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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
what if stars are acctually thoughts
Gas, acctually perpetual motion thought-machines
And universes are intrinsic plains we collide on through communication...
Expanding the ever-growing wonder known as "one phrase"
Let it be
We matter
Just a crazy thought
**** up
This is all I am
This is all I ever was
I dont deserve you
I never did
Im glad I have you though
**** up
Its like this is all I know how to do
Its like no one even cares anymore
I can acctually cry now........
**** up thats all I am
Why do I **** up so **** much
jeanette korbel Mar 2015
It seems like everyday i wakeup things just get worse.
Everyday im crying ,but no one knows Im hurt.
Im sick of living,and trying just to be let down.
Maybe one day people will understand when ive just vanished and im not around.
Maybe I will leave and no one would know.
Maybe one day i can see my funeral , see who acctually goes.
Until them im stuck here.
Crumbling and wasting my life away with tears.
Ill just hope and I'll just hope because, thats what I do best.
Ill slowly die all by myself.
With a bullet in my Chest.
Kole J McNeil Oct 2021
The only thing worse that having a panic attack...
Is being on the verge all day and never acctually having one
I cant stop this feeling like im going to have  apanic attack but it never comes and its almost like a physical pain at this point
Dj Jan 2018
But how can we allow the ones we love and love us, to cause us so Mutch pain and suffering for so long.... I fully understand the concept of truly loving someone to the point you would be willing to try anything to make it work..however if you acctually loved another would you not want to coexist in happiness and harmony as opposed to; deceit, neglect and underappreciation.... take someone in an abusive relationship persay why do they continue to go back, why dose the  abuser continue to abuse... or the freind who's all for constructive criticism, but leaves out the constructive part... So what is this "love" that allows us to walk into situations blindfolded.... And allows us, to allow the same people to continue to cause us harm...
Veronica clark Oct 2018
My name is veronica
Born 1980
In las Vegas
Given to a family at 3

Abandoned at 14
Had to find my way
In my life
What role would I play

I marched to my own drum
Still never have been in trouble
I followed my heart
Love in me has doubled

Its just my husband and I
No family to speak of
Still we are happy
We are so full of love

We are not rich
Acctually quite poor
Still quite happy
Would give my last penny to help further more

So this is my past
My future undecided
So I write
To keep all our hearts
A nation undivided.

So if they say to know where you go
Know where you have been
I am just a girl
From a city of sin

Even born there I remain untouched
Uncorrupted. But valued as such.

— The End —