!
Yeah **** the surface
when your insides hurting

So keep on judging
And ill keep on working..

In the end we will see who's the better person...

Just don't lose focus on how you act when someone's in the rut eating scraps,
when someone's in the slums living with rats and roaches all that gross ****,
dont lose focus on how you act

Cause when they make it
You're gonna want a pay day
When they make it,
the haters will come say

I knew you could do it,

Yeah ******* trick
I knew I could do it,
Commitment and focus
And alot of dead ends

But wait!!

til the end
Evil always wins...
Empire Jul 2019
Caress me
Touch me
Wear me
Please me
Let me be yours
And I’ll take you as mine
The two of us
Breathless for each other
Taunt me
Tease me
Kiss me
Make my heart flutter
Pound harder and harder
I want to feel it
Am I desirable to you, dear?
I NEED you, darling
Make me yours
Let me
Satisfy you
And you me
You need me
And I crave you.

— The End —